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Gordon Mcconnell Poem
It's the only land that you can
get all seasons in one day
you name it UK displays it
all the colors from blue to grey
It certainly has loads of great variety
from sun clouds snow and pouring rain
to hail winds storms and freezing ice
has such a staining effect on the brain
The north is such damp climate
having wet damp miserable outlook
fills one with negative thoughts
when sun shines it seems a fluke
In the south where it's bright
as it's mostly warmer with sunshine
for it's labelled the English riviera
where it matures like a good wine
The east has real mighty gale force
as America's conditions effect the west
when they come across from States
on the atlantic waves full crest
So that's Britain's wayward weather
like it or lump it that's your lot
remember you guys across the pond
don't send everything that you've got!
(Just some thoughts on the UK weather and how it varies so much, also a little quip at you guys in US where we seem to get the effects of your east coast storms but rarely your sunshine. but no matter we love you all!!!)
Copyright © Gordon Mcconnell | Year Posted 2016
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Gordon Mcconnell Poem
Becoming righteous is a high ask
who indeed can claim this real prize
for God declares all as sinners
so need God to give you rise
Being able to achieve righteous deeds
won't bring a righteousness divine
for deeds can't make you such
only God can show you His sign
God is the author of true righteousness
for He is righteous perfectly true
always has been past and forever
brings Christ's imputed righteousness upon you
The good Lord now sees us as Christ
with His righteousness upon our frame
so God accepts us as His holy ones
now Satan can't cast us with any blame
Now we can do righteous deeds
seeing we are righteous altogether
such a blessing and privilege to have
God has endowed it upon us forever
" We do not become righteous by doing righteous deeds but, having been made righteous, we do righteous deeds".)
- Martin Luther ( 1483-1546)
Copyright © Gordon Mcconnell | Year Posted 2022
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Gordon Mcconnell Poem
It's happy anniversary again
thirty one years seems not long
but so thankful for all your love
every echo within makes a great song
Thirty one and going strong
looking forward to many more
together as one sweet union
We shall see what's on store
This past years been hard
but soon be on better plain
as we look on to our Lord
His plans are never in vain
Thanks for our yesterday's
our tomorrow's are in His love
together many more to celebrate
my love constantly on your nameplate
( Today is Christine and my 31st wedding anniversary so this is written to celebrate that fact in dedicating this piece to my lovely wife for all her love and care. )
Copyright © Gordon Mcconnell | Year Posted 2021
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Gordon Mcconnell Poem
There it is blowing in the wind
having no control of its own
the wind which you cannot see
controls it as fully as it's blown
That little old brown paper bag
tells a picture of life so mundane
we live here getting blown all around
knocked about leaving one many a stain
It's really so vulnerable like us all
so light easily prone to many a tear
in days before plastic, brown bags were all
nothing else for it and it's not too dear
There we are just like them so
but we're tough able to persevere
so next time you use one of them
remind yourself that's me so very clear
Copyright © Gordon Mcconnell | Year Posted 2017
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Gordon Mcconnell Poem
The will of God can be hard to know
God tells us to come upon our knees
telling Him our innermost desires
to plead for His action crying, please
But sometimes He seems silent
and we wonder asking just why?
His purposes are past finding out
for God knows everything before we die
God is a good God, His word says so
all His promises He will surely keep
for He's been here since eternity past
and in eternity future God's sure to reap
His instructions to us for our benefit
waiting on the Lord is for our good
for He'll supply just at the right time
this He assures us to be understood
God since before eternity has watched us
seen our birth, growth, and eventual end
at the right moment, He shall provide
just wait for God knows your right blend
(Lamentations 3:25-"Good is the Lord to one who waits.")
