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Best Poems Written by Mary Youkhana

Below are the all-time best Mary Youkhana poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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We Are Stars

people are like stars,
some are younger,
some are older,
some are brighter,
some are darker,
some are bigger,
some are smaller,
but in the end we are all the same.
all together.
shining bright with our personality.
dont care about what other people think.
its their own opinion.
be unique,be you.
you are who you are, and who you are is all their gonna get.
so shine like a star!!!

Copyright © Mary Youkhana | Year Posted 2013

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Only Me

Sleeping as I awake
Falling as I climb
Dreaming in my present state
The future is left behind.

If death is a sweet release
And life is all a lie
Why do we all sit in shock
As the whole world dies.

I cannot accept this prize
The finish line I haven’t crossed
Laughing at those before me
Oh how bad they’ve lost.

I do not care to speak
My words so eloquently betray
All that I love and seek
Is rotting in decay.

I am only one girl
Yet my army rises high
Fall and pray to a deaf god
As you choke and cry.

Copyright © Mary Youkhana | Year Posted 2013

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why is life so FRAGILE?

Why can’t we all just live forever?

If we did, there would be no REMORSE.

NO more dreams that WILL HAUNT your soul.


No longer will your TEARS be shed.

The world could be happy forever.

But I have learned that, happiness only comes to those who work for it.

Life is like a ball of yarn, it can be cut short, or made into something else.

But I truly wish that our lives can survive much longer then usual.

That’s why people need to think before ending their life by pulling that trigger, taking your own Or someones innocent existence.

Copyright © Mary Youkhana | Year Posted 2013

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there are some things in this world that was yet to be discovered. just 1 by 1 they all faded, leaving a piece of what it was. as they fade, they scatter peices of there being. into the soil, into the earth. as we grow, as we fade. 1 by 1 we will leave what we once were behind for someone else to decipher and solve. each clue is a total mystery.for life is like a shard. we need to collect its peices to put it back together. as we laugh. as we cry or scream. we are always up and ready to do what we can to survive in this world. like people before us. and us before the future we will pass down our stories and our emotion. our lives and our future seems to always be placed in the hands of youth. so 1 by 1 we fade into heaven or hell. eather way you need to collect what we once were in order to complete your mission. it’s your purpose. your duty.

Copyright © Mary Youkhana | Year Posted 2013

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Life is special & life is painful, but the most magical thing about it is yourself. With out you life wouldn’t be the same….people will not be cheery. Nor happy. Just silent,Life can be dull. And life has its ups And downs. But there are stars all around. Shining upon you. Showing that there is light all around us and that we need to smile and take it in. A ton of people care and love one another. All we need to do is pass on that love and care to people we love most of all :)

Copyright © Mary Youkhana | Year Posted 2013

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Thats Life

Through every life time there comes a moment when someone gets hurt.  

That emotional feeling you receive through the air is so electrifying. Most people just don’t know what hit them. 

And yet some people notice without the need to ask.  Nor does anything but just look at the sorrowful.  You can’t touch them. 

 You just can’t reach that speck of light that glides through the cloak of darkness. All you could do is hope… And pray.

Yet that is all you think you can do, you need to reach within your heart and see what no one can see. that life is beautiful. no matter how people can see it. 

You’re the one person who can make a big difference. of course you may not see it, but you and everyone else can believe it. 

Your soul is a pure as gold and as rare as silver. you make the impossible happen. just see it. because seeing of course is believing .

Copyright © Mary Youkhana | Year Posted 2013

Book: Shattered Sighs