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Best Poems Written by Bongani Zungu

Below are the all-time best Bongani Zungu poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Ashes of My Dream

Strings all over me
Pulling me backwards
Tying me down
Down the ashes of my dreams

My fear blazed like a wild fire
Their tongues scorched me like devouring wild fire
Their tongues had no positive utterance in my dream 
I could see my dream in ashes

Despite scorching heat of criticism
My dream never died 
In the ashes of my dreams I could see it striving
I could see a flicker of a flame surviving the dying fire 

One complement snatched me out of a blazing fire 
Like a helicopter, it flew me away from my fears 
Up in the sky my dream withered ashes like a tree tilt its old leaves
It was not just a ride but a revival of my dream

Like a surviving little piece of wood in ashes 
My dream is alive and has kept me fighting 
My dream is now a reality; you can do the same with yours 
Never let your dream perish in ashes of your dreams

Copyright © Bongani Zungu | Year Posted 2012

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When Days Are Dark Friends Are Few

When passion fails, love remains
Hills flattened and thus will your obstacles
Even if it seems impossible
No one can withstand possibilities

Day after day try not to lose hope     
Abilities pops up like mushrooms
Yielding to negativity isn't going to help
Sooner you need to change your mind set

A day sets with new possibilities
Right now it's time to wake up and-
Erase the past that holds you back

Digging down my soul revealed a truth
Ambiguous visions translate to nothing
Rivalries suppresses innovative minds
Killing negativity gives birth to success

Finding your passion and dwell on it 
Releases zest that keep's hustling alive 
Intimidated by success is lethal 
Erecting a tower with positivity is the foundation 
Neither the storm of disappointments can win
Demolished goals can be rebuild again
Surrendering taking up a mission is cowardice

Active mind ignite uncontainable victory
Realization of a dream starts with one step
Endeavour to take a step forward each day

Fulfillment doesn’t limit industrious men’s vigor  
Evicting indolent thoughts he does best
While they rest, i keep busy because I can rescue me!

Copyright © Bongani Zungu | Year Posted 2014

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Shackles of Apartheid

I look all round me and I’m engulfed by shame 
I see people chanting freedom 
But they have nothing tangible to show they are free 
Because their freedom’s trail is unknown to them 

Shackles of apartheid still tight on their wrist
Check the net and go through the list
See the names that exist in our midst
Because the apartheid segregation policy still exist 

Kaffir used to humiliate black men
And Negros to disgrace a black men   
In our minds we think freedom
Yet our attitude shows how tight the shackles of apartheid are

Our history is colorful 
Decorated with blood of heroes and heroines
Who fought for the emancipation of non racial society 
In black and white names of black and whites are recorded

They are recorded for the benefit of everyone in the land  
To remind us the importance of unity    
To embrace miscellaneous colors molded us to a rainbow nation 
Who can turn a blind eye on the colorful history of South Africa

Who can claim an individual victory to the journey traveled 
From apartheid era to become a nonracial society 
We broke free from the shackles of apartheid
Why then adorn ourselves with shackles of shame

Every time you call your brother with derogatory word
The shackles of apartheid shine like a diamond necklace
And the artisan smile, for you pursue his evil art of segregation
Africa is my home and Africans are my brothers.

Copyright © Bongani Zungu | Year Posted 2015

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Why Africa

Why Africa

Africa is yet again up in arms
And the host nation is South Africa this time
Africans, open your eyes and see
After these attacks what will we benefit

Xenophobia is like pus 
The wound that is resistant to healing
Xenophobia is like mushrooms
Popping whenever a thunder of ignorance strikes

What did we mean when we jointly said 
We, the people of South Africa
Declare for all our country and the world to know that
South Africa belongs to all who live in it, black and White!

In June 26 1955 a word went forth
The Kliptown word echoed through the globe
From that day on, South Africa’s mission
Was to accommodate all those who dwell in it

Now we are turning our backs to the world
Where our wealth is coming from
We have turned our nectar’s wealth into a doormat
Wiping our bloody hands with Freedom charter!  

