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Best Poems Written by Michael Ellis

Below are the all-time best Michael Ellis poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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A Poem For My Algebra Teacher

I know I promised
 no more ‘Make you Cry Poems’
I said I'd never write another 
‘Wipe your eye poem’

 And for three years 
I tried not to retract, 
but after so many tears 
I have to take that promise back. 

I write this Thesis 
after going through a lost photo album, 
trying to trace the trails and tracks 
of growing up young, poor and Black, 
taking the sad trip back.
 I hope you brought your tissue with you 
Because my childhood was one of issues.

	So I give you one more poem 
for your eyes, 
and if I make you sad, I apologize.  
Please don’t hate me. 
Like Miss Holiday
 I been in pain lately.

The doctor said I got Blues Build Up
 and it sits the soul like constipation. 
 When I hold it in 
I get a painful burning sensation- 
I gotta get this shi* out of me! 
And since emotion is a sad reminder, 
Perhaps Math, Science or notion will be  kinder.  

  And to who ever  said
 that every problem has a solution 
and is scientifically attainable, 
I hope that the equation 
of growing up Black and poor
 is equally explainable. 

And since I have been 
at the Blackboard nearly thirty years,
 hopefully, I won't run out of chalk 
before I run out of tears. 
The answer just has to be near. 

Or maybe I have the X too far to the left 
or the Y too far to the right, 
maybe there’s just a slight oversight. 
And so if I put this Essay to rhyme, 
maybe I will solve it in time 
Or in a lifetime. 

   And to not solve this problem 
would be even more terrible, 
So if anyone after me tries  
I know I’m close, 
all you have to do move a few variables.  

For those who say Black children 
are educationally damned,
 I propose the following problem 
for your next SAT exam: 

My Black mother had nine children 
by six Daddies in nineteen years, 
and sadly only two of those Daddies 
stayed around more than a year-
And if each week 
my mother lost a River of tears, 
what was the rate of my Mother's tears per year? 
For extra credit 
what was the total weight of her fears? 
You can round off to the nearest tenth. 
I didn’t have the strength.

   And if the ratio of alcohol to tears 
was three to one, 
How much whiskey did my Mother need 
before her life was done? 
 If Black Mother Hubbard 
had no food in her cupboard,
 how could she keep a man much less a lover?

 Trying to ward off her own internal doubts, 
That of the eight babies 
only one or two would make it out. 
These are averages to theorize about. 

What do you do 
when the down side of your life has no reciprocal? 
We can search for an answer 
but it will prove to be difficult
 But she kept those blues 
Bottled up inside 
and at the age of forty-eight she died. 
Diagnosis suicide? 
When counting sorrows 
Do you add, multiply or divide?

     And your Stepfather 
who was opening presents on December 25th 
and was opening up your sister on December 24th-
How do you know
 if an angle is acute or obtuse 
when one of the sides are loose, 
or when its base 
is fooling around with the hypotenuse? 

And though your step father wasn’t shi*,
 he was the best a mother 
with eight children could get. 
And learning the "Tickle Game" 
From your Step Father is cool I suppose, 
until he says,
 "Good, now lets play without clothes." 

And when the Numerator says,
 "Tell Mommy later!" 
you just know that the big bad denominator 
will get you…Soon or later. 
I guess you can call these Improper Actions. 

Or watching pornographic movies with him 
at the age of eight, 
when the Wonderful World of Disney 
or chasing a frisbee 
would have been just as great. 
And Can I ever know if it affected my fate?

   And if I could put her sorrows on a graph,
 the negative coordinates would just laugh,
 Realizing twenty years later 
That all those stolen Christmases 
had nothing to do with the Grinch,
 just your Step Father feeling a heroin pinch.
 How do you measure a child's heart break 
by square inch? 
Your Mother cleaning floors until Easter 
just to reduce the friction. 
Sometimes when you add up life 
You have to use long addition.  

And just maybe Pythagoras or Euclid 
can help me with the following: 
If being Black plus being poor 
equals being miserable squared 
Then what is the sum of Black Poverty squared?
 Einstein are you there? 
Some factors just refuse to be equal. 
Some theories just don’t need a sequel.  

