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Best Poems Written by Azad Boodhun

Below are the all-time best Azad Boodhun poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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The Nurse

Ever since the creation of the universe
Man is bound to suffer from diseases
Human beings are constantly
Victims of various ailments

Stepping into the shoes of the first nurse
Florence Nightingale forged ahead to combat illnesses
Armed with devotion and compassion
She pursued her mission

Reinforced with patience and perseverance
She relieved many through her quality care
Considered as the founder of modern nursing
The nurse is now adept of Florence's training

The main attribute of the nurse
Is to put the patient first
With great vocation and patience
She exercises her duty with diligence

A profession not only requiring  skills
But also much goodwill
Being at service round the clock
Sacrificing her pleasures and family

She's omnipresent near the patient
Ever ready to be her assistant
Forgoing the joys of Christmas and New Year

She is in the company of the sick
Who can replace the nurse?
To deliver a non- stop motherly care

Copyright © Azad Boodhun | Year Posted 2016

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My Village

The thought of my village makes me  nostalgic
Memorable days spent over there were unique

Anchored in a cool and serene environment
It is exuberant with pleasure and entertainment

Rising early in the morning to breathe the fresh air
Arouses consciousness in the villager about health care

Chirping of birds are pleasant to hear
As they enchant the ear

Embellished with flowers and greenery
Which project a lively and beautiful scenery

On a fertile land which is very suitable
To produce one's own vegetables

With the dawn singing of the cock
There is no need for the clock

In the town everywhere it is so loud
But my village is far from the madding crowd

A locality where every neighbour knows each other
Ever ready to help without expecting any offer

Reminiscent of my friends and school days
My village transcends me to my heyday

With the outbreak of jealousy and sorcery
I was obliged to part urgently

Now my only  wish is to  return in your bosom
Ah! miss you since you are my kingdom!

Copyright © Azad Boodhun | Year Posted 2015

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It is a common belief 
That man being a social animal
Life must be spent in company of others
Only few of us like solitude

Because socialization is inborn.
Hence the role of friendship
A friend is not only supportive
But the very basis  of life

Inculcating the sentiment of proximity
Friendship prevents from being egocentric
Be it good or bad times
A true friend is always present

A friend in need is a friend indeed
Beyond all circumstances
Ever ready to offer a helping hand
Friendship is not merely for benefits

Be also prepared to assist  in difficult times
Be slow in choosing a friend
And slower in changing one
Friendship is a way of life

Revolving throughout our existence
Be a sincere friend for a better life
If you want a friend 
Be a friend.

Copyright © Azad Boodhun | Year Posted 2015

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Red, amber, green, blue, indigo ,violet
Each colour has its own secret

Arranged on top of each other
It is a magnificent view to the onlooker

The sight of the rainbow 
Makes the face glow

Originating from an unknown surface
It moves from place to place

Decorating the sky with its magic colours
It is one of nature's wonders

A reflection produced by the effect of sun and sea
Which children love to see

A marvelous and colourable display
Tainted with a natural spray

Announces the imminence of the rain
Just like the signal of the train

Lo! the rainbow is kissing the sky
Visible to the naked eye

Though it 's just a mirage
it brings joy through its image

Copyright © Azad Boodhun | Year Posted 2016

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The Sea

Nature has gifted  humanity with so many wonders to see
One of them striking our attention  is the sea

Admire the turquoise waters created for mankind
For it has a soothing effect on the mind

Since ages the sea surrounds the land.
Flowing around the neck like a garland

The splashing of waves,low and high tides
And the production of foam all constitute a feast for the eyes

Lo! appreciate the sun kissing the horizon
It is setting for another mission

An important source of livelihood for fishermen
The sea feeds to a large extent the man

The extraction of corals, pearls and jewels
Allow the villagers to prosper and live well

An ancient and primitive means of transport
Boats, ferries, oil tankers,ships connect different ports

But through it sometimes God manifests His wrath
To remind those like Pharaoh who deviate from the right path

However, many have been engulfed in tsunamis
Which are beyond the control of our destiny.


Copyright © Azad Boodhun | Year Posted 2015

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Ever since the creation of mankind
Life has puzzled the human mind
Has anybody ever questioned its origin?
Poets, philosophers , sociologists are still behind the margin

The first man's companion were darkness and solitude
God created Eve to fight this nigritude
Living together they populated the world
For their children to say their word

Made up of three stages
man spends life through different ages
Childhood, adolescence and oldness are the main frames
That fit in the games

Why do we cry on our arrival?
Because life is not a carnival
It is rather a mission
Where everyone tries to maintain his position

Juts like a coin with two sides
Life looks easy inside but  tough outside
But whether head or tail
The ship has to sail

Copyright © Azad Boodhun | Year Posted 2015

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The Sun

Visible to us from millions of kilometres  ahead
The sun spreads its light like a L.E.D

Eons ago God created this planet
Revolving around the Earth for our betterment

Rising early in the morning it brightens the world
Providing many benefits to proceed forward.

Journeying from east to west
It rotates thereby bringing happiness in every nest

It shines to produce heat in our body
Producing the necessary energy

With positive contributions to the plants
The crops receive their grants.

In the medical field it plays a preponderant role
Sun rays heal the wounds through the granulation of holes.

At seaside the sun kisses the horizon
Creating a natural view for appreciation

Also involved in the rain cycle phenomenon
it influences sea and water evaporation

But now man has destroyed the ozone
With over exposure we enter a dangerous zone.

Copyright © Azad Boodhun | Year Posted 2015

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The Poet

Either in the form of verse or rhymes
The poet expresses himself through lines

Throughout the history of poetic literature
Writers have emphasized about its aesthetic venture

Penning our views on paper
Or using new technology like the computer

Liberating the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings
To transmit the message of peaceful living

Exploring the mind in search of creativity
Thereby producing poems of unfading beauty

Focusing on nature as the source of inspiration
Different poets elaborate about it in their artistic creation

Through the writings of great personage
Poems contribute to embellish our cultural heritage

Copyright © Azad Boodhun | Year Posted 2015

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With the advancement of age
Man starts to think about marriage

The boy and the girl are nubile.
It's high time to change the living style

Through the union of husband and wife
Marriage brings stability in life.

Being the foundation stone of the family.
It is the source of progeny.

However, sociologists have divergent opinions.
To preserve freedom they propose free-union.

Tie a noose around your neck
You find yourself in the bottleneck

Who said marriages are made in heaven?
For it turns everything at sixes and sevens

Many affirm previously they were  well
Now life has become a hell

So, if it's not a perfect mode of living
Is there any new method for our well being?

Copyright © Azad Boodhun | Year Posted 2015

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God's greatest gift to humanity is health
It can be considered as the mother of wealth

Without a  sound health life becomes tiresome
Care for it before our condition turns out awesome

Spare no effort to remain healthy
Sickness means much expenditure even if we are not wealthy

Staying hale and hearty is a  precious treasure
The secret of well being depends on several measures

Early to sleep, early to rise
Makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise

Continuous physical exercises and good living habits
Are essentials requisites to keep forever fit

Alongside with prayers and meditation
Man will surely attain salvation

Oh! youth of today, stop this artificial living
Substance abuse will destroy everything

If you damage your health
Eventually it will lead you to death

For when wealth is gone
Nothing is gone

But when health is gone
Everything is gone

It's only when health is lost
We tend to value it the most

Copyright © Azad Boodhun | Year Posted 2015


Book: Reflection on the Important Things