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Best Poems Written by Rodney Mendoza

Below are the all-time best Rodney Mendoza poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Rekindled Love

Although I met you long ago it seems like we just met. I remember it like it was yesterday. It's a day I'll never forget. And now you're here back in my life and feels just like a dream. Because the one thing I always remembered about you were your eyes. They still have that gleam. So now it seems like time stood still so we could meet again. And now this feels just like the beginning of a love that will not end. So I often wonder about this feeling of love that I felt for you. And I often crave for that beautiful feeling of your love that feels so true. But there are days when reality hits and I realize that you're not mine. And that maybe the love you had for me has suddenly run out of time. Because some days there's not enough time it seems. For up to laugh and joke and share our dreams. And there's not enough time for us to be just a man and a woman. Just you just me. And there's not enough time for us to kiss. Or for me to tell you things like this. So if I could I'd find a way. To stop all the clocks on earth today. And then maybe even that won't do. Because I need an eternity for loving you. But if I could love you just for today. I think maybe even I would be ok. And then when you kiss me I'll know it's right. Because our rekindled love will last all night. c. R. Mendoza

Copyright © Rodney Mendoza | Year Posted 2015

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A Letter To My Recovery Sister's

Dear Sister's,

            I remember when you arrived on that very first day.
You looked really sad and had nothing to say. The pain in your eyes told your story all 
To well. But I knew in my heart you still had a story to tell. When I looked at your face 
I could see your pain. Because what you held inside could drive a sane man insane. You have seen and did a lot of things. Some of them bad. Some of what you did would make a happy person sad. But let me tell you this sister's. Do not despair. 
Now that changing your life you are going somewhere. You have told your story and freed your soul. So put those bad things behind you because now they are old. Now you have pep in your step and your swagger is back. And in a matter of time there will be nothing you'll lack. You are beautiful human being's and you deserve the 
Best. And so far lady's you have past the test. So keep pushing my sister's. Don't stop trying. You already shed your tears so now you can stop crying. By the grace of God you have gone through the fire. If any one says you didn't they're a bold face liar. 
So from the bottom of my heart I know you'll recover. 

                                                              Sincerely yours,
                                                                             Your recovery brother.

Copyright © Rodney Mendoza | Year Posted 2015

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In Loving Memory of Someone Else

We were all saddened to learn of the death this week of one of our hardest working citizens. SOMEONE ELSE.  When SOMEONE ELSE died it created a huge void in our community that will be difficult to fill. SOMEONE ELSE was with us for many years. SOMEONE ELSE always did far more than a normal person's share of the work. Whenever there was a job to do, overtime to pull, or a meeting to attend. One name was always on everyone's lips. "Let SOMEONE ELSE do it". Whenever there was a need everyone just assumed that SOMEONE ELSE would volunteer. It was common knowledge that SOMEONE ELSE was the hardest worker in our community. SOMEONE ELSE was a wonderful person who often appeared superhuman. In all honesty. Everyone expected to much of SOMEONE ELSE. So now that SOMEONE ELSE is gone, what will happen to our schools, our children, our churches, our community. SOMEONE ELSE left a marvelous example for us to follow. But now who is going to do the work SOMEONE ELSE did. Will it be you. Or will it be SOMEONE ELSE. c. Rodney Mendoza

Copyright © Rodney Mendoza | Year Posted 2015

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Angel Wings

We all had to crawl before we could walk.                                                              And all of us mumbled before we could talk.                                                               When our life first started the world was at our feet.                                                    There wasn't anything in life that we could not defeat.                                                 We all receive our blessings from the very same GOD.                                                 With his blessing our life is easy. It isn't very hard.                                                     But we let the devil enter our life through the door that we left unguarded.                   But God gave us all the warnings. The same warnings we disregarded.                         We disregarded GODS warnings and we let the devil have his go.                                 And ever since that fateful day he has been killing us nice and slow.                            But the good thing about our GOD. He doesn't forsake what he has made.                    Even though we didn't listen and we continually disobeyed.                                          He continues to save our life even in our darkest hour.                                                Because the good thing about our GOD is that no one can defeat his power.                  His power encompasses the world and his blessings never end.                                    His love is everlasting and on his grace you can depend.                                              When GOD created us as his children he had only two things in mind.                          He wanted us to be loving and to each other we should be kind.                                   So if during our life we do only those two things.                                                        Whenever we enter the gates of heaven we should get our angel wings. c. R. Mendoza

Copyright © Rodney Mendoza | Year Posted 2015

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Veterans Who Remain

Although we are known as veterans we're still soldiers in our heart. And although the war still rages on, we still remain to do our part. We still remain to carry the burden and the tears of the soldiers who have died. And we remain to see our wounded friends. That's their testament that they tried. And although we no longer fight on the bloody battlefield of hell. We still remain behind for those who will listen to the stories that we tell. We tell of friends that were forged like a precious diamond in time. And of the love we have for all soldiers that no one can ever define. Our war wages on inside of us for an eternity with no peace. Because as long as our comrades die, the war for us does not cease. We still remain to fight our silent battle and shed our silent tear. But we remain to show our comrades that we're veterans who still care. There is nothing that can silence our battle cry and nothing that can ease our pain. Because we will always be soldiers. We are the veterans who still remain. c. R. Mendoza