   And if I could get a scale 
and weigh all the pain and sorrow 
on one balance, more than 15 funerals, 
Ten molestations
 a dozen drug addictions, 
all the loved ones who have lost their 
"Gawd-damned minds."
 Would I call life cruel or kind? 

And your ten year old ears and ten year old eyes,
 hearing and seeing your mother
 telling the paramedic,
 "Leave me alone and let me die." 
The Circumference of Black life
 taste nothing like Pi. 

And should I best describe my Blues 
as a segment which has a beginning and an end 
or a Ray which has only a beginning…
Or a line to go on and on- never ending?

      And when your last remaining picture
 of you and your mother 
has a junkie/ child molester in it somewhere- 
if I took scissors and cut him out, 
could I forget that he was ever there?
 I cried out for the divisor 
and the square root was scared. 
Superman, Batman and no other Super hero
 in a two-thousand mile radius cared. 
Still for some reason I was spared. 
    And so I put these away these photographs,
 and I’m done with all this Math. 
The quotients are now quiet,
 the angles are napping with the squares, 
and I’m sure probability is here somewhere. 
I just don’t know where.

   Yesterday I looked at a picture of my mother 
on a wall and stared-
Finally she is free from all those cares. 
What did all of her efforts gain her? 

And I look at myself. 
Perhaps I am her remainder.

  These are the Mathematics
 I love to hear. 
Excuse me while I wipe a tear. 
Well this is my Thesis for Mathematics 201. 
Until next time I'm done.

Copyright © Michael Ellis | Year Posted 2021

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Worst Love Poem Ever Written

I suck at dying poems
Chemo poems, Metastatic Cancer poems,
Hair falling out in the shower poems
And I told a half truth
When I told you I could write you one
In less than six months (It's been eight)
I apologize for being so late

I wanted your poem to be pink and graceful
Like those ribbons
I see all over the internet
Filled with cheesy generic rhymes
That could get me hired by Hallmark

 I just know my metaphors will start melting
And that my similes will get all soft
 I guarantee you the rhyme meter will be off

I went to Google
And the typed in the word 'happy'
Three billion things came up
Not a single inference to
Breast cancer, hair loss
No redirects to mastectomies

The only thing research could teach me
Is that a good day on chemo
Is when your stool doesn't come out tar Black
And has no blood in it
Or when your urine
Smells better on Wednesday
Than it did on Tuesday
Sleeping less than 12 hours
When 24 would be better

Still I refuse to finish this poem
Without something bright and hopeful
And I know I'm doing a horrible job

America has more poets
Than it does alcoholics
   And Pot smokers combined
And you chose me to be
Your Breast Cancer
Poet Laureate
Trusting me to write a poem
About the biggest battle in your life

And don't think
I didn't notice your Facebook activity
Had decreased by 88%
In the last three months

And you aren't really
Coming to any more of my poetry shows
Ever again. Are you??
But we still have January, February

And how do you write
A Breast Cancer poem
With no references to breast
(I get embarrassed)
 That would be some kind of Oxymoron
I guess

But even if you had one breast
Or no breast
or if you had less hair than I do
I promise to look only in your eyes
And never ever even notice
Or even think about it
And never for a moment
Would I feel sorry for you
Yes I suck at lying too...

But I don't suck at loving you
Or at hoping you wake up tomorrow morning
 With no Cancer at all
And that The Eiffel Tower will be right outside
Your bedroom window...
And I would be right there with you
Holding your hand while we look down on Paris
And you can impress me with your French again

And if I ever make it
To the Pulitzer Poetry board
I might lose a thousand points
Just for this poem alone
And my hopes for the prize will be smitten
And some old person with white hair will say
That this was the worst love poem ever written

Copyright © Michael Ellis | Year Posted 2016

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Thirty-Eight, Cancer Poem: For Sharon

Thirty Eight ( Corny Cancer Poem) For Sharon

Hallmark has a million cards in their catalog
And not one of them says,
Life Sucks
American greetings had nothing that says
Thirty-eight and  Never coming home
So I hope it’s not too late to write this poem

After your eighth round of Chemo,
The Doctor says the best medicine is prayer
Any Pre-med drop out
Or High school Health student
Can interpret what this means
But it still just isn’t fair-

           Still who am I to be a pessimist?

