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Best Poems Written by Litan Dey

Below are the all-time best Litan Dey poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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If You Would Know

We run behind you
Kill your love on the Sixteenth Street square
Playing the dirty game
If you would know, my friend
-that they are like me!

They call for war
Make a dam on new hope
Can not bear your smile
Your free will and self-reliance
They are dying to die
My friend; if you would know
-that they love you more than I do!

Now you may reject me
But can not overcome them
If you would know, my friend
-that they are among us
Sit beside you
walk in the crowds
They bear the same human features,

You will feel sorry to know that
They do not want to be human anymore!

Copyright © Litan Dey | Year Posted 2013

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To You, Tainan-I

In the beginning it was just a smell 
a smell i could not quite make sense of
a smell that the city was, a smell that the people in it were

in the beginning it was just a smell
a smell that dragged swarms of people of their homes
onto the streets, into the trains, into the strangers’ eyes and their uncharted territories 

slowly i realised 
all cities are, first, smells to the outsiders 
and Tainan was smell sound taste touch to me

there were moments when i felt
this city is just people, so many of them; how beautiful 
that i do not know any of them, yet i know them all

sometimes i would think if i emptied the city of all these countless faces 
and bodies jostling with each other, what would remain of the city? would it still beat if i put my ears into the hearts of the depeopled Shennong Street
at the dead of night?

i came to Taiwan for the same reason
that a Vietnamese, an Indonesian, or an American comes for,
to chase my dreams, to become more of me,

instead I became it

it wasn’t as easy and quick as they make it out to be; 
it took time, for love has its own mysterious ways 

i started to embrace Taiwan and its culture
huge numbers of scooters and cars
Everyone follows the traffic rules 
wait patiently for the green signals
one in Tainan city never feels pity
city buses and t-bikes are the best friends of a wanderer in the city
people are always helpful,
they adore you as they adore ‘hello kitty’;

small parks almost at every half a kilometer
elderly people like Mr. and Mrs. Wang use them for exercise
sometimes the parks provide sweet beds to the homeless;
i often use the underground passage of the Tainan train station
i look at the people sleeping there
they have made their small worlds in the underpass
they eat, they sleep, they chat with their neighbours
people look quite strange and funny without boundaries around them

their small worlds haven’t yet known the ways of the boundaries, the frontiers; these people are happy in heavy rains and in extreme cold, are they happy?
     Tainan has a home for everyone, i guess

when I feel bored, i go to the sea
and bathe in the sounds of its waves lapping against the shores
sunset-platform lets you enjoy the majestic sunset and calming breeze born of the boundless deep

_____to be continue in part-II

Copyright © Litan Dey | Year Posted 2019

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He flies far 
Collected Sprig to make a nest 
Wish he could Guard her eggs. 
She flies away 
Leaving their nest. The shower of time 
Washed the abode, 
Made them homeless. 
City-lights eradicate night lull 
City-sounds daunting the eggs.
O Ethnic, keep patience
There will be sunshine
We will run far,
So far, would never return
Your dwelling dismantles the tiny abode
The flock of humane shoos it
They will miss the old tree
And squeeze the recent arbor.

Copyright © Litan Dey | Year Posted 2014

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To You, Tainan-Ii

the Yuguang Island is quiet and peaceful 
the sunset tower made from the washed up woodwork and string
along the coast of Tainan elicits a sense of awe and beauty 
the colorful sky, the waves on the shore and the rhythmic sounds of ocean
remind me of a song whose words I have long forgotten, but still remember its tune

as the sun sets and i head back towards my home, i feel pain as if an indifferent and careless doctor is repeatedly piercing my skin in search of veins 

but the smell of sausage from vendors on the streets
makes me forget all of it,
i feel hungry

Tainan never rests; it always has something to catch up with
the natural beauty of Tainan captivates your heart
take a boat to the Qigu Lagoon_____
the stunning beauty of the sheltered tidal lagoon and ecosystem,
hundreds of species of birds, crabs, fish, and shellfish
the pine trees and vines on the sandbar on the far side,
the taste of fresh oysters makes your day
the mango trees on the hillside of Yujing are wreathed with white pockets
there are yellow fruits inside the white pockets as if secrets locked away from people’s eyes;
in July the mango kingdom breathes joy and happiness
mango festivals are seasons for juicy, fleshy mangoes
sweet and sour blend of flavors in mango ice is such a delicious feast to your taste buds. 

