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Best Poems Written by Rajat Bagchi

Below are the all-time best Rajat Bagchi poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Towards the Horizon

Towards the Horizon

Sitting in a corner, absorbing the incandescent hue,
A malt for company, awaiting a magical cue,
I often wonder, all these years, where were you?
I reflect upon the days which could have been,
I reminiscent our childhood, sans together we were weaned.
Envisioning moments which could have been memories, 
But alas, nowhere to be seen.

We may have traversed different paths,
We may have stood on different grounds,
But alas the fate,
Who can dissuade the cosmic rays,
The divine intervention, the vibrational play!

Let you not forget the pains of the past,
The needles, the barbs- to contend, the perceptions bend.
With steely resolve & grit that transcends.
Let you not forget a moment -the path, the way.
Which brought you here this day.
There’re still miles to go -on this ever meandering, challenging path.
But do Dream in the daylight hours, burn the midnight oil,
& You will shoot again, as a sapling does from the soil!

From amongst the clouded black sky,
Appears a streak of light so bright.
From amongst the burnt grey ashes,
The amber glows & spread light.
Our darkest hours define thy mettle,
And you have proven time & again, you are no damn brittle.

When one is pinned against the wall,
When one is pushed to the limits,
When the sun fades you down,
When the tears turn into trickles,
Let that realm of life, be the story of past,
Lest, life has a fight again, gore & bloody till the last!

this moment, let’s take a pledge
Positive perspectives, not nearing the edge.
Let’s paint a rosy picture,
With whiffs of Vervain & soothing nectar.

Over the hills, where the sky is blue,
Sun shines bright, spreading a golden lowe,
In the trickle down the creek, where water takes a crystal hue.
Such a paradise, for you, I invoke!

I wish you keep stepping out from the old to the new.
I wish you keep embracing the novel within.
I wish thy soul, long suppressed finds awakening.
Into that land of desires, may you find fulfilment.

Let me take you to a world beneath the clouds,
A world without sorrow & unending love.
Were hope ascents, drenched from the first rays of the sun.
Darkness disappears basking the moonlit radiance.
Into that land of peace, may you find solace.

Uff… too much melodrama, what you say?
Let’s take it to a lighter vein
As I hope to make some gain.
So, here’s my list of return gifts,
Pies, roasts, JD and some tit bits.
No more excuses will I take,
Now or never can I say?

Copyright © Rajat Bagchi | Year Posted 2024

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The Bottle Gourd Rhyme

I am tall, I am slender,
Light Green but not cucumber.
Have a snout, have a tail,
Found in market & even retail.

Packed with Vitamin C, K & Calcium,
I punch my weight in nutrition.
Eat me & get a healthy heart, Bring down cholesterol & fat!

I am 90% water & light,
& can climb up with delight.
Eat me & be wise,
as solid, liquid or otherwise!

Copyright © Rajat Bagchi | Year Posted 2024

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Sojourn through Tarotspace


Let me tell you a story,
Of a deck of cards, in all its glory.
Well, some will say, what’s the big deal?
To them my humble reply, come, conquer, and heal.

The story is my take,
On art, of an ancient age.
Tarochhi as it first evolved.
In Milan & Ferrara- getting masses involved.
Adorned in Ivory, Silver & Gold,
Painted in colours so bold.
Veiled in the mist of time,
Myths and legend circumscribe.

Superstition, flights of fancy & speculations
Tarot has seen many such reflections.
A myriad of colourful tapestry of yore,
Adding aura, mystery, magic to the lore!

Let’s come to Quanto Tarot then,
Where we learn as and when.
Our sacred and a place so blessed.
With Magical Mansi at the helm,
A peerless experience in the realm.

Rider Waite, Osho Zen, Sacred India are for taking.
As different, as similar as per your making.
When Mansi starts her interpretations,
We are all ears in anticipation.

The wild card starts the show,
Fool, Rudra, asks us to outgrow.
Magician follows in tow,
The Existence- Vishnu- unison in cosmos thy bow.
Ma Saraswati the pure, connects us to the divine,
The High Priestess of the deck says to shine.

Empress follows in her sensual glow,
Ma Lakshmi, creativity bestow.
Then comes the King of the deck,
The no-nonsense Emperor, approved by Brahma the great.

No-thingness is not that empty
Check with Manu, its Hierophants entry.
Lovers give us the choice of paths,
Kaccha Devyani grace the Lovers card.

Chariot tells us to keep moving,
In Krishn Arjun awareness we keep soaking
Ma Durga tells you to empower selves.
Show strength and courage till end.

The Hermit reflects in Aloneness,
Not loneliness but like Mahavir introspect.
The Wheel of fortune reminds us change is constant.
before Varuna breakthroughs the Justice warrant.