And I apologize for screaming at your surgeons
(Telling  them to stop comparing 
your tumors to fruit)
For telling them you aren’t a damn fruit stand
Even for tossing those fruit diagrams 
In the Hazmat can

Sorry if I let things get out of hand

Tomorrow they get to pull out
Their zapper instruments
And shoot at your cells like you are
One of those Nintendo video games
Over and over again
And I get to sit in the waiting room
Hoping the red cells surrender
And the white ones win

And Tylenol has a zillion dollars
And can’t even find a cure for cancer
Bayer pharmaceuticals has no answer

And if you die at thirty-eight
I’ll probably boycott Tylenol
For the next twenty-three years
Advil for the next twenty-two
Blaming both of them
For not saving you

Forty calls to Bayer pharmaceuticals 
And not a single one returned
What kind of heroes are they
When they aren’t even concerned?

And I’m pissed off at Obama
And Dr. Phil and Oprah too
And all Nationally syndicated talk show host
Who are talking about who slept with who
When they should be talking about 

I’m also ticked at a thousand Nazis
And twenty millions gangbangers 
And eight-hundred serial killers
Who have working organs
When all you need is just one-

Still I know you wouldn’t even accept it
Even if there was a law that said you could
And you would say something corny like
God loves bad people as much
As he does the good

And i wish i could snatch 
half of my lymph nodes
And give them to you
But no Doctor would approve the surgery

So what else can i do
Except write this silly poem for you
except watch you lose weight and hair
And listen to doctors suggest prayer

And more chemo only means
More Hallmark moments at the hospital
And more crying, more dying
More doctors and chaplains lying

But mostly I’ll never get to figure out
How it took you thirty minutes
At Build-A-Yogurt in the mall
And they only had six flavors-
Even after I told you
Chocolate Coconut Sprinkle
 Was really the best of all

Tonight your children get to sleep in your bed
And pretend You’re coming home
And I get to cry for them and finish
This corny cancer poems

Copyright © Michael Ellis | Year Posted 2015

Details | Michael Ellis Poem

Curious George

I remember Christopher Robin
When helping Pooh find honey
Was my biggest problem
I remember the blustery days
We trusted each other in every way

I remember When we helped Eeyore
Find his way home from the Sea shore
Everything was good
In the Hundred Acre Woods

I remember Curious George
I had to chase him a hundred miles
As soon as my mother kissed me good night
We went around the world
But we made it home
Two minutes before sunlight
And everything was alright

And Sammy the Seal would let me get on his back
And ride for a million miles
We exchanged halcyon smiles

And I remember the monster
Who brought fear to the hundred acre woods
Scarier than the Heffalump
Scarier than the thing with the Black eyes
He was pure evil in disguise
He told lies

Filled with evil and guile
Christopher Robin called him a Pedofofile
It tried to seduce me
Ten minutes after my mother introduced me

I remember that ice cold June
When Mama said “We’re getting married soon"
And Disney left the room
I remember when
Larry Flint
And Hugh Hefner moved in
And H.A. Ray moved away
And Dr. Seuss and Syd Hoff
Took the Summer off

I remember seeing the door knob turn
The Pedofofile kneeled on one knee
Said he had a story he wanted to read to me
And he brought pornos to my bed
Mother Goose turned her head
Christopher Robin Fled
Curious George hid under the bed
And the hundred acre woods were
filled with dread

I remember us all gathering around
The meeting in Hundred acre woods
Christopher Robin said if I
Opened up the pornofo graphic
I could be banned for good

I asked him what’s a Pornofographic magazine
He didn't know exactly what to say
But saidt they were ten times worse
Than any blustery day

