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Best Poems Written by Scott Thirtyseven

Below are the all-time best Scott Thirtyseven poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Poetry For Poets: I Own This- Edition

Well hopefully you've read the last "Poetry for Poets", now here's the one I wanted to write, enjoy...

(I own this- edition)

more organic than fertilizer
rooted in the shit of life

Some grow wild
seeking their light
through a gnarled thicket
of images
and symbolism.
Ill watered
or sprayed with chemical defoliants
they strangle themselves,
managing to blossom.

Poems thoughtfully precisely planted
to achieve optimum yield

			though occasionally
		poems require		to be forged
	beaten into shape
like a horse shoe
with a few holes
	accurately placed
		ensuring they		will be nailed
			to their purpose

dead words and metaphors 
selectively snipped away
stunning display

There are times when it’s best to live with your poetry
Cover yourself with its words until they stretch and become sloppery
For its comfort increases as the stanzas begin to fray
Patched elbows illuminating what you intend to say
And eventually you’ll have a poem to slip into by the fire
To savour with hot chocolate as it ignites your desire

more organic than fertilizer
flourish when tendered
with love

Copyright © Scott Thirtyseven | Year Posted 2015

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Where the City Folk Live


At the confluence of the cultures 
Where the politics ebb and flow
The tide of humanity crashes
Against their collective soul

The spires of religions
And posters of beliefs
Crush against each other
Through the weave of city streets

Registered colours of commerce
And trade mark tags of youth
Line the valleys of glass and steel
On floor, and wall, and roof

The constant clangs of progress
Idle growls of restricted motion
Drift across the green spaces
Invading every moment

The scent of communal sweat
Wafts upon the breeze
From the fires of exotic dishes
And the fumes of commercial needs

Feel free to swim the city
Frolic in the human flow
But be aware of the waves that break
Against your precious soul

Copyright © Scott Thirtyseven | Year Posted 2013

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Good morning World.

Damn you!
and your warm
sunray fingers
prying open my eyes.

Robbing me of my
nocturnal fantasies,
my semiconscious bliss.

Leaving the remnants
of my peace 
and tranquillity
laying scattered across
my face and through
my hair.

Your rising light
shrinking the shadows
of my freedom.

I will not be seduced
by your clear blue promises.

For your pressing realities
already taste foul
in my mouth.

Leave me Morning
to my diminishing serenity.

I have performed this piece and it shows on you tube (I hope this works, if not try copying to your address bar):

Copyright © Scott Thirtyseven | Year Posted 2013

Details | Scott Thirtyseven Poem

The Helmsman

“Over there,” yelled the Helmsman
“On the Starboard side.”
Though when I looked from left to right
Nothing caught my eye

“Over there,” he yelled again
“On the starboard side.”
And again as I looked from left to right
Nothing caught my eye

But I knew when I saw her
For she was not water nor was she beast
That she had come upon us
To rest us all in peace

Her fingers rattled the rigging
As all hands fought to stow the cloth
The helmsman lashed himself to the wheel
We faced the worst of her wrath

Then she brought the main-mast down
The crow’s nest crashed upon the deck
Fear eclipsed all conscious thought
For we floated upon a wreck

Our lives so fully in the hands
Of nature’s primeval fury
We prayed to our mystical gods
For their heavenly mercy

Lo she ignored our desperate pleas
As she drove us beneath the waves
Relaxed and confident she left us 
To our watery graves

Then the helmsman free from his shackles
Pulled us with all his might
Dragged us by our sodden collars
Toward the watery moonlight

The helmsman of defiant strength
Pulled us with all his might
Through our aquatic graves
To freedom’s shining moonlight

Copyright © Scott Thirtyseven | Year Posted 2017

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Places I'Ve Peed Haiku Series

Sun glints off ripples
Play of light in sheltered cove
Scenic lavatory

Backyard full of stars
Footsteps crack on frozen grass
Moonlit lavatory

Forested mountain side
Above twisting single track
Rider’s lavatory

Over arid land
Falling rain evaporates
Hot Aussie dunny

Sandy beach stretches
Tropical coral waters
Pristine lavatory

Beneath St. Paul’s dome
Lies manicured garden
Monumental lav.

