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Best Poems Written by Broken Survivor

Below are the all-time best Broken Survivor poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Another Chance

It’s something more than lust. 
It’s something deeper than your skin. 
The only man that had my trust. 
But your heart, I did not win.

Why did you allow her in at this time?
The time I finally let him go.
I thought finally, you were gonna be mine.
But my heartache I will not show. 

I still believe we’re meant to be.
You and that girl are just wrong.
So I’ll wait for you to someday see.
I hope I don’t have to wait too long.

No one can love you like I can.
I should have proved that long ago.
I let distractions disrupt my plan.
This time, I’ll make sure that you know. 

I’m just asking for another chance.
So that I can give you my whole heart.
I can still envision our “first dance”.
Though it’s been years now that we’re apart.

I’ve thought about you every day.
I wish I never said goodbye.
To this day, that’s my biggest mistake.
It never got easier with time.

Copyright © Broken Survivor | Year Posted 2015

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Mental Love

There's way more to us than meets the eye. There's always been that silent understanding of our feelings for each other. That mental relationship that we've shared for years. In your head I'm yours and in my head you're mine. The connection grew stronger over time. Now I see you in a whole new light. But I can't. Acting in this would ruin the high. An innocent kiss isn't so bad. Though it left me wanting more. Imagining how it would be to feel your hands all over me. To feel your body cover mine. I lose my breath just thinking about it. I want it. I want to lose myself in you. But if I do, everything might change, and I love the feeling I get when you're around. The way you look at me. I haven't been given that look in years, I almost forgot what it felt like. The butterflies. The chills. The high.

Copyright © Broken Survivor | Year Posted 2016

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Curtain Call

I take a bow, because the show is at its end. I look at all the faces, staring back at me, their judgments have no end. They think they know me, from the performance that I just gave. But what they know is nothing. They have no idea what hides beneath my hazel eyes. Was this the truth, or is it all lies? So I smile, and let them judge. Assume the worst. They won’t be the last, and they weren’t the first. What they think, doesn’t matter to me at all… so I turn my back on them. Curtain call.

Copyright © Broken Survivor | Year Posted 2015

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Stained Glass

My reality is blurred. I look at the world through a stained glass window. Confusing what I think is true, and what I actually know. Creating an alternate reality to help me cope. I live in my fantasy world, so that I don’t fall off the edge, letting the darkness consume me. But I’ll snap back to reality, every now and again, drowning in the pain that no one else can see. I’m on the outside, always looking in. Fighting my demons, but they always win. Pulling me down, down, into this black hole. Taunting me and laughing, darkening my soul. But then my mind switched back, and I’m happy again. I can laugh and enjoy life…. Or at least I can pretend. Because just on the other side, the darkness awaits. This switching back and forth seems to have no end. But which one’s reality, and which one is fake? I can’t tell the difference! Which road do I take?


Copyright © Broken Survivor | Year Posted 2015

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I'Ll Wait For You

I’ll wait for you. I’ll wait until the day I know there is no chance. Until those words come out of your mouth, I’ll be holding on. Hoping, wishing, waiting. You are my true love, so I will never let you go. No man will ever have my heart like you do. I’ll wait for you until you look me in the eyes, and tell me that you’ve let go. It’s never gonna happen. I’ll wait for you until you say she’s the one. You’re marring her, not me. I will crumble to pieces, but I’ll still be there. Hoping, wishing, waiting. I’ll wait for you until I see her walk down the aisle and you say the words “I do”. My world will shatter. Never to be put back together. But if you’re happy, that will keep my shattered pieces in one pile. I’ll wait for you until my hair is gray, and my skin is creased with old age. Reminiscing on the days when you were in my arms. Hoping, wishing, waiting. I’ll wait for you until my body is no longer of this world. Only ash and dust. My soul searching for you in my next life. Hoping, wishing, waiting.

