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Best Poems Written by K. Parker

Below are the all-time best K. Parker poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Life Is a Dancing Frequency

Life is a dancing frequency
and being off key
can cost you to lose your soul 
and return back to the abyss.
Nothing can escape the void.
Unless, you stare it in the eyes 
and it stares back.
And then what?

Be Bold!

Be Brave!

Be Fearless!

Have Courage!

And, if you stare long enough.
Victory shall be yours.
Then you too, shall say: Let there be light! 
~ Kentrell Parker~

Copyright © K. Parker | Year Posted 2023

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Being In the Mind of a Savage

Being in the mind of a savage.

All I know is how to act ferociously.
Manipulating the minds of the weak, fearful, and the victims.
Beating them into submissive.
Emasculating the strongest, just to see him break.
Dismiss him of his role, and never to see his family again.

Being in the mind of a savage.

I destroy, divide, and conquer. 
tearing families apart.
Over yonder, as they scream,
begging to be saved
but nobody hears them.
Breaking the spirits of the koons, mannu, aunty, sambo, 
and the uncle toms, as they all have a common factor. 
They're all nostalgia.
The animal within me is untamed, uncontrollable, and inhumane.
I'm superior by nature, at least what I see.

Being in the mind of a savage.

What you call crimes are white privileges to me,
justification, rationalisation, & beliefs 
set me free each time.
All I know is to kill, steal, destroy, & reverse the cycle of genetics.
I changed their culture,
to fear, tough love, attitude, punishment, violence & a career. 
Sabotage the mind, break em' down, then bob the builder em'.
When you stop em' for believing in themselves,
oppression appears.

Being in the mind of a savage.

Other savages, keep em' isolated, uneducated, impoverished and oppressed. There's a few who escapes but we own them too.
We love to be entertained, as we mock, advertise, and stereotype em'. Less sensation and lacking sensitiveness 
in the terminal fibers, keeps me acting viciously.
Unintelligent, laziness, frightfulness, ignorance, backwardness, violent, inarticulate, sexual frustrated, hunger, inattentive, unable to control themselves, & in care of, are all the signs of a n****. 
Created a cultural matrix of positive 
and negative feelings for me, 
and each time, I justify my actions by logical reasoning with em'.
Ohhh, forgiving are they. Just to do it once more, and that once more became many more. 

Being in the mind of a savage.

If any shall become bold, intimidating or become a threat, we shall lynch you.
Propaganda, genocide, & economics are all profits for the savages.
Paternalism plays a major role as
terrorizing and restrain are easily justified.
Keep em' from achieving social equality 
as they become more bumptious on the streets.

Being in the mind of a savage.

Copyright © K. Parker | Year Posted 2023

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Man Causes His Own Suffering

Man suffers in life
because he takes
so seriously, what 
the gods created 
for fun.
He's entangled in
his own carnal desires,
which keeps him in bondage,
unable to progress his soul.

Life is a merry go round 
and earth is the playground.
Where man can be amused by
his carnal desires, achievements,
enjoyment, social status 
and his ego.

Man became a lover
and slave to these things.
Which brought upon
himself, his own greed
and suffering. 
Forgetting where he came from, 
how he got here, and
where to go after his 
game is over.

Man must be stripped
from his name, career, 
possessions, and his personality
in order to find his individuality.
Without ever knowing this,
he will always be the cause 
of his own suffering.
He must detach from 
his mortal self and return
formless back to the light, 
from which he came from.

Copyright © K. Parker | Year Posted 2023

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Welcome Home Spring

Welcome home Spring, 
where the butterflies are the most 
beautiful spirits, 
ever known to be. 
This is their time, 
to transform themselves 
and evoke
their essences of freedom, 
earthly beautiful, love, 
and human soul. 
Their essences give each of them hope. 
As hope is the hammer and 
chisel in the hands of God
 as Its Pure Formless Substance
 reflects its own substance.
Welcome home Spring

Copyright © K. Parker | Year Posted 2023

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Mother's Are the Strongest Women I Ever Known Them To Be

She takes unbearable
pain, in the worst way possible.
Most may say it's 
a beautiful thing, but 
what about the one
who never made it?
She will be 
remembered as the 
bravest soldier, who
fought extremely hard 
and lost her life.
Beautiful soul, joined
the army of the Lord.