But i was curious like Curious George
I was curious like Curious George
I opened the Pornofographic magazine

I remember the woman
I saw more of her insides than a doctor
I remember the dog on top of her
But I can’t tell you what they did
And i cried out for Winnie the Pooh
I just wanted to be a kid

I remember the last time
I saw Christopher Robin
Tears rolled down his chin
he asked me why I had to
Let the pedofofile in
And it was a blustery day times ten

And I waved goodbye to Piglet
And Roo to Tigger
And the heffalump too
But Mostly I remember standing closely
To Danny the Dinosaur
He told me he would always love me
But I couldn’t slide down his back anymore

I remember 1974

2011 Dr. Seuss Poet M.e. Michael Ellis..

Copyright © Michael Ellis | Year Posted 2016

Details | Michael Ellis Poem

A Poem For My History Teacher

I wanted to write
 The best slavery poem   ever written—
Perhaps win a Pulitzer or Faulkner. 

I had every intention of conforming 
To the standards 
Of modern verse and composition, 
Lyrics fluidly written, 
Perfect in frame, tempo and time, 
but a lot of my thoughts on Slavery 
(and the Holocaust) 
Were just too difficult to rhyme. 

And though I found a few words 
that rhymed with Oppression— 
Most were slanted. 
Granted not angry enough 
To leave my true impression. 
Forgive me for my error of expression.

  Maybe Dickinson, Keats or Elliott 
could have written this Poem 
In a more graceful form. 
So I suppose I'll use  prose 
to get me through this metaphorical storm. 
It's going to rain so be warned. 

I'm sure you'll find at least one example 
of ASSONANCE in this Thesis, 
which is repetition of similar vowels, 
if you search carefully through the words, 
but no  guarantees. 

For just doing the research on the Middle Passage 
was a painful enough TRIP (no pun intended). 
I can only imagine how much more painful 
It must have been to have been there. 
If you scale through my paragraphs 
I'm sure you'll find a few examples of IRONY. 
I know I included it in here somewhere.

	And reading of a Black woman 
Running through an icy lake with baby in hands, 
Trying to dodge the slavers gun, 
The masters whip and rod, 
Screaming "Help us God"-
Chased into a cold lake by a Beast more colder 
And then saved by the waiting arms of death—
Sometimes PERSONIFICATION can be too real. 

How do you use ONOMATOPOEIA 
to describe the sound of Adolph Eichmann 
Throwing a Jewish child 
Twenty feet up in the air 
and shooting it before it hit the ground? 
I wanted to compare these mother's screamings 
But both ELEGY and PROSODY let me down.

  Or when you read of a Jewish woman 
Who had to quiet her baby 
By feeding it her own Urine 
To keep a murderous Nazi soldier from killing it. 

How do you analyze the above sentence 
to see if the meter is correct 
or if the syllables are TROCHEE or ANAPEST. 
I couldn't do it but I tried my poetic best. 

Or a Polish woman who strangled her own child 
just so the Germans wouldn’t do worse. 
Blake or Kipling can you help me 
put this in FREE VERSE?

  Or a Black woman in the belly of a slave ship;
 Breaking the chains—
Tossing her baby into the sea,
 Saying "You ain't gon be no slave like me!" 
As she was shot and killed. 
This doesn’t need a TOPIC SENTENCE 
And has no Theme-
There are a million and one listings 
On Google under Bad Dreams- 

Neither slavery or the Holocaust was listed. 
If it's in Yahoo I certainly missed it. 

And I rushed through a stack of History books
 trying to find something happy to write about, 
But no Historian ever recorded 
Happy Christmas memories 
of slaves eating half cooked chitterlings 
and raw cornmeal by the fireplace 
While the Master ate steak in the kitchen—
This just ain't happy ish. 

Seven million dead relatives 
Can really make Hanukkahs and Passovers 
a real drag and ruin Birthday celebrations.

I could only think of a lone sentence. 
Why in the Hell did the Holocaust 
Have to happen? How? 
Millions of human beings executed in showers 
while thirty-one Kings or more played Golf.  
I'm sorry if the rhymes are slanted 
or if the rhythm is off. 

