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Best Poems Written by Sohom Gupta

Below are the all-time best Sohom Gupta poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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The Grave Says Nothing

I can't forget my beloved one
Whose fate now lies in a grave,
I remember him at every moment
Of his company I crave;
But the grave says nothing.

Day after day I stare -
At the grave with wistful eyes,
Hoping that Lord would answer my pleas
And my beloved would rise;
But the grave says nothing.

Many tears I shed
That fall on my feet,
Each day I come to my beloved
To plead;
But the grave says nothing.

I wish from my heart
That he would rise,
And I fix on the grave
My patient, eager eyes;
But the grave says nothing.

Finally, I forget him
I go on my way -
But, ever silent, my beloved
And the grave lay;
The grave ... says nothing.

Copyright © Sohom Gupta | Year Posted 2015

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The Wind

"Le vent se leve, il faut tenter de vivre."
"The wind is rising! We must try to live."
                                                   -Paul Valery

Feel the gust that flows unnoticed!
Hear the subdued growths of air
That grow like a nearing beast
Ferocious, with a wild glare
For the wind is rising.

The glorious power of nature
That can awe yet make fear -
A spectacle of eternal dreams
With pace, approaching near
The wind is rising.

Lo! It comes with a sudden flow
That takes with it whatever resists,
Through the oak, over the hills
Beyond the boundary of all limits;
The wind rises.

Behold its might! Over dark meadows
It flows, causing the grass to dance
Now here, now there, uncontrollable
It vanishes in the moment of a glance;
The wind has risen.

None can match its glorious pride
Even the mighty trees bow before it;
The wondrous monster sweeps past all
Its toughened arms pick dust and grit;
The wind is flowing.

It rushes past the valleys deep
Triggers rocks down mountain slopes
Its speed and power, none can stop -
A free horse, it breaks all ropes;
The wind is rushing.

Invincible, it marches on
Like an emperor feared by all,
A dictator, with power not measured
Rise of a legend, never to fall;
The wind turns violent.

The silence breaks, the barriers too
The wind zigzags amidst mountain peaks,
It bellows in the forests dark
The young, fatigued willows creak.
The wind is at its pinnacle.

Then the drizzle comes, then the thunderstorm
And oh! The fierce, mighty beast
Declines as raindrops fall
Dies down forming mist;
The wind fades away...

Yet its marks are vivid on the landscape
A spectacle of its enormous strength
It will revive, as a vicious beast
It would return again at length.

Free yet fierce, elegant yet wild
The angel who visits the human world
And all is lighted by his trail
And the might of nature is unfurled.
The wind had risen
It will rise,
As a voracious beast
To have all that suffice.

Copyright © Sohom Gupta | Year Posted 2015

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Pondering over old issues, his youth slips into deep oblivion, with lasting peace.

Copyright © Sohom Gupta | Year Posted 2017

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I know, when I see you, how terrible you feel
I know you're fatigued and cannot stand still
I know you want to tell the whole world your despair
I know you've lost hope in ritual and prayer;
I know you have worked hard, I know you have tried
I know, how in utter despair, you've cried
I know, how polite and courteous you were
I know you liked to mingle, to share...
I know you looked upon all with the same eye
I've never seen you grieve, I've never seen you sigh...

Now, when you're shattered, I've nothing to say
We can do nothing, but quietly go away -
If I were Lord, I wouldn't bear this injustice
By shattering one's life, I wouldn't get peace,
But I'm a mere mortal, with a mind and a soul
I can't give you success, I can only console.

Copyright © Sohom Gupta | Year Posted 2015

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The Final Show

It was the final day at the city -
The Circus prepared for a grand show,
Men gathered in packs and sat
On the chairs in the rows.
Even the Chief Magistrate,
Came to see the show;
With hundreds of police
In tow.
All the Circus animals
Were being dressed up,
All the props were ready -
A ladder, a stick, a rope and even a cup!
And among all the people of the Circus
Were the two, hand in hand.
Husband and Wife, trapeze acrobats,
Listening to the incoming band.
It was their fourth anniversary;
A very grand day indeed!
But of all was the fact that
This time, they had taken the lead.
Then, with the start of pleasant music
They, together entered the ring
And first bowed to the audience,
Then waited for the starting bell to ring.

Ding!Dong! Went the bell;
They together climbed up the ladder
And started their acrobat
And their confidence became sturdier.

Swinging with the ropes,
Performing acrobats both mild and brute,
Applause fell all around
As the mesmerised audience stood...

And, then the final trick came,
Where the Wife would jump in the air,
And the Husband would catch her by the arms,
The fascinated audience would stare.

But ALAS! Fate changed their life
And the Wife, in front of the town,
Suddenly had a heart failure
And she fell down without a sound.

Her life deserted her, from her mouth
Red blood gushed out
The whole audience was shocked
"Help her!!"All screamed aloud.

