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Best Poems Written by Ct Duet

Below are the all-time best Ct Duet poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Love Never Sleeps

My mind has gone crazy without any sleep 
Running on empty with these hours I keep 
If I don't get to bed soon, I might explode 
But all that I am after is to crack your code
I've already gotten, the key to your heart 
Right now I'm not interested in that part 
What I want, is to get this zipper undone 
Baby, wake up, it's time to have some fun
The candles are burning, the wax soon will be hot 
The rope's on the night stand, come tie me in knots 
Pillage and plunder, strip me down to my core 
Treat me with disdain, make me feel like a whore 

Time to get raw, get real, to lose the disguise
Want me completely, the sex's in your eyes 
Sleep can wait, but why put our marriage on hold 
Keep the thrill alive baby, that is what we are told

So wake up baby, our stars are going to shine. 
Your body, give it to me, and I'll give you mine.

Copyright © Ct Duet | Year Posted 2014

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Getaway Vacation

"Baby, this view is fantastic, 
Who knew what you could buy with plastic! 
With these credit cards, unlimited funds, 
Any regrets, heck no, baby I got none. 
Riding on an interest rate of twenty percent, 
Who cares, this is money well spent!" 
Says the thief who stole my purse from the rest stop location, 
One of the many tales of my no good, horrible road trip vacation. 
Riding down I-seventy five, heading to Mackinaw Island for a getaway, 
Me and my best boy beside me, taking an adventure, oh what a day. 
Construction just north of Detroit, that scary van is stopped to our right. 
Keeping my legs crossed, I might wet myself, will that be alright. 
He gives me a smile with a crooked left tooth and a wave with two fingers 
Push the gas pedal quick, the filthy dirty looks he is giving on me lingers. 

Put the pedal to the metal and off we go, not slowing down for no one 
Riding high in my seventy-three coupe de vile, the fun has just begun 
Didn't see that State Trooper hiding behind that sign, just past Auburn Hills 
Tried to out gun him with my 405, but he caught us just past the old mills 
"Son you are in a heap of a mess, speeding like Ricky Bobby in Talladega 
Two choices, let me have a spin with your gal or I'll haveta read you your 
After twenty minutes, we sped off not even looking in the rear view mirror 
Our vacation destination of Mackinaw Island was getting closer and clearer. 
It was smooth sailing, so we thought, as the night was getting dark. 
Find a hotel bed soon baby, we all are angst we missed our mark. 
The sign said two miles to Holiday Inn, But it’s already been nine. 
Comin’ up on us now is a big yellow Dead End road sign. 
Down this dirt road we skimming across freshly grated dirt. 
Could stop fast enough, deer crossing, don’t worry none got hurt. 

Baby this ride is exciting 
That’s what I’m supposed to be sayin’ 
But with my crosses on my neck, 
All these issues, dang I’m just prayin’ 
Ridin’ seventy five, with the wind in our hair. 
I don’t care how we do it, baby just get us there. 

Finally arrived in Mackinaw City, getting ready to board Shepler's Ferry
The line was long, the lake waves were high, we were saying Hail Mary's
The winds picked up, the skies drew dark. a storm had come without warning
The ferry turned around, couldn't go there now, not until the next morning.

We stayed in a run down, worn out cabin on the edge of the great lakes 
Wondering why these vacations always turn out to bring mistakes. 
But then I look in your eyes and you look deeply into my mine. 
And i know no matter where we go or what we do, everything turns out just 

Vacation Humor Contest

Copyright © Ct Duet | Year Posted 2014

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I'm falling in love with your romance. 
Your honey, it tastes so sweet. 
I'm ready to embrace you, as we dance, 
You swept me off of my feet. 

The letters you write are enchanting 
The flowers you sent are great 
I love all the gifts you are granting 
I think you are my soul mate 

The way that you make me smile 
You give me a fresh direction 
My spirit had been dead for awhile. 
With you it has seen resurrection. 