Copyright © Scott Thirtyseven | Year Posted 2014

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(Words inspired by Casarah)

Our faces are turned toward Bangkok
That buzzing hive of humanity
Where folk brush against each other
As they twirl and dance
In an effort to maintain direction

Not that we were going to Bangkok
Not that we were currently going anywhere

We sit defeated
Restraining our combustion engine horses
Their promise fuelled motors straining
Wanting to accelerate into freedom
A few fleeting moments
Before being reined in again
By the brakes

Unlike those in the north bound lanes
Unlike those with a clear path before them

Piloting their roaring beasts
Who revel in their delight
Eating up empty kilos of asphalt
In their haste toward a distant destination
A cosy castle or a sweet vacation

Copyright © Scott Thirtyseven | Year Posted 2016

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The Girl Who Ate the National Park

Today I present an old poem, written at least a decade before "Doubts". What this poem lacks in poetic format, and style, it reaps in sentiment.

the Girl Who Ate the National Park

I was picking apples, from polystyrene
boxes, when she held aloft a spiky
green football and her excited voice
asked, “What do you call this?”
She named it durian. I didn’t know,
and pulled a lettuce from its packing.
Harvested multigrain rolls
from bakery bins, and hunted
sandwich ham from fridges.

I laid our picnic mat down
amongst market gardens, and planted myself
to grow in her company. Uncorked
a shiraz in a vineyard, and savoured
her smile. Pulled an apricot from the cooler,
in an orchard, and hungrily
consumed her words.

She took to the park's paths
like shopping aisles. Selecting ingredients
for a salad from green foliage shelves.
She chose a duck dish
as it flew above us, and decided on a fish,
as we watched it swim
beneath the waterfall.
Then as we left, she created a desert
from the trees.

Her touch stopped me. Rooted
me to the spot, where we ravenously
embraced. Our feelings blossoming
around us. Forming a canopy
which we took shelter under,
and bore fruit, that we ate together.
Our appetites sated.

Copyright © Scott Thirtyseven | Year Posted 2014

Details | Scott Thirtyseven Poem


Dear members of Poetry Soup, here I present my most awesome poem to date. 
It is best appreciated while listening to my mate Andy's recital. 
So please open- 
and read along.
Here goes:


When the sanctuary
Of sunlight sinks
And dark shadows
Lay across your thoughts
Spiteful talons
Scrape against your reason
Their dragging
In your mind

<     >

Out beyond your vision
In the darkness of the hour
Your doubts stir
Foul damning words
That pierce you
Slicing through your certainty
Severing the flow
Of your integrity
Chill words
Spoken so close 
They breeze past your ear
And settle like ice
On your dignity
Sounds of movement so near
That doubts brush
Your confidence

<     >

In the gloom
These doubts
Your every mistake
Real and imagined
Your honest intentions
Mercilessly proven
Your courage
And Morale
Lost in the darkness
Surrounded by doubts

<     >

Doubts twist
Blur reality
From hidden self
Igniting fear
Pupils dilating
Heart racing
Torn from your chest
Undesired self

<     >

When the sanctuary
Of sunlight rises
And dark shadows
Are chased from your thoughts
Hopeful hands
Massage your reason
Their comforting
Your mind

Copyright © Scott Thirtyseven | Year Posted 2014

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Spend the Day With Poetry

Life comes at you
through a haze of words
distorted and cloaked
by the grey murk of meaning.
Its shape becomes solid
as it passes through
the last droplets of syllables.
In its flurry
Life knocks you aside
with a whoosh of stuff.
Leaving you stumbling
in its slip stream
you could spend the day
with poetry.

Please follow this link to see the video that I was able to make for this poem on my way to work-

Copyright © Scott Thirtyseven | Year Posted 2014

Details | Scott Thirtyseven Poem

Farewell My Friend Farewell

I watch the sun set
      in a distant sky.
like a bright light
      on our Poetic Horizon.
I raise a glass to you Chan
      "Farewell my friend

Copyright © Scott Thirtyseven | Year Posted 2014


Book: Shattered Sighs