The ambulance, in a short while came
And she was taken away...
And everyone asked the other,
"What did the doctors say?"
And no one looked but after a long time
At the Husband, still hanging,
In mid-air, his body numb;
His vision was blurring.

And no one felt what he felt
And no one thought of his future -
"What is love?" - Nobody felt.
Isn't love like a tarnished metal?
It comes with full of lustre
And goes with a sorrow so bitter!

Copyright © Sohom Gupta | Year Posted 2015

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An Eternal Dream

The wind was steady, dust flew with it
The sky was overcast with opaque black
Lightning struck at irregular intervals
On the ground there was only blood
And men who were true martyrs...

The field was stained with pools of red
Swords and chopped heads lay
Bows and arrows lay,
Dead horses and broken chariots lay...

The war was over
Everything was over
Except one, the victorious king
He stood in the battlefield
Injured but victorious...

He looked at the scores of killed
With a growing pride in him
He had ended the war
He was alone, but successful...

This war had cost many lives
It had destroyed many families
It had separated many lovers
It had caused much doom...

But now this long battle was no more
And he was the winner
Yes, he was the winner
No one was there to share his pride...

He laughed in delight
He clutched the sword in his palm
And in a sudden jerk
Pushed it into his stomach!

He fell down, blood gushing out of his mouth
But still he smiled, and smiled in delight
This is what he wanted...

He did not want to survive
He did not want to live
He had no wish to rule
He had no longing for his family...

No, he knew it well
No one wins in a war
But the final survivor sees
The result of the war...

He did not want this war
He was a king who loved peace
But he was driven into
This unnecessary peril...

He did not want to be a survivor
He wanted to show the world
That war can only render
Sorrow to the survivors
And eternal peace to the martyrs...

Thus he died
And with his death
The last life of the war was gone
Never to return...

His hope was fulfilled
To show the world
The ravages and the
Consequences of war...

Now he wanted to sleep
A sleep of eternity
And he wanted to dream
An Eternal Dream...

Copyright © Sohom Gupta | Year Posted 2015

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The sun is high up
Crickets sing amidst the fields
The dogs are asleep.


A heavy downpour
Steadies down on trees and lakes
Vision is blurry.


The golden leaves fall
They help beautify the ground
The breeze is happy.


All the trees stand bare
A white sheet forms on the ground
A fireplace is lit.


Birds and insects sing
New blossoms cover branches
We are delighted.

Copyright © Sohom Gupta | Year Posted 2015

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Nothing To Lose

When you are pushed back by your foes
When your very friends desert you,
When you have reached a dead end
And have nowhere to go;
Then spark off with a blast
That will destroy all humiliation -
And the world will behold your light;
Filled with an amazing sensation.

When your heart is destroyed
By the very ones you loved,
When you are deceived, decepted
Betrayed and bluffed;
Then show your true potential,
To the world which considered you weak
Show your amazing perseverance
Until you reach the peak.

When your road of hope is blocked
And in utter despair are you,
When your back is pushed against a wall
And you have nothing to lose,
Then clench your fists and vow;
And the world to which you were a muse,
Would be bound to respect you in every stage
For now, you have nothing to lose!

Copyright © Sohom Gupta | Year Posted 2015

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My boss bargains by Brooklyn bridge
I find fluffed feathers in my fridge!
At night, nostalgic nooks are found,
I see the hunter, herdsman, hound.

All say it's nonsense!
But it's not.

Seldom speaking, staying silent so
Within me, the great grudge grows.
I'm not cunning, can't care, can't cure
I am lonely, can't love, lie, lure.

Sick, sad, seeking sympathy
In this monotonous mess.
Where the world wears and wan
Can't we all be friends?

Copyright © Sohom Gupta | Year Posted 2016

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Oh you! Dearest to my heart!
I don't know your identity, neither your residence,
I neither know why I love you,
Yet my love for you is immense.

You were always by my side, from my birth,
You helped me out, when I was in doom.
It was your affection that gave me mirth
In my heart you've occupied all the room.

You were the light that showed me my path -
Sometimes, in fancy, I mistook you for the dark.
But soon I realized that you were true;
In every moment of my life, you left your mark.

But now is the time that I stand on my feet,
At the pains yet to come, I'd no longer cry;
Leave me now, for now the path is mine,
I will follow truth, which I'll never defy.

Yet you stay by me, in my happiness and grief -
For I'll confess to you when I'm in sorrow,
I'm still not so matured, I need you help,
I'm like a sleeping rabbit that just came out of its burrow.

Stay forever with me, this I plead,
For in every moment of my life, I want to see your smile.
Please don't go away, you unknown entity -
Stand by me, I need your holy light.

Copyright © Sohom Gupta | Year Posted 2015


Book: Reflection on the Important Things