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Best Poems Written by Bethany St John

Below are the all-time best Bethany St John poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Time To Let You Go

You could always make me laugh
You knew just what to say
Your jokes could be so freakin lame
But I'd giggle anyway

You'd take me out to eat some ribs
We'd laugh and stuff our faces
Our waitress couldn't help but smile
While we joked of life and its fazes

You were crazy and hilarious
Constant, caring and sweet
You made me feel like I could soar
I could conquer any challenge I'd meet

I got to meet your 'family'
And loved them from the start
I'd found some friends to keep forever
But you and me, we've grown apart

You weren't supposed to walk away
Now memories is all I got
I try to forget and move ahead
But my heart has saved you a spot

I promised you I'd be your friend
No matter, come what may
I'd forgive you and encourage you
I'd never walk away

Now I've done my part and said my piece
I've tried to make you care
But all I get is hurtful silence
It all seems so unfair

But now I realize I'm a fool
And this one thing I know
I've drained myself for one who won't care
And it's time to let you go

Copyright © Bethany St John | Year Posted 2012

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She Always Wore a Smile

She always wore a smile
No matter where she went
You never heard the girl complain
You never heard her vent

She always seemed so happy
Helping those she could
Whenever asked to do a task
She'd always say she would

But deep inside her tender heart
She was completely broken
She hid the pain and heartache
No word of it was spoken

The guilt she felt each passing day
Was more than she could bare
She wanted someone she could tell
But, what if they didn't care

What if, what if, the questions came
What if they call me lame
What if they laugh or think I'm dumb
Or speak badly of my name

What if they don't believe it
What if they only see
How bad the situation seems
And look at that, not me

She knew she couldn't handle
Judgment from a friend
So she kept it all locked up inside
And cried alone instead

So be the kind of safe place
A hurting heart can come
Where they know their loved and cared for
And no longer need to run

Copyright © Bethany St John | Year Posted 2013

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Symbol of the Rose

Stop and smell the roses
God gives us to enjoy
The symbol of his love to us
His mercy, peace and joy

A white one, oh, so beautiful
A saviour white as snow
A spotless, shameless, beautiful Lamb
Jesus loves me, this I know

And there's a pretty yellow one
A Christians duty, the gospel share
To tell the world of God's dear son
To sinners everywhere

But red's the best one of 'em all
A saviour came and died
He shed his precious blood for all
So we, his love could find

Copyright © Bethany St John | Year Posted 2012

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My Precious Haitian Child

I feel a tug upon my skirt 
Big eyes looking up at me 
Little hands outstretched my way 
A beautiful face I see 

His skin is creamy chocolate 
His eyes are just the same 
His hair is black and curly 
He's calling out my name 

A little life, so precious 
His smile will melt your heart 
He's one child out of many 
Whose life has been torn apart 

Some days his eyes shine brightly 
As he giggles and runs around 
But some days you see the sadness 
As his tears fall to the ground 

Some say, 'you can't make a 
Your time there isn't long 
But he holds my hand and says, 'I 
love you'
And today he smiles and sings a 

A little person who comes running 
And yells out 'Befiny!'
The weariness of a long day, fades 
As he climbs upon my knee

But I've left this beautiful boy 
And my heart lays broken in two 
I'm going back to find him
Yes, I'm going back... Will you?

Copyright © Bethany St John | Year Posted 2014

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He's Country

Walking down a dusty trail
Leading his horse along
You can hear the jingle of his spurs
As he bellows out a song

His boots are muddy and broken down
His wranglers, worn and dusty
He smiles and pushes his stetson lower
Dreaming of the gal he's soon to see

He's country, full of country
From his hat down to his boots
He's country, full of country
Rockin' his southern roots

The stars have been his blanket
The open range, his bed
There's a gorgeous sunset in the west
As he pushes on ahead

Although he loves this life he has
He's been on the trail too long
For nothing compares to the beauty
Of the one he misses when he's gone

He's honest. He's a family man
He loves the Lord his maker
He'd give up all for those he loves
This cowboy, he's no faker

He's country, full of country
From his hat down to his boots
He's country, full of country
Rockin' his southern roots