My mornings now have meaning 
There is a spring upon my step 
I no longer dread all the cleaning 
My once weary body, now has pep 

A puzzle now put together again 
I can't ask for more than that 
You are a lover and a friend 
With you is where my love is at 

I am falling in love with your romance
Your honey, it tastes so sweet
I knew it from your first glance
When my heart skipped a beat

Copyright © Ct Duet | Year Posted 2014

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Breast Cancer Awareness-By Casarah Nance

October is breast cancer awareness month, if you don't check them, I will.

Bodies, presented to the world with love and affection,
Revealing to others a person's hope and attention.
Every once in a while the body must put up a fight,
A war within itself when something is just not right.
Silent it comes, this battle, winner takes it all.
To know there is a war, makes the hero not fall

Cancer, a term so vague yet causes so much pain.
Alarm bells ring when the terminology causes stain.
Normal lives change in the drop of word,
Cancer, even unsaid, the truth gets heard.
Embrace the now and knowing of how your body talks,
Remember the steps, stride as your pride walks.

Awareness, that is what is needed to survive.
We must stick together to heal and stay alive.
Arm yourself with these tools needed to slay
Raise the challenge against the dragons, keep them at bay
Everyone has the power to be the best they can be.
Never let a sickness take over the soul we see.
Empower the warrior inside, knowledge is the answer.
Save your sadness and stretch for the cure.
So many hands when held together, get us through any weather.

By Casarah Nance
Date 10-14-2014

Copyright © Ct Duet | Year Posted 2014

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Fake Or Real

The long day has pulled her down and out 
The walls are closing in, she needs to shout 
She sends a scream into the pillow case, 
Wipes off the tears and puts it back in place. 
Presentation of perfection she must achieve 
At least until all the guests take their leave. 
Smile on the outside, as tears fall underneath 
Dressed up and proper, naked under her sheath 
Housewife to her misery, mother, daughter, self. 
Married into status, surrounded by welcoming wealth. 
The cards have been played, her queen reigns, 
With a red heart that bleeds lost loved pains 
Sacrificed love for security, a wrong she can't right
Praying for anyone, to come rescue her this night 
Anchored to a life of plastic, made up, and fake
Killing her ever slowly, how much can she take

Copyright © Ct Duet | Year Posted 2014

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Risk Taker

Spent a little time in a world so right 
Thousands of words filled my night 
Met a little filly, I would call my own 
Casting my fears into the great unknown 

I heard her unique beat, saw her dance 
We started our own poetic romance 
Two hearts, one voice, singing in unison 
Sipping the same soup, we dived right in 

She's a mover, a shaker. 
A real risk taker 
A diamond, an ace, 
She rocks this place 

Wonders never cease, she's the one 
Many duets are sure to come 
No drama, no games, she's insane 
Her rap is better than Lil Wayne 

She'll cuss like a sailor, rhyme like Seuss 
She'll give you love and take your abuse 
I found an angel, she found a friend 
This connection is without an end 

She's a mover, a shaker. 
A real risk taker 
A diamond, an ace, 
She rocks this place 

A hundred voices, a thousand choices 
The bowl of soup fills, with all styles and skills. 
Two peas in a pod, too alike to be odd 
Sharing this with you, our soup is not stew 

Casarah Nance
Tim Smith

Copyright © Ct Duet | Year Posted 2014

Details | Ct Duet Poem

I Have Not Left You--By Casarah Nance

The sun still shines when hidden by the clouds,
There is light in the darkness, just ask the moon.
I am here under the glow of this computer monitor,
I want to come home, let me come home soon.
My words bottle like wine waiting to be released,
Aging in the cellar waiting for the perfect moment.
I am tapping my fingers to keys making poetry,
But to the winds of other sites, the music has went.
No place I see or go is the same, the soup is family,
Well maybe not family but a perfect collection of crazy.
And to loose it all would be the heartbreak of me,
I would try other sites but I am just getting lazy.
My heart is aching from absence, I feel so alone.
I want to make you smile, show you how much you mean to me,
Let my comments fill your inboxes, so you know,
I am safe and happy reading all your poetry.
If the soup lords and ladies allow my passage,
Though the gates which my password wrongly typed,
I promise that my memory would not fade again,
and these lonely tears on my cheeks get wiped.

