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Best Poems Written by Tony Sampson

Below are the all-time best Tony Sampson poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Voodoo Doll

There's a person you'd like to curse,
so a voodoo doll, then make first;
Upon that doll now cast a spell, 
summoned from the wicked in hell;
Now you need some pins and needles,
bring the pain of pitch forked devils;
The length of pins make sure are long,
the devils pain will be more strong;
The more a needle's thick and round,
will make the pain be more profound;
Must take your victims' lock of hair,
attach it to the doll to wear;
The doll, up high, hold in the air,
Into the doll's eyes, you must stare;
Call the doll by your victims name,
while at the doll, the needle aim;
Curse the name as you stab it in,
twisting and turn it as you grin;
With needles stuck about the head,  
each needle deeply did embed;
With legs, all over, stuck with pins, 
you now must wish the curse begins.

Copyright © Tony Sampson | Year Posted 2014

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Murder, In the First Degree

He went to a public library that's quiet and free; 
And was arrested for murder,  in the first degree; 

Inside the library, there was a book to find, 
Slowly he approached his victim, an ol' woman who's kind; 

Close to her backside, he stood lurking behind, 
Little ol' granny was reading and paid him no mind; 

The quick use of his weapon caused her to drop dead on the spot, 
It was the eyeball witness who saw, that's how he got caught; 

The jury must now see the weapon t'was horribly used, 
But the killer tried to hide his nose and loudly refused; 

Now her death that came from his loud sharp sneeze, 
Made her heart quickly stop, quiver, and seize; 

So his hands were shackled and the murder weapon was viewed, 
The jury gasped loudly for air, outraged was their mood; 

Soon after his shnozzle was clearly depicted, 
The jury was unanimous, ... they quickly convicted.

Copyright © Tony Sampson | Year Posted 2006

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Your Four Tires

You have made me so very fierce, 
So your car tires, I now will pierce; 

To find you car then, yes I must
Tire by tire, my knife to thrust; 

With an ice pick, should I swing, 
From your tires, be some air leaking; 

They may even give a 'hissssss', 
All four tires, I will not miss; 

Loudly can the tire blast, 
Loss of air will be so fast; 

A loud 'pop' might be the sound, 
Quick, your rims will hit the ground; 

And each tire I give a blow, 
Will make the sound of air letting go; 

May even give 'em a second slice, 
Cause you'll be paying the replacement price; 

Them four tires, I can so easily stick, 
And you won't catch me, I'll do it quick; 

It's your four tires that I plan to poke, 
And I want you to know this is no joke.

Copyright © Tony Sampson | Year Posted 2006

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Whistling Tires

When I bent and reached there down, 
The tire made a hissing sound; 

Each puncture made a blow, 
Releasing air and letting it flow; 

Now look who got that simple gift, 
Some flat tires, did so swift; 

See the car I'm standing near? 
Has whistling tires that I hear!

Copyright © Tony Sampson | Year Posted 2006

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Was TIME born with all the sky?
Can TIME suffer and also die?
Is TIME flat? Or is TIME round?
Where is TIME? Can TIME be found?
Is TIME there with each beat of the heart?
Was TIME there from the very start?
Must TIME go to that being made?
Does TIME show by that being fade?
Can TIME give and also take?
Must TIME be for that to make?
Is TIME real? How is TIME there?
Can TIME be found in a breath of air?
Does the portal of TIME drape the eye that blinks?
Can TIME be more stranger than a brain that thinks?
Does TIME provide a way dimensions are spaced?
Are all creatures of TIME somehow inwardly paced?
Is all manner of TIME with all matter that be?
Does TIME flow endlessly?
How does the future with TIME flow past?
Does TIME move slow? Can TIME move fast?
Is TIME rough? Or is TIME smooth?
Can TIME have inflame? How does TIME soothe?
Is TIME bound? Or is TIME free?
Is TIME that what is meant to be?

Copyright © Tony Sampson | Year Posted 2006

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Unseen Burden

Oh, heavenly Father, I request, 
That an unseen burden be put to rest; 

Its unrest, would you heal? 
There's trouble inside me, that I feel; 

From the heart, its cry, I bear, 
I thank you, Lord, for being there; 

Better feeling? Yes, I do, 
Christ lives, it is true!

Copyright © Tony Sampson | Year Posted 2006

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Feel captivities firm grip smother out the fun, 
The stretch of its reach felt with each pass of the sun; 

Metal doors slam shut, rumbling its echo down the hall, 
Now come jail bar shadows to lurk upon the night wall; 

There would come death to silence but for the jailers' keys, 
To rattle the quite where freedom none sees; 

Moment by moment goes time so deep to know, 
Where the inuring gloom of imprisonment, time creeps so very slow;

Copyright © Tony Sampson | Year Posted 2006

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With All That May Ever Be

Movement of matter, with time find name, 
However it may be there must also be flame; 

Casting out matter becoming planets in tow, 
To circle the flame in an orderly flow; 

Time there will be for that flame to give light, 
Behold there now, both day and the night; 

Movement of matter with time let there grow, 
That which will learn and also know; 

And there with all that may ever be, 
There came forth you and also me;

Copyright © Tony Sampson | Year Posted 2006

Book: Reflection on the Important Things