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Best Poems Written by Jennifer Donnay

Below are the all-time best Jennifer Donnay poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Embracing With Thy Heavenly Father

Embracing with thy Heavenly Father, there's no better feeling, feeling that warm, soft, hold in a sisters arms, 
Embracing with Thy Heavenly Father,  only a true sister, child of God would understand, no words needed, just two spirits joined together in His Holy name,  no two people are ever the same.

Having a dear friend, care about you, with asking nothing in return, time stands still, for life is beautiful again, pray, He is listening, speak, HE is there, He made you for this very reason....

Embracing With Thy Heavenly Father, where ever two or three are gathered, There I will be, it's o.k to let go, for I see your tears softly falling, It's my Spirit filling your Heart, fear not, for I will Never Depart...

Copyright © Jennifer Donnay | Year Posted 2016

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The Microphone

The microphone, there it stands,  waiting for you to sing,
All of your feelings, to come out, hopefully to touch someone,
The microphone, stands alone, looking out onto the theatre, stadium, in front of all those empty seats.

The miles you've traveled, your life experiences, waiting go be sung, your love for music, all waiting to be shared,  someone in the audience is going through something, they have come to hear you sing, the words will change their life, sometimes bringing a tear. 

The microphone, is your tool, your voice is the gift from Heaven above, years and years, of singing, writing, the microphone has always been your companion,  it's time to step up to the stage, let the world go, just close your eyes, deep breath, bring everything you've been given over the years to the stage,  look out into the audience, see the smiling faces, they are here to hear you sing, Trisha yearwood, that Georgia girl is inside you, let's bring her out..

Copyright © Jennifer Donnay | Year Posted 2019

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Let me tell you about my life, are you listening?
I’m here but nobody is listening, they just look and laugh.
They tell me to sit up and act my age, but what about my pent up rage.
I get up for school, what to wear, so that nobody will laugh and stare.
Please help me feel good about my self, for all I want is to be told I have some self worth..

I can’t process like other kids, others expect me to be like them, I cry inside for fear of rejection, maybe I should just leave this place...

Please look into my eyes, hold my face in your loving hands, kiss my tear streaked face.

Autism isn’t something to fear, just know I’m Inside here somewhere, will you please just look inside?

Copyright © Jennifer Donnay | Year Posted 2021

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Spring Breeze

The trees are awaken by the soft blowing spring breeze, they are stretching their branches out as to welcome us back, the birds gently land as they start to serenade them with their beautiful songs.

The Spring Breeze blows gently as we step walk in natures bliss, we too are stretching our arms to take a deep cleansing breath, we have been hibernating deep in our cocoons that kept us warm and snug, now we must unfold ourselves and let our beauty be seen, as like a butterfly we too must take flight.

The ducks, seagulls, fly overhead, sharing their stories as we listen to them squawk, flying in unison in a flying V. Wherever are their journey has taken them, only they know. 

The Spring Breeze blows harder this time, I know this is my sign, that summer is coming, and the clear blue skies will paint its own tapestry for us to enjoy, all together again, in Minnesota style with smiles, laughter, and natures special way.

Copyright © Jennifer Donnay | Year Posted 2015

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Unspoken Feelings

Unspoken love, unspoken feelings, I dont dare not speak,
Unspoken feelings of forbidden love, for fear of scrutiny, hatred,
How or where these feelings come from?
Unspoken love, from deep inside, is love really blind?

Unspoken love, unspoken feelings of love, am I really feeling this?
We make eye contact, we catch each others glimpse, give a wink,
My heart is overcome with a flood of feelings, my eyes look away in shame,
If you only you knew what this feels like inside me, but no words do I speak,
For only my pen and paper will ever see these words spoken in silence, for I am too weak.

Unspoken words, unspoken love, forbidden feelings, yet I am always thinking them,
Your heart, your personality, your eyes of love, compassion, your softly spoken words,
Make me wish I was you, for I will never reveal these secret feelings,
I am silent, I am in hiding, I am shamed for these feelings I have for you,  my heart belongs to someone now, yet I cant help how I feel, but dont worry, it will remain deep deep inside my heart,
Because I know If it was revealed, I would truly be unsure...

Copyright © Jennifer Donnay | Year Posted 2015

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Bad thoughts, self pity, self harm, it may seem harmless to you, but its not the answer to subdue your inner pain deep inside you.

