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Best Poems Written by Tajudeen Shah

Below are the all-time best Tajudeen Shah poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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A Flood In Memory

Flood waters gushed in
From all sides roaring dreadfully!  
Only sinking heads of water reeds, 
And  a few hut roofs could be seen, 
That too remained shedding tears;
As the dark cloud-mountain burst.  
Mango trees lost arms, some shoulders, 
Coconuts perched on its strong boughs; 
The mighty survivors of all seasons. 
Snails, Frogs, Snakes and gnats, 
Ants, bugs, Lizards, spiders, 
Set out their conventional exodus! 
King Fisher and Woodpecker found 
Abode in hollow jack fruit tree! 

Poor and feeble mass, hunger-stricken, 
Assembled by the wet school floor, 
Waiting for the next charity food-serve; 
Hot porridge and wild-roots boiled. 
Burning chilly dish would add heat 
On their ice-cold tongues. 
Mothers had their saved rags in lap 
With their tender ones mewling in, 
Their ribs netted with wrinkled skin. 
Fathers looked at the skies and winds, 
Returned to the old wooden benches, 
Cursing their fate, while the slant drops, 
Pierced on swollen flood-waves. 
A blind fight of ripples large and small
Left yellow froth wear a taunting smile!

They could not hide the dismay of 
An impending disaster, that would 
Shatter their small dreams 
Into many a chips, beyond bonding. 
Stars got blind by the broken clouds 
Ascended from the verge of horizon. 
Nocturnal chorus of legendary frogs 
And of beetles added awe and gloom. 
Some slept with open eyes and sense, 
As they knew how dreadful the water 
Might turn in the monstrous night, 
Sweeping off every trace of existence!

Copyright © Tajudeen Shah | Year Posted 2013

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Transcendental Reality

Bergson* contemplated 
To the core and found; 
Immediate experience 
And intuition are reality in whole, 
Science and rationalism
Follows them in pursuit due. 
(* French Thinker)

Copyright © Tajudeen Shah | Year Posted 2013

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Coconut Is Proud

Coconut is proud,
Of her properties and prospects, 
Though beaten and defamed
By Palm and Sunflowers often. 
Cholesterol is controlled,
Blood pressure high is curbed,
Skin is toned and moistened,
Hair is finely fortified from roots.
Dishes are made delicious,
Frying done healthy and tasty
Are a few of many a benefits 
The mindful mass concerns much.
Milk, ‘water’, ‘flesh’ and husk,
Leaves, stem and compound roots 
Are of uses and values great;
Another nature’s gift on man.
Cure and care to cancer too,
To balance endocrine in tunes, 
Health to Oral, Liver and Heart,
All is known and proven facts.
Myths about  origin and traverse
Are varied, but all do approve
Her heritage since ages;
One of the blest on man’s domain.

Copyright © Tajudeen Shah | Year Posted 2014

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The Most Concerned

Impressed, and sit wondering
At concerns honest and serious
Of the bards blessed, in issues 
Of today; Burning and appalling.
Nature laments, No, is sobbing
On its malignant bruises
Her inmate intimate infracted,
Shaming even the wildest of beasts.
Eagles, Crows ,King Fishers
And cats find no fun chasing fish
As rivers, lakes, brooks and fields
Full with prey, dead and rotten.
Who can pass by, without a hand
On the nostrils to save the self,
Through the adorned urban streets
Of esteem and mad pride !
Beyond restrictions, laws
And punishments severe are
Hooting and brawling oblivious
From even the cultured mass.
Eloquence even eliminates evils,
So would lexis sanitize souls
Submerged in self and social sins
That cause calamities callous.
Let us, bards, transmit a memo sore,
To keep water, air, plants and soil
At its form s destined for futurity,
For, we might need a breath to regret.

Copyright © Tajudeen Shah | Year Posted 2014

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On Her Blindness

An owl was out to trace
Her prey from night’s full grace.
Moon was pale, slow and full,
Though her mate’s face was dull.
The lake-mirror’s zest fades,
Cool and bashful as brides 
Stars adorn the chaste skies, 
And turns on the blue nights.
In small house roofs and streets,
Fields and trees, were her treats.
A Glow worm’s  lightning made
The old owl’s vision fade.
Whom shall she may complain,
Of the loss of view plain?

