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Best Poems Written by Andrea Elrod

Below are the all-time best Andrea Elrod poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Still Missing You

Everyday, in all my years, I always  spoke to you.
But now, I'm forced to live my life especially anew.
Three years have gone by since I last heard your voice.
And I still feel as if my heart is being destroyed.
I never would of guessed, it would be this hard.
As I put being without you, in disregard.
At nights I feel ambivalent ,when my dreams are with you,
In hopes that when I wake up, I'll still see you.
But I'm always let down when reality kicks in.
That another day is to live without you and so painful to comprehend.
My life is different now and so am I.
I've had to relearn everything that I thought I knew in life.
Only this time,without you, being by my side.
It's hard some days and then some days seem better,
But the bad days are hard, almost too hard to endeavor.
I still get angry that you were taken away.
And how much I feel like I've been betrayed.
But I realize that these things had to happen for me to grow.
And to get to know myself,only by being alone.
Maybe missing you will get better with time.
Maybe this mountain will get easier and less difficult to climb.
However this journey ends up to be, 
I'll take every step still wishing you were right next to me.

Copyright © Andrea Elrod | Year Posted 2023

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Let Love In

Past wounds and scars may shroud our hearts with pain,
Blocking out love, the beacon that guides our way.
But if we let love in and begin to let go,
We’ll learn that love is better if it’s shown.
For in the depths of darkness wounds lie deep,
Where scars of the past haunt our sleep.
But love’s light will shine through the pain,
Guiding us through its labyrinth domain.
Let go of the anger and let go of fear.
Let’s open our hearts to let love near.
For love is the music that carries on.
The melody that plays an everlasting song.
This love that surrounds us all,
Breaks down barriers, and tears down walls.
And at the end, love remains,
Transcending through the hurt of all past pain.
With love’s embrace, we’ll find our way.
And scars of the past will fade away.

Copyright © Andrea Elrod | Year Posted 2024

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Why do we not listen? Why do we not hear the sound in the distance? Why do we feel we have to talk over a whisper? Why can't we hear a voice a little more crisper? Why do we doubt? Why do we feel we can go without? Why is this all that life's about? Why do we want more and need less? Why do we not already believe that we are blessed? Why do some of us believe that greed is the only way to bleed? When will we stop the violence? And will we start bowing our heads in silence? When will we start to believe? When will we start to grieve? How is there not something more powerful than me? When will love be the only thing that is? When will we realize the ONLY love is His? Why do we chase things that cannot be found? Why do we look in the wrong places to find love abound? When will we just take a moment to stop and think? Why can we not find the moment to just get our thoughts in sync? Why does life pass by in a blur?  Why do we sometimes wish we can go back where we were? Why do we strive for change if no one's willing to change? Why are the broken left to deal with the pain? Why can't we be thankful for each breath? Why  doesn't being alive reveal God's attest? Why are there more questions than answers? Why haven't we yet found a cure for cancer? Why is "why" a question that seek so many replies? "Why"is why we are told to not always ask "why."

Copyright © Andrea Elrod | Year Posted 2023

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Wasted Years

Love carries on the life that we
We know this because hate and evil's
hunger is to oppress.
Yet we take love for granted and say
it's insignificant.
All the while, love comes steadfast
and diligent.
That being in disregard, it's easier
to be a part of the world's evilness,
And to succumb to its own feebleness.
We are a "right now", instant
We no longer have patience in everyday
We're in a hurry to go nowhere and
people are fighting to get there
And getting there isn't worth all the
pain that is being dispersed.
We only get worse as each day goes by.
And no one takes the time out to find
out why.
We no longer carry the discipline that
was passed on throughout the years.
As well as lessons spoke of and passed
down to listening ears.
If we just take the time out to take a
look around.
We may be able to see what was lost
and where things are found.

