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Best Poems Written by Jimmy Anderson

Below are the all-time best Jimmy Anderson poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Hoping You Can Feel Me

I sit alone and I think of you, hoping you can hear me
If I close my eyes just before I sleep, I can see you more clearly
Even where I am now, where everything is dark
I can feel you here beside me, gently tugging at my heart!

Anxiously, I wait to hear a precious word or two
Something to let me know you feel me as much as I feel you
I take the blame and apologize for these nights I have denied you;
But this gives me time to love your mind before I lay beside you!

Let me take away your pain; wipe away your tears and guide you
Let’s make love by pen and paper before I meld with you
I hope my words don’t sound too strong but passion has no fear
Each breath I breathe like ecstasy that has built up during this year!

There is no cure for what I feel it’s just the pain that ails me
All prescription meds from the medical doctors have failed me;
And I know this is a lot to take in but I mean each word sincerely
This hungry letter sent with love and passion hoping you can feel me! 

Note:  Written for Audrey Carey's Sentimental Love Letters" Contest

Copyright © Jimmy Anderson | Year Posted 2010

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Color Blind

Is it the color of my skin that keeps you from being my lady friend?
Tell me my African American Queen; Maybe I just lack self-esteem.
       I keep your pretty face in every dream.  I desperately want you to 
remain on my team.
       Don't be shy or afraid what others will think.
Please understand you are my hearts missing link.
       I want you beside me, never behind.
               Love is colorblind.

       Who cares if the public sees us hand in hand.
It's not for others to understand.  A black woman walking next to a white man.
       It's annoying when people stare like we are celebrities;
Especially when we attend social events and parties.
       I can tell it's during those times you're uncomfortable with me.
That causes a strain in our relationship, leaving my tank on empty.
       Inter-racial relationships have been around since the beginning of time.
It's those individuals in society that are colorblind.

       We have done nothing wrong.  The feelings of love we share must remain strong.
For so long this situation has weighed heavily on my mind.
       I'm letting the world know that love is colorblind.

Note:  Even after we celebrated our first black President, our country suffers from racism.  
Especially in prison, and it is sad.  I am bi-racial myself.  My father is caucasion while my 
mother is hispanic, and I've never understood racism--never will!

Copyright © Jimmy Anderson | Year Posted 2009

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The Color of Poetry

As the ink touches my writing pad every letter seems to glow.
I feel I'm going mad watching sentences light so bright like a rainbow!
       Each word seems to hypnotize and my mind begins to travel.
I watch through brown eyes as the poem begins to unravel!

       Nouns and adjectives make up each dazzlingword.
The exclamation at the end of certain sentences compliment my verbs!
       Yellow, red, and blue hues reflect my mood.
Each paragraph shows a little bit more attitude!

       I wonder how so many colors can come together and still coexist?
The stanza's flutter light as a feather never tiring my wrist.
       My rainbow of letters in my sentence3s never cease to amaze me.
A canvas of art within my heart is the color of poetry!!!

Darkness fell across my writing pad, putting my stanza's in gloom.
I just knew I would go mad as I looked around the pitch dark room.
In the darkness I felt the push of my pen, and went with the flow.
A premonition again, and looked down to see each letter begin to glow!
Even the punctuation seemed to have a bluish hue, that illuminated my eyes.
I had a huge sense of deja-vu and the color of poetry I begin to recognize!

Each letter stood out all alone, and brighter they seem to grow.
Sentences like different colors of gemstones looked like a horizontal rainbow!
My pen begin to dance, having an aura of a brilliant white.
The stanza's begin to tell of a romance that would soon under the moon ignite!
I couldn't believe it had to do with me, and my head started to spin.
A love I wanted to achieve begin with the color of poetry all over again!!

*See pixs of me and other poems @ (Jimmy M. Anderson

Copyright © Jimmy Anderson | Year Posted 2010

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One Hundred Percent Love ( a Collaboration W/ S.K.A.T. Poetry)

“Pretty lady”, let me love you, take you places you’ve never been
All the pain you’ve gone through, I’ll make sure it don’t happen again
I promise to always comfort you, your burdens I will bear
There’s nothing I wouldn’t do to prove to you I truly care!
As long as there’s a sky, and those stars continue to shine above
You will always see it in my eye what I feel for you is 100% love!

"Sexy Man," you are what I want plus more. 
Your comfort mopped my tears right off the floor. 
I love the way you caress and touch me. 
Arousing the inner beauty for all to see. 
My world you conquered when push came to shove. 
I give you my thoughts, my emotions, my lust, and my "100% love."

Copyright © Jimmy Anderson | Year Posted 2010

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Love Is Pain

Makes me furious seeing a woman with a bruise over her eye.
The smeared mascara from the tears she's cried.
    Pain he's caused, scarring her inside.
Silent Prayers  are whispered into the night.
     You're under one helluva spell when you don't tell.
You're not well when you accept being put through hell.

