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Best Poems Written by Ajalon Michael Zarate

Below are the all-time best Ajalon Michael Zarate poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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It Ain'T Right

I know exactly what you're saying..."It ain't right!"
But how many do you know as sincere? One who will put up a fight!
One as determine...Knowing despite,
Despite such obstacles we'll face, i'll California Roll right through that red light. 

Its not that I don't care,  not at all and not quite
But with so much confidence...I know there's something there, even if it's slight!
In the height of all things, you've been my day and night.
Anything else in between, are characterized by my directness in manner...That's Forthright!

Still feels like it ain't right? 

Well, try looking right into the light!
Whether its with you or somebody else, dammit, I'm still leaving that life.
You damn right. 
Right or wrong...You gonna see me get on to that next flight. 
The next flight to freedom...where you and i can look in the past and overwrite. 

Start a new, with a future with you
That only a few can imagine the view.
The beauty of its hue...Stamped out like a tattoo
Overflowing dew from those drop of brew
That represents the queue to what is known as your dream come true!

I hope that's okay with you.
Despite what we'll go through.
Worry not...There's no need to
Cause know that I'm not here for you, 
but rather I am here with you. 
So without further due
I hope you hear me too...
Cause despite your thoughts of "It ain't right!"
I can hear your heart screaming...And yes I luv you too!

Copyright © Ajalon Michael Zarate | Year Posted 2013

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Me Myself and I

How could I be so blind 
And not see this coming?
Acting as if I'm surprised,
Like I didn't know what was happening.

How selfish could I be?
By not putting some of the blame on me.
How could she be the problem?
When I'm the one who claimed I couldn't see.

She tried to tell me what was wrong;
But I acted as if  I'm not hearing.
Then I got the nerve to be mad at her
Simply because she's mad at me for not listening.

I treated her unfair
Yet I was always telling her, she's my equal.
Allowing my insecurities to treat her 
In a way that made her feel real little.

Knowing in my heart she was faithful 
And that her love was unconditional and pure.
I just couldn't comprehend why
I was acting as if I was so unsure.

I messed up real bad
Now my whole existence is a mess.
Trying to exist without her
Is like living without answers, trying to guess.

How foolish was I?
To allow our relationship to die.
Knowing she tried
I can't even look at myself in the eye.

Tears I cried…
Is worst than the devil in disguise.
So now I find myself without her
Cause I only thought about Me, Myself, and I.

Copyright © Ajalon Michael Zarate | Year Posted 2013

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The Message

I'm not the greatest of all-times, but when I'm done, I'll be an all time great in this lifetime of mine Like the late great who came before my time I will breed a new lifeline, that will breathe life like march of dimes My story lines, will bring truth life; like troops who fight Overseas, for rights of those who believe that death is life Now that ain't right! As the rich is getting richer, eating fillet me-non, while we barely feeding our appetite Night after night Survival has waged a war that gave us no choice but to battle and fight Although, we'll be all right They say we a dying breed, but that ain't right Instead we're the light to a lying greed That will enlighten life to a brand new seed A man of God indeed Freed from the Son that bleeds Like the summer breeze He's the sum that equals the amount of air I breathe The air that please A satisfaction like the birds and the bees My word's words are the keys That will fornicate with the mind and give birth to a seed A seed of social change, that'll change our social economy So shall our comradery That will bring comfort to a struggling society A synonym...similar to a civilization seeking for unity Unifying the physics of theory That seeks to explain the synopsis of a dying philosophy Similar to the Cosby X-cept my scrip-tic will speak more about our reality Like life's calamity And everything else in life that's destroying us systematically However, I've discovered a system That can mathematically destroy ignorancy And turn our state of mind intellectually I elect that He (God) selects me to be And be that man who may lead this community So that they (My Peoples) may commute with me En-route to a destination, destine towards our destiny Like we were destine to be We were meant to be "Great" like the late great that came before we. Because we are... The reflection where perfection gave birth to the definition of greatness Where great means Competent, Skilled, Well Informed, and Tremendous Our potentials are endless And only we not even the enemy can put an end to this So it's time we put a stop to this The biggest enemy of self And that's envy and jelousness Cause after this is Heaven or Hell and that's all there is A promised made sealed with a kiss Knowing this Is the next best thing since "In the beginning" In the first chapter of the first verse in Genesis!