Copyright © Andrea Elrod | Year Posted 2023

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Life's Purpose

We all are here to fulfill a divine purpose.
To know it requires the willingness to unmask what's beneath the surface.
Traumatic events that occur in our lives make it difficult to recover.
While in the midst of agony,we demand to know the reasons why we suffer.
Despair will break us down then build us up in so many ways.
As long as we continue with life, rather than taking an easy escape.
By choosing to accept life on life's terms, we are choosing to believe. 
Not only in ourselves, but in something higher than a man's prestige.
With belief, we begin to trust that love may not be a delusion.
With that, having hope to see past what's shattered and unsoothing.
Tragedies may intice us to feel abandoned and unloved.
Yet love doesnt leave us, but it is we who leaves love.
The quicker we learn to conquer the despair, the sooner we'll know love was always there.
What some of us may see as love is only a facade.
The real love we feel comes from The Almighty God.
If we search deep within ourselves, we will find out why we're here.
Even with that found, we still have more obstacles to persevere.
The courses we complete will build our soul. 
So, that we may leave here more righteous and bold.
For if we go to Heaven just as we are now, 
will we be worthy enough to be allowed?
Life is full of tests we take, only to study for it later.
It's the best way to consume love and become something much greater.
Enlightenment comes after we throw away our sorrows.
And remembering we are worthy of today and prominent for tomorrow.
With hope, we take that lesson and make it a part of ourselves.
And live by an example for everyone else.
A great idea can easily be thought up by one.
But it takes will and dedication for the act to be done.
Being aware of our own purpose just isn't enough. 
But to identify ourselves as what God intended, shows others true love.
Life's not about the amount of material that one can gain.
Although, that's the cause of ambition some of us strive to maintain.
It's only a distraction to hide the real truth.
So we may only see the world in it's trickery costume.
Following the will of God is the only true success.
And living out our purpose so that others may aspire to find themselves.

Copyright © Andrea Elrod | Year Posted 2021

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Love's Cry

There's a moment everyday where we choose to listen to love or ignore its cry.
Though ignoring it gets easier when we don't even try.
We get so caught up in our own lives that we no longer endear.
Everyday we need to love ourselves and also our peers.
And to care about what's living in the world and not possessing things of the world.
Theres no victory at the end, for the most money someone has gained.
Only being alone with all the possessions that was strived to obtain.
All the while, having life wasted on things that clearly don't matter.
After all, it will be left behind with whatever was our stature.
Before its realized,a little too late,
Take time to love someone and someone's love, appreciate.
If were not willing to love one another, how can we expect a change?
By doing nothing, everything remains the same.
If we don't allow love to drive us, then evil gladly will.
There's plenty of vacancies awaiting love that we need to instill.
As time pushes us along, we continue to develop our own self-distractions.
We're becoming slaves of the world, instead of having love steer our every action.
Consequently, evil's tree of hate continues to grow.
And as long as we're helping it pollinate, then hate will bestow.
We all have a part in how the world blossoms.
To be a benefit, we need to look at ourselves and weed out the problems.
Once we rid ourselves of whats choking our soul,
Then love has room to spread and it's good will surely grow.
Unfortunately, love has been sadly pushed to the wayside.
It's even deemed ludacris and only in our mind.
Contrarily, love is meant to be the focal point of our lives.
And to do what's right knowing God is by our side.
Let's not allow satan to lure us into his game.
For it will only bring hardship and a life full of pain.
Some things of beauty is based solely on deception.
Like an oleander, so alluring, but has deadly poison in its possession.
In order for the radiance of love to flourish, it needs us to convey.
By us being it's vessel, and allowing it to guide our way.

Copyright © Andrea Elrod | Year Posted 2021

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In Solitude, I Remember

At times of solitude, I reflect back on my past transgressions.
Pondering the errors, in retrospect, to maintain an ongoing progression.
Daily, I remind myself of who all I have failed.
Ignorantly, I did things my way, to no avail.
Pridefully, allowing my flesh decide the direction I'd go.
Which led me, lost in a circle, stepping on my own damn toes.
Now, I can only look back on the decisions I fully regret.
As a result, giving back to karma, that my past stacked up in debt.
I continuously play the tape of my wrongs, in a perpetual loop,
So that the memory of my consequences will never elude.
One fear I have is allowing this awakening to slip through my fingers.
Therefore, I pray I continue to do better than the old ways I remember.
Still, the devil scratches at my door wanting in.
Reminding me of all my failures and that it's hopeless yet again.
But I already admonish myself of the errors of what I did wrong.
So, the devil is just playing me a worn out song.
He will try to find other ways to bring me down.
But my belief in God has the devil tied and bound.
It's easy to fall back into my old selfish ways, 
and to give up what I worked so hard for today.
The most important thing I gained is the real me;
Which is now a solid foundation to my life and how God intented me to be.
Although, God sent me many signs to gain my attention,
It wasnt till I lost everything that I finally started to listen.
My dad always said that I was hard-headed for doing things my own way.
He warned me of the outcomes, but my final decisions he couldn't sway.
Sometimes, I wonder, if I did things different would my parents still be here today.
Though I have to remember, the past I cannot change, and not to dwell on yesterday.
I like to think the choices I now make, my parents may still see.
So somehow, all the times I let them down, they can now be proud of me.

