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Best Poems Written by Maricel Estoque

Below are the all-time best Maricel Estoque poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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At War With Myself

Fighting a battle that I may never win,
Just seems to break me a little more with every breath I take in.
There's a monster inside me that tries to pry it's way through and make me weak.
No one really knows that it's help I seek.
I can feel it clawing at my soul, breaking down the wall it's behind.
I search for a path to get away from it, but it's just something I can't find.
There's loved ones everywhere to help me, but I can't find the words to ask.
I have to hide the tortuous pain and tears behind this treacherous mask. 
I fight to keep it all in, I fight to be the happy person I should be.
I fight against it all because this isn't the person I want people to see.

Copyright © Maricel Estoque | Year Posted 2014

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Emotions Deep Within

Lost in a fantasy, eager to make it reality.
Tangled in emotions, too oblivious to see.
How desperate I was for a taste of your love, 
all those nights I begged to the one up above.
I sit and swallow the liquid that makes the pain momentarily disappear.
I let myself become incoherent, for there’s no one’s voice I want to hear.
Dazed and lost, I drown in my own thoughts.
Seems to me I’m in a battle that I’ve already fought.
I am unsure if it’s made me stronger or slowly deteriorating me inside.
The wall around my heart is not yet sturdy, and I failed to protect my mind.
I care so much, but yet my heart is becoming cold.
The games, the lies, and deceit are getting old.
I don’t have time for the foolishness, I have too much to give.
To be mislead and only given portions of a person is not the way I want to live.
I have too much to offer and too much to share.
I refuse to invest so much time and emotion on someone who doesn’t care.
However, I tend to find myself in that situation.
The monster that lies within my heart was nothing but my own creation.
I fed myself wishful thoughts and fairytales.
I continued to do so, knowing my heart might be struck with a nail.
I begin to think I'll never learn. 
Oh that feeling of being content is something that I yearn.

Copyright © Maricel Estoque | Year Posted 2016

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You said you'd always be there, but how long will that last?
I'm over here living the present and preparing for the future,
while you're still stuck in the past.
I don't want to do this, but I guess I have no choice.
Keep on sitting there silently, but I still have a voice.
I'll tell you how I'm feeling, then after I will disappear.
The sound of my fading footsteps will be the last thing, from me, you'll hear.
My wings have grown, so it's time for me to soar.
I waited for you to teach me, but that's not an option, not anymore.
Just know you'll never be forgotten, you'll always be in my heart.
But I can't reach the finish line if I never start.

Copyright © Maricel Estoque | Year Posted 2013

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The Key To Life

Life can be a struggle, but there's beauty in it too.
Think of the positive aspects, and you'll see that it is true.
We all have our downfalls, but we don't stay there forever.
Don't let anything or anyone keep you down. Not today, not tomorrow, not ever.
You have the strength within you, don't fill yourself with doubt.
It make take some time, but that's what building confidence is about.
You're in control of your own self, please keep that in mind.
Gather all those negative thoughts and kick it in the behind.
Once you do that, a new path will be in sight.
And once you stroll down it, you'll realize I'm right.
The time length of your ride shall remain unknown.
I suggest you use that time wisely, and not just sit there and groan.
Keep your head held high and be ecstatic of it all.
A positive mind set will get you through it, even when you fall.

Copyright © Maricel Estoque | Year Posted 2013

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Love, Patience, and Appreciation

Emotions emerge and happiness appears.
But how can we trust our feelings when they can just suddenly disappear?
They say when you find THAT one, you'll know it is true.
Now, I believe in that. How about you?
Yes, some feelings are temporary, but that's not always the case.
If you want that feeling to be permanent,
You gotta take a risk and chase.
Nobody got what they wanted by just standing still.
Some may not realize that doing nothing can kill.
True love doesn't come easy, but it is the worth the wait.
Don't forget that when and if you get it, to let it be something you appreciate.

Copyright © Maricel Estoque | Year Posted 2013

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Walk Out the Door

To wait and to suffer is what I'll do no more.

The pain is starting to intensify so I'm walking out the door.

You left me alone in a self deepening hole.

I finally clawed my way out, I accomplished my goal.

I will always be here for you, but this part of me must go.

I refuse to just watch this side of me reach its all time low.

Unconditional love is what I'll always have for you,

But just please understand that this getaway is overdue.

Maybe in time you and I can create a flame once more,

But until that day comes, I must walk out the door.

Copyright © Maricel Estoque | Year Posted 2013

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Emotions are mixed, while sanity is lost. 
You get to intake all the luxury while I struggle with the cost.
Oh the risks I would have taken to see us pull through, 
The sacrifices I made just to try and be with you.
But you fled without a word and without an explanation.
And as much as I hate the distance, I want to avoid confrontation. 
So I sit in silence while my thoughts consume me,
Trying to neglect the overflow of sorrow that lies within me. 
Times like these is when the distress likes to seep through, 
Reopening wounds, leaving me unsure of what to do.
So I smile it out, distracting myself & fooling the others. 
I shall attempt to walk with my head held high, as this gloomy cloud continues to hover.

Copyright © Maricel Estoque | Year Posted 2014

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Rise To the Top

Being trapped inside your own mind can lead you to insanity.
Soon before you know it, 
you’re a threat to all humanity.
They’ll push you away when all you really need is help.
Your life is no concern to them, 
no matter how much you yelp.
So many selfish souls but some good still floats around,
Search for that kind, 
they won’t let you down.
Obtain what is essential to get back on your feet.
When you do, that is one of the many times you and success can meet.
Keep climbing that mountain, 
don’t ever look back or stop.
The ignorant ones will try to drag you back down below,
but the wise ones will succeed in getting you to the top.

Copyright © Maricel Estoque | Year Posted 2013

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I’m sick of shedding these tears, I’m sick of being blue.
I could write everything out, but you still wouldn't have the slightest clue.
Sobbing on the phone, gasping for air,
You wanna say things will be fine, but no you don’t dare.
You've seen me hurting but you still can’t comprehend why.
And even though you've inflicted pain on me, I just can’t say goodbye.
I still hope you regain the love you once had for me.
That piece of hope is what makes me refuse to flee.
I want to be more than just your friend and I know my love won’t fade.
I just hope that my patience doesn't result to me being dismayed.

Copyright © Maricel Estoque | Year Posted 2013

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The Battle

Walls starting to rise to avoid such a disease.
It doesn't mind your feelings, it'll eat you up with ease. 
Starting to protect myself to avoid this infection.
I'll fight to the death, just to show it rejection.
Trying to control my mind, feeding off my body, 
Searching to devour my soul to leave me as nobody.
I'm in control, which you clearly don't know.
Before you can even touch me, I will have already killed you nice and slow.
Give me your best shot, but just know you'll never win. 
You think you can overpower me, I'll prove you wrong, come on and step right in.

Copyright © Maricel Estoque | Year Posted 2013


Book: Reflection on the Important Things