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Best Poems Written by Adam Segal

Below are the all-time best Adam Segal poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Get Gone, Omicron

Just when life was getting back to normal. 
We get smacked with another load of bull. 
It dragged us in with strong magnetic pull. 
Removing peace covering eyes with wool. 

We cleaned up the crazy summer Delta mess. 
Causing public confidence to get a big regress. 
Now everyone has way too much frickin stress. 
Life decisions turned into a big game of chess. 

Down throats the vaccine was a heavy press. 
Got the virus post-immunization I too confess. 
Those symptoms I had felt were so much less. 
Even so, to me, the scare made a big impress.

But Omicron hit us at the end of the year. 
Ripping off the scabs to activate our fear. 
Moving the public in circles like a big gear. 
Easy to manipulate and as simple to steer. 

A guaranteed debate with family and friends. 
Causing countless workers jobs come to ends. 
Dealing with false judgment, opinions to tend. 
Theories unproven, conflict unable to mend. 

Snake oil salesman sell a magic bleach drink. 
Careless to what the medical experts think. 
Naïve customers believe science is a hoax. 
Making easy targets for the comedian jokes. 

Sanitizer and butt wipes back on the shelf. 
Hoarders no longer panic to clean themself. 
Facemasks are clearanced to get ‘em cheap. 
Stock up to the tune of the selfcheckout beep. 

Adding new words like antimasker and vaxxed. 
Quickly upgrading our vocab as we are tasked. 
Delta and Corona, no longer planes and beer. 
The are the sources of our global current fear. 

Life as we know it is now a thing of the past. 
This trauma will heal like one’s arm in a cast. 
Billions of survivors adapt and adjust our way. 
Inflation causes big hikes to what we must pay. 

Supply is down and demand has gone up. 
Bars have closed and won’t fill your cup. 
Rent has gone up and value gone down. 
Prices have doubled in my Florida town. 

You can tell I’ve had enough of Covid-19. 
When can we finally boot it off the scene?
Go back to when life was relatively serene. 
When in-person customers were not mean. 

Until then enjoy deliveries and working remote. 
Have pantless meetings in a tie and sportcoat. 
Enjoy drivethru nose swabs and the Instacart. 
Bravely share with just yourself a workday fart. 

Only family are stealing your break-room food. 
While on mute curse at your boss and be rude. 
Only the spouse knows you had a bad attitude. 
Vent the anger into exercise when in the mood.

Copyright © Adam Segal | Year Posted 2021

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Bleach In Flask No Need To Mask

Immune to the virus, I am. 
I eat green eggs and ham. 
That I eat daily with a fork. 
Hah, science, I’m no dork!

I use Johnson & Johnson shampoo. 
So I’m topically vaxxed, immune too!
Sure add bleach in my drinking water. 
Since Covid can’t live where it’s hotter. 

Wearing a mask is just for Halloween. 
Needles are for fun, not a vaccine. 
So screw your mask, I’ll see you later. 
From my bed, and shiny new ventilator.

Copyright © Adam Segal | Year Posted 2021

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Up At Ryder Cup

Reservations are made years in advance of the event.
Provisions from suppliers worldwide are globally sent. 
Sponsors enthusiastically devote their resources spent. 
Attendees eager to share stories of when they went.

Seeing the epic golf rivalry as US versus Europe engages. 
Gentlemen eager to be highlighted in golf history’s pages. 
Ryder Cup performances to be remembered for the ages. 
Thanks to background workers preparing the grand stages.

Their crucial contributions allow the event to take place. 
Out of the limelight, the public may overlook their face. 
Like greenskeepers mowing and trimming the fairways. 
Dutifully completing labors preparing for these big days.

Food and beverage staff preparing and serving attendees. 
Arborists trimming and nurturing spectacular course trees. 
Ensuring photographers have ideal angles of eighteen tees. 
Crews help videographers make compelling documentaries.

