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Best Poems Written by Louise Nelson

Below are the all-time best Louise Nelson poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Destined For Greatness

for such a time as this of political upheaval and economic uncertainty
how does anyone go about determining what is their God-given destiny?
what is our purpose in the grand scheme of God's desires?
what is it from us that the Lord Our God requires?

God gave each of us life for a reason
and will call upon each of us in due season
there will be some sacrificing and moving out of comfort zones
just remember that whatever God asks of you, you won't have to do it alone
for the battle is not just yours it also belongs to the Lord
and God won't let you write a check that you cannot afford

God will move you to a place and then give you an obstacle to overcome
but through Jesus you have the victory so consider the battle won
just trust in God to give you all that you will need
so that His set purpose for your life will come to seed

like Queen Esther, Harriet Tubman, Sojourner Truth and Rosa Parks
women destined for greatness who were beacons in society's dark
they did what was necessary for the greater good
to put the needs of others before their own as we all should
they stood up and confronted the so-called powers that be
in righteous indignation in order to save humanity

so let God position you where you'll prosper and be strong
and then use you as a vessel to make right a wrong
it might not make much sense to you and you might even disagree
but God knows what's best when it comes to determining your destiny

so just say yes to any and all that of you God does ask
and believe unconditionally that He'll equip you for the task
and as long as you remain resilient in your resolve
between you and God the situation will get solved

destined for greatness as mothers, mentors, lawyers or teachers
destined for greatness as activists, doctors, scientists or preachers
it matters not the capacity nor the career for you that God did choose
we're women destined for greatness and as children of God we cannot lose

Copyright © Louise Nelson | Year Posted 2009

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God's Spiritual Stimulus Plan

President Barak Obama has an economic stimulus plan 
to move the nation out of this financial quicksand
with foreclosures and jobs lost the situation is depressing
over $700 billion to get us out of this recession

but I know that all my help comes from the Lord
and God won't let me write a check that I cannot afford
the God who made Heaven and Earth has never let me down
the God who created me won't let me financially drown
He is my source, He is my strength, He is my right hand
and since money is not the god I serve I trust in His stimulus plan

for I know my God is able to keep food on my table
I know my God will always come through whenever a bill is overdue
I know my God is up to the task to give me all that I ask
God's spiritual stimulus plan is my daily bread
infused with His promises that keep me spirit-fed

and no matter how dire my circumstance
I turn to God and He extends me a branch
for greater is He who is in me than what is in this world
and greater is what He has promised me than anything from man I've heard
He suffered for me, He died for me, His blood was on the cross
there's nothing He won't do for me so I won't suffer anymore loss
the joy of the Lord is now in my hands
my God's spiritual stimulus plan

and even when my back's against the wall
the God I serve won't let me fall
and even if my 401K has diminished
the God I serve will replenish
and even if my stock portfolio tanks
the God I serve has a full spiritual bank
exceedingly, abundantly and above all
the God I serve will answer my call
in all things, in anything and in everything
there's nothing that my God cannot change
my God is able and on His word I do stand
trusting in Him to revive me with His spiritual stimulus plan

Copyright © Louise Nelson | Year Posted 2009

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Making It Happen Part 3: How To Handle the Haters

you've just started to make it happen your project is now being processed
but you need to know how to handle the haters who are only about giving stress
the hate that has consumed the hearts of men the state of our moral being
where compassion and brotherly love are no longer the traits we are seeing

hating has become the latest fad it has bloomed into full season
where people just seem to hate on others for no apparent reason
from President Obama to the NY Yankees the hate has grown exponentially
where people hate them for what they've accomplished and what they've come to be

hate is a demonic force it's a full frontal assault of agitation
it usually occurs when someone has started on a divine assignation
it seems to come with the territory as the devil always manifests
whenever someone starts something that is positive and blessed

the devil then gets very busy when it comes to anything done being good
his noxious persona then arises in those who hate on you as if they should
just don't give the haters a chance to harm nor hinder you
just trust in the will of God for it will see you through

in order to handle the haters you need to ascend to a spiritual plane
for to hate like them is a burden that you don't need to sustain
as hate may cause you to lose your way it can obstruct and intervene
so don't allow hate to enter your heart and plant unrighteous seeds

