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Best Poems Written by Edgar R. Eslit

Below are the all-time best Edgar R. Eslit poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Ode To Msu-Iit

Oh MSU-IIT, a campus so grand
A university that's known throughout the land
A place of learning, where knowledge abounds
A community of scholars, that truly astounds

From the towering buildings, that reach for the sky
To the green fields, that's worth the eye
A campus that's vast, and full of life
A place that's thriving, without the strife

In your classrooms, lies a wealth of wisdom
From the best professors, who teach with precision
A curriculum that's diverse, and truly enriching
A foundation of excellence, that's worth the praising

Your libraries, a haven of knowledge and resources
From the books that enlighten, to the journals that reinforce
A treasure trove of information, that's worth exploring
A source of inspiration, that's worth adoring

Your laboratories, a hub of innovation and discovery
From the cutting-edge research, to the breakthroughs so noteworthy
A center of excellence, that's worth the commendation
A driving force of progress, that's worth the celebration

Your culture, so rich and diverse
A melting pot of traditions, that's worth to converse
A celebration of unity, that's worth to immerse
A symbol of harmony, that's worth to preserve

Your music, a fusion of sounds and rhythms
From the ancient gongs, to the modern beats that enlivens
A symphony of melodies, that's worth to listen
A showcase of talents, that's worth to witness

Your technology, a marvel of innovation and progress
From the cutting-edge devices, to the software that impress
A leap of advancement, that's worth to express
A solution to problems, that's worth to address

Your arts, a canvas of creativity and expression
From the visual arts, to the performing arts that fascinates
A showcase of talents, that's worth to elevate
A reflection of culture, that's worth to appreciate

Oh MSU-IIT, how you inspire
A university that sets the bar higher
A place of endless possibilities, that never expire
MSU-IIT, you're a beacon of hope, and a symbol of desire!

Copyright © Edgar R. Eslit | Year Posted 2023

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he ancestral house seemed smaller, today seen with eye glasses
The pathway seemed shorter, the mangoes grow loftier
It was once open field across the hill
Mushrooming subdivisions had blossomed
The little flower orchard had vanished

But anyhow we felt it would still be remembered
Harrowingly different, but pretty much the same

There was an unfamiliar children’s “bahay-bahayan”
On that path that we arranged
In front of that sagging waiting shed that stands
Beside the curve, where the old Mango tree grew

Surprisingly, forty years folded one summer day
And hurriedly become a springtime of our memory
of many growing trees, of many festivities
a spot where I wept one night after my mother died
and spent longer, in starry-starry nights holding newborn offspring is all there, in that small ancestral home

Facetious, but I'm glad they kept the wooden parrot
It has the same green eyes
That big black statue of St. Roque, along a stony pathway that we laid
still sits behind the curve, where the old mango tree grew

Copyright © Edgar R. Eslit | Year Posted 2020

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Ode To Manila

Oh Manila, pearl of the Orient seas
A city of contrasts, with so much to please
From the old-world charm of Intramuros
To the vibrant energy of Bonifacio Global City, that never slows

Your streets, always buzzing with life
A melting pot of cultures, that thrives
From the jeepneys that roam around
To the street food that astounds

The Manila Bay sunset, a beauty to behold
A spectacular sight, that never grows old
The colors of the sky, a canvas of art
A breathtaking moment, that tugs at the heart

And let's not forget your history, so rich
From Rizal Park to Fort Santiago, a niche
A proud heritage, that lives on
A symbol of your strength, that shines upon

In the heart of your city, lies
A historic landmark, that never dies
Malacañang Palace, a symbol of power
A palace of presidents, that stands tall like a tower

Your people, so resilient and kind
A friendly smile, that always unwind
A spirit of Bayanihan, that never dies
A community of heroes, that always rise

Oh Manila, how you inspire
A city of dreams, that never tire
A place of endless possibilities, that never ends
Manila, with Malacañang Palace, you will always be our friend.

Copyright © Edgar R. Eslit | Year Posted 2023

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Ode To Kuala Lumpur

Oh Kuala Lumpur, city of contrasts
Where ancient and modern, beautifully coexist
Your towering skyscrapers, a sight to behold
A modern metropolis, that never grows old

From the iconic Petronas Twin Towers
To the bustling streets of Bukit Bintang
A city that never sleeps, always alive
A true cosmopolitan, that continues to thrive

Amidst the concrete jungle, there lies
A hidden gem, that captures the eyes
The Batu Caves, a natural wonder
A sacred shrine, that never loses its thunder

Your street food scene, a culinary delight
From nasi lemak to roti canai, each a bite
A melting pot of flavors, that tantalize
A foodie paradise, that leaves us mesmerized

And let's not forget your people, so warm
A friendly smile, that always reforms
A diverse community, that welcomes all
A city of unity, that stands tall

Oh Kuala Lumpur, how you enchant
A city of dreams, that we all want to plant
A place of endless possibilities, that never cease
Kuala Lumpur, with Petronas Twin Towers, you truly please.

Copyright © Edgar R. Eslit | Year Posted 2023

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Chains of Poverty

In the corners of our world
Lies a pain that we can't ignore
A cry for help, a call for aid
From those who hunger, cold and poor

Their voices muted, by the noise
Of our own lives, so full of joys
But if we pause, and truly see
Their plight, we'll know what we must be

For poverty, it's not a curse
But a problem we must all reverse
With every step, and every act
We can help bridge this cruel fact

We can give hope, we can give love
We can lift their eyes, to the skies above
For in our hands, lies the power
To change their fate, in this very hour

So let us rise, with hearts of gold
And break the chains, of poverty's hold
For in their smiles, we'll find our own
And build a world, that's truly home

A world where none are left behind
And every soul, can truly find
The love, the peace, the joy they need
To flourish, and to truly be freed

So let us stand, with hands held high
And wipe the tears, from every eye
For in this fight, we must unite
And end poverty, with all our might.