Can we really hide behind poverty
And blame foreign nationals for taking all our bread
Where else we struggle to make earns meat
Due to hand out attitude we adopted after apartheid

Our authorities has done well to appease sins of the past
They gave free education, social grants to name few
Other things can be free but we need to realize that
Self support requires hard work and innovation

My fellow brothers and sisters, Africans!
Resist ideologies that torn us apart
And employ neutrality to embrace other nationalities 
Shun xenophobia and learn from one another.

Copyright © Bongani Zungu | Year Posted 2015

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16 Days of Activism Against Woman and Child Abuse

S ober your mind and clear the mist of ignorance
I mmediate reaction is required to gang up against perpetrators 
X enial approach is needed to shield the victims from prejudice
T o help everyone understand their struggles, education is vital 
E very day I hear voices of abused women and children so loud, who are
E mbedded by perpetrators that are protected family ties. Their protection 
N ullifies all the laws meant to deal with perpetrators of abuse   
D evastating news we hear on daily basis 
A mongst ourselves we gossip about victims dilemmas instead of calling 
Y oung and old to shun an abusive behavior 
S ober your mind and clear the mist of ignorance

O ver the years we’ve called for unity and 
F avors to converge in solidarity to support victims of rape		 

A t least to show them, they are not alone 
C avities of abusive incidences are vivid, especially 
T o the young ones who are victims of rape
I ncluding those who were sexually abused. 
V enting words like, it’s your fault 
I nflict contradictory perceptions in a victim’s mind
S ober your mind and clear the mist of ignorance
More than 16 days is need to clear the mist of ignorance
A ctive participations is crucial to help us 
G ain trust and to restore confidence of the victims
A nd the support of the entire nation	
I n this way we can all be sure that
N o one will be left alone to deal with the ordeal of abuse 
S ukumani sakhe isizwe 
T he time is now!

C hildren must be protected, and be
H idden away from the monster’s with  
I ll behaviors, irrespective of their biological connection 
L ove is all they need to
D are life obstacles and conquer them 
R emember they draw courage from us 
E ven if we poor a simple gesture of love goes a long way 
N ever underestimate the power of love 
A lmighty gives us children to love and support them 
N o one must take advantage of their fragile situation
D o not condone any acts that violate their rights. it starts with you

W omen often delay to pinpoint abusive behaviors, especially  
O f their partners who are romantically involved simply because their
M othering nature shadows the realities of abuse 
A nd silence the nagging voice awaking their conscience  
N o one should ignore their conscience.

A cts of violent and abuse are inhuman and
B rutal to humanity  
U nder no circumstances should we tolerate their ill behavior	
S ober your mind and clear the mist of ignorance
E xpel propensities of woman and child abuse. Real Man heed the call

Copyright © Bongani Zungu | Year Posted 2015

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Africa My Home

Africa my home
Africa there is still hope
Africans blow horns and assemble
To unite as siblings from the same home

Africa my home
Africa day should not stir ashes of colonialism
But arouse the spirit of Ubuntu
So we can skip the hinges of isolation

Individualism was forced down our throat
During the journey to slavery 
Now that our hands are free
Let us use them to plow change 

Let us use our hands to dig out our dark past
And the brain cells that naysays unity
We can pull out prevailing thoughts of divisions
Let us do it until our skulls are empty of racial intolerance 

This is a self-inflicted pain
For the roads that connects us are in ruins 
We spend hours knocking in border gates
Just to see our people on the other side.

