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Best Poems Written by Danielle Endel

Below are the all-time best Danielle Endel poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Painted Sky

One does not wish to wake up before the sun each day
But in doing so,
We witness the beauty that lies in the upcoming moments:
The dawn.
Something new that welcomes us each morning:
What lies ahead
All of the possibilities and opportunities that are
In that space.
And as we feel this beauty, we can appreciate
And reflect,
And as the sun goes down each day, giving a quiet goodbye,
We see its beauty once again.

Copyright © Danielle Endel | Year Posted 2023

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Time and Time Again

It is a vicious circle

It took two years before you could get back in a pool

This regret and pain never seem to go away
And neither do the questions
All the while, a piece of you is
Dying inside.
Nobody seems to truly understand
No apology seems sincere since 
They are trying to find somewhere to 
Place the blame.

The journalists do not care about showing up
While you are walking in to work
And the lawyers do not care about your emotions
While they grill you with questions about everything.
But all you can see is her face as she’s sitting
Next to you, a face beaming with such excitement
An excitement that does not last long, stripped away
Far too soon.

Nobody really understands how you feel
Except the people who were right there with you
And they know how it feels to have carried this around
For three years.
But you still don’t talk about it with anybody
It is too painful to bring up, to think about
So you just keep it bottled up tight until you

It is a vicious circle.

Copyright © Danielle Endel | Year Posted 2023

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50 Years Almost

I can hear her choking back tears, soft silent sobs echo through the phone as she tells me
“If he were still alive, we’d have been married 50 years today”
I sat there in silence on the other end of the phone, not knowing what to say back
How do you come up with words to say, a response that sounds appropriate?

50 years, so close, but just out of reach, not quite there yet
49 years of memories replaying in her head as she remembers.

She tells me of her regret from all of the years they shared
If she just would have spent more time not worrying about the little things
Not complaining about the things that really didn’t matter in the end
Then maybe she would not have this burden weighing her down.

Now she has had time to think about all of these things since he’s gone
And she sits alone, crying to me on the phone, angry at herself.

She never cried at the funeral, but she cried in her room
Next to the dimly lit lamp, late at night, under the TV light
As she thinks about what life could have been like if only
They made it to that milestone, 50 years…Almost, so close.

Copyright © Danielle Endel | Year Posted 2023

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Dreaming of Fall

I’m dreaming of Autumn,
a time where everything changes.

The Texas heat still lingers, but there is a sense of hope creeping in.
Fall- Halloween and Thanksgiving
Should be coming soon.

Watching football on a Sunday afternoon
Enjoying time with your family,
Playing cornhole in the backyard.
Watching a scary movie in the dark.

The seasons changing, people changing
as they think of a time…
A time where the atmosphere changes,
where people are happier.

Crisp days spent enjoying a sip of coffee,
Seeing the smiles of others as they pass you in the shop.
Rainy days spent inside reading your favorite book.
Waking up to a misty morning, perfect for a sweater.

These are the days I look forward to, and the things I wish to be true.
But, this is not quite the way it is here. 
So, this is why I dream.

I dream of these things that will not come true 
In the full extent here in this small, Texas town;
a town where the heat of summer interferes
with what should be fall.

Fall is but a brief moment in time here
It passes by quickly, but it is 
Just as magical as one could imagine

Copyright © Danielle Endel | Year Posted 2023

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As the thorny vines that had me tangled up were torn
I felt a single tear roll down my cheek 
I tasted the salt as more of them began to flow

As the weeds that crept up to destroy me were picked
I felt my whole body become overtaken with sobs
I gasped for breath as I realized I was still alive

As the branches that scratched and prodded were cut
I felt a new power arise in me as I stood
I was able to stand on my own and escape

As the feathers caressed me in a light embrace
I felt my arms open up
I felt them ache as I reached them to the sky

As the flower petals held and protected me
I felt myself fall into comfort
I knew I was finally safe

As the warmth of the sun shone and covered me in love
I felt myself being renewed as I basked in the light
I was free

The sun set and radiated its golden glow
I stood as a symbol of strength
A masterpiece of resilience, liberated and reborn.

Copyright © Danielle Endel | Year Posted 2024

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Time's Embrace

As I look around my home at photos from my childhood,
I am looking into the eyes of a little girl who prayed 
For so many things, dreamed so many big dreams.
Now, as I sit here at 22 years old, I realize that
I got so many of those things I prayed for
All of those big dreams I dreamed.
But time passes by so quickly and
If you don’t take the chance to enjoy it
You miss all of the beautiful things in the journey.
Too focused on the end goal, of what lies ahead
We forget to look right in front of us
At what is in the moment.

Every moment in time has led you to
Where you are today.

Copyright © Danielle Endel | Year Posted 2023

Book: Reflection on the Important Things