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Best Poems Written by Faeryn Jane

Below are the all-time best Faeryn Jane poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Finding A Lost Smile

She no longer felt taunted by the race of it all
Could not sit around and watch a life fly by, before her eyes
An unkept promise used to keep her up at night
Sense of trust - absent, lingered on like strayed kites in the wind

The media did nothing but consume and show all the ways she "could not" be
If a fellow questioned "are you lonely dear one?" she would have cried but,
What once was unwavering to me now has ability to unravel and become untrue 

Forsaken applications on frazzled devices,
Why is it that you demand my time as if it is not rightfully mine?
Foe friend, connector of worlds, distractor of all things, oh my days have you used me
How delighted I would be to distance you and rid all of this

Solace in leaving, solace in dreaming
Bound by nothing, fate forever freeing
Spirit grants me strength through days of disarray
Much like those of today, where my patience seems left astray

I've come back up for air, and am standing amongst the trees 
I am far out where no one can hear
Finding a lost smile

Copyright © Faeryn Jane | Year Posted 2024

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Grass Fields

I dream of lying days long
In grass fields full of birdsong
So that i might sing
Or touch the inside of my being

My awakened state these days is fair
So why must i stay in it,
A society designed not to care?

Perhaps i’ll just tread lightly,
Or rather share that i’m quite perplexed
Not anymore showing my previous signs of despair 
But believe you me have i been there
Burdensome days of which i know best

It is in nature where i reside
And only there i can call home
Your brick houses, neighborhoods
Never there was i understood

Copyright © Faeryn Jane | Year Posted 2024

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Elegy To A Marriage

She told you she’s not the one for you
Unbothered, for you knew this to be true
So why must you treat her like this?
Spewing abuse from the darkest parts of you

Kindness lingers far apart from your heart
I know you have many childhood wounds
But that’s not a viable excuse
You know the two of you should be apart
For our entire family has been repeatedly scarred

A few ill spoken words mean nothing to you
But they’ve seeped into delicate, vulnerable minds it’s true
You stand before me with your belt in hand
A power complex, i’ll always fear you & feel damned

Copyright © Faeryn Jane | Year Posted 2024

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Myriad Of Words

A myriad of words could be written today
Ten thousand more tomorrow and onwards
I will never cease the art of writing
Cannot bear the notion of holding my tongue about:

The liminal spaces who cannot speak
The ancient lands longing to be felt and seen
Our earth mother who cares so much for all
Our innate everlasting worth that can at times feel depleted or small

I channel endless words and my senses express
I welcome the all encompassing
I honor the ebbs and flows
The metaphorical deaths that transform and morph 
I witness my consciousness ponder
And hope to surround others in auric fields of love and light

Copyright © Faeryn Jane | Year Posted 2024

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The Bridge Above The Rivers Bend

Train bypassing just over the rivers bend
Sturdiest and unpromising of bridges, carry my feet along your lumber
Steal away the time I should be an honorable member of society
Keep me as your own and offer me company as you do the passing trains

Just before the sunrise do your wood beams greet the world, before those of the sun can
Eerily so do your shadows beautifully haunt weary folk in moonlight
But I stand unafraid and I walk along you, most enchanting bridge of pure delight

Outstretched arms and heightened ground consume my presence
Perhaps I will greet the river below, blow a cherished kiss
And dream of flowing with her as the fish flow by and by
Greeting all the places along the way I've yet to see
Scheming of making way to connecting streams and many the woodsy place

It is solely me now, guided under constellations and starlight
One with nature you could say, and so then I am not alone
I have met the river and jumped aboard, no more dreaming now
Souring like a bird through endless currents of this waterway's love

Copyright © Faeryn Jane | Year Posted 2024

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Severed Latency

I am not hardened by your strong sense of will 
And i am not weakened by any fragility of spirit
I am not stood still, awaiting my becoming – i am flowing
And no longer do i fear the ingrained teachings of which you still hold dear

I have retreated and enveloped in shadow — far too long
Once entangled by your distorted webs i could not see coming
And then at night i lied latent, a lingering state of questioning
Cocoon of unease-full sleep in the woven bed you had made

A saga of indifference used to evince itself in plenty an instance
Namely, i wore clothing of poise and purity to gratify your expected modesty of me
And hid behind prayer and knelt to save me from the art of unsanctioned vulgarity 
Would you now say i have plucked from the garden of forbidden fruit
Since i fail to follow the faith leading to your promised land?

False promises have propelled me forward towards honest grace
And sincerity now speaks to me in spirituality, my sacred space
I do not need to succeed failure to gain my attention nor to silence any dismay
And i do not feel urgency to stray away from my intrinsic gateways 

I am not frightened by your close attention to detail
Pertaining to matters of me and the ideas i adopt to be true instead
Nor do i bother about your views on my newfound philosophies 
Considering i feel seldom incomplete presently, so i can reason with you now

Alas, when i used to cry i could not turn to you
But my forgiveness touches places accessible to you these days
I can see beyond our diverged paths and welcome you all the same
For even if shame rouses, i shall not place the blame onto your heart spaces

You have taught what you’ve known and rightly so
I just pray and hope you can accept a version of me who’s changed
Since i feel earthbound without the cloudiness of what you’ve tried to arrange
So are you convinced that cherubs await those in disbelief of your deity in parade
Or did these unleashings persuade you further into your religious and lawful ways?