Copyright © Ajalon Michael Zarate | Year Posted 2013

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I Was Built For This

They said my life is worthless, but my net worth is priceless. 
I'm one of the nicest. I've been bless to express my life on this. 

I was built for this, so they can miss me with that snuffed up "ish",
No need to curse on this, no disrespect needed, it's time that we be kind and courteous. 

What occurs to us could be a curse for us; but what occurred is a must and in god we should trust. 
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, consider yourself dead if we continue to live unjust. 

Cause there's no justification for your judgmental infatuation, 
In fact your situation is a declaration of your own character in question. 

Any questions?

In consideration, I'm trying to make sense of this verbal composition, 
But you're always in competition with your mental institution, while you're in a mindless and clueless position. 

I'm no illusion. But from all the confusions, I became a realest. 
I never said I'm the best, but I'm always at my best to the fullest. 

And somehow haters new about this and that's the reason why they started hating on this. 
Trying to convince me that I wasn't built for this. 

Instead, they became my photosynthesis I became photosensitive to there photo-negative emphasis. 
I had no choice but to put an end to this and considered it a life changing experiences. 

My fearfulness went into a metamorphosis. 
Went from more fear to less, that morphed into too bless to be stressed over some senseless mess. 

Therefore I rise. Like high risers in the sky I've arrived. 
The sky is the limit and I'm going to live in the sky till the day I die. 

Who am I? 

It's no question I'm a reflection of the most high; far from perfection, 
But His intentions are perfect, perfectly prophesied by my third eye.

Copyright © Ajalon Michael Zarate | Year Posted 2014

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My Delivery

I was born with this name 
A name that cannot be moved.
Through my struggles and through my pain
These shackles I shall remove.
Dignified in all my ways 
Eminent proven that can't be replaced.
I am a true man of virtue
That cannot be measured by time or space.

I'm a Star of my own 
Reflecting the rays of my thrown.
Magnificent and Majestic 
In the land of milk and honey, I am the backbone.
Often misunderstood, 
Confound and misconstrued.
Even in contempt of their judgement
My adulation infatuation will remain intact for my brood!

My love is undenying
Everlasting and undying.
Unreplaceable, indestructible
My fable inspires that transcends to be noble.
The King of my castle
A fraction define from a point of a decimal
Denoting in the tenth power 
That represents the commandments of my counsel.

In translation...
I'm a man unrecognized by his emotions
Yet his word's expression
Forms a principle which defines in connotation.
My concentration
Concerns to adjourn any iniquitous Interpretation. 
Adjudicated as if uneducated
Yet  their mind's unable to define the intonation of my elucidation. 

So therefore there's no question!
That I am...A son reflected by his own creation.
In his own reflection 
My third eye indicates the gift of this phenomenal articulation. 
So as my motivation
My delivery will continue to build in its meticulous manifestation.
A man that will man up
To whom, I will claim to recognize his own dejected aberration.

Copyright © Ajalon Michael Zarate | Year Posted 2013

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The Things I'Do

What do I have to do__To make you believe I'm true?
I'm willing to do whatever it takes__To make your dreams come true.

I've been having dreams of you;dreaming of being right next to you.
Don't think that I'm crazy,but I am__crazy about you!

It's what you do, I've never been so proud to say I'm crazy, except for you!
Crazy things I'm willing to do, just to know,I may get a chance of being with you.

Can you picture me and you? Doing things like normal couples do;
Taking long walks; holding hands; and even, sometimes, argue too?

It's okay if we do, cause there will be days when I'll start sounding like a fool.
But sometimes that's okay too, cause there's nothing wrong of  being a fool, just for you.

I know all this sounds too good to be true, 
But if I could, I would, no doubt be good to you.

I do…understand how relationships could turn out be so uncool;
But nevertheless, I'll be there for you, no matter what you're going through.