Organizers coordinating plans for thousands of guests. 
Hospitality staff preparing picturesque spots for rests. 
Security and police ready to enforce laws and arrests. 
Medical staff set to give first aid and administer tests.

Housekeeping crews remove event waste and debris. 
They modestly do the work to keep the event sanitary. 
Valets manage the parking to keep vehicles organized. 
Golf cart attendants manage transportation motorized.

Club repairmen maintain these competitors’ equipment. 
Logistics team ensure the merchandise produced is sent. 
Finance teams process expenses funding the weekend. 
Salespeople working with clients try not to overbend.

Nearby hotel staff provides overnight hospitality care. 
Boutiques, tents and pro shops offer PGA gear to wear. 
Reservation agents see if there’s extra inventory to spare. 
Pest control crew ensures the vermin ends up in its snare.

Marketers attract sponsors and revenue well in advance. 
Tailors make adjustments providing the best fitting pants. 
Caddies consult competitors and help to manage the gear. 
Retaining confidence to help alleviate performance fear.

Foundation staff share it inclusively with the general public. 
Network broadcasters share the action for viewers to click. 
Golf course attendants and rangers provide greens support. 
Spectators enjoy the ideal showcase of this majestic sport.

People of various careers collaborate for a common mission. 
Each knowing their crucial part and seeing the Ryder vision. 
Motivated by respect for golf, being a soldier for the game. 
Diligent to perform at peak, so their team faces no blame.

The PGA team achieved a historic Cup with top synergy. 
Creating an environment of elite sportsmanship energy. 
A magical week produced by teams’ harmony of routines. 
Unsung heroes paved the way for legends on the greens.

Copyright © Adam Segal | Year Posted 2021

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That Cat Chat

It was love at first sight seeing your furry faces. 
To scoop you up and take you to various places. 
Me and Ash are so happy to be your mom and dad. 
Your shenanigans made us both glad and mad. 

First our oldest Robbie, thinking you’re a big kitten. 
Reminding me of a decade ago when first we were smitten. 
Your belly always seems to never be full enough. 
And disappointed when I stop brushing your scruff. 

When Chloe, Max & Gabby went to fur heaven. 
It was time for 2 babies after birthday eleven. 
So with Zoey now turning one,
The house was ready for fun. 

Our girl filled a void, being sweet and playful. 
With wet food she always wanted a mouthful. 
When getting Olivia as a tiny white fluff ball. 
Zoey became surrogate mom of a baby small. 

They would chase, wrestle and groom. 
So fast, as a white and grey zoom. 
Becoming instant soul mates. 
It was totally worth the waits. 

Browsing exotic pets we discovered Highlands. 
With their amazing six and seven finger hands. 
Having the look of a lynx deep in the wild. 
Ashley’s research on the breed compiled. 

The unique physical traits grabbed our eyes. 
These affordable purebreds are great buys. 
We spoke with some breeders and were sold. 
One of these guys would surely love our fold. 

So when a lil dude was born a few hours away. 
We knew he would become our kid today. 
Ash worked it out with them in every detail. 
It was clear there was no way this could fail. 

So I sit glowing with him resting behind me. 
Laying in Ryder’s lap on his furry heinie. 
Now Ry has a buddy loving PJ Masks like him. 
Ready to relax and play at his random whim. 

Seeing his massive paws and fluffy stubby tail. 
His macho features couldn’t look more male. 
At first he’s moving around quiet and slow. 
So I wonder how his excitement will show. 

Will he mimic behaviors of our prior felines?
Or uniquely ask for his leash with whines?

He’ll meet his new siblings in just a few hours. 
Making himself at home on our catified towers. 
My Tucker, it’s now official you’re our furry son. 
With those big mitts I can’t wait to see you run!

Copyright © Adam Segal | Year Posted 2022

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Mission22: From Me2u Pt2

There is a violent war that’s not in movies.
These soldiers we lost are not seen on TVs.
Friendly fire is the biggest killer of our men.
Per soldier lost at war, at home we lost over 10.

