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Best Poems Written by Vincent Flannery

Below are the all-time best Vincent Flannery poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Come As You Are

Though to many it may seem strange like with the prodigal son
Never really wanting to change until all other options are done
There He still waits for you standing with His Arms opened wide
His Love always being true as the Lord had never left your side

There's no time like the present to return to your Fathers Home
Our Lord never had any resentment those days that you'd roam
As with every step you take and each breath taken on His Earth
A loving God who'd never forsake in so drawing you before birth

If it seems hard to believe, faith just doesn't seem to be around
Don't let satan deceive for he doesn't want you to ever be found
But go as you are calling out Jesus' Name, not being shy about it
That alone puts satan to shame but until death he'll never quit

But the Lord will never quit on you His love for you far too great 
In all the things that you do, why would you make the Lord wait
He doesn't expect perfection knowing you far better than you do
With even a little reflection He'll start focusing you on what's true

Luke 5:32 
I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.

Copyright © Vincent Flannery | Year Posted 2016

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The Devil Is In the Details

You have to know he is near, you have to know he is around
Perhaps sensing it in your fear or a feeling of being bound
You never know what he will do or what other things he'll try
But he's out to destroy you because he wants your soul to die

Again and again he'll attack seeking the easiest point of entry
Knowing all you lack helps in the defeating of one that's free
You walk around unprotected and don't even seem to care
The King of Kings you neglected and of this, he is aware

You he just wants to finish while you wander aimlessly astray
So the attacks diminish in just letting you have your say
Things go pretty well, theres no need to call for God's Hand
Soon you can't even tell what you can't even begin to understand

The one who seeks to destroy you is finally on your side
And on you he sort of grew in along with your pride
Yet you should know he is so near and quietly sneaking around
But you don't have any fear, for you haven't  heard a sound

 1 Peter 5:8 
Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour

Copyright © Vincent Flannery | Year Posted 2019

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Truth Or Consequences

To whom much is given much is expected, land of the free
For when His Light is reflected then all will be able to see
Yet His Light has gone away, as evil seems to tighten its grip
No longer knowing how to pray, that bitterness worsens with each sip

Praying for all the people in now the latest of these attacks
But as we gather together in the steeple it is our prayer that lacks
God hates the shedding of innocent blood in especially, His Unborn
Still wondering why such the flood of our Holly Father's Righteous Scorn

Calling His Name we beg for mercy, then show none of our own
Murdering Innocence with a decree and sealed with a self-righteous tone
In God there is no difference, for He has created us all
Yet, still being so vociferous about a gunman and his gaul

Will these attacks continue in what seems a quickening pace
I believe that's up to us and the next vote that we will face
With over six million lives at stake in praying to the One above
Don't make the reprehensible mistake of trying to limit God's love

Isaiah 59:7- 8
Their feet run to evil, and they are swift to shed innocent blood; their thoughts are thoughts of iniquity; desolation and destruction are in their highways. The way of peace they do not know, and there is no justice in their paths; they have made their roads crooked; no one who treads on them knows peace

Copyright © Vincent Flannery | Year Posted 2019

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A capsule of speech
Conveying continuous truth
A thousand pictures

Copyright © Vincent Flannery | Year Posted 2015

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Whisper Words of Wisdom

When your heart has been broken and your tears don't seem to dry
This in the words spoken from who had been the apple of your eye
In falling back against the ropes looking for a helping hand
Losing the last of all hopes in knowing they will never understand

Running to Our Dear Lord's Side and cuddling up in His Hand
Nothing from Him can I hide for there is no pain He does not understand
And as He finally dries those eyes standing you up on your two feet
Separating truth from lies, your own love from the constant deciept

Just looking up at the daunting task and seeing how far we come
No longer able to mask that all my feelings have become numb
But I am stronger than that, for the Lord has given me that Gift
And as I laid on that mat Jesus came along and gave me a lift

 He said child these are not My Words spoken but words of hate
Such a Spirit rarely awoken which along with carries such a weight
Know My Love is true and will never leave from within you
Be, as I, gentle in what you do so to your own self you will remain true.

