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Best Poems Written by Angel Heady

Below are the all-time best Angel Heady poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Why Lie

Lies hurt the love and especially all the trust people put in you. 
Everyday You wake up saying to yourself,  It's ok to lie. 
No one's going to find out or bring it out in the open. 
I can hold on to a heart full of love and trust for another day.
Knowing it would cause pain and the all the love and trust they 
have would disapear instantly.

So why keep lying and filling her head and heart full of dreams 
that You know will never come true.  Only leaving her with nothing
Just the lies You told.

In the end is it really worth trying to hold on to her love. Being bound by 
the lies you told.  Now leaving her to deal with a broken heart.  And
watching her world crumble into pieces.  As the tears of pain slide down
her face.  

As you walk away. While saying nothing but I'm sorry.  I never meant to 
hurt you. Over and Over again.  Trying to figure out how to make a peaceful
exit out of her life.  

Your left thinking was it worth losing an angel's heart by lying. Now she's gone.

Copyright © Angel Heady | Year Posted 2012

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Hiding Behind the Wall

Never showing the world how much pain and sorrow. You feel every day when you wake up, knowing there’s nothing left to hold on too. Feeling trapped because no one cares to see how much damage they caused by always plotting against you.  

Leaving nothing for you to even try to build happiness.  Just waiting patiently for death to take you.  Trying to remember when there was ever a time in your life.  You felt loved and wanted but no such memory exist.   Wondering why were you created and placed on this earth.  Always trying to be loved. Over and Over again.  Never understanding why no one ever loved or cared about you.  

Watching tears slowly fall down your face again and again because you could never figure out what you did wrong to people for them not to show at lease kindness towards you.  Always praying for an end to life itself.  Wanting just to be treated with love and care.   Dreaming of a life filled with love and happiness.  

While hiding behind all the painful scares of the past.  Trying not to become a ghost no one sees.  Searching for hope that the damaged parts of you will one day get pieced together like a jigsaw puzzle.  Knowing only time will tell.  While fate still has cards left to play for your life.  Wanting so badly to say goodbye to everything and find a place to hide.

Copyright © Angel Heady | Year Posted 2015

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Left Behind

Why  does the world make you feel left behind, like your nothing
 but trash to be used, adbused and then throw away by everyone
 you try to love ,  Always trying to prove to them that your worth something
 to the world around you.  Letting all their promises of a better tommorrow
 fill your head with hope of having their love and approval,  
When your the one the world doesn't want at all, 
Knowing deep down inside the only person you have to trust in is God, 
Becuase of all the Games you have played and the walls of pain that You built.
 Trying so hard not to be put out like trash becuase all you have is yourself to give,
 Nothing else No money, No worldly or material things.
 wanting so badly to be completely loved and accepted by Everyone.

Copyright © Angel Heady | Year Posted 2012

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Left Heartless

Heartless is what happens when a person has a loving heart that just ripped out and stomped on by the scammer who thinks their real.  When in reality they feel no love inside.  Only the love of themselves.  While making broken promises of love and trust to just watch another heart slowly shattered into pieces.  While the innocent victim makes a fool out of themselves.   Thinking here’s my chance at love and happiness. 

Only to be felt feeling betrayed and used in the end.  Always wondering what happened to cause the betrayal and lies.  Blaming themselves for giving their honest love and denotation to a fake.  Knowing that every smile and every touch meant nothing.  Wanting to run away and hide from the world around them.  

Being ashamed because of the curse of love that was placed upon them.  Needing to find a way to escape the nightmare they are facing alone.  While the world outside will never know what happened to cause all the hate that remains inside where a loving caring heart is supposed to be.  

Wondering why there was no apologies for causing the pain.  Only denying the affair ever happened. But the pictures were the evidence that could not be denied.  Now the whole world knows what a real scam is.  Because your time was up and the game is over.

Copyright © Angel Heady | Year Posted 2014

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Where is thy heart supposed to go for healing, When all of world comes crashing down around you.  Leaving you with nothing but lost feelings.
 Wondering aimlessly around looking for some glimpse of happiness.  