People know of PTSD and shell shock.
But the effects must be taken stock.
We civilians don’t know what they go through.
As their mission ended with nothing left to do.

The training and survival skills do not go away.
The paranoia and fear are in the brain to stay.
Losing purpose and absent structure remain.
Leads to wild thoughts some feel are insane.

To help this issue we learn to band together.
Soldiers and civilians become of one feather.
The group is created to address the mess.
Allowing soldiers a place free to confess.

By linking all our bodies, souls and mind,
We continue the motto No Man Left Behind.
Put your feet on the ground and breathe deep.
Go up and down, quieting thoughts to a peep.

Fully balance out your body from head to toe.
Watch the changes as you reap what you sow.
Feel your body tremble working through pain.
Doing rep after rep, finding a pace to sustain.

Logging the numbers to account for the grind.
Crushing the haters you’re leaving behind.
Both internal and out keep their mouth shut.
Knock out a set and they can kiss your butt.

Suicide may have previously won the battle.
But Americans are not Grim Reaper’s cattle.
We’ve banded together to win this fight.
Saving lives at home is what’s in sight.

Whether you do many thousands or just two.
The squats can straighten out a mind screw.
Forcing the blood through our bodies quick.
Turning soft legs into muscle hard and thick.

Forging our glutes into newfound rocks.
Quieting the mental voice that mocks.
Demons can pucker and kiss our rock butts.
Squat therapy can prevent deep wrist cuts.

Connecting with distant suicide fighters.
Illuminating the dark room with lighters.
Helping one other on our physical journey.
Carrying the fallen on a virtual gurney.

The strong reach out and will carry the weak.
Forging us forward on the challenge we seek.
Some days disappoint and others we surprise.
But the goal of what we do is to open the eyes.

The experience I’m discussing is Mission 22.
It’s been an honor to share the ride with you.
So although we will approach the 2,200 soon.
The best is yet to come for us, so stay in tune!

Copyright © Adam Segal | Year Posted 2021

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These Burpees Please

When that energy consumes your body. 
Feeling weak and muscles seem shoddy. 
That means it’s time to get up and stand. 
Drop whatever weapon was in your hand. 

Look at something to focus your rage. 
For a moment let beast out the cage. 
Levitating and dropping in rhythm. 
Demons won’t get the best of him. 

No matter how many reps you do. 
Each set purges pain outside you. 
Anger you feel for things not right. 
Issues that are in your plain sight. 

With the log you grow your numbers. 
Clearing mental pipes like plumbers. 
We can’t control what others can do. 
But with the burpees we can renew. 

Put down the gun and grab the phone. 
Time for reps until the muscles moan. 
No trauma survived wins a future kill. 
Your nightmare won’t vanish by pill. 

So drop and give whatever you’ve got. 
Your head is not the one to be shot. 
Count those reps and do your best. 
Cuz In a minute you are free to rest. 

Live to see another day, it gets better. 
Be a suicide preventer, a trendsetter. 
Time to save a life, not just your own. 
A brother is considering becoming bone. 

While you kick your butt in shape today. 
Tomorrow others will hear what you say. 
Burpee with me while we kick some ass. 
So I won’t see you next year under grass.

Copyright © Adam Segal | Year Posted 2022

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The War That List Score -Pt2

With no end in sight and a year has passed. 
Kremlin won’t admit their forces are gassed. 
So they keep their foot on the wrong pedal. 
Exhausting their labor and supply of metal. 

Playing chicken with a globe full of enemies. 
Moskow wealthy saw their accounts freeze. 
Peaceful banks are refusing to aid and abet. 
Forcing the powerful elite to do a full reset. 

The world has endured enough nonsense. 
The ICC is asking Putin to start his repents. 
They issued his arrest warrant for crimes
Of atrocities against children many times. 

