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Best Poems Written by Billy Jones

Below are the all-time best Billy Jones poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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The Trump Virus

So You think the Toupee is Smart
An Orange little Toddler
Who Thought it was cool
To Hate People Who were Different
And Tweets without manners or rules

Where did He come from?
Who chose this crazy fool
Am I the only one that sees
Right is right and wrong is Trump

It is about time to wake up
Smell the Cesspool that has come
Time is short for those with a Heart
Being Inhumane is an evil crime

Think before You Support
Your Commander of the Camps 
If You wish to live free
My advice is not to go grabbing a woman's front tushy

Copyright © Billy Jones | Year Posted 2020

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Shall It Never End

spiral stair cases flying in the sun
soaring in the clouds above the moon
 waiting for juliet to come from above
to guide romeo with passions and love

 together they soar through space and time
love that never dies is beyond all time
 though they no longer have earthly form
their smiles are gentile and warm

it is without doubt that it was meant to be
floating in clouds of a crystal sea
hand in hand they fly past the moon
into the mists of the eternal mind

Copyright © Billy Jones | Year Posted 2018

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Fallen Angel

Fallen Angels why do you die
You leave the Earth
You didn't say goodbye
You left us like a soft sigh

Love of life in the beyond
Soft kisses like a snowflake in the wind
You are the light in my eyes
Living life into the end

You are not gone but in our hearts
Making us smile at what you were
now you move at the speed of light
So fast now in your world you are a blur

Can you come and touch my heart
I need your love and breath
Before I fall apart
And myself and face death

Who were you before you left
And left a void in this world
A song from the moon and sky
So with your voice the sky swirled

Come back to my mind
You are missing from our lives
You are always loved
Your memory is so kind

You never died but transformed
Glowing like a moonbeam
Flowing like a river
I miss you forever

Copyright © Billy Jones | Year Posted 2018

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Do Not Prey But Do Pray

Do not Prey But do Pray

Be as You wish to be
Seen as one of light
Be Human Not a Predator
Love above is near Us

I want Us to Thrive in Life
Not to Live under a Knife
Freedom for one and all
And be Who We can Be

Love of money is not right
It is like a Theif in the night
A smile is free as a Bird
Give it away everyday

Show You care about this World 
It is all We have to share
Be a wonder to another Soul
Let Our Love be Our goal

Copyright © Billy Jones | Year Posted 2018

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The Golden Door

With Shine and Glimmer of such Beauty
It whispers to You to come near
Giving Promises of what is to come
and what it says is Perfectly clear

a place of no pain or hunger
where you are truly free
everywhere there is light
no gravity and you take flight

what you may ask is beyond that door
it is the next phase in life
and fear it not for it shall be
because it is the next step of our soul

where do we go from here
you only know when you get there 
you might sleep a billion years
or you might only be gone in a twinkling

Death is beyond that door
it is not a ending at all
but a page turned and we all go there
embrace this, do not dispare it

some say there is a heaven
so I might say this is hell
what awaits us is written in stone
but in the end we are not alone

Copyright © Billy Jones | Year Posted 2019

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You Are a Star In My Sky

You are a Star in My Sky

You are a Star in My Sky
My Eyes Twinkle at Your Light
So high above in Space above
My Love for You feels so right

I catch My Breath at Your Beauty
No other can compare to You
So with My Heart i Sware this
And it shall be sealed with a Kiss

I find no way to tell You how I feel
But I can show you that i Truely Do
To hold Your Hand and Smile with Pride
You are the One Who Touches me deep inside

Without You Life would be empty
Not full and worth what is called Love
So I now tell You here and now
I Love You more than My last Breath

Copyright © Billy Jones | Year Posted 2018

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You Are the Key To My Heart

You are the Key to My Heart

You turn the lock with Your Smile
And Open My Heart with a word
Nothing I want More for You I adore
I would walk a mile in fire for a kiss

Something deep inside pulls Me on
Because I cannot forget how i feel
You flip the switch that turns Me on
Inside My body My heart is like a wheel

Love is all I want and need from only You
So with these words is all i can give
Because You are the reason I was Born
So with Prayer I sware to You I do

I cannot hide how I feel for You
Because You can see with Your Own eyes
What I tell You are never lies
So I hope this comes true and no suprise

I will keep You in My Heart as long as I live
And never forget Your Face and smile
For You are My Angel in My nights
Come to Me and with love We take Flight

Copyright © Billy Jones | Year Posted 2018

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Twas the Night Before Halloween

Twas the night before Halloween

Twas the night before Halloween
And all though the Mansion 
the boards Started to squeak
was it air expansion

Out in the Halls forms came to sight
Flowing out of walls a erie fright
They sailed down the halls
A foot or two off the floor

Down the stairs they glided without a sound
Into the yard They gathred up and looked to the Sky
Watching the Witches Streaking by like falling Stars
On Their journey for which they were born

In the Lawn Hands Reach up out of the ground
Climbing up to be free to roam the World
Wolves howl at the Moon calling for Darkness
On the Hunt they go looking to cure the hunger

The vail grows thin between 2 Worlds
One of Us and One of Them
A Bell tolls at Midnight far away
Calling in a Dawn of a new Day

Remember those who have passed
For someday we shall become them
You are Us and We shall become them
Bodies Die, Souls Never Shall!

Copyright © Billy Jones | Year Posted 2018

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Tis Nothing Like My Dearest Friends

Tis nothing like My Dearest Friends , They are what keeps me going to the next day, they make me smile, for life is good, they make me laugh at times i could not, most i have never seen, but i feel their love from afar, i drink a toast to those who stand tall and help those both big and small!

Copyright © Billy Jones | Year Posted 2016

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She Is the Cat's Meow

She is the Cats Meow

As She walks down the street
Smiles at the people she meets
With a slink in her walk 
As Pretty as a Spring Day

Has a Dress that fits Her curves
And a Purple Hat at a tilt
Her voice has a little Purr
Her voice has a slight Scottish lilt

People can't help but stop and stare
She walks on without a care
All the Men want Her for Their own
She wants a Love that has no price

For this one is beyond all compare
Crimson Lips so fine with a Little twist
Hair of Raven and down to her wrist
What one would give to have this Treasure

I would give my all to have such a sweet
But She is the Cat's Meow and is free
Someday might come when She fines the one
I hope and pray that I am There That day

Copyright © Billy Jones | Year Posted 2018


Book: Reflection on the Important Things