Copyright © Andrea Elrod | Year Posted 2021

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I'll Wait For You

Each day I desire to feel your warm touch and loving affection.
Only to be satisfied if I'm yours, and your love's my possession.
There may be rejection, but my love is here to stay.
I always look forward to seeing you when I wake up each day.
I've always been misguided by the concept of love.
In the past, I was never pleased with what I thought it was.
Often, I would wonder why my life felt so obsolete.
Which led me searching for answers, not knowing what questions to seek.
All my efforts and hopes of being truly loved became just a fantasy.
Resulting in me questioning my very own sanity.
I soon came to terms that love was purely a pursuit that I would never gain.
And the concept of love is nothing but a fictious mind game.
Though it was only in divine timing that you finally appeared in my life.
At the very first meeting, you had me smittened as we felt our hearts entwine.
You showed me real love with no need for convincing.
Our love seemed to already have true meaning.
Even though, underneath, I was still trying to conquer the mind altering demons.
And in the midst of this I caused you pain and your love for me had weakened.
How quickly disappointing that the greatest melody can began to play offbeat.
As if the devil is beating the drums in a strings only symphony.
Eventually, it drowned out my ears to only hear the pounding of drums.
And in that trance, not realizing I could no longer hear my loved ones. 
How selfish of me to think you'd be there waiting on my return.
When I wouldn't listen to you then when you had your cause for concerns.
Despite my betrayal, I stand here today to tell you I'll wait for your love as long at it takes.
And I'll always be sorry for all my foolish mistakes.
And if I never get to feel your love again before I die,
Then just know that the hope of it is what kept me alive.
The belief of us gave me the strength to carry on each day.
And your presence alone was reason enough to stay.
It saddens me to think that I won't be able to see you forever.
The day death departs us, will be the day my heart will be severed.
And if we ever have to say goodbye before death shall come,
Just know I'm somewhere, still loving you with each rising sun.

Dedicated To: Buddy

Copyright © Andrea Elrod | Year Posted 2021

Details | Andrea Elrod Poem

My Greatest Best Friend

Life seems so unfair without you here.
I'm left with only your memories wrapped up in my tears. ??
I know all my sorrow won't bring you back today.
But the pain of you being gone never goes away.
Words can never be worthy enough to explain the hurt I truly feel.
I've heard people say that time? can only heal. 
But a person's journey in life is unique and dealt with in their own personal way.
Sometimes every second?? is encumbered by the minute?? that drags on each hour of the day. ??
At the same time, I have to gather every shattered piece of me, unsure of where I belong.
Then I hear?? your words that reside inside of me, encouraging me to stay strong.??
Throughout my years, I've been tucked under your wing.??
But now I fly ??alone, scared of almost everything.
When I had you in my life, 
I knew everything would be alright.
You were not only my mom, but my greatest best friend.
I never realized that our friendship would have to end.
I'll keep all your memories ??with me; Every single part.
The good?? ,the bad??, the ugly??, I'll cherish with all my heart?.
You were the best mom a daughter could ever have.
Not one day goes by that I don't want you back.
If only we had more time?.
I would of been able to say my last goodbyes.
I hope that I showed you how much I cared.
Especially when your hurts was so hard to bare.
All the medicine?? in the world?? could never take away your pain.
Losing dad was to you like losing sunshine??through the rain?.
I'll never stop remembering everything we shared.
And I'll always say losing you just wasn't fair.
But for now, I know I'll see you again in my dreams??.
Where you look so beautiful and serene.
Maybe in heaven?? we will see each other again.
And we can continue eternity? of you being my greatest best friend.

Copyright © Andrea Elrod | Year Posted 2021

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World of Name Irony

In this world of endless fame,
Where every creature has a name,
From the tiniest ant to the largest crane,
Each name represents its unique domain!
Some quite confusing to attest.
For some names you see, are not like the rest.
As quicksand being not so quick,
For sinking is sluggish, unlike the name depicts.
In a world of flavors, quite absurd,
A hamburger's name, it's often heard.
No ham inside, just beef's the word,
Between the buns, a treat reserved!
In the meadow's soft, serene twilight,
A firefly's glow, a tiny light.
What it's called may not be quite right,
It is but a beetle that's shining so bright.
In the meadows where they quietly crawl,
There lives the velvet ant, though not an ant at all.
With a coat of velvet, a guise so sly, the truth, it seems unrecognized.
In this world where language weaves its game,
A parkway we drive on, though 'driving' isn't its name.
And a driveway we park on, isn't that riddled insane?
Jumbo shrimp, a name that contradicts, 
The name, so opposite, and needing a fix.
For how can big and little be in one and coexist?
As well as the tiny giant, a very peculiar mix.
I ponder these names, so ironic and true.
 A symphony of words, a poetic debut.
 In this tapestry of life, where names are misconstrued.
As it's name is irrelevant,in which it concludes.

Copyright © Andrea Elrod | Year Posted 2023


Book: Shattered Sighs