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Best Poems Written by Karla Null

Below are the all-time best Karla Null poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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What If (God Took a Vacation)

Life becomes so busy that sometimes we loose sight
of, He who protects us through the darkness of night.

He is our shelter, our becon in the storm,
the rays of sunshine that keep our body warm.

How many times, do you forget to pray
What if God, decided to leave for a day.

Would we have protection from darkness of night,
with no guidance, would we do whats right.

If you got in trouble, who would you call on quick
Who would give you comfort, if you got sick.

If you need a friend, He wouldn't be at your side
Without his shield, where would you hide.

The next time you decide that God is the blame,
bow your head and have the decency, to feel shame.

He has never deserted His throne up above
Every day He showers us with endless love.

It wouldn't hurt a bit, to praise the one,
who made the ultimate sacrifice, of his only son.

Copyright © Karla Null | Year Posted 2009

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To Mom

When I was a child, you would hold me tight
When I went to bed, you would kiss me good-night

At times I know, I was really bad,
You were always patient, not often mad.

As I got older, my love for you grew
My perfect flower, covered in dew.

No matter what I did, I knew you were there,
Always willing to forgive, showing me you care.

When I got married and moved away,
I thought about you just about every day.

The child that grew under my heart,
Showed me how much of you, that I was a part.

At times I needed you but I didn't call,
I knew how much you worried about us all.

I had so much inside, I wanted you to know
So hard, it was for me, to let my feelings show.

Although I didn't say it, I'm sure you could see,
That you meant the whole world to me.

There was no time to say good-by,
So now, deep inside of me, I cry.

I know that you are happy, up in heaven
Some souls have no one, you have seven.

I feel so empty I don't know what to do,
You have taken my heart with you.

I will always feel this emptiness within,
Until, my dear Mother, I see you again.

Until then I want you to know,
I love you Mom, I loved you so.

Copyright © Karla Null | Year Posted 2010

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The River

Sometimes The River is long
at places mighty deep
The currents not always steady,
into the ground, water will seep

Along the way the water rushes,
there's a need to hold it back
A dams not always foolproof,
sometimes it'll form a crack

The water will rise quickly,
over the banks it will flood
Tearing, ripping, and destroying,
causing destruction, spilling blood

To each person The River differs
With time, changes are made
The enemy can cause erosion
and the waters began to fade

Muddy with deceptive influence
or perfect clarity, to vision
How The River flows is ultimately,
each persons own decision

The River can be very short,
where it comes to an abrupt end
or it can form a tributary,
where a new life will begin

So, when you follow this river,
The River that we call "Life"
May your journey flow freely,
devoid of pain and strife

Don't let the water become polluted,
with corruption and decay
Live your life to the,
fullest every single day

Copyright © Karla Null | Year Posted 2009

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Who Am I?

I'll be your partner, we'll walk side by side
If you take my hand, you'll never need to hide
My strength is impeccable, I'm sure you've been told
With me you'll grow stronger, as you grow old

I can do anything, your heart so desires
Safety you'll obtain, even in the presence of liers
Worry can never follow me, it's a thing of the past
You'll be traveling in one direction, at last

Without my help you have to know,
that spiritually, you'll never grow
Nothing is impossible, this you can believe
Multiple blessings, are yours to receive

If you have as much, as a tiny mustard seed
I will take care of whatever you need
All you have to do, is to keep me alive
I am FAITH, you need me to survive.

Copyright © Karla Null | Year Posted 2009

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But, I Did It My Way

Lord, he tried to take me
But, you held on tight
I was lost and defeated
But, I still knew wrong from right

I knew what you asked of me
But, I had to do it my way
I ignored your silent whisper
But, the consequences, I had to pay

I was given talent to work with
But, I wasted it on sin
I knew what you were asking
But, I failed time and time again

I believed in you strongly
But, I had something called, pride
I thought it was bring me closer
But, from you it made me hide

I thought I was intelligent
But, wisdom, I had none
I was fleeing from integrity
But, I thought that I'd won

You gave me everything I needed
But, I may as well been blind
I was doing it my way
But, I was leaving you behind

My Lord, you were faithful
But, you gave me my space
It was a time of discovery
But, you put me in my place

My way, was not yours
But, you let me figure it out
I paid for my disobedience
But, now I can finally shout!

The "enemy", can't have me
But, to my Lord, I give it all
I know I did it my way
But, now, I answer His call

Copyright © Karla Null | Year Posted 2009

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If Just For Today

If just for today ,could you take someones hand,
Look into their eyes and say, " I understand".

If just for today, could you not judge someone so fast.
Think about tomorrow and forget about the past.

If just for today, could you try to do your part,
forget about everything else, and give from the heart.

If just for today, could you open your arms wide.
Isn't it about time that you threw away, that pride.

If just for today, could you take a look around.
Bask in the simplicity, of every little sound.

If just for today, be aware of the words you say.
Thank God for his mercy and take time to pray.

If just for today, put the little things behind,
you'll be surprised at what you may find.

If just for today why don't you put an end,
to that silly argument that you had with a friend.

If just for today remember out Lord above,
fill your day with laughter and people you love.

One day is a moment, but it can become two.
you would be amazed at all the "ifs" you can do.

Copyright © Karla Null | Year Posted 2009

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Sea of Love

In this stormy sea that we call life, you calm the waters.

As I drifted along you cushioned each blow that I received.

In the mist of each storm, your light guided me to shelter.

When I was drowning in iniquity, you bathed me with salvation.

When the water became polluted you cleansed it with your blood.

When I floated out to sea, you anchored me with your love.

At times the currant was so strong, it pulled me underneath.

You wrapped your arm around me and held my head afloat.

Through each trial and tribulation, your waves washed me ashore.

You were my life preserver in a sea of lies and deception.

As you gave me the water of life, My Lord, I gladly give you mine.

Copyright © Karla Null | Year Posted 2010

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How Do I Love You

How do I love you? In so many ways
From the darkest of nights, to the brightest of days

In my loneliness hour, when no one is there
I fee the embrace that you so freely share

I feel so full, that often I weep
You are with me, even when I sleep

You give me a conscious, so I can be straight
because of you, I don't focus on hate

I believe that people are basically good
They have reason to be misunderstood

Life is not easy, but now I see
each day you become closer to me

People may doubt my devotion to you
I've even been laughed at, it's true

I really don't care how other people feel
My love for you is constant and very real

How do I love you? With every breath
In this life and surely after death

Copyright © Karla Null | Year Posted 2009

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Panic, air born, I feel,
confusion about what is real

Economy, I say, alas,
will they ration gas?

The dollar took a dive,
inflation didn't just arrive

People turned their head
corruption greedily fed

Who can we blame,
America put to shame

The campaign has ran
we depend on one man

Yet, opposition reins down
everyone wears a frown

Pull together country, free
this is reality.

Copyright © Karla Null | Year Posted 2009

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Tapping on my window pane
I heard the sighing of the rain

It poured down ever so fast
I didn't think that it would last

It came in sheets of vapor mist
Pounding the walls with its fist

As it gurgled down the gutter
It played havoc with the shutter

I smelt the scent of natures fury
It made me feel mighty leery

The rain lasted all night long
As it sang its endless song

Without adieu, it faded away
As I rose to start the day

Copyright © Karla Null | Year Posted 2009


Book: Shattered Sighs