I could  have used the word 'ovens' 
instead of 'showers' 
but what teacher gives extra points for METONYMY.

   And how do you PARAPHRASE 
an account of a Black man, 
who quite possibly could have been 
one of my great Grandfathers; 
Each of his legs tied to a separate horse, 
Each horse sent in an opposite direction,
severing his legs from his body—
while the captors cheered—
Pregnant Black women made to stand near. 

And if written in a more creative form, 
Would it hurt any less? 
How do you write of ‘Castration’ 
with grammatical correctness? 

Sometimes verbs and subjects 
Refuse to agree.
 I just wish I could find the right adjective 
to resolve the discrepancy.

   And could Frost in all of his genius and wit, 
have put to poetry the painful wailing 
of a Black child snatched savagely 
from the breast of his mother? 
A White child placed there to nurse. 

Sometimes its hard to care 
if the semi-colon is in the right position 
or if the quotes or the comma comes first.

	 And though the sentence "Screw Hitler 
and all parties responsible for the Holocaust!" 
Is not model English and probably inappropriate; 
I’d like to say it 
for each of the seven million Jews 
who died senselessly, 
With no lawyer, court  or voice. 
I hope I don’t lose too many points 
for bad diction or poor word choice.  

	And I wanted to include ANASTROPHE 
which is verb and subject reversal, 
but whether I write: 
"Three hundred million paraded to the Atlantic shore, 
never to see Africa no more." 
Or if I write "Never to see Africa no more, 
three hundred million, paraded to the Atlantic shore." 
The rhythm may be different 
but it’s still just as painful to write.

  	Or hearing our finest scholars 
Debating whether Slavery or the Holocaust was worse. 
This I can’t even put to verse. 

And is there ever 
a properly ending paragraph or conclusion for slavery 
even when it still lives today in Somalia and Darfur. 

The Holocaust was Slavery. 
Slavery was a Holocaust. 
All is Never lost... 

Tyranny in the world is real. 
Let us use these Archetypes to heal.

   I end this Thesis 
By irresponsibly misquoting Cummings—
Pardon the double negatives, 
But Auschwitz was doubly 
A negative experiences as well:

                      	" Pity this busy monster, 
[indifference], not. 
Progress is a comfortable disease."
 "...A world of made 
is not a world of born--
pity poor flesh and trees and stars." 

[Pity poor us].            	

That’s my Thesis for Contemporary English 201. 
Thank You. I'm done.

Michael Ellis

Copyright © Michael Ellis | Year Posted 2021

Details | Michael Ellis Poem

Rainbow Sherbet and Dying Poems

I never got why you always
Ate the red pink color out 
The Sherbet ice cream

It was like excavation
How you removed all the cherry
Without even affecting the other colors

Leaving the orange and the vanilla
Neatly for others
Who does that?

Being a poet I used to think that one day
That could be a metaphor in some poem
Which would take the younger half of my life
To give it reason

Now watching you sleep during your chemo
Puts my every coping skill to test
Cause I could really use a hug
Or even one of your corny colloquialisms

Four years of Advanced English and
I had to ask a surgeon what he meant
By two days to live

I asked him that six times

Watching the beeping machines
Playing pinball with your 
 diaastolic & Systolic
I hope I pronounced it right
You are the one who always mispronounced

Turning my head while the nurse
Changes your diaper hurts in the worst way
Five years ago I watched you 
Put a diaper on sideways 
July will be his sixth birthday

And though you are on that  stupid respirator Thing
I slipped headphones on your head
Noticing your eyebrows moving
Only Prince could make your eyebrows
Dance in such a rhythm

So I knew you were listening
Sorry I purposely didn’t have any Bowie

Remembering your face when you got a low C
 on an exam intentionally
Just so i could get a high D
You did more work on my term paper
Than I ever could

Last night I went down to that little
Hospital aquarium thing 
where they have the tiny waterfalls and plants
and danced barefoot in the tiny ponds
Like it was Malibu or Santa Monica
It took two security guards to talk me out