Copyright © Tajudeen Shah | Year Posted 2013

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Problems, Solutions, Benefits

We all boast of the golden past, 
And delight dining upon its flavors, 
But, have no faith in our very SELF, 
Though often boast of buoyancy. 
Attitudes in personality impressive, 
Self reliance, hard work and consistency, 
Uprightness, self esteem and faith, 
Do we all orate and propagate 
In every occasion of panic and doubt, 
Thus we escape into inferior shades. 
Experiences do season mortals, 
But, his craving bubbles to be immortal. 
Efforts endless on the paths of life 
Continue, adorning with many a maxims. 
Youngsters find it rather insane, 
As are trapped in life's web so complex. 
The wheels keep rolling over the sod of time, 
While generations get crushed in recurrence. 
Problems brutally burn raw wounds, 
As Solutions debate in benefits' bondage.

Copyright © Tajudeen Shah | Year Posted 2014

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Imagination, a Boon and a Curse


To a Buffalo is a bizarre aspect,
Cause he cares not 
Who is going to taste his meat,
Fried, Roasted or Grilled.

To a Lion is a matter of mean
Stance and low profile,
As he hunts, mates and rules
His domain on his will alone.

To Flamingo is a disgrace,
When comparing her voyage,
The thousands of unfriendly miles
Over the desolate seas.

To Cuckoo is against her audacity;
By tradition has her eggs hatched 
In cosy cage of a crow’s toil
That demands not any repute.

Even to a blind fish is
Imagination an aspect inane ,
As waters, mud flats, river banks,
Are blessings of food and shelter.

A polar Bear or Eskimo dreams
Not an absolute weather transition;
From frozen white winter
To a sweating sore summer. 

No mention of a Mango’s wish 
To taste like an Apple ever found 
In timeline, Nor vice versa,
As nature in her rules is so sharp. 

Only Man is not done
With What and Who He is. 

Something that subsides the 
Desires of an edgy heart, who
Silently perching on idle seat is 
Mastering the art of imagination
By browsing, posting and reviewing
The fallacies and faculties of the 
Fascinating human factor;
Which he considers a boon,
But in fact is a curse insidious 
That lures him into the blank
Voids of answerless questions
And irrational interpretations.

Copyright © Tajudeen Shah | Year Posted 2014

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A Web-King

How was he trapped in his own web, 
Which was woven with silken skills, 
Tested and proven since ages, 
With a core from his own cells? 
How could it be an accident; 
During his usual course of hunt
For a flying prey, in whom venom
Instilled and liquefied with enzymes! 
Had it been another manifestation 
Of perseverance to a modern King, 
As done to Robert Bruce the King
To regain the Scottish throne? 
Speculations keep on mounting, 
But, as his hollow SELF does still cling
To the web-hub, no prey dare swing
As they feel him still the Web-King!

Copyright © Tajudeen Shah | Year Posted 2014

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Your Option, Please

Your Option, Please.

Socrates Contemplated, 
Shakespeare Performed, 
Shelley Composed, 
Newton Realized, 
Hippocrates Diagnosed, 
King Solomon Ruled, 
Alexander Conquered, 
Tansen Sang, 
Rishi Vyasa Narrated, 
Lord Krishna Sermonized, 
Lord Buddha Inspired, 
Emperor Ashoka Sacrificed, 
Jesus Christ Cured, 
Prophet Mohammed Refined, 
M. K. Gandhi Abstained, 
M L King Orated, 
Lady Diana Loved, 
Hitler Hated, 
Malala Consoled, 
So do the Timeline leads 
To unending strings of 
Yesterdays and Tomorrows! 
7.055 Billion would Rage, 
As History, Philosophy, 
Literature and Lineage 
Won't be an apt Potion for 
Hungry Bellies and 
Craving Minds of Today, 
Device Your Option, Please.

Copyright © Tajudeen Shah | Year Posted 2013

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Faint Not Oh Saint

Man, when entirely engulfed
By the complexities of life,
Finds himself dreadfully jammed
By pressures massive, and faints.
When solutions of any kind
Inept to solve issues intricate,
And pain mounts to masses,
One slowly spins into a saint.
When courses of acumen initiates
Soothing echoes within, the saintly
Soul dives deep into blessed trance,
Blissful oblivion and absolute ease.
True, Pressure makes one faint,
But, wisdom turns him saint.

Copyright © Tajudeen Shah | Year Posted 2014


Book: Reflection on the Important Things