Mother's are the strongest
women I ever known
them to be.

When you are queasy,
she nurses 
you back to health.

When you're in trouble,
she's right there to 
make sure the law
doesn't mistreat you.

When you're running 
low on cash,
she's right there 
in your time of need.

When you need a 
babysitter, she's right
there to reraised 
your child.

When you're going
through that heart 
break, she's right there
to solace you.

When the world condemn you, 
she's has your back.

When the world fails you,
she's there to strengthen you.

A mother loves never stops one
moment. She will always have you 
in her heart forever. 
How could she not?
You are made in 
her image and likeness.

If you still have your Mother
present, reserve this
moment and show her
how magnificent she is.
She's to great
to be squandered.
She's the closest thing
to God.
God sent His
only begotten daughter
to you.
Treat her right,
like you deserve her.

Copyright © K. Parker | Year Posted 2023

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How Evil Is This Society

How evil is this society, 
for telling the truth, 
that it will jeopardize your entire life and 
others that are around you.
How many more lions must die
at the hands of the evildoers?
Memories fades away,
as the wind carries it 
in her belly.

How evil is this society, 
who deceives us, and still believe their words to be true.
Always be vigilant when it comes down to their experts,
those who's altering our cells on a cellular level.
How much more distortion and genocide we must go through,
as the train tracks leaves it tracks in the sky.

How evil is this society, 
that will debar and exile you, just
because you didn't fit the criteria.
Be proud of your roots.

How evil is this society,
that will poison the food on purpose 
and proceed to give you their benefits,
just so you can kill yourself and your seeds.

How evil is this society,
that will target a specific Topo2,
destroy the ubiquitous enzymes in all 
branches of life within the body, 
leaving you lifeless. 

How evil is this society, 
who done high jacked our DNA 
through a cell cycle regulation, 
causing induction of DNA damage
and DNA repair.
Forming harmful mutations,
modifying you into a 
mutant ninja turtle.

How evil is this society,
to change a musical tune pitch,
throwing off its frequency, as it 
brings disharmony to the listener ears,
rearranging the behavior patterns
within the individual,
to cause a chain of chemical reactions,
wiping out the original 
chemical structure, as it 
disentangling the superhelicity.

How evil is this society...

Copyright © K. Parker | Year Posted 2023

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Have you ever imagined being liberated?

Being free from all pain, suffering, and desires.
No more restless nights. It’s been a long journey, 
traveling the road alone,
just to end up back, where it all started. 
The unknown, the center of it all, is in all.
Silence profit more than words or languages. 
Freedom comes with a cost 
and sacrifices are at an all-time high. 
Scoffers will laugh at you,
mock you, as they renounce
truth, bringing detriment
and destruction to 
themselves and others.

Chances never existed, only Laws. 
The Laws have always existed. 
Free will has always been an illusion
to the faculties but never to the heart. 
Once man has awaken his purest state of being,
his true essence starts to unfold.
Free from the wheel of his doings, 
will clear him of his past, present
and future actions, as he continues to
strive towards his liberation.

Are you ready to be liberated? 
Liberation is free from food, 
which is bondage of the soul.
Liberation is free of speech, 
which is bondage of words. 
Liberation is free from pain, suffering, and 
desires which is bondage of the body.
Liberation is free of desires,
which is bondage of the finite mind.
How much are you willing to sacrifice for your liberation? 
Flesh will always hold man back 
from attaining his right to freedom.

Man must fight for what he is rightfully entitled to, 
for courage comes and goes,
but a true warrior fight in silence, 
as he patiently waits for his time to strike. 
Man holds the key to his own liberation.

