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Best Poems Written by Selash Susu

Below are the all-time best Selash Susu poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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A Drive To Nowhere

Feel closed in and need a break
Take me far away to nowhere I care about
Just drive….
And let the wind blow through these kinky locks
Entangled with fears, dreams and lost passion
Give me speed
To free up the mind so knotted up
To perceive the world as it whizzes by
With carefree abandon

Turn up the music
Lyrics carried away by the wind
That sing of the freedom within
And once or twice hum the lyrics with me
That touches the heart
And brings you to the brink of tears

I know you are close
But feel etched in the world around me
I like having you here
And knowing we don’t have to make conversation

Do you feel my abandon
As the beauty zips away from us
Only to catch up with more
As the breeze engulfs us
Cooling off the heat within
As we speed up ahead
Into the horizon touching the sky

Hit the brakes
I feel better now
Lets take a stroll in the dusk
With you by my side
I have the peace within.

Copyright © Selash Susu | Year Posted 2023

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Tatoos and All

Still a man you know
Still got the blood flowing inside of me
Still got my act together
Still believe in the art on my body 
So long as you don’t profile me

I am your brother
I am your son
I am your father
I will be a grandfather
If you let me live

Got love to give
Got faith to believe
Got a job to do
Got a family to care for
If you free me from this bondage

We are your children too
This country is rightly ours too
We choose to express ourselves this way
Each pierce a symbol 
Stories untold to the world unless asked

The skin caused us to be enslaved
The tattoos show the emergence
The mind is free
The country spells freedom
So why must we continue to fight for it

Upon seeing a friend all draped up in tattoos and a wonderful young man who could be misjudged for the outer image.

Copyright © Selash Susu | Year Posted 2023

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Using Her Senses

I have no voice to tell
Seems like I am under a spell
I hear Sounds that fascinate me
And would like to know where they come from

I want to explore the world with you
For I know the fact that new
Spring comes with bright wonder
Pretty sight of its blooms makes me ponder
On the smell of natures’ wonder

I want to run in the field
And not be slowed down by my limitations
Can we dance to that tune which hang on my lips
And have a feel of a ball against the bat
Can you show me the difference between the sun and the moon
And look up to the bright stars up in the night sky 

I lean on you to direct me
To show me the world as you see it
To feel the touch of the rain on my face
Taste the honey from the bees
Smell your perfume which identifies you to me
I love to hear your voice
Then I know I am safe.

for Sesi

Copyright © Selash Susu | Year Posted 2023

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Take Me As I Am

I wear no hood, hold no gun
	Never was a menace 
Walking the street is no crime
	If you can so can I 
I bear no grudge with you
	So why do you attack me so senselessly 
My eyes are red from pain and fear
	And so must yours if you were me
Just want to be me
	Let-me-be -free - to-live- with-no- fear
You leave me no space to grow
	Stifled in advancement 
Though freedom is for both you and I
	It’s the same blood in you that gushes out of me 
I belong here though you seem suspicious of me
	What did we do to deserve to be profiled
Reckless actions
	shameful deeds broadcast to the world
You take the law 
into your own hands
and assume the right 
	and privilege to judge me
you cannot define me
	you cannot win
it is a new day
	it is a new age of change
let us together work
	where growth starts with being one
I will define myself
I will surpass your ideologies
Of warped reasoning
I will rise above and beyond your schemes

Just as we see the season come and go so will we
Just as the leaves of autumn change hue as the weather changes
so must we learn to adapt

Live together we must
But your actions cause the fires within to erupt 
I do see color but it’s all beautiful
That is how the creator ordered it

This piece was written due to events around us...senselessness actions in display of hate. This piece seeks to show we all must be one to unite.

Copyright © Selash Susu | Year Posted 2023

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Love In the Wind

As I travelled down I395 I saw cars lined up with harzard lights flashing.
I knew it was a procession of some sort
As I went past all the cars in tow
I saw most men in black suits
Then I got to the first car – it was a hearse 
I said a silent prayer to the departed
And asked God to Rest the soul in perfect peace

Soon after I remembered you Maame
As I drove along Little River Turnpike
There was a great void within my soul today
My spirit was restless and asked for you
I looked up in the skys for a sign
But found nothing to remind me of you or where you were
I called out to you asking to see you again
I recalled the times you held my hands in comfort
The days you called me from sleep to warn me of a pending danger to Sesi
Your brillance shown in the hues of the sun on your picture in my room
So I asked to see you again and you came to me

You let me turn to look to my left and there you were
I saw you in a tree
Two trees standing side by side
The autumn leaves yellow in its beauty
There was a shimmer to the left tree
And that drew my attention

As I waited in traffic for the light to turn
I studied those trees
You came to me in the wind
blowing in the wind were the leave of the left tree
While the right one stood still with no hint of a stir
It was just that one tree that came alive in that stillness
Slowly, the leaves blew off in very slow motion
I looked to the right and still no stirring

I felt you there, I knew you were there
I waved and smiled and more leaves blew off
As if to smile back
In beautiful succession of a candid dance
You motioned I am here with you
This beautiful hue of leaves blew lovingly to a non-existent wind
For the other tree still had no movement
It was a shedding off with a blend of light 
with yellow leaves in motion to a wind.

