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Best Poems Written by Elaine George

Below are the all-time best Elaine George poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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She sleeps in her rose wood bed,
                                                  under a blanket of velvet red;
                                                   old and alone and forgotten,
                                           she dreams of the love she once had.
                                              Once again she recalls his caress
                                                      on the curve of her hips
                                                                and her breast
                                                         as he moved his bow
                                                      on the strings of her soul,
                                                             playing her sound
                                                    'til his passion was spent.
                                           They traveled the whole world over,
                                                      to every city and town;
                                              the maestro, his bow and violin,
                                                 bringing each curtain down.
                                               He died in a cry of sweet refrain,
                                               clutching her strings to his heart; 
                                            as he fell to the floor in a final encore,
                                                       tearing her world apart.
                                           So she sleeps in her rose wood bed,
                                                  under a blanket of velvet red;
                                                         her strings still filled 
                                                    with the song of her soul,
                                                        etched by the maestro
                                                               that loved her
                                                               so long ago!


                                         Author:  Elaine Cecelia George of Canada

Copyright © Elaine George | Year Posted 2006

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A fragile winter butterfly
Flutters from the sky
So soft and yet her heart
Is cold and made of ice
But if I warm it
She will melt and die


Author:  Elaine George

Copyright © Elaine George | Year Posted 2006

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A Winter Rose - a Sonnet

I walk through the glistening virgin snow
That covers the sorrow of autumn’s death 
Where I find on a bush a frozen rose  
Its beauty held ageless in winter’s breath 

How I long to touch those petals again 
Those moist velvet lips that promise such bliss 
Opened in passion whispering my name 
As I drift in dreams of a breathless kiss 

Oh! To pluck this rose from the winter snow 
And hold it closely to my aching heart
And free it from that ice so bitter cold 
That now my love keeps you and me apart

But if I were to pluck this winter rose 
Would all its petals fall upon the snow?

Copyright © Elaine George | Year Posted 2010

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One Regret

Now walking through the autumn of my life
Where maple leaves have turned from green to gold
I watch them fall in breezes turning cold
In a whirl-wind of harmony and strife
And I ponder, on the fact that I might
In the light, as another day unfolds
Have, like these dying autumn leaves, grown old
Slow spiraling toward the pending night

Moss grows along the path where I now step
That rocky road now softened by the years
Seeing for the first time, so crystal clear
That I will leave this life with one regret
This vision, that these old eyes now behold
Those blazing  flames, when autumn leaves let go. 

Author:  Elaine Cecelia George of Canada

Copyright © Elaine George | Year Posted 2016

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From My Porch

After the end of a long hot day
At the end of my rope  with nerves all frayed
I sat on the porch to rest a spell
As the sun slipped  slowly behind the hill

Calmed by the lingering after glow
I watched the summer night unfold
Crimson streaks...on a sky of blue
Melted in a thousand different hues
Got lost in the dark without the light
Leaving just their shadows in the night

And in fields of clover across the way
The crickets began their serenade
As fireflies danced with sheer delight
Glowing…in love with this summer night

And there the end of the road
Above the bridge where the river flows
It rose like magic before my eyes
An orange moon so big it filled the sky

Copyright © Elaine George | Year Posted 2006

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A Gift From God - a Sonnet

I am a wish, a prayer, from mortals lips
That reached heaven and  touched God’s fingertips
And returned to earth wrapped in flesh and blood
A gift from God’s unconditional love

So love and cherish me as God does you
And guide and teach me well in all I do
And together, a garden we will grow
Filled with the fragrant beauty of the rose

And on the day I reach maturity
And feel the need like leaves to leave the tree
To show the world the colors that are  me
Rejoice in all the beauty that you see

For I am your  child the gift that God gave
No More than a wish and a prayer -  away. 


Copyright © Elaine George | Year Posted 2011

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Where My True Love Lives - a Ballade

Seared upon my soul for ever more
That break of dawn upon a summer morn
As I made my way along that rocky shore
Strewn with remnants from a raging storm
When through a rising mist of gray - so forlorn
I saw a badly broken sinking ship
With canvas wings of white so sadly torn 
There beneath those majestic purple cliffs

And as that mighty fearless ocean roared 
With salty breezy breath so filled with scorn
I saw it rise up from the ocean floor
Wrapped in a velvet coat so frayed and worn 
A red, red, rose impaled upon a thorn 
Where passion bled like rain from ruby lips 
Upon a vivid memory reborn 
There beneath those majestic purple cliffs 
The wind - it whispered - in my ear - Lenore		
As black clouds in the sky began to form		
Into a face I’d never seen before			
With hollow cheeks that endless tears adorned	
That fell in frozen crystal drops so foreign..... 		
Then from those clouds his face began to slip  	
And I cried  the tears of a woman scorned 			
There beneath those majestic purple cliffs		

Lenore, the love he would forever mourn
That from his pen on page in words did drip
As I read his poetry and love was born
There beneath those majestic purple cliffs.

Author:  Elaine George of Canada
 Written:  February 28, 2011

A tribute to: Edger Allen Poe and his Lenore

Copyright © Elaine George | Year Posted 2011

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All Too Soon

One windy night upon my breast
I felt the kiss of winter’s breath
A breath that blew me into flight 
Upon my breast one windy night

A leaf once green now bathed in red
With coat of spring and summer shed
True color bursting at the seams
Now bathed in red a leaf once green

Upon your breath I learned to fly
A flame of glory in the sky
Not knowing that the price was death
I learned to fly upon your breath

But all too soon I came and went
The seasons of my life were spent
A bud in spring that came to bloom
I came and went - but all too soon

Copyright © Elaine George | Year Posted 2014

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First Love

Returning home again after many years away
I find our secret path along the Fundy Bay
That happy place where long ago we played
Where all our dreams and promises were made

Once again I lie down where daises grow
In fields above the banks where salt winds blow
Golden memories rush through my hungry soul
Returning pieces of my heart lost long ago

I close my eyes recalling all the things we did
Just the way they were when we were kids
And I know without a doubt that you are here
As your love for me falls from my eyes in tears

We lie like angels looking up at clouds of cream
As we watch them take the shape of all our dreams
We laugh so hard at all the things we do and say
To us life is just a stage a place to laugh and play

We find the trail that takes us down to meet the ocean
Where we swim in waves of jubilant emotions
Then we walk along the shore together hand-in-hand
And we write our love forever in the sand


Author:  Elaine George
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Copyright © Elaine George | Year Posted 2010

Details | Elaine George Poem

The Promise of Spring - a Fibonacci

Kiss you
While you sleep
Lady dressed in white
And melt your cold heart  made of ice

Will rise
High into the sky
And fall as raindrops from God’s eyes

Buds below
Where now you will grow
With me - in the bloom of a rose

Author:  Elaine Cecelia George

* Note:  This poem is a Personification as well as a triple Fibonacci

Brian Strand's 'Image Contest':     First Place
John Heck's  '12-in-one' Contest:  First Place

Copyright © Elaine George | Year Posted 2008


Book: Shattered Sighs