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Best Poems Written by Brenda Victoria Northeast

Below are the all-time best Brenda Victoria Northeast poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Cloudy Days Doesn'T Mean There Is No Sun

Lord you know all things
There is not even one word on my tongue
Or in my heart that you a haven’t heard 
Before I have even uttered them
I am full of awe of you- Selah

Even in my down times when I feel unwell
You are here with me
Your presence is everywhere 
Even if I aren’t sensitive to know this at the time

But you give me little reminders
That all life is precious to you 
Like when I receive a kiss from a friend
Or a kind word from a stranger

Yes- you are always vigilant to remind us of your care
For I am more valuable than even a precious Sparrow
My heart shall rest in Hope and Your faithfulness - till my change shall come.

© Brenda V Northeast 27th April 2012

Copyright © Brenda Victoria Northeast | Year Posted 2012

Details | Brenda Victoria Northeast Poem

Fanciful August Moon

Moon shines its pale 

Enchanting light 

Upon forest floor 

Where winged creatures 

legendary, pale and sleek 

Spin and flit and dance

To the invisible orchestra; 

Of Blue bells ringing

Hummingbirds humming

Fireflies buzzing

And dandelions singing in tune 

With lilting fairy song as they sing 

Melodies that echo through forest pines 

To the Fairy Queen bathed in the light of

The August moon

© Brenda V Northeast 12th July 2008  Rewritten on  21st/ 01/2012 BVN

Copyright © Brenda Victoria Northeast | Year Posted 2012

Details | Brenda Victoria Northeast Poem

Be Still

Be Still.......

I will walk with God
In the beauty of the morning
While the dew still lies upon the ground
While the birds still sing their morning song
And while the evening sky still twinkles like neon lights
And the sun still rises with its golden glow bathing everything in glorious light
And in The evenings quiet where I live has entered its time of rest at calling dusk
He still holds me tight in His warmth under downy wings soft like clouds that puff and blow across a horizon that only God could grow to water and shelter a land dependant on His goodness- 

Yes I still walk with God in great expectations- reliant on His promises of always being with me- And He- even amidst the horrors of war famine and disease and evil atrocities born from the darkness of evil- His promises are still new every morning that I wake- and He still bears me through the trials and carries my burdens and makes them light- He is still my Father- And He is still My Lord and- He still- Knows my name.

© Brenda V Northeast 16th march 2012

Copyright © Brenda Victoria Northeast | Year Posted 2012

Details | Brenda Victoria Northeast Poem


You’re our hero
The poor and impoverished 
Captive starving millions
Tears of anguish
Tears of dread

The cost of their Hero’s burial
Is too their debt
Their sacrifice 
The living for their leader 

The hungry little ones 
The world watches on
In fear

My Hero gave it all
His life
A willing sacrifice 
His perfect life
His perfect love
His cost
Our hatred
That we might live

His excruciating death
Has not left us comfortless
And soon to be 
Our resurrection of renewal

We the loyal few weep for what we did
His life for ours
The rest rejoice because you died
The world now looks on 
In fear

©? Brenda V Northeast              29 Dec. 2011

Copyright © Brenda Victoria Northeast | Year Posted 2011

Details | Brenda Victoria Northeast Poem

Birth of a Butterfly

I struggle and strive
I pump persevering flow  
I knew I could fly

© Brenda V Northeast 18th may 2012
For Gail Doyles- Inspirational contest

Copyright © Brenda Victoria Northeast | Year Posted 2012

Details | Brenda Victoria Northeast Poem

My Rose of Sharon

Rose of Sharon;
Sweet suitor, Holy wind;
come blow upon my heart;

My heart has drifted
let your fragrance flow again
Let us sip together the pure wine;
that I may feel again your tender embrace
that I might be forever at your side;
still my hearts cry; my longing.

My Loves pain;
the thorns, the scars

Loves perfect gift!
Sweet fragrant Rose of Sharon:
Perfect Love,
written with loves pure heart,
on fleshy tables of my heart.

Your heart that bled
Love that cried,
My Love never to deny;
A Love that waits.... for me!

My beloved stands without;
Arise my heart I say
unlock the door,
Open, see,
the blood stains
on the door

Let Your Blood
wash away 
my sins of youth,
loves exacting toll;
her fragrant petals
her bed of thorns.

I am washed my beloved;
Clean, white, like the milk
that flows down mountainside
like a herd of sheep on Gilead.
My heart skips like a lamb
in springtime on fields of green;

Nourished and loved
nurtured forever at Your side;
My father, my Mother;
My Savior, My Lord,
My King, Holy Suitor,
Your Bloom, Your fragrance;

My sweet Rose Of Sharon. 