Copyright © Rodney Mendoza | Year Posted 2015

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Harlem New York

I walked through Harlem just the other day. The Harlem I knew as a child has totally gone away. I use to play hooky from school and I ran those streets at night. But now you can't even find a descent street fight. There use to be soul food joint's all over the place. But now Harlem New York has a different face. Don't get me wrong I think change is ok. But now there's other people living where I use to lay. 125th street just don't look the same. Now all the store's have different names. There use to be A.J. Lester's and the Record Shack. Now all the stores got names that are whack. Now I see an Old Navy store and a Chucky Cheese. Can someone tell me where Harlem went please. What happened to the movie theater between 7th and 8th. Now it sit's there just an empty old place. But the Apollo theater still looks good. It's always been the crown jewel of our neighborhood. And I remember when Harlem World was open night and day. But now even that spot is a damn Conway. Don't get our wrong it does look nice and pretty. But Harlem use to be it's very own city. You knew you were in Harlem when you walked down the street. Because Harlem use to have it's own heartbeat. But now we can't even afford the rents that they charge. Because everyone knows our pockets ain't that large. I'm afraid I'll go to sleep one night. And when I wake up Harlem will be all white. c. R. Mendoza

Copyright © Rodney Mendoza | Year Posted 2015

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The Saga of Betsy and Drew

There once was this girl named Betsy who lived on my block. This chick was so ugly she looked like a rock. She had two big titties and a scar on her thigh. She had a really big nose and only one eye. She use to mess around with this guy named Drew. And this guy was ugly too. He wore thick glasses and had really bad breath. He had a body odor that smelled like death. Late one night on November the third. Betsy was in her bathroom disposing of a turd. When there was a knock at her door that only she knew. You guessed it right. It was that ugly old Drew. He had a bag of weed and a bunch of crack. All bundled up in a brown paper sack. When she saw what he had she dropped her draws quick. But when Drew smelled her coochy he got really sick. The room got really funky and flies fell to the floor. He tried to make a run for it but he couldn't get to the door. When both of their odors hit the air there was a chemical reaction. The coroner said that both of their noses looked like Michael Jacksons. When Betsy and Drew took that breath it was their very last. The moral of this story is you got to wash your ass. c. R. Mendoza

Copyright © Rodney Mendoza | Year Posted 2015

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Not Just Only a Father

You were not just only our father. You were our provider and our king. And as your children we cherished all the blessings you would bring. You were always there for us to lean on and you worked tireless to the very end. You were not just only our Father. Your were also our dear close friend. Your were the one we could always count on to make us smile and make us feel glad. You were not just only our Father. You were our proud and gentle Dad. We were blessed by God to have you as our Father when we were placed upon this earth. And we will always have your greatest gift. You helped to orchestrate our birth. Proud Father Proud Dad Proud Man was always written on your face. You were not just only a Father. You were a Man who lived with grace. So today we ask God to console us and help us to understand. That although you are no longer with us. You have gone to Gods heavenly land. Proud Father Proud Dad Proud Man we say so long but never goodbye. We will always remember the man that you were and that you would not want us to cry. So with a heavy heart and a smile on our face we bid farewell with the slightest of glee. But we know in our Heart that your now with God and your spirit has been set free. c. R. Mendoza

Copyright © Rodney Mendoza | Year Posted 2015

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No More Hopeless Days

We should meet God in the morning and go to him through the day. And in the stillness of the night before our sleep comes we should pray. We should pray that God will take over all the problems that we couldn't solve. And that in the peacefulness of our sleep our problems will be resolved. We should pray that when we open our eyes to greet another day. We will find ourselves renewed in strength because Gods grace has come our way. We should pray that whatever seemed impossible for us to solve alone. That once again we'll be assured by God that we are never on our own. Because if we try to stand alone we are weak and we will fall. But God is always with us when we feel helpless, lost and small. So no day is unbeatable if we wake up with this thought. We should think to thank God for blessings that his loving care has brought. We can never be failures. Even if we're hopeless unsaved sinners. Because God is the only one who can turn losers into winners. So we should meet God in the morning and go with him through the day. And thank he for his guidance each morning when we pray. And if we follow faithfully this daily way to pray. We will never in our lifetime face another hopeless day. c. Rodney Mendoza

Copyright © Rodney Mendoza | Year Posted 2015

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Thank You Mothers

Thank you is not enough for all that you do. Because you do so many things for us and you never think of you. No one can ever say thank you Mother's because thank you is not enough. And no man can ever do what you do because no man is that tough. Without you Mother's what would we do? We probably wouldn't survive. And if not for you dear Mother's we would not be alive. So on this day we bless you and we thank you for your love. Because we know you were given to us by our thankful God above. God has blessed us with your presence and your eternal loving grace. And you always fill our hearts with joy when we see your endearing face. When we were young you held our hand and kept us safe from harm. And when things go bad we come to you because you always stay so calm. Throughout the years your wisdom has kept our lives on track. And we always knew we could depend on you because you never turn your back. So one day is not enough for you. You deserve a whole lot more. But for now our hearts say thank you. Your the one that we adore. So happy Mother's Day dear Mother's. May you have many more after this. And may we always be blessed with your beautiful smile and your wonderful Motherly kiss. c. R. Mendoza

Copyright © Rodney Mendoza | Year Posted 2015


Book: Reflection on the Important Things