Copyright © Faeryn Jane | Year Posted 2024

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Whisper Of Wilderness

Whisper of wilderness
Lead me home
Follow me dearly
Wherever I roam

Nature, never proceed me
You're seldom far from my reaching
Your beauty completes me
The reason I'm breathing

An all encompassing utopia
Of our earth so real and bare
Compass luring my utmost desire
An internal fire bursting, raw as any, brightest…

Copyright © Faeryn Jane | Year Posted 2024

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Ode To The Lake

Feet of barest integument
Bounding, chasing infinite woods, primal
Unscathed by this immaculate earth
Swallowed by puddles seeping through my spirit
Overflowing, casting majesty, and so I ruminate

Flushest pale skin, inflicted by summer's kiss
Warmest pure sun, wholiest body kept snug
Wrapped up in the becoming of never ceasing solace
If I stop swiftly here I can witness all of what is
and if I listen near, I will hear brothers and sisters of song birds, trees, their bliss

All together now, we dance in harmony
Seldom bound by our differences, simply just alive and breathing
Forever seeing the graces and multitudes of endless sky and tree line
Counting waves washing, woven over fleeting sands by design

As I stand before you wisest of teachers, mother of all creatures
I am welcomed by the hands of your soil, who carry me
through tiresome, lonely and unbearable days long
and wistfully too, held trudging your pathways skipping along

Your silver moon greets the tips of leaves and night owls
She sways and beckons shadows in illuminated light
Whispering to trees to rest now, and softly sleep
She is mother of the night sky, keeper of the stars twinkling bright
When nigh puts away her reigns, a beaming ball of gleam rouses

Pardon my stares, for these lands will endlessly daze me
Once there were days of disconnect and doubt
Through you, loveliest woods of the lake, the shackles of my heart now lie agape
Incessant memories and feelings of you replace darkness once had
Perpetually in gratitude for your graces, your lessons and holding

Copyright © Faeryn Jane | Year Posted 2024

Details | Faeryn Jane Poem

Are We Too Much?

I’ve been breathing in the fumes of my existence and expectedness for some time now…
Far too long because this thing I cannot place has had unending hold over me.

I’ve been realizing things lately, and witnessing my own lies…
That I tell myself to feel sane or rather inflict a false state of comfortability.

These realized lies are remnants of learned behaviors and skewed mindsets taught to me and to us.
Said teachings emanate lack of love we collectively feel and so we bleed.

Yet bandaid solutions could never mask our open wounds.
Having lied dormant for years, or fresh needing much tending.

Crying out for touch and care and maybe a piece of validation here and there,
But something is better than nothing right?

Do not show the depths of your scars and sores too much now, you’ll scare away the neighbors
And the people you pass on streets who couldn’t care less but you swear they do. 

And don’t laugh too hard there, others may stop and stare, and make false assumptions that you cannot bear.

Extend your manners wherever you may go,
For you’ll be ridiculed and considered rude you let them slip through. 

But remember to smile and persist in good spirits,
We can’t have the truth made known that your darkness is hiding and piling the shelves.

Become a bit softer now, all to prove some frightened false version.
Afraid to speak your truth, uncover your eyes.

I wonder where all the love is…
We’ve been normalizing to save away for romance or just our circle of friends.

Can you see the world’s lies?
And those of your own we sometimes can hide behind?
Do they speak in familiar tongue?
Can we silence them?
Will we mend?

Copyright © Faeryn Jane | Year Posted 2024

Details | Faeryn Jane Poem

Nowhere To Hide

A definite air permeates
When in the walls of my room
Projected productivity is it?
Or rather the reflection of what those expect of me

Identity found... lost, through my grasp
Hard to dicier or fully know
Craving change, something swift
Yet nothing short of raw, with nature as my muse

Possibilities seem infinite, away from these parts
Just the sheer art of crossing unforeseen paths
Evoking my soul and lust for life, I sit and wait
As if the trust I should place in myself lies agape

Too close to home, I feel exposed
To judgements, expectations, and morale I hope I lack
By that I mean from their skewed sightings of things

And so the awe of discovery calls me
Replacing shame, resistance, anger, yet-
Through times of stagnancy I surely say...
Have I truly surpassed these past felt ways?

Assured, I realize triggers do arise, often times
Standing in the kitchen, pacing the halls, walking
Phone calls, a pause, anticipated familial all

Tales to be told to the generation to be
A family I will hold dear, never inflict previous cycles upon
Shared highlight reel of what once was, and everything in between

Copyright © Faeryn Jane | Year Posted 2024


Book: Reflection on the Important Things