                                                           Brenda V Northeast 18/April/05

Copyright © Brenda Victoria Northeast | Year Posted 2012

Details | Brenda Victoria Northeast Poem

A Spanish Autumn

To the rhythm of Spanish castanets 
The tempestuous autumn wind
beat the mosaic of colorful leaves
into a twirling, swirling flamenco dance

©  Brenda V Northeast  rewrite- 24th 2012  - 26/05/08

Copyright © Brenda Victoria Northeast | Year Posted 2012

Details | Brenda Victoria Northeast Poem

The Master Carpenters Tree

The impressive mighty trees
Are birthed from such small seed
Drawing resilience from the sun
And earth’s fertile garden bed

Trees wooden trunk has shaped 
And sustained for centuries many in varied ways 
Some over and upon oceans wide
Where waves stroke shapely hulls 
And lull to sleep the hapless venturer 
Trusting in woods durable strength and buoyancy

And from such crafted boughs 
And whispered sounds 
Her meekness and strength is seen and heard 
Like the creaks of grandma’s rocking chair
Where the hapless wanderer was first rocked to sleep

Trees have cradled and rocked in their arms 
High and low of this world
The greatest of these was in a lowly manger 
In an animals crib 
But for this one tree its destiny was marked 
Chosen before time

For on this tree’s wooden shoulders 
It bore God’s greatest gift–
A Holy Child born - Like it- 
For one purpose only – 
To become accursed - on its wooden cross 
To bear the sins of All 
The Holy Son then rose - triumphantly from earth’s fertile soil

Into His Father’s arms

© Brenda V Northeast 11th   March   2012

Copyright © Brenda Victoria Northeast | Year Posted 2012

Details | Brenda Victoria Northeast Poem

This Is the Day That the Lord Has Made

Morning lights on my leaden eyes
And on my body still weighted in sleep
Fuzzy thoughts try to creep into my mind   
I try to move not sure if I really want to wake
I check the time on my mobile
That is beside my mattress on the floor  
(Even though this bed is not quite ideal I reflect
At least I have a roof over me and I am safe)
My body clock and nature’s demands 
Say I  must rise 
In this I have no option
I roll over holding my sore back 
I will my legs to move
I shuffle slowly at first 
It helps my circulation 
The heaviness dissipates 
I start to move less painfully
The warm summers day looks on me with lacksadaisy eyes
My body responds like a dull knife that is not able to cut anything
I need a sharpening tool
They say ‘Iron sharpens iron’
I need this if I am going to make this day cut with any precision
Painlessly, cleanly and with heightened sharpened wit
I look to the Rock that is higher than I
My heart is quickened within as I acknowledge His spirit in me
I am not alone for the sword of His word brings me light and joy
His presence in me brings me peace  
And soon that which is corruptible will be swallowed up into eternal day
‘This is the day that the Lord has made’ I will rejoice in it
For YOU have made me Glad!

© Brenda V Northeast         3 Jan. 2012

Copyright © Brenda Victoria Northeast | Year Posted 2012

Details | Brenda Victoria Northeast Poem

Changing Seasons

Changing Seasons

In a burst of color and animal choruses 
Sovereign sun heralds in a golden morning –
The air was delicate with the perfume of cherry blossom 
Blown in from the hem of pink rows that lined the 
driveway on Grandpa’s farm 

I looked across at hay stacked verdant hills that were
Tossed with yellow daffodils, purple crocus and white snowdrops 
They danced to the baton of the breeze and the 
Hidden orchestra of lilting bird song of that fragrant spring morn

Grandma sang to me her songs of childhood 
As we walked arm in arm amongst beds of fragrant roses 
and budding fruit trees that whispered promises of full baskets  
that would soon be heavy laden with the Summer fruits, preserves, 
Pies and jam of a bountiful harvest, a few months from now

Summer came rich with its harvest, merry hearts
and long hazy, lazy summer days and nights scented 
with wisteria, frogs and cicada, chirping and croaking 
their melodious summer anthem of  ‘All is well with the world’ 
as we toasted to our full and wonderful life

Autumn brought in a more somber note and amber tones
though warm and restful, they soon told me - life is changing again
time quickly moves on - it prepared me for the winter and 
the chill mirrored in the face of the full moon as it lit a silvery path
to my next season’s change

The cherry trees glowed white against the dark night sky like iridescent bones along 
the snow covered driveway - they waved their bony fingers goodbye 
as I crunched solemnly down the long white corridor with slow steps and a  heavy heart that was beating to the mournful dirge of  hoot owls and creaking limbs – I blinked back tears under that star kissed sky and full moon that lit my path 
The moon reminded me- each season has its bounty that I can treasure -I held those memories close to my well seasoned but thankful heart.

Brenda V Northeast

Copyright © Brenda Victoria Northeast | Year Posted 2012


Book: Shattered Sighs