I refused their five finger therapy test
You would have laughed

I just couldn’t watch the last minutes
Of your life
Not even the last seconds

I would have said something to God
That would have gotten me 
Ex communicated from every 

Neither God nor Jesus  has an answer
Why 30 year old mothers 
need to die with cancer

I blame your father for your mother's
Wrinkles and  Silver hair-
No way was she oblivious
 To his multiple affairs

And watching those stupid heart lines
 from Elvis
To Como to John Denver 
From James Brown to a silent Sonata

Some guidance counselor Chaplin person
came in
Asked if I needed to talk to someone
I  said, Only if they are on a wine bottle

I know I was abrasively rude

And I know your moans and groans
We're really just encrypted signals
Telling me you remembered 
my three month marriage 

The volleyball season lasted longer

I Spent an entire week with you
And never once did you say
You knew he was a loser

But he was...

A day later we were Laughing…
Over Sherbet Ice cream

The Doctor said it could be
All be over in minutes
So I guess I leave my final respects
I promise
Your children will never know neglect

I exited the elevator
From the halls hearing crying
Your family covering you like an umbrella

Now I get the metaphor
Of you eating the pink
Out the rainbow sherbet

Leaving us the Orange & Vanilla

Michael Ellis  2021

Copyright © Michael Ellis | Year Posted 2021

Details | Michael Ellis Poem

A Poem For Sam Cooke

December 14, 1965           

"Mr. Samuel Cooke. Sam Cooke??
You been in that casket for three days..
You a long way from Chicago, son?"

And Sam said, "What happened
Where am I?"

"This is the Judgement room.
In about ten minutes God himself
Will walk right through that Door.

And you Mr. Cooke better hope 
He gives you points for your Gospel years."
And Sam tried to hold back his tears

"A lot of Legends came through here

Holiday, Smith, Jelly Roll Morton
Fats Waller,  .....
Charlie Parker
Sat right there.
I've seen a thousand caskets
But the musical funerals are the hardest."

The Angel said, "Johnny Ace died by the gun
The Kid was just twenty-five.
What is it with music, young people and dyin?"
And Sam started cryin

A second Angel paused,
"I’ll never forget Buddy Holly.
That kid was special-
He could sure push a tune."

       An Angel rushed in 
"We gotta get Sam dressed
God will be here soon."

And Sam noticed a white piano
Sitting right by the wall
And for a moment he forgot it all.

And he felt a torch in his soul
And that Angel said, "Oh no in here we

"That there Mr. Cooke  is God’s Piano
Last person to use it was Dinah Washington.
And she didn't get shot in a hotel
With her pants off.

And the answer to yo next question
Can you play God’s piano is "'umm No'"
And Sam’s head dropped low."
        "Okay maybe for five minutes..
But play something clean slow.

And Sam played NEARER TO THEE
And it was as sad like a Eulogy
It was sad like a eulogy.

And Sam Cooke sat on that Piano
 Remembering The First Baptist church
In Chicago Heights
as his tears glittered under those lights.
And he played like God was comin'

Then an older Angel 
Walked up from behind 
"Can you play that Cupid song?
I don’t think God would mind."

And before he could say, “Cupid
Draw back you bow.."
Another Angel interrupted
"You know we cant do that no more.."

Before he could belt out
"Please hear my cry.."
Half of the angels were on the floor
Then he stopped and couldn't
Play no more.

And they said, Whats wrong Sam?

And Sam wanted to explain
What happened on that final night.
An Angel stopped him, "Sayin’
This is heaven Sam. It’s alright."
And one Angel joked
You was just a BAD BOY HAVIN' A PARTY."

And then Sam asked
"My son Vincent??
Unable to keep his sorrow in.
They said, "Yeah he made it in."

Down to his final two minutes
 Sam asked if he could sing 
They could see in his eyes how
Bad he wanted to play

Umm God don’t like that song….
But perhaps we can 
Turn our heads away 

     Sam punched that piano
     Like Ali punched Liston. 
     He punched that Piano
     Just like Ali hit Liston

And those Angels just listened.

