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Best Poems Written by James Mclain

Below are the all-time best James Mclain poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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She doesn't mind the great length
Or the girth of it
For their love is a force of strength
That's too powerful to quit

Bushes without leaves
Are not green as he kisses it
Their love has overcome all griefs
And nothing can hinder their spirit

The woods are not deep
Without trees that are seen
Their love is a promise they'll keep
Their bond unbroken, their hearts keen

While the path that she walks
He chose in her dream
Their love, a fire that ignites and sparks
Their connection, an unbreakable team

Stopping she dropped what it was
That he picked
A daffodil that bleeds white sap
If too hard it is picked

Their love is like that fragile flower
Beautiful and tender, needing care
They protect it from any power
For their love is a love that's rare

In each other, they find the light
To guide them through the darkest night
Their love, a beacon shining bright
A love that's true, a love that's right.

Copyright © James Mclain | Year Posted 2023

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Self Respect

In the depths of the soul, a precious treasure lies,
A beacon of light that never truly dies.
It's the essence of strength, a flame burning bright,
A testament to one's worth, an unwavering might.

Self-respect, a virtue held dear,
A cornerstone of life, crystal clear.
With every step taken, head held high,
The heart whispers a resolute sigh.

No longer defined by others' cruel gaze,
No longer entrapped in society's maze,
For within, a knowing, a sacred flame,
A self-assured spirit, forever untamed.

In the face of adversity, a resilient stance,
A dignified bearing, a confident dance.
Boundaries set, firmly etched in stone,
No compromise on values, one's truest tone.

For self-respect demands a gentle care,
Nurturing the soul, tending with love and flair.
Embracing flaws, accepting imperfection,
Forging a path to authentic reflection.

It's finding solace in one's own embrace,
Celebrating uniqueness, no need to chase
The approval of others, for deep inside,
Lies a treasure trove, a wellspring of pride.

Self-respect is the armor, a shield in strife,
Empowering the spirit to embrace life.
With reverence for self, we learn to believe,
That we're deserving of love, and yes, we can achieve.

So let self-respect be our guiding light,
A beacon that shines through darkest night.
In its gentle embrace, we find our way,
To a life of purpose, each and every day.

Copyright © James Mclain | Year Posted 2023

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Haiku Dragon Fly

Gossamer dancer,
Dragonfly whispers on air,
Nature's jewel shines bright.

Copyright © James Mclain | Year Posted 2023

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Transgender a Story Untold

I am transgender, a soul untamed,
Seeking solace, my true self proclaimed.
In this journey, I've found my role,
Here's what I need to be made whole.

Acceptance, a beacon to light my way,
Embracing love, where judgment won't sway.
A mirror that reflects my inner grace,
To see myself, unburdened by the chase.

Understanding hearts, compassionate and kind,
A refuge where I can peace of mind find.
Words of affirmation, whispered in the air,
Affirming my existence, showing they care.

A world that dismantles oppressive walls,
Where equality reigns and prejudice falls.
Opportunities to thrive, without constraint,
For my dreams and talents, a fair playing paint.

Connection to a community, strong and tight,
Where unity blossoms, like stars in the night.
Courage to be vulnerable, without fear,
Knowing my truth is valued and held dear.

I am transgender, bold and unafraid,
Demanding respect, in every accolade.
With these elements, a tapestry untold,
I'll embrace my journey, and forever unfold.

Copyright © James Mclain | Year Posted 2023

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The Most Beautiful Woman, Poetically Unbound

Her beauty draped, a silhouette divine,
The most beautiful woman, her grace defined.

Eyes like constellations, deep and profound,
Wisdom their gaze, a universe found.

Golden tresses cascade, a waterfall of light,
Soft as whispers, in the moonlit night.
Her skin, a canvas, where stories are told,
A tapestry of warmth, in hues untold.

A symphony of laughter, a melody sweet,
Intellect sparkles, in every thought she greets.

Her words, like poetry, dance in the air,
A reflection of brilliance, beyond compare.

Graceful as a swan, she moves with ease,
A dance of intellect, a gentle breeze.
Her smile, a sunrise, breaking the dawn,
In her presence, a symphony of sound.

The most beautiful woman, a blend so rare,
Physical allure, and intellect, so rare.
In her existence, a masterpiece is spun,
For she is the art, the moon and the sun,
Aunt Shirle Moore .

Copyright © James Mclain | Year Posted 2023

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The Road I Did Not Take

In the depths of my weary soul, I ponder,
Upon the choices made and paths forsaken.
A wistful whisper echoes, a song of wonder,
Of the road I did not take, now left unawakened.

Through veils of time, my memories unfold,
To a crossroad nestled 'neath a golden sky.
Two divergent trails, enticing and bold,
Each beckoning with a promise, I can't deny.

The first, paved with comfort and known terrain,
Lured me with familiarity's gentle embrace.
A steady path, devoid of fear and strain,
A life of ease, a tranquil resting place.

But the other, oh, the other was wild and untamed,
An uncharted journey, fraught with mystery.
Adventures aplenty, untold stories unclaimed,
A tempest of emotions, rapturous and free.

Yet fear gripped my heart, with its icy hold,
The uncertainty of the untrodden way.
What if I stumble? What if I grow cold?
What if my dreams falter, and my spirit wanes?

Regret now whispers softly in my ear,
Of the road I did not take, the path unexplored.
Its voice grows louder, fueled by the years,
A haunting echo of dreams forever ignored.