I'm going to… be the best that I can, by becoming to be the best man for you.
Simply by being a man and man up, Even when we have to face a problem or two.

It's no problem boo! If by any chance you even run into two months past due;
Due to the type of man I am, do understand, I'm not just passing through.

Just don't think that I'm perfect, cause I have skeletons in my closet too.
And if you wish… I'll even share every last one of them with you

Cause I will hold no secrets, nor will I withhold any information from you.
Cause if we are two in one accord, then you should be informed on all of the things I use to do;

Which is just the right thing to do, by expressing the respect I have for you.
Cause if you do give it chance, it would be best that I share these things with you.

Cause as God is my witness, there is nothing in this world I wouldn't do just to be with you.
That's even if I had to…go through hell and back....I'll do all just for you!

Copyright © Ajalon Michael Zarate | Year Posted 2013

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To My Demise

While you mentioned you're confused
I had to take a minute and put myself in your shoes.
Began thinking in twos
Rather than always thinking about the only one I choose!
Realizing, how much I've abused
Your kindness I took for granted and misused.
Wondering what's my excuse
Unable to comprehend...Leaving the heart you've lend in the end to be so bruised.
Just to turn around to apologize
But you and I know that I can't turn back the time.
Silly me to even think that through my rhyme
That I can actually change your mind with these simple lines.
What use to symbolize
Our trust are now broken by these silly lies
Am I surprise?
To my demise...There should be no reason why we often act so uncivilized!
Until the cries
Began to fill the empty space that washed away her smile.
Washed away for miles
Leaving her in pain that would stretch so far out like the River Nile!

Copyright © Ajalon Michael Zarate | Year Posted 2013

Details | Ajalon Michael Zarate Poem

Silly Me

Silly me to even think, for you to see me visibly as I view you to be my galaxy. Gallantly I stand before thee, wishing! Silently! 

Knowingly the probability of what my imaginations has placed in front of me. You became more to me than what defines amazingly, its exactly what amazes me, left in a maze of glee though somewhat confuses me, making it so hard to express it so expressively. How could this be? When all that we were suppose to be, is nothing more than just a friend to me. Don't you agree? or maybe...

Silly me to even think, for you to see me visibly as I view you to be my galaxy. Gallantly I stand before thee, wishing! Silently!

Copyright © Ajalon Michael Zarate | Year Posted 2013

Details | Ajalon Michael Zarate Poem

Addicted To You

I'm trying to understand what you're going through
Through high hell and back, giving up is not an option to do.

Knowing you...
Its not something that you want me to 
And me wanting you, 
Is more than enough to find more ways of loving you. 

Cause loving you...
Has been the best thing to ever happen boo
Though you may not have ever knew, 
But because of you, 
You've become such an influence that will forever change my point of views. 

If I had to choose
I would no doubt lose...My past and diffuse
The substance that's keeping you confused
Leaving you questioning on who's who
While avoiding of having to hear the bad-news, of

I'm sorry I'm leaving 
After all this time you had me believing 
That you were all I was needing 
And now I'm just barely breathing, how dare could you be so damn deceiving. 

But its far from being true.
Cause after all...The proof came from those tears you drew
Cheers to you...As you are now the new
Substance I use to inject in I am now addicted to you.

Copyright © Ajalon Michael Zarate | Year Posted 2013

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The Recipient

It was crazy how you spoke to me
As if you knew that you were close to me
Closed my eyes shut so I can see
Just what that noise is exactly telling me.
It was all new to me
Undressed my mind caught in Nudity
Leud obscenity 
Your words came in ways that violated me so Incredibly.
It felt as if your vocabulary was committing adultery 
Uncensored; unexpectedly
Yet it was absolutely gravitating to me 
Verbs that set me free
Architect-ed in senses of sentences effusively.
Which usually I'm more caught up physically 
but today you captured me verbally 
With a satisfaction guarantee...Thank fully
For granting me, access 
To what you have stored confidentially 
Having trust in me; Most definitely, am very honored to be...
The recipient of your emotional susceptibility.

Copyright © Ajalon Michael Zarate | Year Posted 2013


Book: Shattered Sighs