And he sang about a NEW YORK WAY
And Sam’s final minutes 
Started to fade away

They said, "You opened the door 
For Aretha
You gave us Taylor and Womack.
You got the whole world cryin, son
..But no one gets to go back."

And they let Sam look down to earth
Down to his funeral  Below
And he let the tears go

He looked a hundred million  miles 
Down to the earth
To that little town in Mississippi 
Where he was given birth.

And they took him back to 1950
When he was with the Souls stirrers
And Sam hit that piano once again

And he saw 200,000 People 
in Chicago crying.
He saw Aretha holding back tears
And they tried to ease his fears

And they said, 
"Don't worry bout Papa Ray
He got another thirty years."

And Sam lowered his head
Revealing  his Chagrin..
And all those Angels 
jumped to attention
      When God   walked in

And Sam bowed at the floor
And those Angels got so quiet
You could have heard a feather 
Fall to the floor.

And God said, "Sam
Have a seat.

I looked over your entire life.
You were something as a kid
 In that church.
But the end Sam
        Troubles me.."

And Sam looked at God 
With sad refrain
Wanting so badly to explain.

"I watched you singing at the Copa
And you moved my soul.
I gave you everything, Sam.
You were so much better than Cole.

I liked the song you wrote
About the River
And the Little Tent."

Sam became solemn
As he tried to repent.

"This is not how
It was supposed to end, Sam."

And God opened a book
Turned it to page one
Page five and then ten.
"Man you got a lot of sins.
Are you worthy to Enter In?

Sam bowed to the feet of God
Trying to make amends.
When God show him the final page
His hopes grew dim.

God said, Get off your knees, Sam
And touch thee my hem.

 The Angels
Gave him his Blue Spiral notebook
And welcomed him in.

And God said, Sam
It's not going to be that easy.
Before I send you on
I have a request
One final test:

Can you play that song


Written By Michael Ellis

Copyright © Michael Ellis | Year Posted 2021

Details | Michael Ellis Poem

Letters From Batman

Playing Batman and Robin is a lot different

When the Riddler is your Stepfather

And simultaneously an alcoholic and pedophile

When your secret mission is to keep him

From bringing heroin and pornography

To Gotham city


Your mother wanted to save you both

But Catwoman captured her

And held her six children hostage

You tried to save your brother

From the Riddler that October night

But you were just nine and

The Joker had you in quicksand

The rope was too rough for such small hands


 Twenty years later you both get married

And you laugh at those childhood battles

Neither of  you knowing

That those villains were still there,

The Penguin was waiting in the shadows


Batman gets arrested for Statutory rape

They put Department of Corrections

On his fabled cape

No Batbelt to help him escape


Batman sends Robin thirty-three letters

Written on that yellow prison paper

With those light blue lines

Tells him  he's found Christ

Read the New Testament twice

Robin pretends to be happy for him

Even when he really doesn't believe him

And is too disappointed to care

         And returned letters from his two children

Hurt him in the worst way

When all he wanted to do was

Give them four or five dollars

For Christmas or their birthday


   Still in every Former Super heroes life

There is a Forrest Gump/ Gomer Pyle

That just takes it all in

Regardless of his sin

Just because he's your brother

And because you love him

    Because you were the one that rode

On the handle bars of his bike

Holding the umbrella on the way to the store

While it was thundering and lightning

Not knowing that the real rain was yet to pour

   And you were the one

That sailed into the wind like Mary Poppins

when the bicycle stopped

"Make sure Mama's groceries don't drop."

