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Best Poems Written by Catman Cohen

Below are the all-time best Catman Cohen poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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This Song Is For My Mother

This song is for my mother
Let her hear me cry
I couldn’t bring myself to write it
‘Til this darkened day arrived
A song about old promises 
Made so long ago
Created and cremated
Ashes of the words I spoke

Long separated by the miles
Distanced from her golden smiles
Memory of a mother
Shared my dreams and really cared

Long separated by the miles
Distanced from her golden smiles
I know I wasn’t there……

For you

Would have placed 
A magic carpet 
‘neath your weak and shaky legs

Would have raised
A strong west wind
Let you breathe with ease again

Would have bribed 
God’s venal angels
Come and soothe your endless pain

Would have vanquished
All the demons
And bring peace to you again

Be the child
I never knew
In a land
We won’t grow old

Be the light
I always loved
Warmed my dark 
And lonely soul

Be the girl
Playing games
In a world 
The sun won’t set

Be the laughter
Calms my heart
I never will forget
I won’t forget, won’t forget

This song is for my mother
Let her hear me cry
Couldn’t bring myself to write it
‘Til this darkened day arrived
Song about old promises 
Made so long ago
Ashes of the words I spoke

I broke my promises, oh mama
Now you’ve gone away 
I’m broken
Drowning in the pain each day

I’m  drowning…drowning...drowning…drowning

This song is for my mother
Let her hear me…….

Copyright © Catman Cohen | Year Posted 2011

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Never Told You

Tired of talking 
‘bout weather
Other trivial things

Tired of talking 
‘bout food
The price of tangerines

You may outlive
This aging man
Before I go
Please understand

Never told you how 
I love you 
When I held you
In the dark

Never told you how
I love you
I was never
Very smart

I never told you how
I love you
When I kissed your 
Baby face

Never told you how
I love you 
And I pray it’s 
Not too late

I would  tell you, 
“That’s what men do…manly men don’t say,  ‘I love you’”
That was my alibi
But what men do should be corrected
What men do can’t be accepted 
If it makes your woman cry

Tired of talking 
‘bout scandals
Rumors of the day

Tired of talking 
‘bout old mistakes
Who deserves the blame?

The Winter of our lives
Is drawing near
Let’s change it to Spring
From year to year

Now I’m telling you 
I love you
Though the words are coming late

I’m telling you
I love you
And it feels so good to say

I’ll love you in the morning         
Love you through the night
I will love you through the tears
And all the tragedies of life

I’ll stay with you forever
Love you every day
Love you,  love you, love you
It feels so good to say

Love you, love you, love you, baby

Feels so good to say…..


Copyright © Catman Cohen | Year Posted 2011

Details | Catman Cohen Poem

Unanswered Poems

Don’t send me more 
Of your tragic poems
My dear 
Covered in blood
Of your monthly flood
Of tears

Don’t send me more 
Of your angry poems
My dear
Carved with the knife
Of your molten spite
And fears

I’m just a peddler 
With a cart
Bringing discount words
To hearts
Broken hearts across the land
Woman left without her man
Broken hearts throughout the world
Anguished boy and crying girl

Your poetry’s too heavy, dear
For me to read, for me to bear
Your poetry’s too heavy, dear
For me to get from here to there

Don’t send me more
Of your bitter poems
My sweet
Forged in the fire
Of your endless ire
And grief

Don’t send me more 
Of your hopeless poems
My sweet
Ripped from the womb
Of the lonely room
You keep

I’m just a peddler 
With a cart
Bringing discount words
To hearts
Broken hearts across the land
Woman left without her man
Broken hearts throughout the world
Anguished boy and crying girl

Your poetry’s too heavy, dear
For me to read, for me to bear
Your poetry’s too heavy, dear
For me to get from here to there

(You see that shadow on the road
Trudging ‘neath its heavy load
A heart weighed down by sands of time
And your poems only make him cry
And he won’t add them to the pile
So he can walk another mile)

(And he won’t add them
To the pile
So he can walk 
Another mile)

Too heavy, dear 
Too heavy, dear
For me to read 
For me to bear

(They make him sad
Make him cry
Beat him down
Deep inside)