My home is the second largest in the universe
With vast mineral resources
Housing millions of intellects within its 54 units  
Yet we are world’s poorest inhabitant continent

The wires in our brain cells does not connect
Because our leaders seek the glory of their former colonial
The challenges are unique 
African values are unique

African renaissance is a vision
Unity is our mission
Africa day is the start 
Africa is my home

Copyright © Bongani Zungu | Year Posted 2016

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Africa my beloved continent
Beautiful and attractive, many
Came as visitors yet their aim was to
Dig gold and platinum
Everyday they dug to reach her belly and they
Flee back to feed their own blood and sold us her the remains
Gold jewelry, we buy from them. Question is
Have we done enough to protect our mineral resources
Instead of preserving them 
Jealousy and greed overcrowded our judgments
Knocked each other for blood money, in exchange for what?
Lavish lifestyle our colonial had to offer, we
Moved from Ubuntu our African core value
New dawn sets but we failed to see the light because
Oppression impaired our vision
Pain we suffered taught us nothing for we did not
Quit selling our minerals in exchange for ammunitions
Re-unite Africa and fulfil the dream of African reminiscence
Shun greed, slavery mentality. In solidarity let me and you fight to
Tone down corruption and 
Undo damages implanted by our colonial
Viva African renaissance viva
Winning this battle calls for unity and mental strength
Xenophobia and racism will not be chronic diseases any longer, i'm
Yearning to see a better Africa for all human race, with
Zest I shall wait in anticipation for Africa's 're birth.

Copyright © Bongani Zungu | Year Posted 2015

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Black Friday

Love your neighbor as you love yourself
What happened to our mind set?
She’s an infant not a cure for aids
She’s pure why forcefully snitch her virginity 
Respect our women you selfish men

South Africa you’ve made a name for yourself “rape capital” 
Let us unite against rape and restore our good name
My beloved South Africans unite!
Unite against women and child abuse
One person raped is one too many

Anene Boysens, your death united the nations
United, they condemned discrimination against women
They said” every girl has a right to be respected and protected against women abuse”
How long should we take this barbaric conduct?  
We owe it to all the victims to fight this disease

Woe to your power assertive rapists
Woe to you anger retaliation rapists
Woe to you sadistic rapists
Woe to you juvenile sex offenders
Woe to you women offenders	

14 February after sun set a word went forth
Rapists have no place in South Africa
February 15, 2013 declared a black Friday
We shall remain black until we defeat rape
Victory is within our reach, fight against rape.

Copyright © Bongani Zungu | Year Posted 2013

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Yes You Can

Feel to the anguish of the less fortunate
Picture those who opt for shortcuts in life
Sense their grief for they’ve missed out
They forgot a simple life’s equation 
Hard work bares success

See the crack of dawn
Even though the day is not firmly established 
Just like your journey, it has just begun
Each second present you with a chance
A chance to better yourself for future  

Strive not to be the same as yesterday
For yesterday is history
In life nothing is promised
But through hard work anything is attainable 
Learn from your predecessors, O! You chosen ones

See the miles of my journey through my grey headed
My journey was lonely and tiring
I lived as if tomorrow will be dissimilar
Now I know change is now 
O! If you would listen to my adage

Our era maybe dissimilar
But the challenges are similar 
Let my impediments be your road signage’s 
To help you avoid the knocks I took
So that you prosper a satisfying life

Let each opportunity fill your artillery
To allow your mind to discharge missiles 
That can help you crack your impediments 
Just like the light penetrates the darkness 
Fire the thought that says, you can’t
Because your love for life, tells me you can!

Yes you can

Copyright © Bongani Zungu | Year Posted 2014

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Now I Know

Lore set in my mind
And I understood why
Poor is riches when one is content
Hand me contentment to triumph over my fears

Ideal life for me was to possess an abundance of riches  
As a young man I wanted to grow a happy chap 
Eye opening moments prevailed 
And changed my whole being

Many occasions in my life forced me to realize that
Happiness is for every man despite their state of wealth 
Mentors failed to unwind my state of unhappiness
Hacked by their shameful advices they vanished   

They run in different pathways 
Elate my soul so I can stand on my own 
They’ve feed me junk thus I’m stuck on their philosophy 
Emend my perceptions to flee their view of ordinary people 

Riches has created this wall around me and its separates us
People I grew up with can’t climb to where I am
Ridged is my life without real happiness
Peacetime is all I need for my soul  

Ordinary men has no walls around them
They are not afraid of scarcity 
Orders by economy has no grip over them
 They possess genuine happiness free of materialism

Copyright © Bongani Zungu | Year Posted 2014


Book: Shattered Sighs