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Best Poems Written by Brandi Gray

Below are the all-time best Brandi Gray poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Will I turn back? No, why?
Cuz this is my path, in life.
Will i stop, and wait for death?
Or will I live life, Breath by breath?
I choose to live day to day, with this life,
Cuz death can take us at any time.
Why not make the best of what we have now?
I REFUSE to keep my head hanging down.
I will try to live life to the best of my ability,
With peace, love, and tranquility.
i choose to be and think positively,
If I dont, I'll be self demolishing.
I chose the path I walk, Whether it be with someone or alone,
I'm pleased with myself and maybe a place to call home...
Who knows?
I will mature even wiser than before
Don't be jealous because YOUR decisions were poor.
Happier more than I ever was, now uncovered,
A life out there, WORTH being discovered?!?!?!?!?
Will I turn back? No, Why?
Cuz this is my path, in LIFE.

Copyright © Brandi Gray | Year Posted 2013

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To My Mother Rip

We've had our differences, we've had our fights,
Now you're gone, yet I’m doin alright.
A month and ten days it'll be four years,
I miss you mom, and I wish you were here.
It was crazy times and a war,
But I still wish you were here and we'd party at the bar.
I think of you often and miss your voice,
But it's not like we had any other choice.
One day we shall meet again,
And who knows... Maybe next time we could be friends.

Love you. R.I.P. Teresa Marie Reese (8/13/1964-8/18/2009)

Copyright © Brandi Gray | Year Posted 2014

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Tell Me What You Want

I hope we don’t end, do you?
If so, I knew it was too good to be true.
I want to make this work more than anything,
But this relationship needs more communicating.
If you want to end it, I want to know why,
'Cuz I cant be the only one trying this time.
Just because I’m young, don’t mean that I’m naive,
Don’t be like the rest and treat me like a child, please.
I know what I wanna do, I know I’ll survive,
The stronger I get, the more alone I am and tend to cry.
I'm starting to wonder why I moved and how I’ve been here this long,
And question why I'm in a place that I clearly don’t belong.
Just tell me what you want from me and what I’m doing wrong,
I know I'm a lot to handle and can come on a little strong.
I want to make this work more than anything,
But this relationship needs more communicating.
If you want to end it, I want to know why,
'Cuz I cant be the only one trying this time.
I'm doing what I can, now tell me straight up front,
Tell me what I’m doing wrong, or what you REALLY want!
Just because I’m young , don’t mean that I'm naive,
So don’t be like the rest and treat me like a child, please.

Copyright © Brandi Gray | Year Posted 2014

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Throbbing, aching, stinging, bolts of electrifying pain... 
I know not of why or how nor when it will go away...
Psychological, emotional, spiritual, and physical are all in what pain resides and will continue to be. 
Anger tries to hide it, but it has yet to succeed.
Depression, suffering, and grief are only factors and signs... 
When we go thru it, we tend to complain and ask questions of "why?"
We beg, plead for relief, take drugs or try to drink it away. 
We cut ourselves or try to find other types of pain. 
We give and cause pain to others at times.
Some succeed and some fail, but those who cant handle it, understand it, or try... 
They take the cowardly way and attempt suicide.
Its disappointing, sad, and disgraceful too,... I know, I once Was one of these people who didnt know what to do.
We feel no one understands what we go thru... Or us. 
All people ever do anymore is just accuse, look, and judge.
It aint right for others to decide, 
whats wrong or even whats right.
We give signs that we want and need help by hurting our bod's, 
all you people never listen or hear us, all you do is tell us to turn to your gods. 
Some of us make it thru and live our lives, 
sadly others dont and end their suffering- by proceeding to die.
Throbbing, aching,stinging, bolts of electrifying pain...
I know not of why or how nor when it will go away.

Copyright © Brandi Gray | Year Posted 2013

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People want to commit suicide,
people choose to die over livin life.
Why has it come to be this way?
Why has this life become so meaningless,
that we just want to throw it away?
We become selfish and think our life is so bad,
dont think of others who's lives are worse, But still greatful for what they have.
People take for granted the things they've got,
clothes, food, smokes and shoes, even a roof or a bed,
They dont think of the homeless,
the hungry, not even the cold or the hot.
They just think they want to be dead,
Things happen in our lives that, to us, seem bad.
We dont look for help or trust any "friends"
All because of the past we've had.
Dont be a coward and run away,
Stick it out, Live life,
I know that there's alot of strife,
But stick it through day to day.
People want to commit suicide,
people choose to die over livin life.
Why has it come to be this way?....

