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Best Poems Written by Danai Makaure

Below are the all-time best Danai Makaure poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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My Secret Lover

Is what l been trying to tell my mind when it wants to run mad
I try to tell it everything right, but it goes Vaal left
I need to put some sense into this brain should l recommend Vaal tech,
Should l confront you about how l feel?
But rather in Nigeria they are gonna call it “Wetin a be this one”,
I look at you from a distance, eat your eyes from a distance,
A smile that makes my heart flatter, a laughter that draws me closer to cloud 9ine.
A voice that speaks to me even when its silent, every word you say is Rema, another banger,
You put fire in words like Chris Brown
It’s the feeling that grows stronger by the day,
More overwhelming by the day, the obsession, passion, devotion, 
The fascination is drowning for one person,
It’s like Red Sea is playing tricks on me,
The nervousness, excitement that l feel when l see you,
I swear l be on the low like burna boy,
The emptiness that l feel when l loose sight of you,
My eyes will be all overlooking for you like Johnny, Yemi Alade
We didn’t even do mammie and daddy, but l feel you,
Your attractiveness is unstoppable like Sia,
Trust me am a Sabi girl like Ayra Star, am gonna give it to you like Zuchu Sukari
Taking it slow like Ciara and Jackson Wang, our combination is going to make a little Albert Einstein,
Every move you make is closer, the Chainsmokers,
Your presence makes my heart to calm down, not my words but rather Rema’s and Selena Gomez
You make my temperature rise not mine either, but Ckay love nwantinti
You became the reason behind my smile
You became my motivation without realizing
You became the assassinate of my body and mind
You the button that makes my brain go mumu
You the missing part of my puzzle,you the solution to the error that’s in my code
Trust me am a fine line, my secret lover

Copyright © Danai Makaure | Year Posted 2023

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Beyond the Veil of Emotion

Always lingering just beyond the realm of hurt
Emerging against whispers of the heart
Appearing against its hesitant pleas for caution
Showing up when the heart advices not to
Flourishing amidst uncharted moments
Thriving amidst an unexplored territory
Running away from problems unencountered
Unwanted eyes wide open
Witnessing the undesired scenes unfold
Crafting smiles amidst sorrows grasps
Severing ties that never truly existed
Enduring sleepless nights, questioning why
Does it trouble you to surpass the rest?
Elevate, unleash your untamed spirit, don your smile,
For it’s the essence of being human
Making occasional missteps in choices
An open invitation to amend and rectify,
And restore harmony once more

Copyright © Danai Makaure | Year Posted 2023

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Imperfectly Devoted

Each new day, my imperfections are on display, 
I'm not perfect, but I'm here to stay,
I get jealous even after telling you that am cool with it,
I preach communication but l  go silent when am  in pain,
With depression overclouding me,
Loosing several days of memories with this heart that is ten times softer than yours,
I start endless fights with you because am  not perfect,
I make mistakes, l make errors, l flop because am not perfect,
I got no smooth lines, no long  texts to impress you with because am just not perfect,
I can be territorial, that’s true, even jealous I guess, 
Bedtime anger, scars from the  past, which some created fears that might never perish,
I will slide in your DM, seeking connection, annoying, and boring you because am not perfect, 
I always leave space for the worst, expecting history to repeat itself because am just not flawless,
I will questions once,twice,thrice,even ten times because once is just not enough for an overthinker person like me,
Every tiniest change is big enough to make me feel less of a woman because l just need assurance,
As much as l expect the worst, l expect inner-felt love, instant replies, random texts, long hugs,cuddles,night walks,open love because a little distance makes me worry too much,
I would even be jealous of those who have been there before me, because am just being insecure,
l wanna see your mom, your sister, your friends even your Ex’s because am just too curious to think l fit in,
I cry at every tiniest argument we get into, l overthink, l become moody, l worry too much, l over-express myself, l do too much because am just not a perfect, 
I can be irritating sometimes, squeezing myself in your arms, sitting on your laps, sleeping ontop of you because close is never close enough for an imperfect person like me,
Am so flawed, but I'll put in work for you.