Copyright © Gordon Mcconnell | Year Posted 2021
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Gordon Mcconnell Poem
Many people do really make good friends
but they've different traits that attract the other
so one responds to one and indeed vice versa
then it works in unison so to go on further
When one is wise people stand in awe
pointing to that one seems to know it all
but real true wisdom creates in the heart
a sense of gratitude to stand and stall
What a beautiful twosome they do make
wisdom marked with gratitude simply divine
the wise reveal within the inner heart
seeking to find a gratefulness to shine
So the wonder of connecting these two
like an electric light when you switch
to the on position the dark is gone
light comes to rescue you from the ditch
Try and live full of these two
for it's wise to be truly grateful
as well as being grateful is wise
this being instilled shows one graceful
(Some thoughts on connecting two friends of gratitude and wisdom.)
Copyright © Gordon Mcconnell | Year Posted 2019
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Gordon Mcconnell Poem
Taking a walk by the lovely lake
under the canopy of the sunlight
watching its effect on the water
makes one wish never-ending night
With your loved one hand in hand
thinking only of one’s deep affection
wishing never to let go of your grip
feeling assured this is a pure connection
The night's atmosphere so haunting
making each one’s love to inspire
stillness is so totally enrapturing
a moment you never want to tire
Consider well this providential act
that brought us both to be as one
stand amazed this all happened
by a divine hand, this has done
This is a wonder one has to behold
love fully pictured by this late walk
love so beautifully meant to share
memories that a kiss could not block
(walking hand in hand!)
Copyright © Gordon Mcconnell | Year Posted 2022
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Gordon Mcconnell Poem
Jesus Christ the incarnate son of God
one with the father in heaven above
while on earth displayed all godliness
showing to all mercy and love
This Christ displayed His power
performing wonders for all to see
but humbly meek in all He did
casting out demons setting captives free
On one occasion told His disciple
when needing to pay the tax
go to the sea and cast a hook
bring out first fish you catch
When you open its mouth
you'll find there a shekel
take it and bring it back
pay the taxman so all will be well
Such is the majesty of Jesus
to make people stand in awe
for He's able to do all things
came also to fulfil His law
AUTHOR NOTES: ' When they came to Capernaum, the collectors of the two-drachma tax went up to Peter and said, “Does your teacher not pay the tax?” He said, “Yes.” And when he came into the house, Jesus spoke to him first, saying, “What do you think, Simon? From whom do kings of the earth take toll or tax? From their sons or from others?” And when he said, “From others,” Jesus said to him, “Then the sons are free. However, not to give offence to them, go to the sea and cast a hook and take the first fish that comes up, and when you open its mouth you will find a shekel. Take that and give it to them for me and for yourself.” Matthew ch 17 vs 24-27
Copyright © Gordon Mcconnell | Year Posted 2014
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Gordon Mcconnell Poem
In recent days on a holiday
that we spent in the English Lakes
a day spent at Grange-over-Sands
this lovely little town is so great
It has an attraction all of its own
especially down at the duck pond
which is surrounded by many a bench
memories of a bench made me respond
In 1989 after being ill with chickenpox
I spend time there recovering for a week
before leaving home got a get-well card
from a young lady, I admired so to speak
I sat on that bench many a day
reading a get-well card to me
it was so nice that a lady did care
then I was in a quandary under the tree
The bench did indeed change my life
for I did ask that young lady to go out
amazingly she said yes, in time is my wife
sweet memories indeed there is no doubt
(That lady that I did ask out on that first date was Christine now my wife of 33 years.)
Copyright © Gordon Mcconnell | Year Posted 2022
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Gordon Mcconnell Poem
This is the story of God's redemption
how He displays His love upon His own
in His masterplan of saving sinful man
His son Jesus Christ came our sins to atone
God looks down on this old world
seeing its sinfulness continues to abound
the good Lord is holy and without sin
He requires a perfect sacrifice to be found
The only perfect sacrifice would be Jesus
the only one that could take away sin
so our sin He took on Calvary's cross
that our salvation from sin He did win
God has here displayed perfect love
taken sinners to His own abode
removing their sin with His dear blood
applying upon HIs elect a secret code
This is the greatest story you have heard
God has saved sinners from hell's destruction
putting His own dear son in their place
paving the way for sinners to gain God's grace
Copyright © Gordon Mcconnell | Year Posted 2022