Too heavy, dear
Too heavy, dear
For me to read
For me to bear

They make me sad
Make me cry
Feel as though 
I want to die

(And he won’t add them
To the pile
So he can walk 
Another mile)

Too heavy, dear
Too heavy, dear
For me to read
For me to bear

(A heart weighed down 
By sands of time
And your poems 
Only make him cry)

Too heavy, dear
Too heavy, dear
For me to read
For me to bear

Copyright © Catman Cohen | Year Posted 2011

Details | Catman Cohen Poem

I Once Loved the Sun

In those younger years
I made a friend of the sun
And allowed her to bathe me
In brown creamy skin

In those younger years
I ran across a beach
And played with the sun
Let her sprinkle freckles
Upon my healthy golden cheeks

In those younger years
I had my way 
With the sun
Took her in so many 
Different positions
Under the burn of her sultry touch

In those younger years
I  traveled to exotic climes
Just to enter my sunshine heaven
And soak up her glow

But the cave I now inhabit
Shuts out all the warming rays
The cave in which I hide
Repels all her sunny ways

The cave I made from earth and  
Never lets her kiss within
The cave I excavated
Collapses upon my daily sins

In those younger years

I once loved the sun

Copyright © Catman Cohen | Year Posted 2012

Details | Catman Cohen Poem


She called herself London
On that day 
She fell from the sky
Child of apple blossoms
Dancing wildly
Into your mind

The snake that hung from her neck
Bites your hand
Expels you from Eden
Tears into the cool flesh
Of your madness
Posing as reason

Kisses you like a sweet lover
As though she really cares
Lets you 
Taste the passionate orchard
In her body’s secret lair

Wrestles with all your demons
Nothing quite compares
To the pain 
The indecent pleasure
In the waters that you share

Her name was London
Call her London

She called herself London
On that night
She prayed to the moon
Apollo’s lyre
Played darkly
In a portent 
Of your own doom

The hell she hides 
In her soul
Toxic drug you’ll never escape
You crave the milk of her touch
Her strange and dangerous ways

Kisses you like a sweet lover
As though she really cares
Lets you 
Taste the passionate orchard
In her body’s secret lair

Wrestles with all your demons
Nothing quite compares
To the pain 
The indecent pleasure
In the waters that you share  

Her name was London
Call her London

My baby, London
Call her London
My moon-girl, London 
Call her London

I love her, London
Call her London
Forever, London 

I call her London……

Copyright © Catman Cohen | Year Posted 2011

Details | Catman Cohen Poem

The Sex Confessions

The Bed
Your Mouth
My Touch
Our Lips

It’s a fever
In the night


Desecrated and damned together
Desecrated and damned forever
One naked flesh, we’ll die together
One naked flesh, making love forever

The Flame
Your Cries
My Salt
Our Wounds

It’s a fever
In the night 


Desecrated and damned together
Desecrated and damned forever
One naked flesh, we’ll die together
One naked flesh, making love forever

The Earth
Your Rain
My Seed
Our Life

It’s a fever
In the night 


Desecrated and damned together
Desecrated and damned forever
One naked flesh, we’ll die together
One naked flesh, making love forever

Of Love

Your  Love
My Love
Our Love

It’s a fever
In the night 


Desecrated and damned together
Desecrated and damned forever
One naked flesh, we’ll die together
One naked flesh, making love forever

Copyright © Catman Cohen | Year Posted 2011

Details | Catman Cohen Poem

Take Me To Duck Heaven

In that glistening azure pond
I had a favorite
A duck
I called

A quacker kind of 
Recognizable by the 
Atop her bobbing head
She swam aloof from
The rest

And refused all bread
Thrown her way
Even the finest bits
Collected from week old 
French bread

Leftovers from the
Down the road
The one managed by a
Kick boxer from the Bronx
The one that
Refused entry to
But kindly gave me
All the crusty crumbs I 
Could bag
For my 
Duck feeding 

And I am not embarrassed 
Not so macho
To say
I loved that duck
My Tawnablu
In ways I can never

But let me try
To put my affection
Into words

Just this once:

Tawnablu,  my pretty Canard
Quacking so hard
I want to ride your back
Down a stream 
Without end