The Hanged Man asks for sacrifice,
In Trishanku’s story on can see a new vision, old issues oxidise.
Ma Kali brings chaos in order,
In abruptness of Death, we surrender.

Ma Ganga in all purity- integrates, creates.
The Temperance of liberating alchemy one waits.
Our bondages are shown in the Devil next
Conditioning required to improve self.

Be Aware the Tower has arrived,
Most feared of the tribe,
Thunderbolt it could unleash, like thy Shiv Tripurantaka tales thrive.
After Broken Illusions,
Its time for some soul- searching.
Heres comes in Silence, Usha the Star shining.

Moon magnifies the emotions,
Chandra says know your limitations.
Surya dazzles, creates, give birth,
In Innocence enjoy abundance says the Sun
Make a life changing decision says Pralay,
Go Beyond Illusion, take the Judgement.
In Completion comes the World,
Shakti says create beyond imagination et all.

The Major arcana’s are now dealt and learnt.
Or is it?

Then we have the Minor Arcana’s
As ancient, as unique with “Tree of Life” as inspiration.
Representing elements of nature, on which depends generations.
Fire, Water, Air, and Earth
Represented by Wands, Cups, Swords & Pentacles!
If Wand is energy & growth,
Cup betokens love & happiness galore!
Sword expresses, aggression & boldness.
Pentacles a talisman to magical evocation!
14 cards each element follow,
Delivering a message to wallow.

Wow, it was a whirlwind lesson,
Still figuring, how to comprehend.
The energies, the auras & stories in between
Leaves me overwhelmed, perplexed & tensed.
Wish, this could have been as easy,
As reflected in the” 9 of pentacles” -teasy?

But need not thy worry, 
Blessed we are that “Apni wali” Mansi is around.
She will show a way & her magic will astound!
So, folks, go deep and dwell,
Imbibe the cards & make Mansi’s heart swell.
She will let you know with her hugs & smile,
How much she loves us connect to the divine!

Copyright © Rajat Bagchi | Year Posted 2024

Details | Rajat Bagchi Poem


Life is a playfield of energies;
Some positives, some negatives,
which create innumerable synergies.

Life is quite a drama;
on some days leaves you playful & gay,
sometimes showers a melancholy way.

Life can be tricky, sometimes intense,
ruminate decisions, making sense?

The path is long, one needn’t traverse alone,
Reach out, a helping hand in horizon awaits.

A willing mind, beating heart & of course my smile,
A nudge from di,
& I was ready to tee.

Apprehensions galore, self-doubt to the core,
me an Enigma, stepped in to explore!
Nine days so I was told,
Why 9, I now implore … why 9 I now implore…

Clarity, solace what I seeked,
Transformational energies so I desired,
Peach, calm what I wanted,
Change, positivity I envisaged.

Synthesis, a process experienced,
thy not a chapter, a way of life sure.
Synchronicity an event experienced,
aligning self with universe desired?

Deities, divinity were words scant,
meaning, barriers broken & mend.
Invocation a realization…
Ganesha gave a tingle,
Vishnu ji a pain
Kali ma left me alone
Garuda & Rudra made gains.

Man is a slave of habits,
Let the soul empowering remain.
Spread words, spread blessings,
let the Magic continue,
& so I believe…

Copyright © Rajat Bagchi | Year Posted 2024

Details | Rajat Bagchi Poem

An Ode to the Housekeeper

I come from afar,
Leaving my loved ones at large
I am a Housekeeper, I am here to serve!

I was here during lockdown,
Never did I bog down
Preparing to welcome you safe,
Anticipating your fear and inhibitions
I am the Housekeeper, I am there!

As dark clouds hover over,
As fear and panic grips,
I am called at forefront,
I am the Housekeeper, never my commitment dips!

I walk towards the unknown,
Wearing a smile & my prayer
I don’t flinch, don’t sweat.
I am the Housekeeper, I don’t dread!

I am called upon, I respond,
I am at the front, I fight.
To keep you safe, to keep you fit.
I am the Housekeeper, I use all my might!

I work long, work hard
I prepare for you to return.
I risked, I battled.
I am the Housekeeper, the war is still on!

I am the Housekeeper, help me help the World,
Wear masks, follow protocols,
Join me in this fight,
I am the Housekeeper, let’s do what’s right!

I don’t need gratification
I don’t need sympathy
I am the Housekeeper, show me empathy…

Together we can achieve,
Together we can win,
I am the Housekeeper, I believe!

Copyright © Rajat Bagchi | Year Posted 2024

Details | Rajat Bagchi Poem

Guess Who?

She is one for the ages,
She graced a many a stage.
She is a Mother, She is a Saint
She is immortal, a miracle without restraint.

She draped herself in six yards of blue & white.
She gave her all, pulled all her might.
She said, these are the people of God,
She led towards upliftment, salvation, with her squad.