Copyright © Brandi Gray | Year Posted 2013

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You say I AM that person you've been searching for,
Your life partner I'd love to be.
But how? When I dont know who I am,
what I'm doin or what I want from thee.
I am but a woman, lost and confused,
In a haze, life remains, and i dont know what to do.
Bit of a culture shock... the move,
I dont know how long we're here for, do you?
From small towns to hillbilly hell, to a place in Cali, do I like it? too soon to tell.
I dont know what happened, I used to know,
Who I was, who I wanted to be, what I want, and where I wanted to go.
Am I just still in a shock from life?
being sheltered from so young to even now.
If I dont know anything how could I be a good wife and partner,... or one at all.
When that time comes I want it to last,
Not end up divorced like the rest.
You say I AM that person you've been searching for,
I know I am, I just want you to be sure.
100% No doubt, I love you always more and more.

Copyright © Brandi Gray | Year Posted 2014

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I got too much emotion, too much pain.
I try to stay strong to keep myself sane.
I put on a mask with a fake smile and lie,
I'm wearing a "stay strong" disguise.
Pent up aggression, pent up sorrow,
How do i make it and see tomorrow?
I have so many secrets and burdens,
they're under the surface and hidden.
I dont know what to do anymore,
I dont know what to believe.
i cant live this battle this war,
this self hatred.... these lies I've made for me.
Pent up aggression, pent up sorrow,
How do i make it and see tomorrow?
I have so many secrets and burdens,
they're under the surface and hidden.
My whole world just spins round and round.
I put it behind me, but it comes back and bites me.
I'm fallin down,yet my past just haunts me.
Memories are burned in my head,
I dont want to remember this,... again.
I got too much emotion, too much pain.
I try to stay strong to keep myself sane.
I put on a mask with a fake smile and lie,
I'm wearing a "stay strong" disguise.
I dont know what to do anymore,
I dont know what to believe.
i cant live this battle this war,
this self hatred.... these lies I've made for me.

Copyright © Brandi Gray | Year Posted 2013

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How can it be so easy to forget?
At the same time remembering it.
So little joy and so much pain,
Why does it have to be this way?
The bad makes us stronger thru times that are tough,
But sometimes that’s just never enough.
Why cant I recall, the better memories of them all?
I try to remember but I just hit a brick wall.
I want to remember everything,
You, my past, and all in between.
In a way it pains me to not even know,
My own life as it comes and goes.
Even by writing it, I still cant remember,
Though I read it again, some odd years later.
How did I stumble upon this memory loss?
Was it clumsiness, or did my head just fall off?
The bad makes us stronger thru times that are tough,
But sometimes that’s just never enough.

Copyright © Brandi Gray | Year Posted 2014

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Pain pain go away,
You little b!tch you cannot stay.
I want you gone, Far from me
F*ck off now, and leave me be.
sick of doctors, sick of stress,
Sick n' tired of takin meds.
I want to know what's wrong with me,
A want to be "normal", cant you see?
It wont happen this I know,
With my bloodline,.... it goes to show....

Copyright © Brandi Gray | Year Posted 2013

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Never Be the Same

I wake up sittin' on my bed,
I have these thoughts runnin' through my head.
I just cant figure out a way,
of how I'm gonna get through this day.
Oh, come and take my breath away,
I'll never be the same,
I'm not ready for today,
But it's gonna happen... Anyway.
I dont know how to understand,
I dont know whats, happening..
I can't do this on my own... No.
I'm starting to feel like i'm all alone... all alone.
I wake up sittin' on my bed,
I have these thoughts runnin' through my head.
I just cant figure out a way,
of how I'm gonna get through this day.
I need some juice, I need a Jolt!
Or maybe get hit my a lightning bolt!
some things will never be the same.....
Oh, come and take my breath away,
I'll never be the same,
I'm not ready for today,
But it's gonna happen... Anyway.
But it's gonna happen.... Anyway.

Copyright © Brandi Gray | Year Posted 2013


Book: Reflection on the Important Things