To practice self love, true inner peace, is to be thankful for your God given gifts, you smile from inside out, to bring peace to others, when they around you are filled with darkness and doubt.

The image you see with your eyes is not the true scenery that really counts, for its always starts within deep in your heart. Actions speak louder than words. Show your true peace, beauty with only your arms and hands.

Practice Ahimsa, speak with the tongue, only of true love, for all living things and beings on this earth. Let us be neighbors, friends, what a peaceful wish to dream about, if you try looking at the heart, and not with your mind, for beauty within has no disguise..

Copyright © Jennifer Donnay | Year Posted 2015

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Monarch Butterfly

Monarch butterfly, how majestic, how iconic,
Monarch butterfly, how beautiful are your wings of yellow and black,
You fly through the air with strength and ease,
Yet without a guide, only your inner GPS, to guide you along,
Monarch butterfly, we pray you are not without a home.

Monarch butterfly, we are all in awe of you,
Your gentle wings have touched our souls,
The will to keep going to your flowers for nectar,
We are here waiting for you to return to us,
We love seeing your soft spoken breeze, kiss our cheeks with your good luck.

Monarch butterfly, we are here waiting for your flight home,
We promise to plant milkweed, so that you can be fed, 
We know when your come to see your special space,
That our loved ones gone before us, have come to say "I love you".

Majestic monarch butterfly, we will be here waiting for you to land,
Thank you for showing us your endless beauty.

Copyright © Jennifer Donnay | Year Posted 2015

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Paddleboard In the Summer

Summer is finally here, what a pleasant time, the calm sweet smell of the spring breeze, blowing through your hair, bringing you to a calm surreal place, everyone is enjoying themselves, taking in the scene. 

Its finally time to enjoy yourself, to forget about work, stress, and just be yourself, everyone is swimming and splashing around in the lake, you too will be enjoying yourself in this wonderful place.

Its time to take the first step into the summer lake, you ease your paddle board down on the rocky beach, as you feel the cool water touch your skin, tiny fish and tapoles come to greet you, they've come to say hello.. 

Your at peace, your mind knows this is your sacred church, the ducks and seagulls are your congreation, only you and the water are one, with a clear blue sky to ease your worries away.  No deadlines to meet, no students to talk to, just your mindfulness to concentrate on, is all that needs to be done. 

The calm clear water glides under your board, as you are enjoying the surroundings around you, take a deep cleansing breath, this is your time Christa, its been too long of a wait, let your stress and your burdens slowly take flight, you may be lucky and see a eagle fly above, that is Mother nature's sign that you are doing what you love. 

No watch to look at, and no phone to answer, only the beauty of the lake and what a peaceful time being in the right now, whereever you go, there you are..

Copyright © Jennifer Donnay | Year Posted 2015

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Through the Camera Lens

Through the camera lens, why do you seek me out?
Trough the camera lens,  For I wish to escape your sight,
Through the camera lens,  I wish to run away, choose someone else,
I dont want to be seen as I am, for I am really ashamed.

Through the camera lens,  do you see the true me inside?,
I wish to hide,  its all I really know, 
I see you still there Sarah,  please turn away, for I am not worthly of being captured  
for others to view and  seek for appreciation or beauty, turn the camera around please?
You are the one who I wish to shine brightly,  you are the wind beneath my wings,
Through the camera lens, it will capture all my faults,  too late It has already been shown,
At least I dont have to see it,  you can keep it for yourself...
Because only you have seen whats truly inside my heart..

Copyright © Jennifer Donnay | Year Posted 2015

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Unspoken Emotions

Unspoken emotions,  they are naturally felt, rarely spoken out loud,
Unspkoen emontions,  you feel it in your heart, embracing with all the heart, 
         Unspoken emontions,  true friendships are one of a kind,
True friendships,  don't ever let it go,  the healing touch of a friendly hand,
            Unspoken emotions,  only you two can be overcome with it's nostalgia..

Unpoken love, respect, beauty from inside,  hold on tight,  dont ever let go...
            To experience it is unexpainable,  only shown through unconditional love,
                                    Between two people who share a special bond..

Copyright © Jennifer Donnay | Year Posted 2015


Book: Reflection on the Important Things