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Best Poems Written by Kenisha Shines

Below are the all-time best Kenisha Shines poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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I am the daughter of eve ,with the strength to create or destroy the world,but you nasty people
Judge and say me as a simple weak being.
Was born to be beautiful being but you made me suffer my whole life.
 During childhood,I loved playing with dolls  and with friends,
But you wanted me to do the chores so brother can enjoy.
He enjoyed all the pleasures and had all the fun,while I was in the
Hot sun,doing the work like a nun.
I worked like a donkey,but he had the turkey.
As he was the son, and I was none.
He had to read the books and I had the food to cook.
And there came a new man in life ,for whom I was wife.
He earned money and I was honey.
he had the authority and I was in poverty.
He was the ruler and I was the bearer.
All I wanted was the love ,but he gave me the stove.
The  days passed and the seasons changed,but my life hadn’t.
Designation changed from wife to  mother,nursing all the time .
Was split into  two by husband and kids,but the heart always 
Desired something else.
Kids grew and flew to new destinations. 
the heart does crave and yearn for love as it is stupid,as it doesn’t 
have mind to think,and it is  there only to feel.
I want to learn, read ,play and relive those moments which were 
Mine  but were snatched away as I was a girl.
But it is us, who make this world beautiful,peaceful and happy.
We are mothers, daughters, sisters above all we are human beings.
Treat us like fellow humans but not like slaves,then you will see
The more beauty of the world.

PS:This poem is not based on my personal experience ,but on my observation and deep understanding of their pain.It speaks about women who went through this pain and strength they discovered they had to come out of it.

Copyright © Kenisha Shines | Year Posted 2012

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Why Hurry

Coffee aroma tingling the nostrils,glow of the first sun ray on the skin,
pleasant sight of a blooming flower--all have become bygone,
since man is busy chasing money.
Smile of a baby,beauty of a drizzle have been forgotten.
he is so focused on goal that he no longer
looks at the field he is playing in.
Greed to be at the top,has de-humanised him.
everything has become a battle and each one a warrior.
is this really what a life is worth?
everything in the nature enjoys being itself and lives in harmony except for us.
he is the only one who keeps track of time and chases it
down but in vain.
in the midst of tall and glass buildings he forgot the shade of  trees.
he progressed in tech but fears himself.
invented weapons but always afraid of the inner self.
talks good but thinks bad.
no one has set alarm button for life except for man.
schedules fare for machines but man is living in it,
though when its hell,making others jump in the well.
A river does not create a new flow but flows to create a path.
only flows forward and never looks back what it has gone through.
not bothering about the journey.vigorously flowing ,assimilating so many  new things.
A beautiful world is to be enjoyed now,not yesterday nor tomorrow.
An hour spent with nature is worth more than thousand lives.
Hope a day comes when man lives his life and letting others do the same.

Copyright © Kenisha Shines | Year Posted 2014

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Rape and Abuse

Cries for help went awry ,
anguish and pain went in vain
lost battle of life before a coward.
Groping and forcing on a girl  does not
 make a man strong just proves that he is a beast,
and unfit to be among people.
Taking away a girl's modesty
is not a most heroic act
but a heinous crime which
even ferocious beast would not have.
Curse the moment when these 
sick are born with lust all the time.
Even girls are afraid to
be mothers,raise kids like these.
The power of a man lies in character
and heart but not in sexual supremacy or desires.

(Dedicated to Nirbhaya,who  was brutally raped and died fighting for her life.And all those who have been victims.Let's raise our standards and respect women everywhere ,without her there is no world.)

Copyright © Kenisha Shines | Year Posted 2013

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Dimensions of Truth

Dimensions of truth
Spoken or unspoken ,
written or unwritten,
expressed or ever shared
Endless words ,numerous perceptions
and countless misconceptions--
are different dimensions to 
the truth.
It makes many people  wonder about what it is
and can anyone really define it?
Truth is something which pricks/breaks your heart
or makes you vulnerable.
 Might be a light invigorating,
which calms and brings peace
An experience which tests your very own
self and existence.
Mostly a power which many cannot handle
and afraid to confront it.
An encounter which gives us new perspective
and a tough yet content choice to live with.
Its hard and rude when you speak/articulate
and aggressive when you write it.
one has to transcend beyond himself and his mind
to know its nature and its course.
Though the time changes 
and people turning to different people
 but the truth remains  same.
Truth stands alone,may come many 
tornados and is stark naked
even when facing temptations.,
with head held high and looking into the sky.
Truth may be alone most of the time
but it gathers true friends -honesty and bravery.