Abducting and trafficking them into Russia. 
Dealing low blows to their parents in militia. 
Doing this thousands of times at his request. 
Kidnapping hostages & executing the rest.

Without a conscience targeting defenseless. 
Forming Barbaric creatures to be tasteless. 
Now justice is being served by The Hague. 
To put an end to this insane Soviet plague. 

We should see Nuremberg Trials part two. 
To see the bastards brought their hell due. 
Ruining cities deserves equal punishment.  
Payback earned for their missile rains sent.

Copyright © Adam Segal | Year Posted 2023

Details | Adam Segal Poem

Contemplating of Donating

While looking for ways to make cash.
I got an idea from my smart wifey Ash. 
She learned of donating my plasma. 
Which might make meds for asthma. 
So looking into it I really was a skeptic. 
Wanted to avoid risks of seeing a medic. 
But I learned I keep most of my red cells. 
The places are clean without odd smells. 
So I gave it a shot and got screened. 
My confidence in this was redeemed. 
No one felt the needles and screamed. 
It wasn’t as sketchy as it first seemed. 
People here appear calm and relaxed. 
Not coming across emotionally taxed. 
We clenched fists to help machines pump. 
Giving a lifesaving plasma supply a bump. 
These phlebotomists are a friendly group. 
The local CSL team operates like a troop. 
Making the process as smooth as can be.  
Donating is a relaxing experience for me. 
The cash covers a few expenses these days. And soending a few hours here weekly pays. 
If you can give blood this is a better option. 
But only for those who follow their caution. 
So check out your CSL to see for yourself. 
If your donation experience feels top shelf.

Copyright © Adam Segal | Year Posted 2023

Details | Adam Segal Poem

No Fear 2 Volunteer

When the Special Olympics roll around. 
Otis hears the call and the whistle sound. 
Whether the games are winter or summer. 
We bring the fun so it’s never a bummer. 

In Connecticut the events take the stage. 
Relying on helpers not seeking a wage. 
For the folks who come out to W Hartford. 
They make possible all the points scored. 

Thanks if you can help on August 20th. 
Showing up gives the competitors faith. 
As they come to bring it and show out. 
Since they’re Olympians earning clout. 

Register to support them if you can. 
To clap for athletes as a cheering fan. 
Every volunteer raises the energy. 
Boosting up the athletes’ synergy. 

These challengers are here for croquet. 
Sweating outdoors on this festive day. 
Join in and watch as their mallets swing. 
As skill and smiles are what they bring.

Copyright © Adam Segal | Year Posted 2022

Details | Adam Segal Poem

Stump For Holland Pump

Pumping water out of the Florida grounds.
Is more complex than you think it sounds.
For over forty years a team has tackled it.
Growing and scaling a service that’s legit.

Old fashioned morals that are rare to see.
They’re emphasizing satisfaction and quality.
High integrity and standards to avoid a fight.
By only billing customers for a job done right.

There’s no games or schemes to earn a buck.
No upset customers feeling down on their luck.
Just repeat orders and great word of mouth.
A rarity among companies in Florida’s south.

Finish Faster is the motto for good reasons.
Since the jobs are expedited in all 4 seasons.
From consult to equipment pickup, it’s quick.
Customers choosing this team love their pick.

When clearing out massive gallons of water.
In parts of the county where it can’t get hotter.
With the options to buy, but typically to rent.
Developing the best systems and equipment.

Learning the right materials and tools per task.
Are fair questions for every customer to ask.

No marketing or advertising to get its clients.
Winning business by reputation makes sense.
Users try the competition and then come back.
Since it’s safer inside the Holland Pump pack.

So whether it’s on a job to excavate or drain.
When using these guys contractors avoid pain.
Going with the competition would seem insane.
A relationship with Holland is one to maintain.

Copyright © Adam Segal | Year Posted 2021


Book: Shattered Sighs