The disperse of those leaves whispered “I am with you”
I felt those words in my soul
As much as my spirit calmed down
I broke down then and told you I know
I am at peace knowing you are in the wind
Free to roam without a walking cane
Free to sing a tenor in praise to the maker

I know you are with me in the rain
When I look at those drops and think of my void washing away
I know you are with us when Sesi looks up 
and stares away from me at nothing
For this angel has seen many angels around her
That my eyes get blind to
Thank you mom for being the best mother to us all.

Copyright © Selash Susu | Year Posted 2023

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A red rose am not
Yellow, pink nor white
My color is lost in between
Different shades in tone
But a rose I still am
Still beautiful to behold
Dressed up in a knot 

You brought the likes of me
Across from various gardens
You sorted us out
Branded us with your stamps
Held us up for sale
And the highest bidder won us

We were torn away from families
Strangers became family
It didn’t matter our garden of origin
We had been arranged together
Each according to its looks
Beauty, strength, height and only God knows what

Hewed from my beautiful home
A spectacle you made me to be
You chose where I lay
What view I could have
When I could be nourished

As we got spent and faded
You cut us up
Others you hung up
But remember we were beautiful 
Once in our own garden.

Copyright © Selash Susu | Year Posted 2023

Details | Selash Susu Poem

Thinking of Mom- Woman In My Life

You flit through my thoughts now and again
I feel you by my side more often than not
Just because your blood runs deep within me
And seriously will not change that for anything

My heart yearns and weeps for loosing you to God
You know, now I have you and God looking out for me
But still I miss you. still I love you. and still I weep dear Mother
Its been years now
Love reciprocated not because you brought me to this world
But because you just love everyone
You sacrificed so much and gave all you could no matter how little straight from your heart
God must love you very much for what you did here on earth. Because I love you tons and tons and the weight weighs me down
The tears release me some but I know you can never be replaced.

My rock that protected me from hurt and pain
When you were in pain I was at a lose so God took you away.
Farewell mother, until we meet again.

Copyright © Selash Susu | Year Posted 2023

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The Rolling Wheels Thunder

The Roar of the Thunder
You do not see the bikes for the roar
As they roll thundering down the interstate
Proclaiming a life once lived and changes sought
Demonstrating the era of wars fought
In a nation divided over peace and war issues

Family, veterans, advocates and friends gather 
To celebrate the Heros and pay tribute to the Fallen
The roar of their bikes like bombs approaching
Only this instance, we don’t run to hide 
But stand in unity with them

I squint to look in the horizon
From my vantage roadside view
In anticipation to see the roll of the roar from the distance
I tear up as I see bikes sweep past me
The tears roll down as I wave and give salute
To such brave men who held us high

I look around and see others wave or cheer
With hands, with flags, with smiles and claps
I scan the crowd and see I am not alone as I weep
For some have lost loved ones
Others just to give support with the pride
Of being one with a country
In search of peace and unity

I get goose pimpled when some wave back at me
Blow their horns in acknowledgement of what all this stands for
Even give hi fives while they roll on in a burst of thunder
With loved ones riding as passengers with them
All they ask for is support for the millions out there

Some unable to attend due to related health issues
What do we give back to such brave men and women?
Most now with scars unhealable and even unseen
Scars which have taken away their own freedom
A freedom they exchanged to give freedom to all
Do we just let them roll on and thunder down the line
Or we can make the change they need to keep them included 
Keep them recognized and assisted
To live better life-styles 
Long live my country men. God Bless.

Copyright © Selash Susu | Year Posted 2023

Details | Selash Susu Poem


Huh, I am filled
Full of Gods love and blessing in my life
I found you Lord at the most uncertain time
When pain was still filled with wonder
And wonder was of amazement
Amazement turned to Grace
And your blessing flowed over me

You brought me into this world for a very special purpose
But I lived my life not knowing where I was headed
Then you in a very unlikely way redirected my path
A path chosen with uncertainity, sorrow and pain
I was down throwden and everything was a struggle
But I still found strength to find hope

You have been my shield and protector
You lifted me high when it seemed I was drowning
When troubled you paved the path with new light

It is said “time heals”
 but after a year the pain remains 
though much better with memories helping with the healing process.
A year sure went by very quickly
And a day never went by without you on my mind

It is said “ele mawu si – you are in Gods hands”
With a life like yours, I have no doubt about that
You served him, praised him and worshiped him with all you had
You did good deeds and never held back on what you had

It is said ”God gives and takes his own”
I still think you left too soon
But the memories keep me going.

My dear mom, if only I could talk to you again and hold your hands.
But all I got now are the memories and that I will keep and hold close
Till we meet again… what more can be said.

Copyright © Selash Susu | Year Posted 2023

Details | Selash Susu Poem

Sunset By Text

In the last hours of a sunset rendezvous
By the sacred ponds of mabweadziva…
Sunset peaks out after rain

Wonders around, the pond reflects
of colors bursting forth anew 
to fight the fading spirit of the day

in the horizon forms a bright hue
to mask the sodden day of endless rain
slowly, the colors turn and fad into darkness
masking the glory of the day

Sleep well all souls and God keep you till a new dawn arise.
The red blaze has tapered into gray
As whiskers of light caress an inviting night
What whispers it pronounces… no one to know

Sleep well angel
At each corner of the room a guardian angel is positioned
Sweet dreams… another time… another place…!

As silver shadows lick across the closing vision
Heavy eyebrows softly draw curtains across weary eyes
…another dream…. Another wish
Good night sunset

cowritten from two lands by

Copyright © Selash Susu | Year Posted 2023


Book: Reflection on the Important Things