Copyright © Danai Makaure | Year Posted 2023

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The Complex Melody of a Captivating Soul

Pretty cunning how she captivates hearts of many,
Eyes of many, attention of many but acts like a maniac,
One glance of her makes many sleepless, not that she is a queen but a goddess,
Gives out a guffaw of a laughter full of joy,
Popping her eyes out as a sign of amazement
Giving out an incongruous emotion in serious conversations
Always walking confident despite of her flaws
Checks her phone alerts every now and then as a sign of anxiousness,
Perhaps a special somebody in her DM, a secret fascination
Hiding her inner wounds from the world, she camouflages them perfectly,
Welcomes every obstacle with enthusiasm by being eccedentesiastic,
Her talent glitters reflecting what she does best,
Never known how to be perfect but she is a real definition of an epitome of perfection,
Has known nothing but to stand firm, rigid and confident in whatever she decides,
Has known nothing besides being a person of little faith,
But higher goals motivated by the zeal to artifice a better future,
Has never known anything but making everyone around her ambivalent, problematic, some of them say,
Has never been too forward or backward but always been a minute past anger, a century past inactivity and a decade past docility,
Makeup is too modern for her but her natural beauty steals the show,
Has never known how to wear a body perfume but her natural scent is giving,
Can be a nuisance sometimes but her presence is irresistible,
Putting on her spectacles as many call that norm, “windows to the soul”, undeniable,
A woman of valor, she knows how to forge a better life in the harsh world.

Copyright © Danai Makaure | Year Posted 2023

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Brainwaves On the Plate

I eat them as if l am possessed,
I ravage them one by one intelligently,
Chewing carefully but mercilessly,
Orgh, they taste sweet, nice and crunchy,
Better than loose biscuits from market stalls,
I feed in day in, day out,
As l feel them running down my esophagus,

Electrical whispers making  connections,
Unfolding stories with each firing synapse, 
 A saga of thoughts, be it ancient or bold,
Always hidden mysteries waiting to see,
In between the enigma of minds, 

Breathing them every second of my life,
Making me live like l can’t live without them,
Generating ideas 2miles per second,
Seeing through mishaps beforehand,
The biggest star of insight,
Guess there is nothing it can’t do,
The hero in darkness and daylight,
Sensitive to life ebb and flow,
A universe of thoughts, uniquely mine.

Copyright © Danai Makaure | Year Posted 2023

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Shattered Reflections

In the streets we met
In the dimly lit night
They say,” Don’t underestimate fate”,
We finally got a chance to meet,
There seemed to be a barrier on the paths we were supposed to cross,
Our eyes met for a fleeting moment,
Akin to a thousand stars, allowing us to have a glimpse of each other’s features in the dark
It was an otherworldly moment, as if the universe had conspired to bring us together in a dance of light and shadow,
Caught up in the moment,
A strong wave of wind blew,
Covering our eyes with tears,
Rather making them watery,
Them eyes shining in the dark
Making us share an intense connection,
Getting lost in each other’s gaze,
Drawn together as if by an invisible force,
At that moment, the world seemed to have faded a blur,
Leaving only the hearts of the moment
The magnetic pull of our bodies
Breathing and moving as a symphony of desire
It was like we have known each other for a lifetime,
Days passed,
Weeks passed,
Months passed,
Almost a full annum but rather fate said no,
Brought us together like a puzzle,
Being a perfect match like jigsaw
Getting us closer than we ever thought
Getting the  deeper, or should l say deeper than an ocean,
Loving each other more, even more than the word itself can express,
Missing each other the moment we part ways became an everyday routine,
Smiling at each other became a daily drug,
Understanding the pain in one’s eyes was like understanding the assignment,
We became our own nemesis within a blink of an eye,
Fighting, arguing became an everyday hobby,
We fought like we never laughed,
We argued like we never agreed,
We got broken like we never made each other whole,
We hated each other like we never loved,
The puzzle started breaking,
Like our souls have been ripped apart
Driving each other away forgetting we have driven each other out of their minds,
We grew more to hate than to love,
Why can’t we go back to the world of monogamy?
Back to the place where we no longer cry,
Back to the place where we know our worthy
Back to the place where we become the prize,
Back to the place where we are our own flashlights,
Back to the place where the only red flags we see shouts happiness,
That’s how fate turned a deaf ear on me.
Copyright © Danai K Makaure. All rights reserved.