Copyright © Edgar R. Eslit | Year Posted 2023

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Ode To Singapore

Oh Singapore, the Lion City, how you roar
A marvel of modernity, a city to adore
Your skyline soars high into the heavens
A testament to the ambition of your citizens

And there, the Merlion stands proud and tall
Half lion, half fish, a symbol of your soul
A creature of myth, that captures the heart
A beacon of hope, that sets us apart

In every corner, a blend of cultures thrive
A melting pot of people, who come alive
From Chinatown to Little India, each a delight
A feast for the senses, a captivating sight

Your Gardens by the Bay, a masterpiece of art
A verdant oasis, that soothes the heart
With Supertrees that reach up to the sky
A wonderland of greenery, that leaves us awry

Your hawker centers, a gastronomic paradise
A haven for foodies, with endless delights
From Hainanese chicken rice to laksa
A taste of Singapore, we cannot miss

And let's not forget your disciplined order
A hallmark of your efficiency, without a border
Clean and green, a city-state so fine
Singapore, you truly are divine

So here's an ode to Singapore, a city of dreams
A place of endless possibilities, or so it seems
A lion that roars with might and power
Singapore, you reign supreme, hour by hour.

Copyright © Edgar R. Eslit | Year Posted 2023

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Best Teachers

In the presence of my gifted teachers
our classroom becomes a delightful place
In the hands of my gifted teachers
There is laughter in every student's lips
In the company of my gifted teachers
Creative thinking is everywhere
In the palms of my gifted teachers
There is hope that genuinely prospers
In the lectures my gifted teachers
Imagination and knowledge are awakened
In the voice of my gifted teachers
The memories of the past are shaken
In the advice of my gifted teachers
Creativity and skills are modeled
In the prayers of my gifted teachers
All kinds of blessings are shared
In the guidance of my gifted teachers
faith and Talents are finely set
In the encouragement of my gifted teachers
My future is made complete

Copyright © Edgar R. Eslit | Year Posted 2020

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Breaking Down Borders

Borders, lines drawn in the sand
Dividing people, dividing land
But in our hearts, we know it's true
We are one, me and you

For deep inside, we all yearn
To cross these borders, to learn
From each other, from every race
And build a world, a better place

A world where all are seen as one
And love and peace are never done
Where cultures blend, and colors merge
And all are welcomed, with open courage

For in this world, we truly see
The beauty of our humanity
And realize that we all belong
Together, in a borderless throng

So let us tear down these walls
And rise above our fears and falls
For in unity, we find our strength
And create a world of endless length

A world where love is all we know
And borderless society can truly grow
Where every heart, every voice is heard
And we live together, in one world.

Copyright © Edgar R. Eslit | Year Posted 2023

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In the depths of his mind, a guy in enigma
Wandered through the haze of his own confusion
He had lost his way, and could not find his place
He searched for answers, but only found more questions
Lost in the labyrinth of his own thoughts
He felt as though he were a ship adrift on stormy seas

He had always been a man of mystery
But now, his mind was wrapped in an enigma
He couldn't make sense of his own thoughts
And his heart was filled with confusion
He longed for clarity, for answers to his questions
He searched for a way out, for a path to a better place

But even in his darkest hour, he felt a trace
Of hope, a light in the depths of his mystery
He knew that he must find the answers to his questions
And break through the veil of his enigma
He longed to be free from the chains of his confusion
To find his way back to a familiar place

And then, one day, he saw her face
His lost lover, who could show him the way to a better place
He felt a surge of hope, and his confusion
Began to clear, as if lifting the veil of his enigma
He knew that he could solve the mystery
And find the answers to his questions
With her by his side, he felt a sense of calm and grace

As they walked together, they found a new place
A home, where he could finally put an end to his confusion
And answer all of his questions
He was no longer lost in the enigma
But had found a way out, thanks to his lover's mystery
He knew that he would never forget the lessons he had been taught

Now, he looks back on his past with a sense of wonder and thought
Knowing that he had found his place
And solved the riddle of his own enigma
With the help of his lover, he had overcome his confusion
And finally unraveled the mystery
That had plagued him with so many questions

And so, he lives now without any more questions
But instead, with a sense of gratitude and thought
For his lover, who helped him solve the mystery
And led him to his rightful place
No longer lost in the enigma of his own confusion
But free to embrace life and its enigmatic grace.

Copyright © Edgar R. Eslit | Year Posted 2023

Details | Edgar R. Eslit Poem

Rising Strong

Resiliency, a trait so strong and true,
A force that helps us weather every storm,
And keeps us steadfast, no matter what we do,
With fortitude that helps our hearts transform.

In times of strife, when life seems bleak and hard,
When everything we know is upside down,
It's resiliency that helps us guard
Against despair, and keeps us on solid ground.

It's the power that we find deep inside,
When all else seems to fail us and let us down,
And it's the strength that helps us to abide,
And rise again, when we've been knocked to the ground.

So let us strive to cultivate this trait,
And be resilient, no matter our fate.

Copyright © Edgar R. Eslit | Year Posted 2023


Book: Shattered Sighs