Searching what's left of the heart for hope that love will live again.  Watching the love you have fade away slowly.  Leaving a trail of tears. 
 Waking up everyday trying to put on a smile while falling apart inside. 

Not knowing where to go or who to ask for help to save what's left of thy heart.  Only praying to God that your life will end soon.  So all the pain well be gone forever.  Finally leaving you in peace.

Copyright © Angel Heady | Year Posted 2013

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Changing Direction

Where do you go when there's nothing left of yourself to give to love someone who is always changing directions? Leaving you picking up the pieces over and over again. While you wait for them to give you all of their heart. Is it fair that every night you go to bed alone? Crying and Praying for them to be there with you. Holding you in their arms and hearing them say I love you and everything will be ok. I'm here to love and help you. Only to find out the next morning their gone again. leaving you think its time to change direction in your life that you deserve better.  While they never saw it coming to an end.  You did by putting your heart back together again for the last time and getting over them.  For the last time Your changing direction in your own life by taking back control of your heart .  Never letting them know they could have had the best of you. If they would have just realized you needed them to be there for you.

Copyright © Angel Heady | Year Posted 2012

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Not Afraid

In this life You have choices
Some good and some bad 
but the game isn't over just 
becuase of the bad choices you made
You can stand up and raise above 
the demons that are holding you down.
showing everyone you have the power to 
face whatever the world  tries to throw at you
Laughing at the world when all they have is
the past to throw at you
Knowing your stronger and can stand on your own
It's time to let all the skeletons out of your closet
Showing everyone your not affraid of the past mistakes
and you have nothing left to hide and you were down but 
never out of the game .

Copyright © Angel Heady | Year Posted 2012

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Words Hurt

Word’s hurt more than any kind of man made weapon.  People never realize how much leave me alone. Can destroy another person’s heart.  When all that one person wanted was love from them.  Leaving them feeling destroyed.  

Never knowing why instead of saying leave me alone all they had to say was Goodbye.  Wouldn’t have been kinder words then saying leave me alone like the person never meant anything and they never loved each other.  

Causing a heart to break and tears of pain to fall from an incent person who did nothing wrong. Only tried to love you.  Giving up everything for nothing but broken dreams of a life that was once promised but never received.  Wondering why they even tried to hold on after all this time.   

Saying to themselves never again will they be treated so cruelly by love and knowing that Apologizing will never undo the damage that was caused.  Making the person feel as if they didn’t matter and you acted like you were better than them. Just because you have a title in front of your name.

Copyright © Angel Heady | Year Posted 2015

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Walking Away

Walking Away

It’s time to say Goodbye to the world we know.  There’s no more tears to cry.  Only time to try to move on now.  When we both know that our life together has run its course and our time’s up.  Moving on is all there’s left to do.  We both have changed and the feelings of love have faded into the distance.  Now all we have left are memories of happier times together.  The world we shared 
Happily together has now caused us to break apart.   Knowing that there’s no happily forever after.  

Realizing if we stay together we’ll just cause more damage to both of us.  Instead of trying to fix the problems we have.  Knowing the only problem is we don’t belong together because we both want to be free to explore other options in life.  We can’t honestly fix what’s not broken. So Lets’ just kiss each other and Say Goodbye.

Copyright © Angel Heady | Year Posted 2014

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Wanting Peace

Everyday the world you live in is a war zone.  Everyone you love is fighting over their place in this world.  Making you always having to choose a side. But what happens when either side you choose is wrong. 
No one sees how much it effects your feelings.  It makes you think that there's no love in this world and you will always live in world war 3.  Where's the love and peace you seek?  When you know that you can't fix everything wrong.  when love has distroyed everything.  And you can't stand the sound of yelling and screaming anymore. 
Everynight you pray for peace and just to be happy and safe.  Wanting a normal life in a world full of angry people is so hard to find.  You start searching for any means of escape.  Only to find that the options you have for escape only distores You from the inside out.  leaving you a casualty of war that will never end.

Copyright © Angel Heady | Year Posted 2012


Book: Shattered Sighs