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Best Poems Written by Robert Lawrence

Below are the all-time best Robert Lawrence poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Sons of Liberty

Sons Of Liberty
Samuel Adams was a most wanted man
In pre American tyrannical land
In insane taxes the colonies drown 
They were indentured servants to the crown
The Redcoat aggression showed no remorse
Brotherhood was formed to fight back with force

Hail, hail, the Sons Of Liberty
Hail, hail, revolution without impunity 
Hail, hail, The Sons Of Liberty
Hail, hail show no amiability

Smuggling wine to the secret of the coin
Enmity burned over the Boston massacre
drawn to the resistance, patriots would join
Boston Tea party struck back at the master
Hancock and Revere, they took to the gun
The Sons fought fearlessly at Lexington 


Would secretly meet at the liberty tree
fabric they torn,new nation is born 
They set the stage to the road to be free
fiery inferno, for Hutchinson foe
patriot or terrorist introspective 
hero's who attain  patriotic objective


Copyright © Robert Lawrence | Year Posted 2015

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Marching the streets with our flags flying high
Deutschland uber allas was our battle cry
The Youth taught me to be tough and bold
With out hesitation I carried out every order I was told
To defend my Fatherland against Marxism was my desire
No one could extinguish this young Germans fire

A memoir to the nation I served
The ruins of 1945 you did not deserve
A memoir to the nation I fought for
You should have had so much more
A memoir to the nation that now is shamed
Break the chains and shove the blame

I remember the day I first received the bolts
Pride ran through my veins and every waking thought
To fight for fatherland was my greatest honor
I would risk my life as I would become a great soldier
My Panzer division would be one of the very best
We where amongst the very elite, we where the  Waffen SS


We went into hell in the ice cold East
To puncher the heart of the evil red beast
We where going strong as we made it outside the Kremlin
The Russian winter came as our bodies would give in
I saw to my horror comrades in frozen graves of ice
for sake of Fatherland they gave the ultimate sacrifice


in defeat I came back to a broken and shattered nation
women and children cried as they saw the red occupation
I was condemned as I was put on a show trial
The courageous where put in prison in typical Marxist style
Shamed as our people are put down, because they won
Even though now I’m spit upon, I regret nothing I’ve done

Copyright © Robert Lawrence | Year Posted 2015

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Viking Me

Viking me, I want to be
warrior culture, decadent vulture
plunder  & pillage, every village
navigate the sea, longboat to be 
clash of steel, organic feel

Viking Me, I want to be
impenetrable shield wall, kingdom fall
Valhalla bound nomads, Victorious death glad
Discovery of Vinland, Vigilance of Norse man
Expedition by Erichson, conquest by Self assertion

Viking me, I want to be
slayer of Saxons, settle in Briton
cognizant of victory, details are gory
bringing cathartic terror,  no maidens fairer
discernment of Odin’s Eye, Viking battle cry

Viking me, I want to be
Winter harvest feast, sacrifice the beast
preserve Heathen blood, The Christian flood
warlike mind, one of a kind
unstoppable force, ultra violent source

Copyright © Robert Lawrence | Year Posted 2015

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Blind Hate

Way back then you would play the dress up game
With boots and braces tried to look the same
Knew all the symbols, slogans and banners
False bravado of explicit grammar
Without knowledge or pride in our race
Knew nothing of our past or history's place

All you know is blind hate without a thought
Facts, pride and history you never once sought
Hate our enemies and you don't know why
A Hollywood Nazi, now wave goodbye

Your fueled hatred has finally burned out
Now a dropout, anti racist you shout
Destined to join the vagrant parade
Now dancing on the puppets masters blade
telling stories of what we're supposed to be
but boy you don't represent me


Never the one for an independent mind
your just clueless leading the unseeing blind
pseudo crusader of false dichotomy
new nothing of cultural anthropology
now let me clear up any misconceptions
not hate, but pride, history, race our redemption


Copyright © Robert Lawrence | Year Posted 2015

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Dying World

A world that was meant to die
Crimson flows as the Nordic gods cry
Only one species is destined to survive
From the will of the dead we thrive
An internal problem no one can fix
Liberty and tyranny  cannot mix(co-exist)

Looking over the world of ruin
Wastelands of there doing
A dying people everywhere to see
Tyrants look on with glee

Chained down in this prison
Judged & condemned for no reason
A stagnate pollution takes hold
The balance of power fatally folds
The once mighty brought to his knees
A decaying culture the last he sees


I look to the future with scorn
From the ashes idiot justice is born
From the Earth come screams of misery
The masses sedated by blind apathy
Walking through the cemetery gates
No one knows what finally awaits


Everything that the queen saw
A  bastardization of natures law

Copyright © Robert Lawrence | Year Posted 2015

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History's Place

Cro mag non man was a birth of a  nation
Crete led the way for civilized creation
The Etruscans became the first Mediterranean power
Indo Europeans Settled Europe as others cower
The Aryans in India established a civilization
The Nile valley would be dominated by Egyptians

We've once again taken history’s place
To show  again we are the face
Our past is forbidden , the truth is hidden
We've once again taken history’s place

300 Spartans showed what there courage could do
Alexander The Greats strength was unmatched by few
Rome led 1000 years of prosperity before the decline
The Visigoths chased the Huns back over the European line
7 crusades led by a Christians  to stem Islam
Ferdinand and Isabella condemned the Moorish harm


