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Best Poems Written by Kelly Mcdonald

Below are the all-time best Kelly Mcdonald poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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The Orchard

Orchard’s earthy mossy trails
Gray-brown bark like dragon scales
Crooked branches stretch to hold
Tender almonds encased in fuzzy fold

Leafy clusters filter sun
And dapple grasses newly spun
Bathed in tepid valley air
Rich soil echoes memories long grown there

Perfect crisscrossing rows align
Green canopy woven into tapestry fine
Nurtured seasons; pollinating swarms
Bare branches clatter in winter storms

Pale pink blossoms; fragile drapes
Fluttering down like blushing snowflakes
Prolific bounty once again
From a living sanctuary:

My orchard realm

Copyright © Kelly Mcdonald | Year Posted 2006

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Again, and Again

The doubt and anger are here again
No surprise, my new friend
Believed I could keep it all away
Now it’s about to steal me away
Come steal me away. Again, and again

Why can’t I change the parts I hate? Stupid, lying beautiful face

Hearts are craters, deep as wells
Fill them up and hold on well
Sand and mud, the liquid seeps
Dirty tears and sorrows creep
Creep in to swallow me. Again, and again

Why can’t I change the parts I hate? Stupid, lying beautiful face

Told you, I told you. Remember I did?
This time it was raw, nothing I hid
Unacceptable loathing and regret
Nothing to explain, at least not yet
You will see though. Again, and again

Why can’t I change the parts I hate? Stupid, lying beautiful face

Consuming distraction, love that I know
It’s dying already with no place to go
You won’t agree and you won’t see
It will never be enough for me
You will hate me so. Again, and again

Why can’t I change the parts that I hate? Stupid, lying beautiful face

Let me go, for I am already gone
I’m sorry to make you believe this long
Hopeless rage, directed at you
Walls constructed to block the view
But you will still want me. Again, and again.

I can’t change the parts I hate, and I’ll never be happy again. Again

Copyright © Kelly Mcdonald | Year Posted 2009

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White Bird

Elegant snowy 
Plumage pristine
Pale arched neck 
From dew drops gleam
Feathers like ancient 
Intricate lace
Silently gliding; 
Tiny purls cross the water’s face
Velvet warmth hovers 
Within hidden down
Delicate head poised 
With an invisible crown
Vast powerful wings 
Unfold and unfurl
Testing the morning air 
As cool waters swirl
About your buoyant graceful frame
Timeless sweet symphony 
Reflected in one refrain

Copyright © Kelly Mcdonald | Year Posted 2006

Details | Kelly Mcdonald Poem

Growing Up

Gritty angry surface
The diving board;
Encountered by his anxious shin
One more childhood innocence lost
Heady summer swimming
Expeditions to the bottom;
Pressure building and breath burning
Too quick to mount the board
His youthful haste subdued
Tears and chlorine
Shriveled swollen skin bleeding
No longer to be comforted by a kiss
Just old enough to be proud
Young enough to be hurt
Sitting at the edge
Stifling his pain

Copyright © Kelly Mcdonald | Year Posted 2006

Details | Kelly Mcdonald Poem

Clair De Lune

Governess of endless flowing tides
Ancient Orb that mystifies

Dusty ochre, bright hot white
Cycling and glowing with borrowed light
Cratered desolate dusty reflector,
Yet invoking your own haunting specter

Revealing all when heavily laden
Ebony cloaking when waning maiden
Luminous shafts caress and bathe
The supple skin of lover’s raves

Wondrous wishing talisman bold
Wide-eyed children cup and hold
Your gleaming form within outstretched hands
All tiny grains of billowing sand

Haunting compass; true and right
For countless seaman through the night
Ageless past and endless tomorrows
Stalwart celestial illuminations borrowed

Rest well within your firmament high
From darkest sable to lapis lazuli
Grace us again in coming night
With opaque splashes

Copyright © Kelly Mcdonald | Year Posted 2006

Details | Kelly Mcdonald Poem


Within these walls…
Fragrant aura of comfort
Freshly washed baby hair and sweet breath;
Passed around in soft pink pajamas
Laughter and wit from older minds;
Even though the stories are well used
Awkward ramblings of youngsters;
Still testing their wings
Warm delicious wafts of seasoned meat
And sugared pies
From a kitchen full of women;
Sharing recipes and secrets while sipping Chardonnay
Rambunctious giggles from upstairs;
Playing children’s games in pretty clothes
While piles of coats, hats, and purses
Sleep soundly on the guest room bed;
Along with one gray tabby cat
Crisp fallen leaves dance with shimmering snowflakes,
The first of the season
In a chilly November breeze
Just outside the door;
Painted a vibrant red
Illuminated by glowing amber post lamps;
Stalwart sentinels for our
Within these wonderful walls

Copyright © Kelly Mcdonald | Year Posted 2006

Details | Kelly Mcdonald Poem

Slender Birch

Steel Gray skies with threatening rain and restless wind
My breath gathers as mist on the inside of the window pane I watched for the school bus

A slender birch tree with spiral scars 
of flayed bark against its white skin
like curlicues of sharpened pencil shavings

Still clutching many bright yellow leaves, 
Some collecting at its base like a discarded garment
Sunlight, just a small shaft flickers bright dapples on tiny dancers
Ocherous curtains against the bruised sky

Prodigious vibrant final act
Just for me
The tree manages a sly curtsey 
in my direction, 
Sacrificing more of her fragile costume

My beautiful rosy-cheeked child kicks playfully
through the saffron sea of discarded programs
“Here are some for you Mama” he says
as he bursts into the kitchen smelling of peanut butter and early fall
There he deposits a chubby handful of my regard 
gently into my apron pocket

And into my heart's hiding place as well
Perfect poignant performance;
Beautifully done slender birch,
Most beautifully done

Copyright © Kelly Mcdonald | Year Posted 2006

Details | Kelly Mcdonald Poem


Teeming pools of spawning thoughts
   Irrational coiling tendrils and knots
     Restless limbs and rattled brain
        Exquisite need for some slight refrain
          Deprived of basal corporal need...

...I am so...tired.

Copyright © Kelly Mcdonald | Year Posted 2006

Details | Kelly Mcdonald Poem

The Rain

Rain, like angry teardrops, forges rivulets down the window pane
while threatening gray clouds thunder above, 
fat with their delivery

Flickering power dances with the lightning in a contest of shadows
as heavy pressure and dampness seep into the marrow 
of my fragile frame

Frantic winds change the relentless direction of the deluge as
miniature rivers form, washing away the residue of the atmosphere
before the storm

Darkness comes, and the bitter intensity becomes palpable
Weary windows shudder in their frames as whispering howls
sneak through timeworn crevices

Daunting years of collective conscience suggest a safe place to hide,
as all of the percipient creatures on the other side of the pane
have already attained

But, numbed by the continuous oblivious walk of humanity, I stay
Even though leaning against the moaning glass is not safe, I stay
… watch the rain.

Copyright © Kelly Mcdonald | Year Posted 2006

Details | Kelly Mcdonald Poem

Golden Summer

Warm damp hair
Dew drops hang from loose curls;
Refracting rays of golden summer
Dance across a placid surface

Enveloping cool caressing currents
As bronzed arms pump and glide
Buoyant form sluicing toward the dock

Trickling water runs down my back
As I stretch up to kiss
Your warm damp hair
As your body shimmers,
In refracting rays of golden summer

Copyright © Kelly Mcdonald | Year Posted 2006


Book: Shattered Sighs