Every time I check my mailbox, not message does appear,
For I have asked of poetrysoup, unlock me, do you still want me here?

Casarah Nance
Yep my dummyness locked out my password, gah I hate case sensitive passwords, 
thank you Tim for letting me out on collab account while I am waiting for mine
to be restored.

Copyright © Ct Duet | Year Posted 2014

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No Way Out

Locked behind these prison bars 
Hiding all these deep painful scars 
Alone with my heartbroken fraternity 
Sentenced to serve time for all eternity 

Daydreaming of forever breaking free 
Lusting for love, a heartbeat, for me 
Cold, this bed, this floor, this breath 
Without you, my love, what is left? 

Hiding behind lies, not guilty disguise 
Raining burning tears behind these eyes 
Forgiveness comes too little to late 
Handcuffed, soul starved, to die with fate 

The story's written, dripping down on the page 
Shelter me from this storm, unholy is this rage 
Only one way out, of body, from behind bars. 
Tasting the freedom released from these scars. 


Copyright © Ct Duet | Year Posted 2014

Details | Ct Duet Poem

Too Tired

Blurry thoughts, hurried thoughts, they need to settle down. 
Too tired to move, to worn out to groove, I'm frustrated all around. 
Crazy voice, I have no choice, I want to surrender to sweet sleep. 
Twisted thinking, racing blinking, my mind is an overgrown trash heap. 
Eyes wide, I cannot hide, the redness of my inflaming anger 
Too little relief, too much grief, the warning signs flash Danger danger. 
I'm on overload, so I am told, need to shut my lethargic eyes. 
Trying to sleep, car horns beep. can't they hear my cries. 
My body is done, before the day has begun and it's only half past nine. 
I hear you call, down the hall, pillow why can't you be mine. 
Tic tock, goes the clock, the day is dwindling, departing from me. 
Sleep, blessed sleep, is what I need, why can't anyone see. 
Eyes burn, to close I yearn, my fists are clenched tight 
This I can't take, going to break, I know it isn't right. 
Shut down, the world around, this is my last attempt at sanity. 
If I'm still awake, I will break, and you better stay away from me. 
Night falls, my bed calls, the feeling is beyond compare.
Tossing, turning, salty eyes stinging, at the ceiling I still stare.

Copyright © Ct Duet | Year Posted 2014

Details | Ct Duet Poem

Sister Bears

Deep in the meadow, where deer run wild in the open, 
Papa bear was waking his two cubs from their sheltered den. 

"Go out and play Cailyn and Jess, go discover something new, 
and always remember you take care of me and I take care of you" 

Jess went running as fast as can be leaving her little sister behind. 
She wanted to run to the river to see what fishes she could find. 

"wait up wait up" Cailyn shouted and hollered at her sisters back. 
She followed slowly and carefully inside her sisters foot track. 

Jess shouted back "Sis why can't you just let me be. 
I don't need you right now and you don't need me" 

This made little bear Cailyn so very sad, she ran and hid 
Crying and crying from what her sister cub just did 

Off in the distance she could here Jess scream 
" Cailyn, Cailyn, come help. I'm stuck in the stream" 

Cailyn went running as fast as her little legs would go 
Having to help her sister, the only friend she did ever know 

She just got there in time as Jess was about to fall 
Reaching Cailyn helped her out, whew what a close call 

The two dirty cubs went home to be with their dad 
They fell a sleep in the then den, both of them glad 

Papa bear's advice these two little bitty bear cubs was so true
"Always remember you take care of me and I take care of you." 

Children's Fable Contest

Copyright © Ct Duet | Year Posted 2014


Book: Reflection on the Important Things