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Best Poems Written by Ashlee Mora

Below are the all-time best Ashlee Mora poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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The Girl You Think You Know

She is sad,
but what else is new.
She is hurt,
well you would be too.
She is dying,
only from what she has done.
She is alone,
because she wants no one.
She is lonely,
because she pushes everyone away.
She is a mess,
because she secretly wants you to stay.
She is judged,
so she hides her face.
She is ignored,
and wishes she could be erased.
She is suicidal,
because she is tired of living.
She is depressed,
because she doesn't think life is worth winning.
She is confused,
because of everyone else.
She is stressed,
because she does it to herself.
She is messed up,
because of her past.
She is misunderstood,
and she hopes that won't last.
She is tired,
but still living.
She is in pain,
but still smiling.
She is screaming,
but stays silent.
She is hurt,
but won't show it.

So the truth behind everything is finally set free,
Because She...
                  IS ME

Copyright © Ashlee Mora | Year Posted 2015

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Troubled Soul

Day after day
  I lose hope.
My happiness is not real
  I wear a mask.
My true self is broken and covered in scars.
  No one can help me.
There is no point.
  I won't let anyone inside
My heart has grown cold
  and my eyes have shed enough tears to last a life time.
It just seems like
  I am just a troubled soul.
Not worth saving.
  Self conscious about everything.
These scars I have on my wrist prove,
  I mask my true feelings 
Until it is to late.
Hurt  I lose hope
  in this world day after day.
Is life worth the fight?
  I don't know anymore.
Thoughts of death fill my head.
  Sometimes i want to make them a reality.
I am broken and I can't be fixed.
  What do I do now?
No one can fix me, not anymore.
  I am just a troubled soul.
I just want die.
  Some days I fear that I will do it.
Hurting others when I leave.
I am becoming detached from everyone.
I can't tell others to stay strong when,
  I am not strong myself.
What do I do now?
Should I just die?
Should I inflict pain?
What is left for me?
What am I now?
I am just a Troubled Soul.e

Copyright © Ashlee Mora | Year Posted 2015

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Her gentle heart aches
Pain hided deep in her soul and
Tears rain from her eyes.

Copyright © Ashlee Mora | Year Posted 2015

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The Scars You Have

Sit, stare, blink.
Sit, stare, think.
Sit and think?
Think about the world?
think about your past.
Those cuts caused by you,
    have healed at last.
You stare at the scars 
that have accumulated over time.
And you think to yourself,
    the choice, was all mine.
The pain you have endured is written
        In your skin.
People ask,
    "How do you do it?"
You're taken over by the sadness within.
And you resort to making marks
    in your skin.
You can't explain why it feels so
As you grip that piece of metal in your hand
    so tight.
Why do you enjoy the pain that you cause?
It can't be explained.

You sit and cry.
Every time you blink tears fall
    from your eyes.
Each time that thin blade slides across
    your skin.
You feel another pain within
Dark thoughts fill your head,
And you think.
    You are better off dead.
Ever time you use that blade.
You know your life hangs by a small string,
    and you feel your happiness begin to fade.
All you want is someone
    to understand you.
Someone that knows what you 
    have been through.
Not just a friend 
But someone who is there for you,
    for days on end.
Does that person exist?
You begin to lose hope,
    as the days pass you by.
Those scars you have hidden under your shirt,
make you lose hope on happiness,
    and you feel a stab to your heart.
Who would love someone with scars all over their body?
The answer that comes to your mind is,
You want to believe otherwise but.
    your mind and heart are set on that answer.
You feel those tears well up in your eyes.
And the next thing you know
    another part of you dies.
And you feel that blood flow.

Copyright © Ashlee Mora | Year Posted 2016

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I Am Depressed

People say chin up
But I just feel like giving up
People say smile and it will all go away
But I feel like crying each day

Everything takes effort to do
This constant pain is so hard to live through
Lye in bed and see the day dawning 
Hate myself for waking up that morning

I know I need help and I know I need support
don’t wanna spend my life feeling this way, it’s just to short
But I just can't seem to speak out
Say what this feelings all about

Even if I did tell someone what could they do?
I don’t think they could fix this, do you?
I’m so sick and tired of feeling this way
I want to smile and laugh for real and be happy each and every day

