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Best Poems Written by Jayne Eggins

Below are the all-time best Jayne Eggins poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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untested waters
 strands of light
 flash in the beauty
 of my mind


the past dwelt
 in the corner
 I was thrown
 back in time

(bad happens
 to the good
 and the good
 happens to the 

visiting sins
 replayed in my 
 reminding me
 shaming me,
 the circle went

but I remembered
 the dashes of hope
 the splashes of 
 all that I had 
 all that I had lost

but going
 round and round
 the strings of 
 were unbound,
 the white rabbit
 called for me
 reality was paper 
 burning in the pit 

I held fast
 as the standard 
 falling into delusion
 I lay in the mire
 for a millennium

clarity returned
 with a song
 the dance of life
 flooded my veins
 my being
 declared whole


the clear
 untested waters
 of my mind ripple
 in wonderment,
 today has returned
 with no fear of joy

Copyright © Jayne Eggins | Year Posted 2014

Details | Jayne Eggins Poem


Nyx opened black arms
threading her twilight fingers 
and cradled my awe 
to turn my hair, white  
she filled my eyes with stars
firing a comet to 
the core of my heart 

my second breathe
carved dragons of fire,
as Aeolus filled each lung,
Terpsikhore sang music
into the life and death  
of this epic 


I taste a southerly breeze
catching it on the tip of my tongue
rolling it into my lungs
I sing appegio 
to throw a shadow of night

the circle of her arms 
has tightened, 
and the nebula 
in my eyes,
threaten to shoot 
from their sockets 

I have finally 
felt the meteor
lodged in my heart,
move in its longing 
for one last blaze 
of release, 

only the breath of God, 
holds for revelation


TERPSIKHORE (or Terpsichore) was one of the nine Mousai, 
the goddesses of music, song and dance. In late classical times
--when the Muses were assigned specific literary and artistic 
spheres--Terpsikhore was named Muse of choral song and 
dancing, and represented with a plectrum and lyre.

AIOLOS (or Aeolus) was the king of the winds who kept the 
stormy Anemoi Thuellai and Aellai locked away inside the hollow 
heart of the floating island of Aiolia. At the command of the gods 
he released these to wreck devastating storms. Since the Winds 
were often conceived of as horse-shaped spirits, Aiolos was titled 
Hippotades, "the reiner of horses," from the Greek hippos ("horse") 
and tadên ("reined in tightly").

Copyright © Jayne Eggins | Year Posted 2010

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A Meeting of Minds

In the silence
 of this crystal night
 entombed in light,
 we'll tippy toe on the stars 

Moving in a universe
 the tips of our fingers
 write poems in stardust
 as we shift
 the dust of time
 being graced in part,
 a poets Valhalla

Fishing in the black holes
 pulling the next dimension
 through, meeting minds
 from the center of the think
 they ripple with the solar winds
 ghosts of the eternal flame 

Lavender light shaves the moon
 sheets of light trickle in mirrors
 imagination is reborn
 and again

Copyright © Jayne Eggins | Year Posted 2014

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Opening Petals of Want

you touch me
and I fall away 
to nothing

breaking apart
into a thousand
petals of want 

I am as bewitched 
as the trail
that lies beneath
your hand

sing through my blood
and I am wrought,
with my need
to list into you

at just a touch 
I need to inhale 

you breath life
into every molecule
to overflow my spirit
and in the essence 
of love 

I lay in want
of the masters

and to fall as petals
at his feet


Entered in Catie Lindsay's Competition 
Fanning the Flames 

Gained 1st Place

Copyright © Jayne Eggins | Year Posted 2010

Details | Jayne Eggins Poem

The Return of Heart From Darkness

there was a moment
I felt our hearts brush,
there was within time 
a thought, mine you would crush 

those inhumane moments 
within the walls of your world,
stripped me of feeling 
and all my emotions unfurled

threads of memory
drift through my mind, 
I pick up the ends
to try to make them align 

I have flashes of joy
that pinpricked our life, 
but the strongest in visions
are the ones staged of strife 

I remember all the love 
you stripped from my soul,
I remember all the nights
wishing I was once again whole 

these agonies I’ve bled
on my wedding dress,
I’ve erased, the seeing
of you ripping my flesh 

so these words aren’t wrought 
within the pain of despair, 
for I choose to remember
the very best we shared there 

let the Road to Perdition 
that I traveled with you,
carry the heartache and pain
so we can say this adieu 

the thought I now cradle
to the end of my lines,
is of laughing and smiling
in the heart of springtime 

your power has fallen
and can’t hurt me again 
as I sit here, wonder,
was the beginning worth the end

Copyright © Jayne Eggins | Year Posted 2010

Details | Jayne Eggins Poem

The Last Masterpiece

She flowed out of his sable brush 
As if form became fluid
Indigo blue the first of hues
Each stroke a caress …