I have come to realise Tainan city is a painting of dreams, aspirations and of feelings of a meticulous artist

the city is lit with passion and fluttering of their hearts as lovers and dreamers walk the streets____
they walk, they whisper, they hold each other’s hands, they kiss;
they do not care the eyes of the strangers. 

Tainan is a dream city for nightwalkers and food lovers
ba wan, douhua, zongzi, xiao long bao, boba milk tea, oyster omelet____
so many of them; stinky tofu is my favorite the smell of which I hated at first.

but here i’m madly in love with stinky tofu; they are quite right, then, to say love comes dropping slow

to me Tainan is not a place anymore, it is many things_____
Tainan is the people, the vendors, the commuters during office hours, the unknown faces opposite me on the trains, the traffic and the neon lights in the evening; Tainan is music and silence in my heart.

it is a beautiful fragrance that i shall never be able to get over with; i feel joyful to think that i shall always smell a bit of Tainan wherever i go from here

Copyright © Litan Dey | Year Posted 2019

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The Touch of Happiness

Diluted in the silence
All are enjoying Freshers party
Nobody knows when I go
Sounds were like buzzing fly.

Join wholeheartedly
Sudden attack on my door
Call for dining room.
Many times, many days
They remain suspended in the subconscious
The diet body
Fret with malice
Yet working!
I’m absolutely fit  and jobless here…

Be missing in a hushed monastery
And senility
When I will be hoary like my parents
Who will take care of me?
My parents or my future!

Already lost the drops for them
Only the silent dry pain of heart is left
Senility of me and my parents must be same
I can't remember by no means
what i have done for them!!


Copyright © Litan Dey | Year Posted 2013

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Born of Beauty

I am afraid of beauty
Everyone loves my softness,
Pink, white body
The shape of my skeleton
Fragrance from pores of skin
They die to sink in it!
My eyes are tired, flow in red every night
I need a deep sleep
But my heart is always watchful
The thought of you threatens me
If I defeat my beauty,
If my skin loses its soft pores
Can the dry pores create a sensual smile!
Would you still love me?
I'm afraid of my beauty
I can not hate myself
No way to escape the truth
Everybody lives their own lives
I am a simple girl
Sometimes melt in love
Love always whispers around me
I failed to fail
No one loves my soul
Now I am afraid of my love!

Copyright © Litan Dey | Year Posted 2013

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Boring Joke

I was trying to tell you something
For a long time
The word that will bore you
Maybe you got mad at me
Smiling lips
Your true and innocent heart stops me
The word is bothering me
I can not sleep
Today I must say this
Please! do not mind
I am saying this from my core feelings 
Today it is very cold!
Do not go outside!

Copyright © Litan Dey | Year Posted 2013

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The Ordinary

Father is still up for a brawl
Altercations are ongoing 
My mom can not tolerate my sister
My sister hates me, and she says the least

On the playground
Mates continue to be enthusiastic about my kin 
They always let me scared and cry
Few know nothing but to fight happily

I always have the generosity of a friend
Cordial and simple to go 
I can never fit me at home
My mom is waiting to beat me and my sister is waiting to play

I feel sad and bored at home
I can see the tenderness in the evening before bed
I enjoy sleeping because nobody dares to hurt me 
Hug of vanity and kisses turn out my sleepless

Litan Dey
You're a little kid again
A boy of 3 years old

Copyright © Litan Dey | Year Posted 2013

Details | Litan Dey Poem


Yes! I find my existence
My desires, thoughts and my goal
The smallest drop of liquid
Rolls for long
Move to live
I want to be the smallest Waterdrop,
So that I can make
Another new earth
New lives
change emotions and feelings
I can stick out my restless spirit
Hard strike with a dead stone
children in my lap
But I dying of pollution!
I will roam over the world
Sing a song of lullaby
Soft, Shapeless, Colorless,
Stupid water drop

Copyright © Litan Dey | Year Posted 2013

Details | Litan Dey Poem


Lizard is truth
Lizard is foul
Lizard! You and I are what we are distinctly

Truth or bitter
Freshwater or saline water
It mixes with our life
-in our wounds.

I am tired
thirst for your love
I can not bear this loneliness
When I stop thinking about you
The Lizard run over my head
Why you are making sounds now, Lizard?
If you are happy with her
Give me more pain!

Lizard is truth
Lizard is foul
Lizard! You and I are what we are distinctly

Day passes
My night lengthened
If it is true to life as one wish
Why I became deaf?

Lizard! Stop making false clops

Copyright © Litan Dey | Year Posted 2013


Book: Reflection on the Important Things