   You open those letters

Because he was one that you looked up to

When there was no father to answer your call

And a twelve year old make-believe father

Was better than none at all

    Because he built you a ten feet basketball court

Out of throw away scrap wood

It wobbled when you shot the basketball

But he did the best he could

    And you were the one that used to ruin his fishing trips

By getting your hook snagged every ten minutes

And he would still ask you to ruin his next trip a week later

And he would walk in the dirty lake to un-snag your line

Because you didn’t like getting your clothes dirty or wet

   You don't tear up those those letters

Because he was the one that

Shared those stupid


At your mother's funeral

    And you hated it when his kidneys failed

And he was only fifteen

And he couldn’t fight bad guys anymore

And you both swore never again

To wear those stupid capes

 Your heart failed when he was charged with rape

   You open those letters because

When you can't sleep or rest

Nothing like a game of Russian Roulette

Ignoring the voices in your head

The next letter is the one you’ll regret


    But hidden in those letters

Between the lines of

Those religious rants

Somewhere Between the Johns

The Deuteronomies and the Acts

Were those unknown facts

That never made it to

The courtroom

Was never read by the DA or judge

The DNA that got lost by Vice

The bloody tissue misplaced by

The evidence clerk

The real trial was in those letters

    And you learn that he wouldn't

Tell the Judge the real truth

Waived his right to a trial

Because he didn't want his kids

To end up in Foster care.

And Robin wasn't there

   And he broke his promise

To never ever play  hero again?

They gave him fourteen years

For another person's sin

   We could have put those capes on one last time

We could have beaten the Joker

And put him and the Riddler on the run

Could have shot Cat Woman with our toy guns

    After five years in prison

Batman dies at forty-one

And Robin has to go on

    And it sucks that you left

All the clues with me

And I can't even use them to set you free

The rape you confessed to

Was never what we all believed it to be

And somewhere in Gotham city

The Joker, Penguin and Riddler

Are still running around free


Goodbye Batman

Growing old with you

Would have been better

But the best of you remains

In these thirty-three letters

Copyright © Michael Ellis | Year Posted 2016

Details | Michael Ellis Poem

They Wouldn'T Let Me Be White

They wouldn’t let me be White 
Oh I wanted to be 
Dreams of that Pulitzer haunted me 

They said, Sir, you have ten minutes to play
I gave them Milton, Poe and Millay 
I stood before that panel 
Like I was auditioning for Jesus On judgment day 

I belted out those rhymes like Sandburg 
Gave them sweet elegant words 
I gave them personification and anapest 
Gave them Trochee with syllables unstressed 

I played those Robert Frost Blues 
Those Road less traveled Blues
 Those Thomas Hardy 
     going down on the Titanic Blues- 

And they said, Son, You could be the greatest 
Since Langston Hughes! 

And oh I was out of sight 
Switched up / Got Fancy 
Moved the stressed syllable 
From the middle to the right 
But still they wouldn’t let me be White 

I had every judge popping their fingers 
Moving their heads from left to right 
So I took a bow 
And smiled up at those lights 

I gave them Dickinson, Browning and Keats
 Oh I had those White judges on their feet 
I played until they saw stars 
A judge leaned over and said,
 You remind me so much of- What’s his name? 
Paul Lawrence Dunbar 

I played Eliot I played Cummings 
I played Stevens too 
I had those White Poets out of their shoes 

Oh I lifted them a hundred miles off the ground 
But when they came down 
They said, You could be the next Sterling Brown 
I said, Come on! Get out of town! 

I closed that audition with my best Haiku 
They said, M.e. Don’t take this wrong we like you 

I took a final bow I had performed to their delight 
But still they wouldn’t let me be White

Copyright © Michael Ellis | Year Posted 2021

Details | Michael Ellis Poem

My White Daughter

My White Daughter

They play like sisters

Quy-Imah has braids
And is of a darker hue

Kayla has blonde hair
And eyes of Blue

In the back seat of my car they play

Martin Luther King’s dream
Just two feet away

Quy-Imah says, Hi Daddy
Kayla copies, Hi Daddy
(They both giggle)

I try to ignore their childish musings
Sisters by their own choosing

No one could could convince them
That they were any different

Then the pessimism in my mind 

If they ever were to go missing
My White Daughter
Would get the FBI, Helicopters
And a hundred canines

My Black daughter
Would be lucky to get a single dog

Copyright © Michael Ellis | Year Posted 2016


Book: Reflection on the Important Things