God said no weapon formed against you shall prosper nor prevail
so let God handle the haters and send them straight back to hell
and don't allow the haters to hurt nor humiliate you
stand firm on the word of God for it's foundation is strong and true

now in the midst of your Godly mission continue to stay the course
as God's got more righteousness than the devil has demonic force
now is the time to put on the whole armor of God 
to show the haters that you are not faint of heart
now ready, focused, heightened, alert and aware
in a sure and secure position as evil is everywhere

and don't let the haters get too close nor give them the chance to slip in
for they will choke the life out of you and then turn around and grin
as the more they hate on you the more in Christ you will grow
just continue to do a good work in the name of the God we all love and know
how to handle the haters those folks who only want to drag you down
is to let them see the joy of the Lord in you while you're standing on higher ground

Copyright © Louise Nelson | Year Posted 2010

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Why Vote?

why are our tax dollars being spent on crippled
and paralyzed drug hoods?
why are we supporting teenage girl having babies 
and not trying to do any good?
how Is It possible for foreigners 
to get supplemental security income?
and where Is all the money supposedly coming from?

yet, when we the American citizens 
who have worked and struggled all our lives 
attempt to get any assistance from the government 
we only get a lot of bull and some jive
what in the world could the politicians 
have been thinking about?
when we have families right here in America
having to do without
Is It political policy 
over social responsibility?

the American Government aspires
to be the world's police force
by deploying our young men and women into war zones
without any recourse
but who Is to blame for making all these
life altering decisions?
It's not those who don't vote
for they have no voice nor position

now Is the time for all Americans
to step up to the plate
make your voice and choice be known
before It's too late
we need to stop this madness 
and unnecessary spending
call the politicians on to the carpet
and bring about some ending
Is It political corruption 
versus social reconstruction?

so just get out and vote
and make your choice be known
put who you want in positions of power
with ideals like your own
It's time to take a stance 
and get back our power
be more socially and politically conscious
at the voting hour

Copyright © Louise Nelson | Year Posted 2007

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If I Had To Paint a Picture of Me Loving God What Would I See

If I had to paint a picture of me loving God what would I see?
would I see a portrait of a person who walks in truth and honesty?

In order to paint a picture of me loving God 
I would have to access all the experiences that to me life did impart
did I have a good relationship with my mom and my dad?
was it loving and supportive or distant and sad?
did I get along with my siblings? did we look out for each other?
did we play and love each other like true sisters and brothers?
were my needs being meet? did I ever learn to trust and believe?
am I balanced enough to cope according to the lessons in life I've received?

Multi-generational, familial or systemic social receptions
all of this has played a part in my life perceptions
we all have distortions in every aspect of our living
we now must deal with the reality at this time we've been given

was my life exactly as I remember? or are there things that I've repressed?
are there issues that are buried inside me that now make me depressed?
deep-seated anxiety, personal pain and high expectations
feelings of inadequacy, destructive criticism and bouts of frustration
we all have issues that we now need to bring out and discuss
in order to have authentic relationships we need to have real trust
we all have some brokenness that needs to be healed 
so that our full love for the Lord God can one day be revealed

God is not distant like a CEO in the corporate tower
God is not pressuring us with His omnipotent power
God does not keep score He just watches over our souls
God is fair and just and doesn't set for us high goals
God is all embracing He nurtures, instructs and forgives
He's kind, patient and loving in this life to us He did give  

So if I had to paint a picture of what it looks like for me to love God
it would be a colorful canvas of emotions, perceptions and reflections from my heart

Copyright © Louise Nelson | Year Posted 2010

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Trials and Triumphs

it's the last Sunday of the year known as 2010
and i hope next Sunday a new year together we'll begin
as humans we have a habit of looking back over the past year
to hopefully gain a better understanding of all that occured back there
there's nothing wrong with reviewing last year's trials and tribulations
maybe next year we'll have a solution to better handle those situations

in 2010 we made some resolutions and we set some goals 
but did we overcome our challenges or did we lose control?
over our aches and pains, our difficulties, our struggles and our strife
our bouts of frustration, our complications, just trying to live life
we had some trials in 2010 of which we wish we could redo
but we need to remember all the triumphs that somehow got us through
we might not have had a lot of money but somehow the bills got paid
we might have fell into some choppy waters but somehow we learned to wade
we had some illness, we had some issues and we all had some strain
but by the grace of God we triumphed and somehow still stayed sane