There’s sometimes in the day when I forget about it all
When I smile and laugh, but when I remember it’s like a ten thousand foot fall
Do you know what its like for your eye’s to constantly sting
Do you know what it’s like to be happy and at the same time feel nothing

I don’t think I could end it without living the rest of my life
See my mind and body shudders when I think of picking up a knife
But I really don’t feel like I can carry on this way
Feeling so low and empty each and everyday

It’s so hard for me to admit to myself exactly what’s wrong
Hard for me to show myself that I’m not that strong
This idea of happiness, you may say I’m a little obsessed
But I think right now I finally see…. I’m depressed

Copyright © Ashlee Mora | Year Posted 2016

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There Once Was a Girl

There once was a girl
Who hated the world
And everyone around her.
She would always replace
The smile on her face
With a frown that showed all her pain.
She would struggle to find
The meaning behind
The pain she hid deep inside her.
The reasons why 
She would always hide
And push everyone away.
Why people would treat her bad
And wounder if she had
To believe the harsh Words that were spoken.
To give in to the pressure
Becoming unsure
Of her importance in the world.
She began to question everything around her
Wondering if it would ever get better
Or if people would change.
But she held her head up high
And said goodbye
To the harsh people that would treat her badly.
She began to see the world with new eyes
And saw nothing but clear blue skies
Her world was changing for the better.
She no longer believes the harsh words spoken about her
And no longer gives into the pressure
She always has a big bright smile on her face
That can never be replaced.

Copyright © Ashlee Mora | Year Posted 2016

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What Happened

I can't ever look at myself the same
So many things about me have changed.
irreversible things.
Scars cover my arms, each with a story.
Each story of heartbreak and deception.
All the things I want to forget 
I can't
They are forever written in my skin.
My stories keep adding up.
So as the author,
I add to my collaboration of marks.
and I ask my self one question.
What Happened?

Copyright © Ashlee Mora | Year Posted 2015

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The Feeling

I never thought my days would lose all their color or the brightness would fade from my smile. 
But after awhile...
I got scared when you got close to me. 
I didnt see my feelings for what they ought to be... 
All because I was afraid of a harsh reality. 
But now I cry...
I realize ... Only now
What I've done and how...
But what can I do now? 
I didn't think it would bother me like it did you.
But.... that was wrong too.
Never thought seeing you touch her would make me feel so sick.
Or make my breath so thick... 
I can't breathe without strain.
As those images repeat in my brain...
What do I do about the pain?
I guess I just watch this game...
And take it because I deserve this torture.
All because I did the same horror....
I'm sorry....
But it will never be..

Copyright © Ashlee Mora | Year Posted 2020

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The Broken

You want to take a walk in the broken's shoes?
Feel the pain of the cut, the burned and the bruised.
Those of us who can't keep away from the abuse.. 
How about you?
Do you feel it too?
The pain of walking in the broken's shoes.

You struggle to see how the broken still stand
Those of us who just need a loving hand,
Scattered across this depressing land,
All wearing the same black band,
The sign of the hopelessly damned.

Can you see this world's light?
Well to us its not to bright.
Just hoping for the delight
But only living with fright,
And a sorrowful plight,
The children of moonlight.

So to the moon we stare
Wondering if anyone would care
To understand the pain we share.
To save us from this nightmare,
And the band we all bare.

So take a walk in the broken's shoes.
Understand the pain of the cut, the burned and the bruised.
Save us from the world's abuse
Let us know what you choose
Since you're one of us now too.

Copyright © Ashlee Mora | Year Posted 2020

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Walk Away

Walk, walk, walk away,
Come back to me some other day.
When the flowers bloom, 
And life has lost its somber gloom,
When we both are saved from this mental tomb.

Pack, pack, pack away,
Precious moments we thought would stay.
Don't stay alone when we sit and yelp..
Seek forgivness, ask for help,
Whatever we need to save ourselves.

Wait, wait, wait away,
The heartache, tears, fears and dismay.
Cry for me love and I'll cry for you, 
And maybe someday, hold you too.

Life is short, but love is strong, 
Maybe again someday, we'll hear its call. 
Live for me, like I lived for you.
Pursue your dreams because they will come true.
I hope to see you when we both are new.
But until then, I love you...

Copyright © Ashlee Mora | Year Posted 2022


Book: Shattered Sighs