Copyright © Broken Survivor | Year Posted 2015

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The Dream

I run into your arms, you pick me up and spin me around. Placing me back on my feet, you lean in and give me a kiss. Taking me into a world of bliss. Letting me know how much I was missed. The feeling of your hands on me gives me a high. My mind is swirling as my heart hammers in my chest. All of my anxiety is finally at rest. I look into your eyes and know this is where I belong. You are my everything, I’ve know this for so long. I get chills as I feel that electric current run through me whenever you’re close. I let myself drown in you as you give me my dose. You are my drug, without you, I cannot live. I will give you everything that I can possibly give. You are the sun that I rotate around. You are the constant to which I am bound. The look that you give me, tells me that you’re in love. You pull me in so that I’m against your chest. Your heart beats to the same rhythm as mine. Then you take my hand, and tell me “it’s time”. You let my hand go, and turn to walk away. I try to grab you, I need you to stay!!  Please don’t leave me!! I can’t take that pain! You finally turn and look at me when I scream out your name. You whisper, “You’re the one to blame”. Your look is so sad, it shatters my heart. You were just in my arms, but now we’re miles apart…. I open my eyes and sit up in bed. I burst out in tears from what you just said. It all felt so real, but it was just a dream. That’s the only place I can have you now, reality is so mean. If I could go back, I would have never let you go. I love you more than life itself, more than you’ll ever know.

Copyright © Broken Survivor | Year Posted 2015

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Dance With Me

Dance with me. Hold me in your arms one last time. Let me close my eyes, and imagine being here forever. Wrap your arms around me and pull me in close. Let me breathe in your sent, so intoxicating. Let me just pretend. Let me hold you, at least until the song is through. I wish this song could last forever. Every word, burned into my memory. I will appreciate every lyric, every note, for it is the finale of our journey together. 

The song ends. You let me go, and turn to dance with another. I am left on the dance floor alone. Still breathless.

Copyright © Broken Survivor | Year Posted 2015

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I'Ll Be Fine

Just so you know, I’ll be fine. I don’t need the extra time. For what? To get over you? It’s already done. The day you walked out was the day that I won. My life began with the slamming of the door. But then you took it back, you always want more. But I won’t let you in. No, never again. Boys will be boys, but some boys become men. You promise that you’ll change, but I know it’s all pretend. You blame me for everything, but you did this to yourself. I told you I was leaving, but you refused to get help. I gave my everything for years, but got nothing in return. But it will never happen again, you live and you learn. I’m happy with my decision, I finally feel free. I didn’t notice until you left that you’ve been suffocating me. Now for the first time in years, I can finally breathe. So please, stop begging. Nothing you do can change my mind. It’s done. It’s final. I’m not coming back this time.

Copyright © Broken Survivor | Year Posted 2015

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The Ride

I wrapped my trembling arms around you. Gripping my own hands trying to steady them, hoping that you wouldn’t notice. My heart pounded against your back as we pulled into the street. As we rounded the corner, you sped up, just a little, raising my anxiety. Then as we rode down the street, it hit me…. This may very well be my last chance to hold you… ever… So let go of the fear. I surrendered to my emotions and let them hit me like a raging wave in a hurricane. I shifted my hands so that they were holding onto you instead of each other. I laid my head on your shoulder, and relaxed my chest against your back. Forming to you. Inhaling your familiar scent, letting all the memories of us play behind my eyelids like a movie in fast-forward. Cherishing every single second that I had, in that very short ride. Repeating over and over in my head how much I loved you. And how I wasn’t ready to let you go. Silently pleading for you to someday come back to me. I poured every bit of love that I possibly could into you in those few minutes, hoping that you could somehow feel it. Somehow know. Praying that maybe, just maybe, you would think back on that ride someday and miss me as much as I am going to miss you. Make you think twice if it is really over between us. Then we were back. We slowed to a stop, and I held on just an extra couple of seconds before I reluctantly let you go. As I placed my feet back on the ground, I felt like my entire world shifted. I fought back the tears that were threatening to pour at any second, and chose to smile instead. Masking the pain and the yearning that I felt in every bone in my body. You looked over at me with an unsure expression, and all I could say was, “Thank you for the ride.” I walked away, crumbling and falling to pieces. Knowing that I needed to let you go. But also knowing that wasn’t even remotely possible.

Copyright © Broken Survivor | Year Posted 2015

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I Love You, and Goodbye

Today's the day, but I will not cry . You'll say "I Do", I'll say goodbye. It's been a long road, but you found your way home. As for me, I'll continue to roam. I'm glad you found happiness, though it wasn't with me. I hope I find mine one day. I guess I''ll wait and see. I wish I could have hugged you one last time. Said goodbye in person, instead of in my mind. You mean so much to me. How do I let go? How do I move on? How do I breath? How do I love? How do I laugh? I always thought that we would be back together someday. How did that go so wrong. Today's one of the happiest day's of your life. But this is probably the saddest one of mine. So one last time... I love you, and goodbye.  

Copyright © Broken Survivor | Year Posted 2017


Book: Shattered Sighs