A teardrop sliding down his face
His memories piercing his heart
Sighs and a deep breath 
His lifetime masterpiece awaits …

Silver lit hair black as night
Her Indigo eyes abrim with love
Soft white skin transparent
A white spotted dress of cornflower blue 
silk trimmed waist
Forever imprinted in Memory
A testament to their Love

Raising his hand wrinkled through time
the curve of her breast takes shape
her form follows next …

Pausing for thought ,
he remembers a day etched fast in his mind
Around her head , 
Mists of water rainbow hues
Behind her a waterfall of crystal blue
Shadow and shape suggest beings
The faeries she hoarded
Dancing like angels around her head
These he added as she would be pleased …

His hand starts to shake 
effort and time taking its toll
mad with mother time 
robbing him of his one great gift
this would be his last …

Pouring 50 years of marriage 
His heart and soul
Smeared , brushed , and smudged
Light and dark no dis chord
Finished he is complete
His one great masterpiece
His wife his love …

Packing away his palette
an artisan to his gift
closing the lid on colour
washing his brushes 
and cleaning knives
Weathered hands tremble
Reaching for a glass
The bottle , a sherry he saved ,
from a golden anniversary
their last …

Taking a sip he closes his eyes
waiting for memory to carry him back
To a time beloved …

Copyright © Jayne Eggins | Year Posted 2009

Details | Jayne Eggins Poem

Moments To Remember

I refuse to spend
our last minute in grief
(to remove this other visage 
threatening a takeover)
I transpose over it

your face
with that gentle smile
holding in contemplation,
a curious child, me
your face 
once ridged in sadness
with an agony 
we carried together,
and now

as my face burns 
with a heart arched 
in sorrow, 
in the knowing yours 
now rests on heaven,

I, am ever thankful 
but still need 
a moment to remember

Copyright © Jayne Eggins | Year Posted 2010

Details | Jayne Eggins Poem

Sleeves of the Soul

our hearts were once joined,
now apart the degrees
of separation are burning,
my wounds are weeping 
there is no other day
judgment came yesterday
Autumn leaves began their journey
as my night was laid to rest
the walls started falling down
scattering the Rose of Sharon 
a bed of flowers to die in
a place to lay my weary head
I can no longer go walkabout
black smoke is streaming
a signal, all is not well
there is only one reality, now
tomorrow has yet to come
yesterday is already history
I must savor these last
moments, sucking in each drop
in desperation I prayed for hope
for the will to fight again
but also for the strength to let go
my fingers slowly lost their grip
creeping my purchase crumbled
sinking ever deeper
becoming an automaton
I am going through the motions
watching the lights extinguish
along with my last grain of sanity
the cloudy waters of my heart
dream poems, writing of the light
I can surf the stars once again
the lip curls, it is folding my heart
and creasing my mind
sanity has fled on golden wings
as sleeves of soul sway in the breeze

Copyright © Jayne Eggins | Year Posted 2013

Details | Jayne Eggins Poem

Draped In a Lavender Light

I wore fear
 like a winding sheet,
 leaving behind trails
 of dead dreams

I held hope in my hands
 and weeping, it slid
 through my fingers
 evaporating to naught

I undulated to music
 praying for redemption
 within the passage,
 I was left bereft, still, taciturn

but by relinquishing velleity
 into the firmament,
 and smashing my glass heart
 for the loves' of my life 

I've begun to believe
 in miracles again,
 I am finding the way
 that comforts my soul 

A shimmering
 lavender light,
 shines with serenity
 burns out the fear
 and builds a blaze of hope,
 by loving without doubt 

the whips of regret
 are now unmoving
 fires have been stoked,
 this mystery now has élan 

I am flesh, reborn out
 and into this life, once again.

Copyright © Jayne Eggins | Year Posted 2014

Details | Jayne Eggins Poem

Shooting Stars of Awe

I have always known, 
I was a slender 
pale vein beating
in the throat of the earth
feathering at its nape,
and that I was rarely

but the hand of a god 
was rested on the pulse 
of me and a speck of dust
has been anointed by his hand

the Snow globe of winter 
cracked open 
as incandescent fingers 
of light dropped through, 
I knew then
this was a day 
unlike any another

I was in 
the thrall of madness 
the last time 
I felt the eyes of a god 
rest on me

but now I’ve been touched

Is this the madness 
of divinity 
or a reality in awe?

I don’t care, anymore, 
this speck of dust
has now been mapped 
by the hand of a god

and in his heart 
there is a place 
ever waiting my return

this simple speck 
has found a home in heaven

kissed by the stars

Copyright © Jayne Eggins | Year Posted 2010


Book: Shattered Sighs