Everyone feared the fury of the pagan vikings of the north
Napoleon Bonaparte would bring military genius forth
The British empire would colonize every land
William Wallace bravely fought for the freedom of Scotland
The Teutonic knights helped spread across Europe Christianity
The 30 years of Christian wars brought nothing but insanity


Expansion of discovery could never be touched
The United states would rise and the British would be crushed
The south would rebel for liberty and freedom
The British would slice the throat of the Ottoman kingdom
The first brothers war was thought to be the final stand
The Afrikaners fought relentless for the right of there land


The Bolshevik revolution brought a new plague into the world
The Germans brought a new hope as the banners were unfurled
All of Europe would unite under the waffen for it's  European identity
The Marxist hippie  movement brought moral  hygiene to it's knees
Now it's the today and we have to keeping fighting for a new tomorrow
We must secure  our destiny and keep having our  history grow


Copyright © Robert Lawrence | Year Posted 2015

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The Caricature

The Caricature 
You like to label it as a nefarious empire
 brought to power by an unpropitious circumstance
paint a picture of evil and malfeasance
blood soaked canvas is the final image 
mass murderers, the greatest genocide
no good they have done, just vile and hate
inspired  by the dynamism of the leader

black and white, no shades of gray
just a rancorous order
the caricature, of evil
the caricature, of misery
 black or white, no shades of gray 
don't ask, just swallow what they say 
the caricature, cartoon villain
 black and white, no shades of gray

from what I have seen, not as heinous as they say
from elimination of unemployment 
to the strength through joy program 
workers rights protected by a benevolent union 
clean streets and nonexistent crime 
pride in Fatherland at an all time high 
health and prosperity  never before seen
a million strong salute at the Nuremberg rallies

 black and white, no shades of gray 
tyrannical order 
the caricature, of evil
the caricature, of the maleficent
 black and white, no shades of gray 
don't ask, just swallow what they say
the caricature, what Hollywood portrays
 black and white, no shades of gray

You talk of atrocities and monstrous acts
but for once lets exam the facts
ever question if the victor lacked on an ethical standpoint?
ever committed presumptuous acts that are odious?
Examining rudiment facts, they had death camps
where the Soviets  murdered 28 million in Gulags
innocents witnessed terror raids night after night
 where The Royal Air Force murdered 300,000 in Dresden
so I ask who is really the hero  and who is the Villain?

Black and white, no shades of gray
the caricature,  portrait of infamy
the caricature,  video game mad men,
black and white, no shades of gray
don't ask, swallow what they say
the caricature,  almighty evil
black and white, no shades of gray 

they say don't question the official history
 yet I want to know why they ensconce the truth
why do they fear us finding out what really happened?
It seems we have a dichotomy between fact and fiction 

suppression of truth
history written by the victors
villainize the losers
gain their sympathy
money for your industry
spread the big lie

Copyright © Robert Lawrence | Year Posted 2015

Details | Robert Lawrence Poem

End of Days

Did you hear the thunder overhead?
Arise, arise ghosts of the dead
See the lightning flash in the black sky
Watch the rain fall before our eyes
Feel the earth as it begins to shake
Now rising  Odin finally awakes
Look and you'll see the Valkyries
An ancient thousand year old prophesy
Has come to the light and reigns true
Spared only will be the chosen few
I look to the future without any fear
For I know that Ragnarok is here

Copyright © Robert Lawrence | Year Posted 2015

Details | Robert Lawrence Poem

Mr Washington

Mr. Washington I want to know
what would you have to say?
as you gaze upon this land
if you were still alive today
what would be your thoughts
on a nation that lost its way
would you stand and fight?
like on that long ago day?

Mr. Washington would you stand by us?
would you stand by the American Nationalist?
to stand against left wing hate?
rebuttal looney lefts accusation of terrorist?
Is this the country you wanted?
or have they destroyed your vision?
your Constitution no longer applies here
Mr. Washington what would be your decision?

Mr. Washington do you remember Thomas Jefferson?
"it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government"
now would you still take up arms?
fight the tyrants with pure determinant?
what do you think about uncapped capitalism?
how about a multi racial society rotten to the core?
is this what you mean by all men are created equal?
or are your words obfuscated and what for?

Copyright © Robert Lawrence | Year Posted 2015

Details | Robert Lawrence Poem

Hate In America

You like to call me a senseless hater
you get face time on tv for cowardly traitors
but all that fierce hate is by you
the energy, anger, discord , all that you do
yet your just as prejudice and hateful as me
but I can admit it as you can plainly see

hate in America, Hate in America
not me, but you
hate in America, Hate in America
you know from who
hate in America, hate in America
what such a waste
hate in America, hate America
I will give you a taste

with your lies hatred you provoke
our lives you would love to revoke
preach so called acts of tolerance
incite lemmings to commit acts of violence
the look in your eyes is all that needs to be said
you want us all to be the living dead


frothing at the mouth no dignity survives
in your heart genocidal instinct thrives
at the front promoting your hate to the blind masses
your very acts show how you are classless
to your transgressions I have grown wise
I have seen through your victim-hood disguise

Copyright © Robert Lawrence | Year Posted 2015


Book: Shattered Sighs