She roamed the street no one ventured,
She tamed the demons without any indenture.
She served among the poorest of poor,
She was the rarest of rare.

She knew no boundaries, borders didn’t restrict her,
She preached people before politics, others before self, in her edifier.
She with her diminutive figure, dulcet voice,
She with her passion & will, made the right noise.

She left this World a better place,
She left her indelible mark with grace.
She will be revered on Earth till existence.
She is immortal san question.

Copyright © Rajat Bagchi | Year Posted 2024

Details | Rajat Bagchi Poem

ADDA- A Journey

ADDA is our third space,
A beloved & sacred place.
Here we learn to love self,
In vibrations, in intuitions we do dwell.
Want to wane worries, or cross a treacherous path,
Or simply need a supporting act.
Join, sit back and relax.

Take center stage or enjoy the ringside view,
Glow in our spotlight, or enjoy the reflected hue,
When the clock strikes 9:30, we are there for you.
It is a time to learn, to play, recognise or to celebrate.
A game, an expert, language or science,
History, finances or rhymes,
Or a journey through times.
ADDA has it all,
Join to have a ball!

A treasure of stories,
Living fantasies,
A deep dive into realism.
A playfield,
For a novice, one’s first tryst,
Where one grows from a seed to a sapling or a caterpillar to a butterfly,
A stage for an expert,
An attentive ear, a learned audience- push you further to gly
ADDA has seen, celebrated it all!

ADDA takes a special feel,
When our dynamic duo, grace the screen.
A smiling diva - heart melting, benevolent Ma Mansi,
A guiding light, ceaseless wisdom, path maker, Guru Shivo
ADDA is a journey, 
Many hop in, hop out,
Stamping their imprints, many to follow.
Wheel is in motion; it will roll on…
People come & people go,
ADDA is a constant, one cannot ignore!

Copyright © Rajat Bagchi | Year Posted 2024

Details | Rajat Bagchi Poem

Its your Birthday!

Its your B’day,
Time to be Happy & gay.
Put on that lovely smile & walk that extra mile!
After all the cakes you bake,
The calorie counter is at stake!

Lay down the boots, drop the shoulder.
Take rest, let the mind wander.
alas it’s your day,
Give the ADDA team a break,
Your dedication is doing wonders,
ADDA is growing stronger…

Whip up a Ganache, make a turnover,
Apple or pineapple –nah, do it with durian when not sober!
Deconstruct a pavlova, reimagine an opera,
A pinch here, a dash there,
A drizzle, a flambe…
Life’s boring- create some melodrama!

Dance a tune, declutter the mind,
Don’t play mommy tonight!
The Girls are teens now,
Let them loose today, don’t raise a brow!

Ask Hubby to be at his best,
Toast a bubbly & forget the rest!
Alas, it’s your B’day,
& You deserve the very best!

Copyright © Rajat Bagchi | Year Posted 2024

Details | Rajat Bagchi Poem

Rudra and Me

Those intense eyes, imposing aura;
The warrior pose;
atop the snow-clad peaks,
among the floating clouds
still, radiating heat!
The serpents, the hair,
The alluring fear,
The magical hues, undefined, unfiltered
Beyond comprehension of mere souls
into you I gaze, are you Mansi’s ace?

                               Your roar- creates, expands, nurtures…
As I give you my fears, inhibitions,
Roar for me…
Let the cell vibrate, follicle tingle
mind flush,
let thy churn, a twister form!

                                                  Come as a child
or clad in a loin,
A pinstripe suit or a Gucchi boot.
Raise a storm or a strom.
You have come to play; the game that’s your always
To dribble doubts, net fears, dunk worries.
Win will be mine, with the divine & Mansi intertwined!

As I saw you with closed eyes,
cried out…
a silent bellow to invite,
you roared, entered & tore!

The sheer pain, the veiled shriek
Throbbing veins, pulsating calf
Could it be more profound?
The aftermath…
In observance, in the space…I remain!
Bestowed by your grace, the Mansi way…

Copyright © Rajat Bagchi | Year Posted 2024

Details | Rajat Bagchi Poem

A gift to behold

A gift to behold  

Who are you we wondered,
Where your path leads, we thought
I knew what we wanted, couldn’t envisage
Then we surrendered…

When in pain, you are the balm.
When there’s despair, you make calm.
When mind wanders, you direct.
When there’s darkness, you reflect.

The world could be treacherous,
Its people delusional,
with your guiding light, ceaseless wisdom,
the path lightens, spirit awakens, tranquility prevails.

As we celebrate, rejoice,
We all have a choice…
To be with others, to help learn, unlearn;
To keep the hope alive, the lights shining bright.
That’s a gift which will behold,
For a guru, who never gets old!

Copyright © Rajat Bagchi | Year Posted 2024


Book: Shattered Sighs