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Best Poems Written by Claiborne Randle

Below are the all-time best Claiborne Randle poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Chicken Little

Chicken Little ( by Myself and Shukura Porter)

A crackhead stands out on the corner holding a torn Bible...claiming he has found religion...still very much in the midst of his own addiction ...a "wino" sleeps in the streets only to wake up and remind others that he once was a he great "war hero" (that's an oxymoron by the way)....A wayward woman kills and buries her own seed insisting that this was a part of some path to ultimate "righteousness"...*DECEPTION OF SELF* ...lies lies what a web of lies....the mistreatment of dear life ...such a painful sight to witness... and though I'm not sure where it all actually began the end is quite clear...that if we're not careful it could for us be also near....while these words may seem cynical I write not only to incite fear...but a sense of urgency...THE SKY IS FALLING...a once primitive civilization of people now decayed from decades of's evident in what we have now become to be...THE SKY IS FALLING....and if you even began to look you would understand...consequently so are we... -"CiD"

All of this has grown even worse in a rapid motion. Waves of self defeat engulfed the souls that walk the land of the free. Betrayal has become a friend of many and she brings Misery and Death with her to watch the THE SKY FALL. 
There is a great war happening between the soul and the flesh. A war between the eyes and hands. The suffering eyes are being blinded, covered by the hands. The suffering eyes are paying for what the hands have touched. Now the windows of the soul have become clouded. Mutiny to life. The ears and tongue are allies in the horrific battle but are the enemy to the eyes. The hands lead the way, the mouth declares decrees and demands, the ears hear indirect instruction. Eyes are blind to the sight of the truth of self power to overcome. THE SKY IS FALLING - Shukura Porter

Copyright © Claiborne Randle | Year Posted 2013

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Big Ben

Time. It seems there is never 
enough. I wonder how this 
could be . After all aren't we 
able to tell time to slow down 
every once in awhile? Why do 
we live in such dark times?  Is 
it not us who invented clocks 
and not vise versa? An 
untimely betrayal  by our own 
creation. Never the time to 
focus on or nurture the mind. 
Instead time is made  
equivalent to money. But as 
time passes that too will be 
gone. If only we took the time 
to think. Maybe in time we'll 
find the right time.

Copyright © Claiborne Randle | Year Posted 2013

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Paper Cuts Paper Heals

Blank white sheet of paper FOREVER I AM in your debt…please allow me to EXPRESS my INFINITE gratitude… for it was you that granted me the chance to finally RELEASE…*FREEDOM*…for so long I’ve searched for a home that I could sincerely call my own…I know now that close to you is where I’ve always belonged…to the only one who embraced me fully and never passed judgment…UNDERSTANDING from where I’ve come and how long of a journey it’s been…rescuing me from the pit of sometimes my own self-pity…and when I submerged into the darkness of misery…you provided the LIGHT for me to follow….the man that I AM today is more than a man…it is every man that has endured pain and suffering and rose from the ashes…*RISING SUN (SON)*…it is with you that I am able to share that EXPERIENCE…I HOPE you’re able to understand so many understatements…a simple LETTER to the one I truly adore…my greatest appreciation…

CiD *Creativity Is Demanding*
Add Watercolor

Copyright © Claiborne Randle | Year Posted 2013

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The Truth About Nightlights

As children we FEAR darkness…we’re not able to fully comprehend why but somehow we know the misery that it brings…there comes a point in time however when we become more and more comfortable with darkness…we FEEL we are able to “understand” it….from that point it then becomes a likely companion…steering us away from everything that is the LIGHT…we are all able to identify with PAIN and anguish in one way or another….of course there is no wrongdoing in this…it is when we immerse ourselves in pure unbalanced EVIL…that does a grave injustice to our own SELF…the BRAIN becomes clouded with thoughts of ANGER and misfortune…the SPIRIT begins to deteriorate from the toxins of iniquity…it is imperative that we treat the tri-fecta (MIND,BODY, SOUL) with much better care…let us not be bamboozled by the seductiveness of the shadows…YOU are a gift and the present is always a chance…take CONTROL of the chance…liberate yourself from your own demons…fall not at the knees of being tragically dispositioned…instead embrace inner BALANCE….+- +- +- +-

CiD *Conquering Inner Demons*
S.E.L.F (Spiritual Evolution Last Forever)

Copyright © Claiborne Randle | Year Posted 2013

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Stargazing: the Hopefulness of the Human Heart

Understanding WE may never physically be continues to be a concept that I often contemplate...a mental picture in my head that I constantly visualize...I keep my DISTANCE...wondering if I'm even worth your time...admiring you from afar as if you were some shining star...*INTRIGUED*....feelings that I've fought in the past...they manifest until finally reaching the surface...*HOPELESS*...I'm unable to subdue what my truly heart desires...what's next?...I don't have an answer...but I feel this moment of clarity is necessary...for sanity's sake... 

