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Best Poems Written by Patricia Opel Jaye

Below are the all-time best Patricia Opel Jaye poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Just Today

Just today I decided to make a way 
Just today I decided to walk away 
Just today I decided to make a start

to do away with my broken heart
It's never to late to make that change
Just today I started to do things my way 

to let go of this hopelessness
to become the very best 
to strive to survive

to express what I feel inside
yes I thought just today to be me
and fly away


Copyright © Patricia Opel Jaye | Year Posted 2005

Details | Patricia Opel Jaye Poem

In a Child Arms

there's nothing more precious between the two
of us just holding you makes it alright when
I hold you I know a miracle is taken place
I could see it on your facial expression so

so child like so sweet the many words we 
share nothing can compare I feel at ease 
knowing you are near there holding me to these
are the moments no one can take in my mind

these moments will always stay as time
passes you will grow older but the love I
have for you will never lessen the way I 
feel for you grows tighter and tighter with

each hug with each kiss nothing will ever 
take the place of this in my arms I will hold
you so strong nothing in this world will ever
go wrong when I hold this child in my arms 
tonight all my love I hold so tight 


Patricia Jaye

Copyright © Patricia Opel Jaye | Year Posted 2005

Details | Patricia Opel Jaye Poem

Standing On the Promise

I'm standing on the promise to be good and honest
nothing is more important than being a servant for 
the good of man kind nothing is more important than 

to let my light shine everyday I wake every breath I
take I try to seek to keep perfect peace with my fellow man
no matter where I stand I want them to understand that life 

is a gift only god can give for that I'm standing on the promises
to up hold to cherish to never let my thoughs parish to always listen
and sit still and let god do his will nothing matters more than this 

that's why I am standing on the promises of love peace and happiness
I'm standing on the promises that no one can ever take this 
I'm standing on the promises of god knowing that he is inside 

every step I take every move I make everyday when I wake I take that stand
knowing that god has my hand.


Patricia Jaye

Copyright © Patricia Opel Jaye | Year Posted 2005

Details | Patricia Opel Jaye Poem


Love comes from above
Love is sweet Love is kind
Love is spread from your heart to mine

Love can mend every broken heart
Love can brighten the soul of any dark heart 
Love is with the young love is with the old

Love is the greatest gift to man untold 
Love take my hand
Love is all we need let's take a stand


Copyright © Patricia Opel Jaye | Year Posted 2006

Details | Patricia Opel Jaye Poem

There's No One In This World Like My Daddy

As far I knew he always cared as I got
older he was always there when times 
wasn't so bright he was my light now
that you are gone how can I go on When

I was fifteen I thought I knew each and 
everything but When the tides came in 
you were my friend When I got married

I cried and cried all day knowing my
daddy gave me away my daddy told me that
no one can take your place from that day

on I knew I could count on my daddy there's
no one in this world like my daddy I want
my unborn son to be like my daddy 

Now my daddy is gone to a better place 
where others can sing his grace I will 
keep a smile on my face and I will hold

a special place in heart for my one and
only daddy there's no one in this world
like my daddy.


Copyright © Patricia Opel Jaye | Year Posted 2005

Details | Patricia Opel Jaye Poem

The Gift

Everyone is born with it can you imagine someone born with one without it
this is something we all have this is something that will last
this is a gift given to us by god some gifts are hardly put into

words some gifts are spoken some gifts are heard I pray to god
for his spoken word a gift is like a kiss to the sun a candle in
the wind I give anything to know where my gift begins

as life goes on it will dawn on me that god will show and tell me.


Copyright © Patricia Opel Jaye | Year Posted 2005

Details | Patricia Opel Jaye Poem

My Little Gray Cat Under the Hat

one day I met a new little friend from that 
day my life would begin again he made me 
laugh alot we was always out and about 

on rainy days we would run in the house 
and he would chase a mouse he was my best 
friend and I miss him 

one day I got bad news he got loose and ran 
away I looked all day but my cat was gone 
away never to return oh how I yearn for my 

my best friend I lost my best friend I 
lost a part of my life I will always 
wait for you my pet my little friend til
the end.

in dedication to my little cat Mooda


Copyright © Patricia Opel Jaye | Year Posted 2005

Details | Patricia Opel Jaye Poem

Be a Flower

When people stare you down just look around
always know you are watched from above 
with kindness and love always say a prayer 

to always take care of the ones who are
mean and crule don't let it become apart of
you when people say you won't make it you  

don't have what it takes you don't count  
just walk away as if you don't know what they
are talking about don't ever let them get to 

you stay on point as you always do keep a smile
in your heart walk with peace in the dark never
let them out smart you, you have the key to set

yourself free love yourself above the rest always
know when it's time to let go keep the sunshine in
your life and your days will always be bright.


Patricia Jaye

Copyright © Patricia Opel Jaye | Year Posted 2005

Details | Patricia Opel Jaye Poem

Natures Way

I love the birds the trees I love the things
they say to me the sky's so pretty always 
true always clear the color oh so blue 
the water so clear the sound sparkles the 

mullets and tropical fish swim deep in the 
ocean every sea every lake has something to 
say this is nature's way the sun kiss us 
with it's energy to protect us and give us 

our warm glow the moon dance in the distant's
around the stars to guide us through the 
night the earth is always moving taking on 
new forms as our animals get to know life 

and try to survive what we have words cannot
describe then man walks the earth learning 
growing teaching showing all this put 
together as we bloom and stay in tune with

nature's way.


Patricia Jaye



Copyright © Patricia Opel Jaye | Year Posted 2005

Details | Patricia Opel Jaye Poem


changes is something we seldom think about sometimes it's all we got
see sometimes we get tired of changes we slip we fall sometimes changes
is all we got it's all we need just hold tight don't speed drive changes is near

is here see what I see is time can let us breath while we don't glide why we don't speed
please stop and just listen to your inner soul don't move too fast stay within don't go don't 
lose your grip see that's it coming soon coming quick straight to you that's it 

can't  you see when it comes i't's just what we need I hope to see you well done no more 
tears life has just begun that change has come no more burden this god's child has won


Copyright © Patricia Opel Jaye | Year Posted 2008


Book: Reflection on the Important Things