Copyright © Vincent Flannery | Year Posted 2019

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I Want To Thank You Jesus

So many Blessings have You sent my way I have lost count
It seems like each and every single day an endless amount
From all those little things to the things that were so great
And the Joy Your Love brings defusing my every sour trait

For all the Hope You give, loving all Your Children the same 
Dying so that we all could live, how Holy Lord, is Your Name
Every time that I have fallen you never once gave up on me
Each day I can hear You Calling, My Lord You've set me free

Thank You Jesus for everything, my heart praise's Your Name
For You have made it sing, inside, Your Spirit is like a Flame
From each breath that I take, to the wonder of Your Creation
Each day that I awake and carrying me through the duration

How Great Thou Are to know every hair on every single head
Knowing the name of every single star as on a Cross You Bled
My words simple and hollow for You Lord are all my strength
May it be You always that i follow throughout each day's length

Psalms 71:14
But I will hope continually, 
and will yet praise thee more and more.

Copyright © Vincent Flannery | Year Posted 2017

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Give Me Just a Little More Time

With so many things to do and even more things to see
I am sorry that I missed You that was me just being me
I was intending to say hi but before I could even think
The whole entire day went by, what seemed like a blink

And so with the day before, getting caught up in things
Never knowing what's in store and all which life brings
This week and last week and the weeks before those
Again we did not speak as for these other ones I chose

In fact this whole year I never once spoke Your Name
I didn't hold You dear nor did I feel any of my shame
In fact Lord it's been many years for many years past
Seeing in these tears I can't even remember the last

But today Lord I'm here and it's so good to be back
I know You are always near matters not how I lack
I knew I could come back home as You said it to be
No matter how far I roamed you always loved me

Ecclesiastes 3:6	
A time to get, and a time to lose; 
a time to keep, and a time to cast away;

Copyright © Vincent Flannery | Year Posted 2016

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I'M Only Human

I often wondered why it is that so many people don't believe
Life's a test, each day a quiz and yet themselves they deceive 
I could never even imagine where I would be without His Grace
He paid the price for all sin as you define your heart in this place

I often thought long and deep oh how good the Lord's been to me
How good it is to just steep and why can't all these others just see
I myself unable to understand what came so easy to one as such
The Creator of all that is grand yet capable of an individual touch

I felt it in my heart, seen it with my eyes so clear I could not miss
But as satan goes about and tries, many people succumb to this
Yet I did nothing different than you no this was not of my own
All of your sins will come due since it's Jesus you've never known

I did do one thing though something you might want to also do
I started to praise His Name, but I did it in sincerity, it was true
His eyes are on the sparrow but His Love is always there for you
The path will be narrow yet He will always be in all that you do

Copyright © Vincent Flannery | Year Posted 2017

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Second Chances

He never really thought about it nor did he see reason to care
Life was about true grit and he knew damn sure it wasn't fair
As he had made it this far and never needed anybody's hand
He didn't just wish upon a star but everything he had planned

As he was driving along, he suddenly jammed on the brakes
Something had went wrong and really that is all it ever takes
It was a really horrible scene and he almost didn't survive
He thought the light was green, this on just a simple drive

When the man did finally awake it was a very slow process
Let there be no mistake many issues he had time to address
See the man had clinically died as the doctors tried to revive
As once again they tried, but that is not why today he is alive

He won't talk about his own story but today he's very different
About seeing some Glory, I don't know what the hell he meant
He"s not the way he used to be, no he's just not the same guy 
But now he is actually nice to me so who am I to ask him why

Copyright © Vincent Flannery | Year Posted 2016

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Dirty Laundry

You see it a lot now a days, being aired everywhere you look
In many forms and many ways even you and I are in the book
As the news anchors spin their story or even just friend to friend
Jesus said in all of His Glory be careful of the message you send

Do not slander your foe nor wish him evil upon his daily way
For it isn't yours to know only your duty and obligation to pray
Cut not one at the knees or even enter into the gossip mill room
Infectious like disease most of those people are headed for doom

Like a murderer and or a thief, gossipers too are high on the list
They simply add to another's grief the sin being in how they twist
They prolong another's plight in wanting to know every little detail
Never choosing to do right as each reputation they seem to impale

Of others never speak a negative word, but act as if they were there
Put aside everything you heard  and then do something that is rare
Acting as if that person were you, as one day this may be the case
Still not sure what to do... Remember the Day Jesus took your place

“A good man out of the good treasure of his heart
bringeth forth that which is good...” 
Luke 6:45

Copyright © Vincent Flannery | Year Posted 2017


Book: Reflection on the Important Things