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Best Poems Written by Andrei Manzon

Below are the all-time best Andrei Manzon poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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People desperately trying to find love, 
It's okay person,
You'll find it one day, 
Stop chasing it now my dear, 

It will come one day, 
Just like why the sun sets in the West
It's surely gonna happen one day to all of us, 
We either let go of said opportunity or don't,
It's still all up to us.

I have done both, 
And I regret both decisions, 
But I know one day she will come to me, 
One day I'll give her the warmest of embraces, 
One day she'll smile at me and see the world's happiness,
One day I'll see her smile and see my whole world.

Copyright © Andrei Manzon | Year Posted 2016

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Last Reply

Just a day I love to repeat again and again,
Till my heart stops beating for God knows when,
Once in my life I met someone so fit for me,
The missing piece of my own puzzle,
You fill my heart with glee

A new chapter begins under this new fresh horizon,
Everything just feels good without any reason,
All these things though cannot compare to you,
A girl as mystique,beautiful, and smart,
You are my Waterloo

Clear skies now end with dark clouds,
Storms arise to torment both of us with thunders so loud,
Rippling our pristine connection to each other, 
As a harsh reality looms in and keeps us from our forever

I am now lost and emotionless here, 
Stuck with these three useless words I wanted you to hear,
Under this tormented blood-red sky,
I'll always miss you and regret not saying good-bye.

Copyright © Andrei Manzon | Year Posted 2015

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What We Had

A girl trapped in her past,
I've fallen in love with you at last, 
But is this truly fading,
Or is it just destiny telling us that we're not happening, 

You give me a moment of bliss,
Your hug I'd always miss, 
Now you're this ghost I once knew, 
Just living her own life in this oblivion anew

Today is the second day since that date, 
A date I considered to be great, 
I saw the whole of you,
And I hope you liked me too

Nothing in this world is permanent, 
But let's just focus on the current, 
You're quitting on me,
And there will never be a We.

Copyright © Andrei Manzon | Year Posted 2014

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Elusive Warmth

Chasing the bliss sought by so many,
Running towards it with my legs going weary,
Carelessly I stumble upon a lot of disaster,
Because I thought I would acquire it even faster.

My tunnel vision allowed me to maim my own eyes,
To miss the bliss in a kind woman's guise,
For she was my beautiful kind loving friend,
Whose friendship I lost and forced to end.

I have been chasing the wrong kind of bliss,
For it was with my friend who I'll always miss,
Eternity my heart will never cease to chase,
Trapped in solitude in this empty barren space.

Copyright © Andrei Manzon | Year Posted 2016

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The Instance of Never

I could not bear this war between logic and love,
But remembering her face once again levitates my mind afloat,
Into the heavens my mind gracefully flies like a gleeful little dove,
And there I see reality once gain like a vast bottomless moat

I can never get across it,
For I am not worthy of the maiden that lies protected inside, 
As her beauty's like a fire that is eternally lit,
To end my whole heart forcing it to burn and divide

Into despair and sorrow I hesitantly go,
Each passing night they both give me the beautiful dreams,
Dreams of her fair kind wonderful soul that I know, 
A soul I can never share a life with, it seems.

Copyright © Andrei Manzon | Year Posted 2015

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To Death

Alas! We meet again!
We held fist against each other back then,
But once more now I see you,
And I am more than ready too.

Conceding to you my life,
For this conflict cannot be ceased by strife,
You are with the Almighty Divine,
And I thank you for the gift of extended Time.

Alas! My friend depart with me,
Guide me and give me the chance to be free,
Free from the clutches of life and its reality,
Grant me the feeling of eternal glee.

To my friends I say to you all,
Do not see my death as my own downfall,
For I am happy with my old friend who visits me now and then,
Let him do as he pleases for this is the fate of all men.

Copyright © Andrei Manzon | Year Posted 2014

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To the woman I look up to, 
To the rock that shielded me,
I will eternally thank you
For giving me this life with glee. 

To the woman that smiled away her pain, 
To the sword that slashed through my own, 
I will live on with all that I've gained 
From following the strength that you've shown. 

To the woman that promised life, 
To the light that has stopped shining, 
It's time to rest and end this strife,
Your restful passing a sorrowful silver lining. 

I will live on with your memory, 
I will live on for you, 
I will live on with your bravery, 
I will live on with no rue.

Copyright © Andrei Manzon | Year Posted 2016

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Withering Flower

This day is dying fast,
I'm afraid this would be the last.
Seeing her slowly fading away,
In her case she beautifully lay.

Tears hiding beneath the rain,
Fast pulses in my vein.
Frozen from this deep sorrow,
I wish that I'd skip to tomorrow.

Utter silence follows after grief,
My heart now is as fragile as a leaf.
She took my heart with her where she lay
And in sorrow I see her for the last time Today.

No type of bliss can carry me
From this torment that Death's given me with glee.
Once my lively beautiful flower,
Now withering in her final hour.

Copyright © Andrei Manzon | Year Posted 2014

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The One For Eternity and Beyond

I don't know whether I'm in love with her,
Or am I just trying to free myself from being alone, 
I don't want to see her cry, 
I can't even imagine a world without her smile

Is she the One, 
Or is this just another obstacle, 
I don't mind ,
Because nothing's keeping me from her

I see bliss in her eyes, 
And I see her in my future, 
I think this it, 
The truest form of love

May the Master of All Things Himself guide me, 
I beg of You to make me see,
Whether what I'm feeling is true or not,
Or whether I'm just afraid to be alone

Solitude has never bothered me ,
But now I see her and think of it, 
I will lose a long time friend, 
Yes , I will throw away anything for her

For heaven's sake I'd lose everything for this girl, 
She's the bliss I feel every morning,
I see her as a reason for my existence, 
The purest flower in all the fields

I love her, 
And I don't fear love anymore, 
I'm willing to be hers,
If she's willing to be mine

For an eternity I wish to keep her, 
For her I will give her all the stars in the sky,
I love her and I will care for her, 
For all of eternity and beyond.

Copyright © Andrei Manzon | Year Posted 2014

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The Night So Still

In a drunken state I lay here in bed with my notebook and a piece of pen, 
no one in my house not even family nor a rat in the den, 
creating another craft from pen and ink to seek the justice that my artistic sense needs,
for my art is dependent on sorrow for there like a vulture it feeds,

My memories have become a rotten corpse being eaten slowly by my art, 
cursed for my past and sorrow can never be apart, 
with the winds howling outside the window, 
I could hear the silence of a lonely widow,

Waiting for the man that's never going to come back ,
probably having his corpse being dragged inside a sack, 
hope has found one of it's victims again, 
sucking life out of once gleeful women, 

Like the widow I lost a majestic bird once, 
remembering her radiant face with just a glance, 
at a withering sunflower above my shelf,
remembering her lying down at the concrete turning cold alone by herself,

Time is cruel when it is needed, 
and my heart's sturdiness has already been tested, 
the trials of losing a loved one are harsh,
to the point that I'm still stuck in this pitiful sorrowful marsh, 

Nothing can ease this pain of mine but father Time himself, 
petals begin to fall on top of my shelf, 
one by one they fell, 
with no soul inside to go to either heaven or hell,

My sweet withering sunflower why have you abandoned me?
I never thought leaving you for work had a fee! 
Slowly, slowly, you are fading away, 
And still Time will never stop and tomorrow will still be a new day.

Copyright © Andrei Manzon | Year Posted 2014


Book: Shattered Sighs