in the book of Hebrews a group of people had some trials and tribulations
and when they accepted Christ they came into a godly situation
they took that walk with God, they took that leap of faith
and came to realize that when one's in Christ the devil will be in your face
as its not all peaches and cream whenever a person commits to God
there will be trials and tribulations just keep a prayerful heart
there will be those whom you thought cared about and supported you
who may become your biggest detractors and stomp all over you
but you need to understand that the enemy will have you under attack
just keep your eyes on God and stay on the right spiritual track

as all things are possible with God for He's in complete control
God is God all by Himself and you need to understand that your role
is to trust in Him, believe in Him for through you He gets all the glory
so let your trials and triumphs be a testimony and inspiring story
for you can't have a testimony without having being tested
and there is no triumph without a trial you have bested

you came through some fires and you survived some floods
and all of it was by the grace of God and the power of the blood
you triumphed over death and today you're still alive
you triumphed over the devil no matter how hard he strived
you made it through 2010 standing on the promises of Christ
you had your trials, you had your triumphs and above all you still have life

Copyright © Louise Nelson | Year Posted 2011

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holding on to promises expected that's what we need to do
for God said that He would never leave nor forsake you

we've all been through stuff that caused bitterness, disillusion and pain
we've all experienced betrayal, heartbreak, discontentment and shame
but God said that joy comes in the morning and we need to comprehend
that holding on to promises expected will sustain us to the end

when i see young people committing suicide because bullying has torn them apart
i've discovered they had no connection nor relationship with Father God
as life can be overwhelming at times and we need to understand
that sometimes what we all might need is a little helping hand
a hug, a smile or a shoulder to lean on
a prayer, an open ear or simply an uplifting song

we did not get here by ourselves and we need to surmise
that a connection with Our Creator is what we need to realize
so commit to develop a relationship with Our Lord Jesus the Christ
meditate on His holy words and seek to embrace His way of life
forgive, love and learn to abide your fellow man
let go of past hurts and bitterness and come to understand
that God made vows to us and on them we need to reflect
by keeping the faith and holding on to the promises that from Him we can expect

Copyright © Louise Nelson | Year Posted 2013

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To Believe Or Not To Believe: the Power of Unbelief

your belief system is the major indication
of what you can accomplish with positive validation
if you can see it, you can achieve
if you can perceive it, you can believe it

underachievers are always underestimating themselves
non-achievers are always looking for a handout and the most help
average achievers do only what is usually just required
but overachievers strive to realize their heart's desire

in The Bible Mark 6:5-6 are two of the saddest scriptures to me
it tells of the time when Jesus went to His birth place
to spread His Father's ministry
it is somewhat troubling to me when He could find there no relief
because the Nazarenes were in a mind set of utter unbelief
even though He had worked many miracles
in most every town he had ventured to
the citizens of Nazareth were unwilling to give Him His proper due
a showdown in Nazareth, Jesus trying to evangelize God's word
but they saw Him only as the carpenter's son attempting to do the absurd

the power of God can only manifest in an arena of positivity
it can not gown nor gravitate in an atmosphere of negativity
Jesus was rendered powerless, the passion in Him had subsided
because the unbelieving Nazarenes remained unyielding 
and completely one-sided

there is a significant amount of unbelief
in many church congregations
where some are just sayers of the Word
and don't believe in the power of the consecration
it takes one drop of negativity
to yield a whole crop of unbelieveability
understand that the Living God can't work in anyone's life
if they are in a state of mind clouded by negativity and strife
there is nothing that can't be accomplished if you know this in your heart
that God can work miracles just believe in His powers from the start
for God can move mountains, He can make a river divide
His powers are omnipotent, just keep a positive attitude in mind

don't undermine God's purpose for you life, allow Him some control
don't underestimate what He can do for you, if you surrender to Him your soul
always look for the victory, don't settle for defeat or loss
use the power of your belief, the power of the blood, the crown and the cross

if you believe God can open doors
what more could you ask for
just believe with God that you can do it
just trust in Him and let Him prove it
just believe in the power that is Jesus Christ
and imagine what you can accomplish
if you just let Him work in your life