For life is a tapestry, woven with threads,
Of choices and chances, both great and small.
And though I've embraced the path that I tread,
The road I did not take still echoes its call.

But fret not, my weary soul, for it is not lost,
That road untraveled, its magic still remains.
For in dreams and musings, its beauty embossed,
A cherished longing, forever ingrained.

So, let me celebrate the choices I've made,
Embrace the road I have ventured upon.
For even as I wonder, my heart unswayed,
The road I did not take has made me strong.

And as I journey forward, with purpose and grace,
I'll carry the lessons of paths left behind.
For in the tapestry of life, every road finds its place,
And in the end, I'll cherish the road I did not take.

Copyright © James Mclain | Year Posted 2023

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A Poem of Love For You

In realms of love where hearts entwine,
A tale unfolds, divine and fine.
With every breath, a whispered vow,
I'll paint a verse, I'll tell you how.

In moonlit nights, your eyes ignite,
A symphony of stars takes flight.
Your smile, a sunbeam in my soul,
Awakens feelings, makes me whole.

Your touch, a gentle summer breeze,
Caressing me with tender ease.
In your embrace, I find my peace,
A haven where all worries cease.

Your laughter dances on the air,
A melody beyond compare.
It fills my world with pure delight,
A chorus lifting spirits bright.

Through valleys deep and mountains high,
Together, we'll ascend the sky.
With you, I'll chase the morning light,
And cherish every day and night.

In your presence, time stands still,
A universe we freely fill.
With every word and every glance,
We waltz in love's eternal dance.

For you, my love, I pen this verse,
A testament to love's sweet curse.
With every line, my heart revealed,
In love's embrace, forever sealed.

So take my hand, let's journey far,
Two souls united, bound by stars.
In this love poem, our story's told,
A love that's timeless, never old.

Copyright © James Mclain | Year Posted 2023

Details | James Mclain Poem

Can a Lady Love This Mister

Because of it, we laughed as grass is green there is she common.
And I realized; how it is I this became, such implied to her with favor.
And being left off distant of, but near to her, I then became.
Whose teeth white flashed in the sun as she was now to show them.

I was drawn inside by her sweet minty breath, she 'made', as was it
I inhaled with each profound look, I rediscovered.
Lost then finally found within, dark caves of sound, so deep
and smooth, so rich and throaty, singing music all the time.

Never ravaged but by scotch and time and filtered cigarettes.
Though detached always above, I look again below it, such is an
undulation a visitation, invisible muscles, the sea is moving. 

A young woman;
on the beach 'she' hurries past us saying,
drawing briefly it aside a red and white, pair of cheap sun glasses.
Made they 'said' in 'china' hot a sweating mask, I looked beyond it.
Bronzed this body made, I think of posies, confusing she with her.

"If your woman and the Mister' (wish to take it to the ocean,
does the lady and the Mister) 'wish to wash it lightly off?
One day, 'in time each grain of sand and foam, 'she did - politely ask?

I decided that if it comes when 'I'and if 'I' must,
that this next verbal jolt, 'when it hit' could fly a kite without a tail,
certain repercussions of those acute remarks, open cuts bleeding
might as hearts are won and then as thoughts be lost.
She with her and I, this afternoon could still may be, the sun so hot.

I concentrated on both, by my seat a well of deep emotions.
With a careful, deeper why, I trust my mind, too find it wonders.
Kept thus safe in time, inside I've grown to know and ponder why.

Wistful he for she/her much and subtle this my love, could be her double.
Once was I, of kind like mind, a person drifts at times so far away,
when life like that just walks away or simply floats right past us.

Then washed amongst the rocks and foam the wind it blew away.

Copyright © James Mclain | Year Posted 2022

Details | James Mclain Poem


I am what I am and your not.
It was said by someone
that once she lets me inside
back to you she won’t ever come.

When they say
what I lack in intelligence I make up in size.
When they say,
what I lack in education I make up in speed.

Mr.Hampton is closed
my mind he made up so long ago.
Across the mirrored lake
rowing twords me is a woman in a covered boat
she goes to Yale.

Don’t call the police on me.
I don’t have an alibi.
It must of been done by that other someone
it couldn’t of been done by me.

Every thirty one days all rabbits can,
then their on the run.
I don’t like what you are I am not.
A monkey can see what you never could feel.

Copyright © James Mclain | Year Posted 2022

Details | James Mclain Poem

Three Fingers Wide and One Foot Deep

Three fingers wide and about a foot deep.
I feed the small stove below my kitchen sink.
She needs, absolute control, it responds to
her daily trip's, her O.C.D.
Not leaving your bed for short month's,
and eventually long year's,
is the worst kind of, Depression, what of Latuda.

Risperidone can make men grow breasts, that need to
be trained and Seroquel will make you gain back
all your lost weight.

Low self-esteem makes the depression even worse.
Have you ever thought that, that someone special loved
you that didn't, it's a sure bet that you are
suffering from schizophrenia and a severe mood disorder.
With perhaps a predilection towards pain filled
rough sex and stalking.

Bulimia and anorexia are subtle silent killer's
I've tried to ask Karen about some of that.
She's not talking.
The troubled home life, can produce those sad
young faces, that in time only fade.

Suicide and hidden cutter's, that if they live
are scarred for life.
While America about this moves two steps back
and another three steps backwards.

Copyright © James Mclain | Year Posted 2022


Book: Shattered Sighs