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Best Poems Written by Sara Ray

Below are the all-time best Sara Ray poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Immersed in the sound of the low rustling wind
Memories and places they haunt yet again
Passed by so quickly as each falling leaf
Drifting and flowing on an unyielding stream
A current to carry from birth right on through
Filling our moments with cares which ensue
A mind lost in remnants of lovers and friends
Babies and children and time long since spent
Familiar, intangible, just out of reach
Longing for ghosts that my heart doth beseech
Winter is looming and summer is past
A time for remembrance the years gone so fast
Beauty is captured in my last breath of life
The sparkling colors in the warm golden light
Do mimic the glory and wonder be told
In those bright days of autumn and a life to behold

Copyright © Sara Ray | Year Posted 2006

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What  time is this
Where once we wait
Whilst questions stir up great debate
Upon this place a storm doth brew
Encroaching in on me and you
To make a stand or make a choice
Have a heart and have a voice
Be not thee fooled by lovely lies
Made to keep well in disguise
A truth thus far which few have seen
Veiled behind some wicked scene
Know what we are and why we’re here
Be not thee bound by useless fear
For power lies in focus held
In knowledge found and wisdom felt
Creative thought shall be the key
Unraveling untold mysteries
With hence unknown abilities
Bestowed with light we’ve yet to see
Transform a world of pain and hate
Into grandest dreams create
This time, this place 
No more we wait
Through storms of violence, fear and hate
The very catalyst we need 
To know the truth which sets us free

Copyright © Sara Ray | Year Posted 2009

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A Miracle To Call My Own

The greatest joy I’ve ever known 
A miracle to call my own

So warm and soft and sweet and true
A blessing like I never knew

Worth every ounce of pain and fear
Each  heartfelt doubt and wondering tear

Can I be what she deserves?
Are my virtues fit to serve?

Each question harder than the last
All faded now into the past

I gaze upon her perfect face
Full of beauty, peace and grace

A life that’s only just begun
Shining brighter than the sun

My heart has swelled beyond extreme
An ever loving living dream

Gratitude and hope abound
Heaven sought and Glory found

Strength and courage multiply
Seeing through Love’s own true eye

The greatest joy I’ve ever known 
A miracle to call my own

Copyright © Sara Ray | Year Posted 2006

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Wings of Fate

A set of circumstances bring
Upon the wings of fate
A happenstance we can’t evade
Conditions we create
Gaze upon our furrowed brow
While struggle through we pray
And realize perhaps too late
That all is meant to be

Copyright © Sara Ray | Year Posted 2010

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My Demons

In darkened corners 
Of my troubled mind

Lie hidden demons
Left to find

They creep and linger
Ever there

Waiting for some sweet despair
To show their faces
And sink their claws

Into places
Soft and raw

They feed on worry, fear, and doubt
But I know how to bring them out

To deal with them courageously
In hopes at last they’ll set me free

Face the darkness deep and true
Find the hidden healing clues

Bring the fearsome thoughts to light
Where they’ll lose all will to fight

Without the secret shameful shadows
They can’t exist to fight this battle

And at long last I’ll truly win
My soul, my heart, and yet again

Be happy as I could have been
Had I never let those demons in

Copyright © Sara Ray | Year Posted 2006

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A Wayward Soul

With least resistance reconcile
The truest course to travel 
The distance can’t be kept in miles
A wayward soul no map to follow
Directions held within your heart
The answers pure and simple
A journey set out from the start
Littered with threat of peril
Through many obstacles maneuver
Upon your path be true
And reach the place to whence you've come
Set perfectly for you

