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Best Poems Written by Yerra Praneeth

Below are the all-time best Yerra Praneeth poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Indian Festivals

We all meet each other ,greet each other
Happiness ,smiles spreading each other ,all around the world 
Indian festival gives us fun ,new clothes ,pooja to the god in the early mornings ,so much of devotion ,prayers 
Indian festival fun to celebrate
Festival makes us  to foregt the bad past 
Creates a new good begining 
Festival fun to celebrate
So much of good happening spreading in  the house
Lots of food preparing the house
Indian festival so much of fun to celebrate
Family staying together having fun together , strongest ,smart part of the Indian festival
Anyone would love to be a part of festival.

Copyright © Yerra Praneeth | Year Posted 2021

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Iam a Poet

I'm not highly qualified
I'm not earning as much as my fellow beings are earning
I'm no sports person
I'm no celebrity
Still I feel happy ,I have passion to write
I have passion to describe
I will describe
I will analyse
I will present to the world
My thoughts are unique
I'm a poet
I can't earn billions
I can write millions of words
What do I get 
I get satisfaction in my heart 
I'm a poet
I need pen and paper 
I forget the world 
I forget the competition 
I write ,I explain
I'm a poet
I might be poor in terms of currency
But I'm rich in my thoughts and invent new quotes
I'm a poet 
I can influence many with my writings
I'm a poet.

Copyright © Yerra Praneeth | Year Posted 2021

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In the Month of June

Children's back to their school
Luggage on their back, lunch box in their hands
Parents searching, struggling for penny, borrowing bundle of rupee notes,boosting the school's income.
Children's enjoy the rains
Parent's struggle with the financial pain
In the month of june...
Cool weather, cheerful children
Busy roads, bundle of books
In the month of june.
Farmer's welcome the rain
Parent's love the financial pain
Education surely overtaking on Entertainment
In the month of june
Education is the first priority in each and every house 
Oh! What a month to face for each and every family
Rich or poor
School's set on fire
Teacher's all set to get hire
In the month of june...

Copyright © Yerra Praneeth | Year Posted 2022

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We Are Just a Living Organism

We are living organisms
We human 's are living organisms
We are no great
We are no God
We are just a living organism
We are here to live
We are here  to breathe
We are to be burried in the earth
We are gone be a part of nature
We are living organism
We might touch the sky
We might be inside the deep oceans
Still, we live
No great we have done, we live
We have no access to post pone our death
We are going to leave this nature
We are living organisms
We live in this nature
Heart attack might hit you
Cardiac arrest might concquer your life
We have no intimation of death
We are just a living organisms
Live the life, love the life
Live and let live others...

Copyright © Yerra Praneeth | Year Posted 2021

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When Children's Back To Their School

When schools re open
When children's back to thier schools
Parents busy in making thier ward ready
Ironing the school uniform.preparing break fast
Oh! What a duty to be done as a parent
Requesting the bus driver to stop for a moment
Making your ward ready ,taking him to the bus
Lots of kisses in the air
Bye ,bye ,tataa,Tata.
Love you ...lots if love
Lot of smiles 
Oh ,what a wonderful days we have missed out
When children's back to their schools.

Copyright © Yerra Praneeth | Year Posted 2021

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Dangerous Days

Dangerous days
Truly , we are living in a world wher life has no guarantee
We have no clue of what's happening in the system.
We are no safe ,The lean people leaving their life through heart stroke.
The young people are suffering from cardiac arrest .
Life has no stability ,now a days..
Dangerous days..
We might be laughing ,standing ,walking but the next moment we are prone to brain stroke ,fell down become unconsciousness ,wake up in the hospital bed.
Dangerous days.
We can't plan our life ,because we might never know of death disturbing us..
Truly ,dangerous days ..
No life has warranty...
We might be proud of technology ,but still no sound knowledge of direction of death..
Technology doesn't stop death ...
We hope for a good days .expecting the life span raise up to atleast 70 ...
Dangerous days..

Copyright © Yerra Praneeth | Year Posted 2023

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Facts of Life

Life is all about living, never always it's about money.
May be for a few it's about money, but not for every one
Some times life is all about power, for some people it's all about position.
For many people in the society life is all about living, getting their bread and butter.
No body can define life because it's an individual style of living, his, her goals, idealogy, ambitions never same for everyone who live in the society.
Life is all about living because we are all living organisms, part of nature who have come on to this planet to live for few days.
Life is all about living
It's never about chasing currency
It's never about power, position
It's all about living.
Hope all the human being on planet earth live their life, love their life.
For few it's all about money
For many it's all about bread and butter
For some it's all about their position, power, protection.
For a few it's all about looking, following others
It's never the same for everyone

But for all as we are living organisms it's all about living.

Copyright © Yerra Praneeth | Year Posted 2022

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India Independence Day

Independence day
My country independence day celebrations,yes
Iam happy to be a part of it but I have no role in getting independence to my nation.
I'm very much fortunate ,that I was born in a independent nation.i never knew what was the struggle for freedom in those days,I never witness the strength of spirit involved in fighting for the country.
I knew one thing for shore ,that this independence ,freedom what iam enjoying is because of so many great ,good people and their continuous contribution ,fighting for their nation.
They have done an excellent,everlasting,ever remembering job in getting their nation free from the British rule.
Today ,i can talk freely ,I can walk freely, I can share my views clearly without any fear in my nation is all because of them ..
What can I do for them? For their patriotism.
I can't give anything for them now,for their sacrifice except living my life freely ,proudly,sharing my opinions clearly for the developement of my nation .
I ,once again salute all the soldiers,freedom fighters who brought freedom to India and giving me a independent life
Thank you all ..
Happy independence day india.

Copyright © Yerra Praneeth | Year Posted 2022

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Life On Earth Has So Much of Worth

Life on earth having, so much of worth
Situations will never be as smooth cotton cloth
You must fight untill your death
Life is an unpredictable microbes broth
You think of few things, expect many things but you get a different one
It's all about handling the situations, being stable, staying calm
One must remove, clean his, her unpredictable situations with a neat clean cotton cloth from the heart and has to move on in his, her path
Life is never an easy path, try to be like a ruth
Life is about handling the death, dealing with your breath
Using your breath to redeem from the death, rebirth.
Life on earth is having so much of worth,live in a right path to become a holy cloth.

Copyright © Yerra Praneeth | Year Posted 2022

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Walking a Healthy Life Style

Walking, early morning walking
Makes your life healthy living
Walking, early morning walking
Makes your body glucose burning 
Walking, early morning walking
Removes your brain stress hacking
Walking, early morning walking
Gives you so much pleasure, leisure
For human creature, who is a part of wonderful Nature
Walking, early morning walking
Spending time with the nature
Talking, discussing, debating with the friends in the ground
Walking a healthy life style for living
Cholestrol depleting
Glucose burning
Blood is running, easily going
A healthy life style living

Copyright © Yerra Praneeth | Year Posted 2022


Book: Shattered Sighs