     It's been awhile since you've focused rself.
Staying with that man is simply bad for your health.
     Because of him there is so much life you've missed.
How could you love a man that mistakes a kiss for a fist?
     He's not stable; definitely not mentally okay.
If his idea of "love" is to physically harm you in such a way!
     You're under one helluva spell when you don't tell.
You're not well when you accept being put through hell.

     Stand up!  Free yourself from those emotional chains.
No more scrubing shirts from blood stains.
     Your world will be a happier, warmer place.
No more heavy makeup covering your pretty face.
     So be strong now and walk away.
Live to love "you"  and your children another day.

Copyright © Jimmy Anderson | Year Posted 2009

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If Only

If only...I could start over again.
Took that job in Memphis and stayed away from so-called-friends. 
     If only...I could right the wrongs.
Find the perfect songs and make you giggle all night long.
     If only...My wager would have been on the winning team.
But life is mean and I lost everything.
     If only...I would have turned the other cheek.
You can't walk down a street without a coward preying on the weak.
     If only...I would have turned left instead of right.
An automobile accident plus the loss of my eyesight.
     If only...I could travel back in time.
Do things differently and have peace of mind.
     If only...she were alive today.
My mother would shake her finger and say...
     "If only, If only, If only!"

Copyright © Jimmy Anderson | Year Posted 2009

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My Sweet Potato Pie

It's love when you enter a room and give me these butterflies.
No reason to try and hide keeping these emotions inside.
         You have me intoxicated from those sensations that you provide.
Woman you remind me of Sweet Potato Pie.

          It's love when the phone rings and I rush to answer, praying it's you.
She's a part of my goals now and all the things I want to do.
          Everyday is an adventure and always something new.
Together we've healed old wounds, despite the pain both of us have gone through.
          A serene feeling of comfort when looking into your beautiful eyes.
You're warm like Sweet Potato Pie.

          It's love when I purpose to her on Valentine's day.
A life of bliss sealed with a kiss was my determined way.
          To make her mine for all time.
My partner in crime.
          Like Bonnie and Clyde.
She still gives me butterflies.
          I'll always have a sweet tooth for her like Sweet Potato Pie!

Copyright © Jimmy Anderson | Year Posted 2009

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Free As a Butterfly

The life you are living does not need to be the only life you have.
       We tend to dwell on the past.
              Leave it buried because then you can have the final laugh.
                     Everything exists to end in a photograph.
Hold that picture dear, and let the demons be.
       Don't wallow in your own pain and misery.
Self pity is often too afraid in accomplishing any goals.
       Crawl on out of that wormhole.
It's ok to be a little fish in a giant fish bowl.
       Because of one downfall, don't mean  you lost your soul.
The devil deceives us with that lie.
       I hate to see tears in your eye.
Spread your wings and be free like a butterfly.

Copyright © Jimmy Anderson | Year Posted 2009

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Poet Destroyer

Poet Destroyer...
When I first noticed your name, I wondered could you compete with me?
I wanted your heart in a frame and demolish all your poetry!
Poet Destroyer...
With a name like that you had to be good or not post.
But like a trained acrobat in a secret brotherhood you were better than most!
Poet Destroyer...
I never knew you were a female, it was kind of a shock.
I was about to raise some hell, and introduce you to a Poetic Warlock!
Poet Destroyer...
You would comment on everything I write and it made me smile.
I would think about you into the night, and that wasn't my style.
Poet Destroyer...
You finally told me your name, and shared your age.
This throne I'd let you reclaim, if you would share the stage!
Poet Destroyer...
Naturally I could not directly comment on your poetry.
I ask that of my dearest friend Audrey.
Poet Destroyer...
I hope you agree, a great friendship can be found between you and me;
And quite possibly we can collaborate on some steamy poetry!
Poet Destroyer...
So tell me sweetie, are you down for a night on the town with me?
Into the night, high in the neon light will read: Jimmy and Sidney!!!

*Wrote for a cool, crazy, fun amazing poet...

Copyright © Jimmy Anderson | Year Posted 2010

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Poetry Is My Voice

Imagination and subliminal thoughts are created-
       Seen through my minds eye....
This pen takes the shape of a scimitar-
       Following the way of the samurai....
It's a hunger a desperate need.
       This pen accelerates picking up speed.
Continuous momentum never to stop.
       I will scale and conquer this mountain top.
                              I'm a warrior with my words.
                                      Using nouns, adjectives, and adverbs.
                               They can confine, keep me blind, but my mind is not in the slammer
                                       I design, entwine, and use no guidelines with my grammar.
                                I combine my stanza's and make 'em sing.
                                        Through my ruthless bloodline, I'm the most diabolical King!
"Writer's Block" is a trained and difficult adversary.
       But regardless, I'm destined to be legendary.
I paint visuals that compliment my morbid personality.
       My reality is your fantasy.
Stories tend to dance into creativity.
       Through my dark imagination I'm not given much choice.
Poetry is my voice....

Copyright © Jimmy Anderson | Year Posted 2009


Book: Reflection on the Important Things