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Best Poems Written by Neddy Kelly

Below are the all-time best Neddy Kelly poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Internal Pain

In the depths of my wonders where doubts reside,
Where my darkest secrets eat me up inside,
where my intrusive thoughts and my fears collide,
A world of darkness hides in in my mind.

The sun may shine and the cardinals may sing,
The eagles may grow up and sprout their wings.
External people think I have everything,
But deep in my soul there's a constant sting.

Others pass by, their smiles bright,
But they don't know the war I fight.
I only see darkness where others see light,
But no one bothers to ask if I'm alright.

Truth be told I'm fine alone,
As solitude is all I've known.
The more I've lived, the more I've grown,
To realize my heart is stone.

I've always been different, since I was born.
When others rejoice, I tend to mourn.
When others feel whole, I tend to feel torn.
And when I cry out, I am met with scorn.

Copyright © neddy Kelly | Year Posted 2023

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Day of Judgement: From Hell to Heaven

As the sun set and darkness fell,
A trance grew upon me, a curse, a spell.
A lonely feeling engulfed my soul,
As I searched for answers to be whole.

I soon found myself stumbling around,
Then with the blowing wind, I heard a sound.
It drew me closer to a dark red path,
Where I would fall victim to an unholy wrath.

As I inched closer to a eternal death,
A voice called out to me at my last breath.
"Come with me to a place without fright,
A place where all your wrongs are made right."

I didn't believe this God-like voice,
but then again, I had no better choice.
It took my hand, and led me on
To another place, where the evil was gone.

It let go of my hand, then said one last phrase,
one that will forever keep me in daze.
"Go on, my son. Go find your worth.
You are destined for greatness. Destined since birth."

Then through thick, damp fog and shadows deep,
I wandered on, while my curiosity peaked.
What did it mean "I was destined since birth?"
Did my spirit within have some unfinished work?

Since I can remember, I was always troubled.
My heart was dirty, filled with rubble.
But now I felt my heart was cleansed.
It was like holy water washed away my sins.

Now I was seeking solace, seeking peace,
From the world where issues fail to cease.
That's why I was saved from deathly heat,
By the word of God that called to me.

It realized I was willing to repent my wrongs.
So I was forgiven, and was taken along,
Back to heaven and out of hell,
where I currently reside and am doing well.

As In this moment, I am still,
My heart beats steady, and my mind is chill,
For I have found a way to be,
In a place where my mind's at ease.

A place of wisdom, love, and light,
Where all is clear, where all is right,
Where souls can heal and spirits soar,
Within you is the key to unlock the door…

Copyright © neddy Kelly | Year Posted 2023

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The Shadow Within

Intrusive thoughts inside my head
Internal conflict while I lie in bed

Visions are getting blurry but louder
I'm getting weaker by the hour

My body feels like it’s decaying,
My hopes and dreams evaporating

Voices in my head start ringing
They sound just like the sirens singing

I know they’re deadly, lethal, fatal
I try to stray, but I’m not able

The singing slowly turns into screams
I feel a sharp pain inside my spleen

I know what I did to deserve this pain
And now I know I cannot change

The things I’ve done to incur this wrath
When I try to get up, I slowly collapse

Back to the bed in which I am laying
And my blurry vision keeps on fading

I feel like I’m at the end of my rope
There's nothing I can do nothing to help cope

And as my last words start to spray
I feel that rope begin to fray

This is what happens when I let the shadow within
Triumph over me with a horrendous win

Copyright © neddy Kelly | Year Posted 2023

Details | Neddy Kelly Poem

The Crow -Parody of The Raven-

In the late evening, half past 8
I heard a noise from far away.
It was a bird, make no mistake.
I could've sworn I heard my name.
Maybe I did,
or maybe I had gone insane.

For out in the distance, from the mist,
a corvid from the lost abyss,
dropped a letter into my fist,
a letter from an unknown sender.

This corvid happened to be a crow
Why this corvid? I wished to know.
It appeared to be normal looking although,
It showed a marking on its head feathers.

My first initial, the letter "N",
was very distinct upon its head.
It had a tint of crimson red,
which stood out in the foggy weather.

I glanced downwards at my clenched fist,
the letter's stamp being hard to miss,
and my gaze then shifted onto this.
In which the stamp contained a crow.

The crow was a crimson shade of red.
A shade that kept appearing again.
Not just physically, but in my head.
My body ached, I was feeling dead.
But I had not yet revealed the note.
Did it bring good news? One could only hope.

My hands were quivering, they were not so sturdy. 
I grabbed the letter but my vision was blurry.
The note appeared to be written with fury.
A fury that was very fatal.

I started to read but the room went black.
then on my arm I felt a scratch.
It was as if I was being attacked.
And my body was in pain.

Oh it stung! But I heard a sound.
The crow appeared as I stumbled around.
The corvid said that he had found,
out about the bad things in town.
In which I was involved with that crowd.
"Please spare me!" "It's too late now."

With my last breath, my words were shaken
“Curse you bird, you spawn of Satan!”
Then the bird said it was time for repayment.
“I’ll end you slowly, for I am patient.”
The crow then muttered that I would not be missed.

My thoughts and prayers eradicated,
As the sounds around me faded.
I heard one last phrase, one filled with hatred.
“Goodbye wounded soul” the corvid stated.
And with that said I blew away into the lost abyss.

Copyright © neddy Kelly | Year Posted 2023

Book: Shattered Sighs