Copyright © Kenisha Shines | Year Posted 2016

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Wild Flower

Blossoms/Grows out in the wilderness ,in 
the dark ,towards the light,
its beauty knows no limits and the frangrance enchanting.
Deep rooted ,strong yet so light and envigorting
and its hue changes as a ray of sun,
from dawn to dusk.
Holds all the colours and yet is colourless.
Is guarded/surrounded by giant serpents,
spewing venom when angered.
Tried their luck to tame and control serpents,
few succeeded and rest fell in their trap.
Word spread across as most unattainable,
many battles and wars,some got scars
some pain and others succumbed to it.
Wild flower, gives the strength to move a mountain,
depth of an ocean.
like from a lump of clay,it  moulds to 
a shape which one wishes to be.
The nectar of this wild flower is sweet,sour
and bitter,just how one tastes it.
when it fully blossoms,the fragrance is everywhere,
soothing the senses.
Makes one immortal,liberating the soul,
showing the wings to fly and soar high.

Copyright © Kenisha Shines | Year Posted 2018

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Giggling sitting behind her dad ,holding  balloons to the
sky through the window and sharing the laughter with mom,
friends singing loudly with crackling voices ,throwing jibes at 
each other for being sometimes stupid and crackhead,
enjoying  the drive with best  fluffy buddy
man has always known and loved as its own,
sitting beautifully in white  looking outside the limo
wiping the tears of joy ,sad and little fear
with anticiaption of bright future ahead with her man,
reminiscing the lovely moments with her beloved family
whom she is going to miss immensely with a promise
made in her heart that she will be always there for them,
leaning on the shoulder with wounded heart in pieces,
holding on to the  hope,which is all that is left,
that everything will be fine and your are let free,
but will it be ?,when my feelings have taken a backseat?

PS:written on 10/9/23 and finished on 12/9/23
Kindly share your views and opinions.i would love to know your thoughts,
   Not entirely but some portion   got inspired from a character in a series,though i couldnt finish it.

Copyright © Kenisha Shines | Year Posted 2023

Details | Kenisha Shines Poem

If You Could Read My Mind

Give me a chance to pour my heart to you,
Let me see what you feel for me in ur beautiful eyes.
    Would bring you cup of coffee in the 
earling morning rain.
           Let me tell you that  ,you will see me when 
    You are in troubles to sail along with you
against the waves of turbulence.
              There are thousand words to talk to you,
Which take my  entire life.
           When you are away from me,there  are
Clouds of  lonliness even when around people.
        Wish you could read my mind and know 
How much I feel for you.
             I wish that one day you reciprocate the same 
feelings which I have for you.


Copyright © Kenisha Shines | Year Posted 2012

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Wedding Bliss

Every blessing be with you  both,
In this new chapter of your life together.
Be this alliance be of love, care and respect/joy,
Growing each day of each season.
Rejoice in small moments of togetherness and
Be each other’s strength and power.
May this unification bring loads of joy and prosperity.
Each vow uttered be fulfilled and angels bestow
your hearts stringed together with warmth, kindness
And forgiveness.
Us be the new I and U with freedom and expression.
Let acceptance be the key to your new journey 
to each other’s joy.
Make your relation an ever blooming flower
With its sweet fragrance of bliss.
Spend ,spread and share your tender care
May your true love has the depth of an ocean,
vastness of the sky and shine and sparkle of the stars.
Relish these magical moments and relive the
Vows taken each passing day.

Copyright © Kenisha Shines | Year Posted 2015

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Just Let Me Breathe

Let me breathe,let me step on this earth
to see the wonderful world of god.
More than that,grant me the
wish to be in your arms.
Do not let the love,which
brought both of u together
become a  curse to me ,which makes me
pay a hefty price-i.e. my life.
Kindly do not build me a grave
even before I am born and
do not flush me like waste
for being a girl child.
Is being born as girl such
a crime to you are punishing
me with death?.
please do not fill your heart
with venom instead of love.
I promise to be a good daughter,
take care of you always,
be there for you through thick and thin,
make you proud and laugh.
do not crush my little heart which loves you,
do not break my hands,which craves to hug u.
I am a bundle of happiness not a burden.
Is it too much to ask for a chance
to live and love you?
yes I am girl child,it does not make
me less human.
Just let me have my chance of living and 
do not pluck the bud even  before it blossoms.

[This poem reflects about the most dangerous crime -female foeticide.I hope this kiling stops forever and girl child is embraced .]

Copyright © Kenisha Shines | Year Posted 2013

Details | Kenisha Shines Poem

A Broken Heart

A promise to be together is broken,
just not a promise but my soul
      which always loved you,
no matter how risky it was for me.
     I traded my heart in return for 
your love
           ended being betrayed and totally
wreck me completely but not my
     heart ,which is always for you
 and awaits you.
Living happily with someone
      in the castle ,built of our memories'
is a death bed to me.
Just for second ,could not you see
what you are to me
           Listen to my broken heart,
what its saying to you.
         Take a step back and turn back
around and see where I am,
           holding pieces of my heart
in  hands.
     You could not see tears in my ears and
now you are making me cry.
           How could you just walk away from my life,
from me crushing my soul.
        I will die for you every day ,
to see  you alive.
you were my valentine for a lifetime
   and  you are gone leaving me
in miserable pain.
Atleast tell me how to live without you.

Copyright © Kenisha Shines | Year Posted 2012


Book: Shattered Sighs