Copyright © Louise Nelson | Year Posted 2007

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Can You Spare Some Change?

they say the only people who can't change themselves are babies when they're wet
yet  most people won't even try to change when they reach the adult set
they live lives of quiet desperation, still singing the same sad songs
and can't seem to stop acting like babies no matter how right or how wrong
yet when it comes to discussing the future of modern man
scientists have discover that our behavior has gotten out of hand
we overeat, we over-drink, we smoke, we're anxious, stressed and depressed
we need to practice some restraint and change so that we can be blessed
stop looking at life in the same way and start living for the better
it's time to make some changes and stop acting like we're still bed wetters
with a need for our priorities in life to be rearranged
so I ask this question, "can you spare some change?"

If you want a genuine change and transformation to come about
it's an inside job that must occur without any hesitation or doubt
yet many desire to maintain the status quo but at the same time want progress
but that's an impossible task to accomplish so again to you I address
can you spare some change? do you desire to move forward and grow?
can you spare some change in this life that you now know?
if you've ever heard someone say, "that's not the way we used to do it"
tell them to make a change and then listen the Holy Spirit

we need to stop all the unnecessary stressing
we might miss our anointing or our blessing
let go of all that harmful behavior
standing between you and your personal Savior
stop being over-indulgent, learn to exercise and trim the fat
remove the blinders so you'll no longer be flying around like a blind bat
seek out the Lord Jesus Christ 
and let His wisdom guide your life
It's time for your attitude to be rearranged
a life altering decision, can you spare some change?

become a risk taker and step out on a limb 
be like the tax collector, Zacchaeus determined to find Him
Jesus Christ whom he needed to see
he even went so far as to climb up a sycamore tree
now reformed from a tax collecting sinner
transformed into a spiritual winner
now a disciple of the Good News
salvation at hand, no longer living confused
willing to do whatever The Lord asks for
gave half his wealth to the disadvantaged and the poor
he made a concession that was so brave and so bold
to give any he might have cheated back their money four-fold
the crowd then murmured for they found all this strange
but Zacchaeus was a man who willing to spare some change

Copyright © Louise Nelson | Year Posted 2007

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Making It Great In 2008 (Part 11): When God Sends An Angel

when your life is at a difficult stage and it's become all twisted and tangled
that's when God will intercede and send you an angel
we live in a world where bad things often manifest
and at any given second a stray bullet might pierce your chest
God will send an angel to shield you from further harm
and that bullet may miraculously pass right out through your arm
in God we have a true and committed friend always by our sides
and as a child of God in you He will always abide
an angel sent to protect you with God's authority
an angel sent to guard you from future catastrophes

an Angel was awaiting inside Jesus' interment room
on that third day when Mary and the others arrived at His tomb
the Angel then told them "have no fear and just keep the faith,
tell Peter and the others go to Gallilee and on Jesus to await"
for whenever fear comes into the picture it will play a major part
if you allow it to take over and make you faint of heart
you need to understand that fear is the biggest enemy
that will deter you from fulfilling your God given destiny
and when it comes time to making important decisions in your life
believe that you can count on the guidance of the Lord Jesus Christ
God will not only in your life intercede
He will send an angel before you can proceed
God will never forsake you even if of Him you deny
for He's an understanding and forgiving presence on which you can rely
God is not a quitter, He's about eternal mercy and grace
an everlasting covenant perfectly in place

only the hand that erases can rewrite the truths of time
only the almighty hand of God can amend the story line
God will send an angel to watch over you
God will send an angel to help you get through
remember that Jesus is praying for you while the devil awaits in the wings
and God always has you on His mind and there's no need to fear anything
trust in the power that can do the impossible
for miracles can happen if you believe in God's gospel

face up to any fear and then look it in the eyes
trust in the angel that was sent to protect from up high
reduce all your fears into a pile of insignificant ash
and then you will diminish its hold on you at last
just confront your fears and then focus on God's Holy Word
and carry the Sword of the Spirit no matter where you go in this world
God will send an angel to guide your way
God will send an angel to watch over you everyday

Copyright © Louise Nelson | Year Posted 2008


Book: Shattered Sighs