To Be Continued

CiD *Chivalry Is Dead*
"A Hopeful Cynic"

Copyright © Claiborne Randle | Year Posted 2013

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Beautifully Unfinished

These thoughts play back in my head again and again like a sappy love song on the radio...*REPETITION REPETITION*..."CAN WE TALK for a minute"? many questions that I need to ask...the when the what and the why....mostly the WHY is WHAT boggles my mind...WHEN will the answers be revealed?...while I continue to propose these questions...never do I fret nor lose focus...instead I'm patient enough to wonder....and while I wander through this forest of great confusion....I find inner peace in the search for knowledge and wisdom....and even with what's already understood I understand that I've not yet reached complete and total understanding....I FEEL a certain sense of rush knowing that my journey is very much still ahead of I walk down the path of what is true SELF DISCOVERY...I marvel at artistry of creation...and appreciate the blessings of being.... "beautifully UNFINISHED"....

CiD *Challenging Industrial Dictators*
Milk And Bread

Copyright © Claiborne Randle | Year Posted 2013

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My Purple Heart


This is the greatest war known to man…the opening shots have been fired…I try to mask my fear with the face of bravery…I know I have to be strong…As my eyes wander the field in search of my fellow comrades…I see endless bodies of those who suffered a similar fate…some of which the deaths were self-inflicted because the pain was too much to bear…I become overwhelmed with thoughts of insecurity…I wonder if I’ll ever be the same…the pressure continues to build…I’ve become a nervous wreck…my hearts beats uncontrollably…I must find a way to maintain…surrender is NOT option…I remind myself that while fear is present…to always adapt and OVERCOME…with motivation and dedication I charge my way into battle…this is the greatest war known to man…this is the battle of…LOVE

“Conformity Is Death”

Copyright © Claiborne Randle | Year Posted 2013

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Body Count

A man dies...without any 
realization of the event taken 
place...his soul manipulated 
and deteriorated by a world he 
knows not to be malignant...a 
Divine Being deprived of his 
true reduced to 
only BEING null and void... 
all the transient pleasures the 
world has to offer...yet he has 
not SEARCHED deep within for 
true worth ....the value of the 
interchanged for monetary 
gain...the sight of this 
continuous cycle  pains my 
heart...*ANOTHER MAN 
DIES*...not the physical death 
but perishes 
eternally...unbeknownst he has 
truly never lived at all...

CiD *Conformity Is Death*

Copyright © Claiborne Randle | Year Posted 2013

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Naked Pictures


Read my words understand 
who I AM and why I AM...they 
are as revealing as naked 
pictures...stripped completely 
down hiding nothing...I offer 
nothing but the BARE TRUTH 
with absolutely no's 
therapeutic for me that I 
REVEAL to you what is my 
greatest joy as well as my 
pain...can't you see the beauty 
of emotional nudity?....the 
willingness to share what is you 
truly feel?...without the 
oppression that is 
censorship?...I CAN...break the 
grips of your own fear of 
judgement...exercise the right 
of self expression...appreciate 
the FREEDOM of 
being...completely naked...

CiD *Cosmic Intelligent 

Copyright © Claiborne Randle | Year Posted 2013

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The Neglection of Natures Candy

So often we’re so busy “living” so high above GROUND…we forget to be down to EARTH…appreciating the NATURE of little things as an innocent child would…so often do we lose SIGHT and neglect one of the most accessible joys that LIFE brings….something as simple as taking a WALK outside and inhaling fresh air or watching the water be so still…so silent and PEACEFUL…this a present ( present time/GIFT) that we don’t even acknowledge....let ALONE hold dear to our hearts…I fear that we as a generation of people have become to preoccupied with LUSTING…we’ve pulled away from really LOOKING…even Eve proved to be ultimately deceived in the Garden of Eden…foolishly believing that what she thought she wanted was what she needed...*NEED *(GREED)….mistaken are we…I can only HOPE at some point we discontinue repeating…

CiD *Cherish Internal Development*
"Bathroom Graffiti"

Copyright © Claiborne Randle | Year Posted 2013


Book: Shattered Sighs