Tawnablu, my epic Canard
Quacking so hard
Take me, wild beauty
All the way to 
Duck Heaven

Copyright © Catman Cohen | Year Posted 2012

Details | Catman Cohen Poem

Consumer Complaint

Stop resenting me
For the way I shop
The things I do 
To make sure 
My  food is fresh

I confess I feel blueberries
In my fingers
To make sure they are firm
Not too ripe

I confess I shake 
Cans of spaghetti and ravioli
So that I know 
The sauce is not 

I confess I pull  frozen waffles
From the back of the freezer
Less likely that they thawed
And refroze into 
Oddball shapes

I confess I smell trout
Before I buy it
Placing it against my nose
In the most unabashed 

Spare me your hate 
About my consumer habits
When I know it has nothing to do with

As long as I bring you warm release
In the darkness of your desires
Pull your tangled hair the way 
You like 
Bite your darting tongue 
In mad hunger 
Deep appetite

As long as I reawaken the 
Primal animal hidden 
Turn your heat into a river
For a long passionate

As long as I attend quickly to your
Every lusty command
The craving of your nympho

Then  I can squeeze french bread
In quiet and peace
I can sniff cantaloupes
Without suffering ire 
Or grief

I’ll take you tonight 
In that filthy way 
You like

Until then

Leave me alone 

I’m shopping.

Copyright © Catman Cohen | Year Posted 2012

Details | Catman Cohen Poem

In Defiance of a Female Warrior

When she stepped out of the shower
In pale wet skin
And splendor

She wore water like a queenly robe
Dripping breasts 
Made of gold and treasure

Such beauty deserved 
To be inscribed
Something no man should forget

In case I couldn’t memorize the bite of her
The trembling release of her depth 

In case I might forget the flavor of  her
The  excited rasp of her  breath 

I needed a photo of that naked pout
A vision 
Never to forget

“Don’t take my picture,” 
She warned me 
In ferocious warrior tongue
Daughter of Nordic barbarians
Beauty unlike anyone

What did she think I would do 
With the image she might surrender?

Sell it to the highest bidder 
For thirty pieces of silver?

Send it to perverts and sex addicts
Specialists in self-pleasure?

Post it on church walls
So celibates might be tempted?

Raise it upon a flag
For an entire nation to be offended?

“Don’t take my picture,” 
She warned me
In ferocious warrior tongue
Daughter of Nordic barbarians
Beauty unlike anyone

But I defied her fierce instruction
Spit from heroic luscious lips

Picture snapped
In a flash

Naked beauty captured
At last


Never saw that warrior again.

Copyright © Catman Cohen | Year Posted 2012

Details | Catman Cohen Poem

Secrets Men Share About Women

I will tell you deep dark secrets
That only men share
In private conversations
Where no flower is allowed
To bloom

A woman can be like a video game
Makes us feel like boys again
Yet we sweat and toil 
Huff and puff
A man’s work 
Dedicated to scoring points
Until we hear her 

A woman can be like a  lawnmower
Fill her up 
With the sweetest oil
Grasp that fragrant hair
Tightly in hand
Pull her forward
In a rough yet tender way
Until a lingering kiss 
Ignites her motor
Rewards us with
Those powerful 
Lets us know
“Job well done.”

A woman can be like a roller coaster
Ride her up
Ride her down
Wild excitement 
Abject fear
The perverse delight in
Wondering if we will 
The  perilous journey 
Or be
From the track

And my woman
My love 
Washes me  in her
Most private
Perfume sins
Whispers obscene 
In harsh gasps
Hot breath bullets 
That shatter my brain
Is a living contradiction
Bringing obedient 
To share our love
Primal desires unleashed
In communal ways
That would  have made 
Karl Marx 
Renounce his creed

My woman can be like a fountain
A watery refuge from 
The steamy oppressive night
Hit the right switch
And she’s a squirting delight
Close your eyes
And you can almost hear
Dancing music 
Synchronized to 
The contractions and expansions 
Of her gushing love
Resuscitates your 
Weary body
Heals your tormented soul
Bathes you in the 
All that is good
All that has any meaning 
In this

Copyright © Catman Cohen | Year Posted 2012


Book: Shattered Sighs