Copyright © Sara Ray | Year Posted 2010

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Sometimes I forget… I forget to stop and FEEL.
I forget to find joy in the little moments that make up a day, a week, a year, a 
Sometimes it takes something so out of the ordinary to shake me up and make me 
To make me smile and giggle and sigh.
Sometimes it’s as simple as a belly laugh shared with my girls.
Sometimes it’s a thought provoking conversation with a revered friend.
Sometimes it can come in the form of foolishness, joking with my husband.
Sometimes, a long overdue cry while watching some sappy chic flick!
Sometimes it’s caught in the light of the sun as it filters through my window.
Or the soft, graceful, comfort of a kitten as he purrs.
Sometimes it’s an outpouring of heart and soul with my sister.
Sometimes it’s a look, or a touch that captures my undivided attention.
Sometimes it’s in the kindness of a stranger…
Sometimes it’s in the lighthearted unselfishness of a loved one
Sometimes it’s finding a friend in the strangest of places.
Sometimes it’s connecting with the universe in all of its wondrous magnificence
Sometimes it’s in a melody or voice that soothes my mind and alters my mood
Sometimes it’s in the innocence of a baby’s breath 
Sometimes it’s a shared understanding
Sometimes it’s a moment of pure satisfaction derived from any number of situations.
All of these moments are blessings, given to help me remember. To make me feel. I 
am eternally grateful for all of these things and so much more!

Copyright © Sara Ray | Year Posted 2010

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Autumn creeps in slowly
Tenderly, seductively
Summer giggles and blushes
Tickled by crisp exhilarating breezes
The colors of fall mesmerize her
She needs to feel the fiery reds and golden hues.
She longs to don their passionate splendor
Autumn’s tender kisses entice her
Swept away with reckless abandon
The excitement overtakes her
Enraptured in effervescent glory
Autumn sinks in
His force penetrating
Deep into the heart of Summer
His grip is unshakable
Summer struggles to hold on
The waning sun warms weakly
Flowers bloom in last ditch effort
She feels herself slipping away
The vibrant luring colors fade
Withering into brown lifeless forms
The once lush green leaves of Summer
Flutter helplessly down to the cold hard ground
Autumn, triumphant, drags his defeated prey
Onto the alter of Winter.
Giving himself over as well
The henchman lies down his life
Winter’s deep frozen death reigns.
A great, barren arctic tomb (womb?)
Under which Summer waits to be reborn
With Spring’s first gentle kiss.

Copyright © Sara Ray | Year Posted 2009

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The Void

I am now the reluctant bearer of a great and vacant void. A place that once was filled with warmth and light… Now hollow. Empty. Where before there was a piece, an element infinitely irreplaceable; now there is an ache.

My heart no longer whole; threatens to collapse under this weight of sorrow. Grief doesn’t begin to describe; this incomprehensible sadness. The longing and mourning… Wishing and missing that preoccupies my mind; tearing at the very fabric of my being.

My memories which both taunt and comfort. Haunt my thoughts. Bittersweet reminders every moment.  Of love.  And life. And joy.

In the absence of her presence I am faced with the melancholic beauty that pervades reality. Assaulted with miraculous perception of divine dichotomy. And drawn ever deeper into love and appreciation.

So grateful am I now for moments nondescript. How eager am I now to impart to those who touch my heart, a bit of that joy… Of love… Of light…

Inspired not to take for granted, but to love wholly and freely. To live fully and 
blissfully… Cherishing every miraculous moment that is mine to hold with delicacy.
Sharing unselfishly that which was left to me. Knowing irrefutably that the void was never empty. Not really. Only that it has simply opened to make space for more love. 

Thus, I shall pour my love into that space. And all of the space around me. Committing to love wholeheartedly this life, which is mine temporarily. In reverent honor of one whose example paved the way for me.

I love you Gram. Missing you will be as breathing. Constant, essential, and unfaltering. Until we meet again.

Copyright © Sara Ray | Year Posted 2011

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My Soulmate

I knew you in a lifetime
A million years ago
And to this day I look at you
And recognize your soul

Your eyes contain a fountain
Of memories I seek
I could search in them forever 
And only glimpse a peek

At the beauty and the wonder
That lives within your heart
The wisdom and the passion
That sets our love apart

I’m thankful everyday 
To have you in my life
I cherish all my time with you
I’m proud to be your wife

Watching as you grow and change
And come to understand
Through learning of life’s lessons
What it means to be a man

I see you with our daughters
And in yet another way
I am struck with adoration
At the courage you display

To them you are a hero
Invincible it’s true
A daddy with unending strength
For that I envy you

I’ll stand by you forever
Through all things good and bad
Reassure you in each moment 
That my love is yours to have

We’ve been together longer 
Than can be measured in mere years
We’ve shared lifetimes full of laughter
Hope and joy and tears

Thank-you for your spirit
Which recognized my heart
Together we are stronger
Our souls shall never part

Copyright © Sara Ray | Year Posted 2006


Book: Reflection on the Important Things