Copyright © Bethany St John | Year Posted 2012

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A Letter To Me

If I could go back in time and write a letter to me
I'd tell me to be careful of all I hear and see
Be quick to give a smile and slow to use a frown
Be the kind of friend you'd like. Be firm and stand your ground
When times get tough and I feel alone, I'd tell me to be strong
Cause standing alone for doing right is always better than doing wrong
Being honest is your best bet for friendships strong and true
But remember, sometimes honesty might make them walk away from you
There will be moments when you disagree with everything your parents say
But try to see it from their side. They just want you to be OK
Make sure you spend some extra time even though she has a Mister
Your friends aren't more important. You need her, she's your sister
When you meet a guy, please be careful and make sure that he's real
Cause sometimes it's a big fat lie, no matter what they make you feel
When your heart lays shattered on the ground and you feel you can't go on
It's OK to shed those tears. You don't have to be so strong
Don't ever take for granted the times you have with dad
Cause one day soon you'll get some news that will make you really sad
When that awful thing called cancer gets whispered in your ear
It'll be OK. Just pray to God and pull each other near
Take time to talk to Jesus. Don't think that it's OK
To push him aside for what you'll start to go astray
When you feel like no one really cares and you have no place to go
Jesus sees each tear you cry. Your heartache, he already knows
So I want you to remember, whatever life may bring
Through sunshine or through raindrops, no matter how much it stings
You have a loving Father who will be there til the end
He's your Saviour and Redeemer and He'll always be your friend

Copyright © Bethany St John | Year Posted 2013

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I Call You 'Mom' With Pride

I'm so thankful you're my mother
Where would I ever be
Without the tender loving care
You have always given me

Through all my growing up years
You taught me right from wrong
Showing me what's important
And giving me a song

Life has a way of pushing us down
But you were always there
To listen when I'd vent or cry
When life was so unfair

I know I gave you headaches
We made each other mad
I didn't always take your advice
But later, wished I had

These past few years have went by
With struggles far from few
But mom, you stood so strong
And helped to pull us through

Those weeks I spent in the hospital
You were with me every day
To help me eat and comb my hair
Or let me sleep the day away

You've been my rock through so much
Through the high points and the low
The time you've given is priceless
And I just want you to know

I'm always gonna need you
To be there by my side
No one could ever take your place
And I call you 'mom' with pride

Copyright © Bethany St John | Year Posted 2013

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Reach Out Your Hand

There's a little boy in Africa
Whose life is on the line
He's been stealing from the vendors
and re-selling for a dime
Angry people yell and threaten
As he tries to make them see
The reason for his stealing
Is to feed his family

There's a little girl in Haiti
Whose life is on the line
She's been abandoned by her family
And she's running out of time
Her hair is turning orange
And her belly's big and round
A little girl in pain and fear
Just waiting to be found

Do we feel the pang of hunger?
Do we try to understand
The difference that our love could make
If we'd reach out our hand?
To bring a cup of water
And a smile in Jesus' name
Do we see our love could change them
So they'll never be the same?

There's a little girl in Mexico
Whose life is on the line
Those men who took her from her home
Are no longer being kind
The horrors that she must endure
Each night at their command
She feels ashamed and lonely
And prays for her life to end

Do we see the tears and heartache?
Do we try to understand
The difference that our love could make
If we'd reach out our hand?
To search out the lives forgotten
And help pull them through the pain
To offer love and healing
So they'll never be the same

I choose to see the heartache
I choose to see the pain
I choose to give of my life
So they'll never be the same

Copyright © Bethany St John | Year Posted 2014

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An Angel In My Dreams

I see you standing in the moonlight 
Across the prairie fields 
A stetson pulled down o'er your eyes 
A thoroughbred at your heels 

A shadow cast upon the ground 
Your silhouette I see 
Standing tall, alert and sure 
You seem to watch for me

I stand in wait, you tip your hat
And into the saddle slide 
As you close the distance in between 
A tear wells in my eye 

You've rode through streams and flatlands 
Crossed o'er the mountains steep 
You kept your word and came for me 
My heart is yours to keep 

We ride off into the moonlight 
Too perfect though, it seems 
It's then I wake and realize 
You're just an angel in my dreams

Copyright © Bethany St John | Year Posted 2013

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True Love's Embrace

The snowflakes falling through the air
Were leaving sparkles on her hair
The moon shone down, she moved with grace
But all he could see was her angel face

They strolled along, side by side
Down a white powdery path, he held her hand with pride
This beautiful girl he loved so dear
Was just one more reason for his Christmas cheer

There were so many things we wanted to say
But her angel smile always got in the way
It was beautiful, sparkling, dazzling and bright
And his heart overflowed on this Christmas night

Then there with the moon shining down from above
He got down on one knee and promised his love
She answered with a smile and tears on her face
With a dream of tomorrow and true love's embrace

Copyright © Bethany St John | Year Posted 2012


Book: Shattered Sighs