Copyright © K. Parker | Year Posted 2023

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I Am With Thee

Even unto the ages,
I am with thee.
As the world, entered into
a deteriorating cycle,
evil shall arise and the
dark ages shall return.

Rages, torture, self destruction,
lies and deceitfulness,
assassinations, abductions, will
be rationalisatised by
the impious leaders of the world.
These leaders will be engendering war,
which will send the people into
a state of frenzy,
causing innocent blood
to be shed,
all by the hands
of the enemies.

The spread of genocide
shall continue as the wiping out
of tribes, continue to
depart, due to extinction,
by the evildoers.

The comings of nuclear war
shall generate a catalym,
that shall put the world back
into a desolate place.

Nevertheless, as these events
draw near, consecrate my commandments,
heart them, and I shall be with
thee, teaching and guiding the way. 

In the days to come,
guard thy consciousness
as the war, has always
been against thy consciousness
from the beginning of the ages.

Cognizes thyself and apprehend
the power thee hold,
for thy life, depends on it.
As the ages creepth up,
man must save himself,
or perish for lacking
our knowledge.

Awake old man, and drink
of my wisdom. Attain
the knowledge that hounds
thy flame in bondage.
For only this will manumit
thee from the hands
of death and unchaining
thee from the circle of life.

Remain steadfast and
apprehend, that even unto the
ages, I am with thee.

Copyright © K. Parker | Year Posted 2023

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Listening is the most
beautiful things, I have 
ever experience in my 
entire existence.
Given unto me the 
power of silent
by the silencer.

As the blackness removes
the colors from my eyes,
my intuition and instincts 
are completely replied upon
as they guide me in
the shadows of my own thoughts.

So many hidden
emotions, my thoughts
became the shadows of
my feelings and those
feelings, became 
potentates of my mind. 
Being subjected to my feelings, I was 
impotent to erect effective actions,
and inadequate to construct intellectual choices,
due to my own ignorance, desires,
fears, and anxiety that has
tortured the deepest depths 
of my inner thoughts.

Corruption, murky, desolated,
and feeble-minded all became 
acquainted with one another as
I constitutionally, allowed them
to control the authenticity
of my purely mind
been caged, suppressed, 
extorted and mocked.

Consumed in my suffering,
drowning in my guilt,
the dark spaces become 
full of dreadful chaos voices.
Wiggling like waves, 
but never makes it 
to the shores.
Buried in the deep,
hidden from the light.

Expressing the deepest 
depth of me, I found
the meaning to my suffering.
With a deep understanding,
I now accept this beauty.

The very image that was
created in the image of an 
burning bush,
flame was once buried
and now unearthed.

As that silence continues to grow,
I begin to regain inner
strength and wisdom, 
by being in a state of 
being wise of my
everyday experiences.

Germinating, growing, harvesting, 
and progressing,
my intellectual mind has been
flourishing like the
Olmecs, Mayans,
and the Nasca civilizations that
were flourishing back
in those ancient times.

Conquering all feelings
and balancing the
emotions has never
felt so refreshing and 
reviving and yet electrifying.

Copyright © K. Parker | Year Posted 2023

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Being Indebted To the Universe

We are indebted to the universe.
 Energy comes with a price and we all must pay.
 Why be a servant, when you can be a master of your divine spark human 
 experience, by creating immortal memories, so you can live through the mind 
 of men.
 Man and Woman is a star restrained to a body.
 The bodies are the planets, revolving around it central suns.
 Man haven't realized how great he is.
 For man is the sun of God. 
 Come sit! Let me pour LIGHT in thy brain. 
 Man appears to disappear not realizing, he exists in silence and darkness.
 Masculine and Feminine gave birth to a child, whose name is balance. 
 From balance came order.
 Together they dominate man's life.
 Escape the wheel of karma or you will be doomed to come back here.
 By man own doings, he attracts more karma to himself.
 Therefore, he must face all consequences as if he was in court.

Copyright © K. Parker | Year Posted 2023


Book: Shattered Sighs