Copyright © Danai Makaure | Year Posted 2023

Details | Danai Makaure Poem

God's Blueprint

He is the man of my life and l can bank on it,
A rock l can count on with forever being secure,
He is what God had in mind when he said, “Let there be men”,
Many don their smiles upon his presence,
But well, what can l say, “He is mine”,
So flawed but perfect,
At least l now know how it feels to be loved without trying,
His chocolate skin and smile makes me forget about my own existence,
Not just his looks but what is within,
But well l guess l am not much into his appearance,
The ruler of my mind despite of his absence,
The very reason l wake up next to wet dreams on my pillow case,
Cause l cant seem to close my eyes without picturing his  face,
I cling on the little crumbs he leaves in the plate,
Because l have no shame,
He's the very reason I marvel at the hands I possess,
 The same ones that seek his pockets, no less,
 A power to captivate, to make his heart race, 
An ounce of joy that that fills me upon seeing his name popping on my screen,
I guess he is what God has been preparing for me when l prayed for Mr. Right.

Copyright © Danai Makaure | Year Posted 2023

Details | Danai Makaure Poem

My Heart Will Still Go On

You can hit me with your words
Kill me with your eyes
Make me trip with your gaze
Melt my heart with your stare
Make my heart skip a beat with your glance
Make me fall for you within a blink of an eye
Take me places with just a smile
But my heart will still go on
Does my intelligence upset you?
Does my kindness upset you?
Does my maturity entice you?
Does my beauty cajole you?
Does my stare make your heart twitch?
Does my smile give you butterflies in the belly?
Does my touch wake the vampire version in you?
Does my kiss make your knees weak?
Does my heart bring you closer to me?
Does it upset you how l make your blood boil with each step I take closer?
Does my sexiness upset you?
But my heart will still go on
Isn’t it pretty alluring how l became a crackerjack in your life,
A cure to your insomnia,
A sensation that fills the void in you,
An elucidation to your problems,
The only white flag in your life,
The only star that pops during daylight,
The only reason you have to hold on,
The only pain that gives you pleasure
But even though my heart will still go on

Copyright © Danai Makaure | Year Posted 2023

Details | Danai Makaure Poem

Unravelling Tears

In the depths of my soul, a mystery lies,
Unfathomed reasons that make me cry
Tears, silently flowing without known reasons,
Uninvited they flow without a cue,
A problem without an urgent solution
A puzzle that only a clock can solve,
A wound with which no remedy dares to sublime,
A no-man that makes itself feel at home without being welcomed,
Entangling emotions like a tempest buffer
Seeking solace in love, hearts unbound
Showing no mercy to any man
Never give second thoughts before striking
Your presence spikes in any form
Never hold back its forces to those who suffer,
Emotions interwoven, a symphony complete,
Even the strongest souls are caught in your way,
A task that makes the weak tremble on it
Youths tend to seek solace in narcotics,
Slumber’s comfort, sought by the weary living,
No person of valor can forge a meaningful existence,
Even the eyes glitters reflecting your presence,
Not even a smile can conceal your strain,
With each appearance, a new chapter is unfolded,
Imposing divisions, unspoken wounds
No lemonade can be made from these bitter lemons of yours
“Remember, you're not alone in this fight”,
Hope flickers within, guiding us through the night,
For hurt may persist but healing shall rise
Embracing life's journey, where solace lies
Guess there is no life without you, PAIN!

Copyright © Danai Makaure | Year Posted 2023

Details | Danai Makaure Poem

Love, Friendship Or Both

If we are just friends, why go the extra mile to put a smile on my face?
 If we are just friends, why put more effort into spending time with me?
 If we are just friends, why put yourself in my shoes? 
If we are just friends, why involve yourself in my business?
If we are just friends, why get yourself  worked up when other men are around me? 
If we are just friends, then why do you look at me in that special way?
 If we are just friends, then why take me out on all those dates? 
If we are just friends, then stay far from my bed.
If we are just friends, then why the jealousy that surfaces often? 
If we are just friends, then why gaze at me with such loving eyes?
 Or am I just lost in a swirl of confusion?
If we are just friends, remove yourself from my thoughts,
If we are just friends, cease visiting me in dreams,
 If we are just friends, halt the texts after 10,
 If we are just friends, please stop making me feel like I'm losing my mind,
Right now, I'm on the edge of losing myself, uncertain of where I stand in your life,
 If we are just friends, clarify it, rather than making me fall and then disappearing abruptly.

Copyright © Danai Makaure | Year Posted 2023


Book: Shattered Sighs