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Best Poems Written by Linda Darnall

Below are the all-time best Linda Darnall poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Bits N' Bots

Bits 'n Pieces of my soul
to be downloaded by the Marketplace
(or souled for a pittance at your request)
Doth thou find me Likeable?
God Bless my Fakebook Self!
All the shiny bots N pieces I've manicured just for you? 
Why, they're just a miniscule reflection 
An endless mirror,
scattered pixellated gems-- 
An electronic finger pointing back at Me.
The manicured, curated Me I've 
divvied up for you to see, Yes--
but Nonetheless, you didn't protest; 
Or did Thou?

Copyright © Linda Darnall | Year Posted 2022

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The God Reset

The God Reset

All Hail the mega-Temple brokers!
The Heavenly stock sellers
Chomping at the bit
Who parade in their Gucci suits
Escorting you comfortably
(like Kings)
Into “the Kingdom”come.
Its a counterfeit kingdom
Not the real deal.
(Love money, much?
 (Oh, but we won’t really actually tell you if we don't think you'd be a good “asset” in “our" Kingdom--)
They seem like they know something
You don’t know-- their words seem so godly,
Their knowledge of spiritual things so impressive-but then you hear them prognosticate:
“And did you know, 
A ‘powerful message’ can be yours if you only throw
 a few shekels our way today?”
(of course, they don’t exactly say it that way)
Coming straight from GD!
And advocate for a Kingdom that runs on cash.
They’ll happily seat you in
The First row, 
Sell you a religious show,
Put the God mirror out in front 
Of your sorry old face and sell
And then, when you repent, (properly and self-consciously)
they’ll grab you by the shoulders,
Hug you, and then ask you if you
Want to join the church...
“Looks like a Winner”, they silently intone, as you
Reach for your wallet.
Now they’ve sold you a 
False Christ.
And you weren’t even in on the deal!
You thought you were sincere!
You didn’t sign up for a 
Dead-end religion that would steal your
Joy, and maybe even your new-found love for GD-
You signed up for a 
New Life.
Beware of the status-quo christians,
The little”c” christians
The walking dead, 
Frozen Chosen
Lack of real emotion,
Preaching a gospel
Of “Cultural Churchianity”.
It’s not the real
thing-- the Christ-centered gospel that 
Calls for a clean heart, and a
Clear conscience--
A gospel that has nothing to do with 
The brand of your clothes, the number 
Of dollars in your Bank Account,
The car in your garage, or the paid-off mortgage!
Wake up,
Heaven Brokers!
Your “stock” is rapidly falling,
And Christ is getting tired of calling
Cuz you hung up your gD- phone long ago,
When you let greed and fame 
Consume your soul.

Copyright © Linda Darnall | Year Posted 2021

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Every time you walk into my space, 
Everything that’s real about me,
Gets erased.
Somehow, it always ends up
My mistake—
Comatose I am,
to my own fate.
I have decades, years
Not knowing how--
Can I fix this ever,
 If not now?
Every step closer, you’re closing in on me,
You say cruel things
And then say you’re “helping me”
There’s always Doubt— anxiety needs approval:
I’m still inside this hole and 
You won’t hasten my removal.
Will you leave me stuck here?
I bend and bow, and
Bow and bend then try again, somehow-
 try once more, again, to get “me” back on track,  
Sometimes it feels like “me” is
Never coming back.
Broken me feels lost and helpless,
Ripped with pain,
Broken is still broken, 
No matter who’s to blame.
You become a non-person 
It happens slow—
 you don’t deserve to be respected, didn’t you know?
Everything you say is questioned, your life is made a lie--
You broke their hearts, you nasty person, just lay down and die!
Suffering’s hard, and so is pain, 
But there’s no one here to stop me, except me, and its become a game...
Of keeping tabs and hoping you’ll never see how broken I've become-
Yet your words against me are only lies, one day the curse will be undone.
One day, you’ll get a glimpse of your iceberg  cold
The Deja vu police’ll 
Catch up to you when speeding on a lark,
And ticket you for lying to GD, pretending--
You were only playing Peacemaker,
Your devotion neverending…..
Oh the Horror of admitting
You were in fact, Ego-sitting!
Then it will be plain,
It was YOU who commanded me to wear the Scarlet 
Not because I sinned, but because you needed to be 
But until then, ‘dear’ Christian(s)
Who  committed me to this
 You  currently offer generous condolences to 
Yourself, not me, the
Parading your mirrored mask,
Your friendly smile--now its on, now its off-- just like a faucet
While behind closed doors you 
Spread derogatory gossip—
And there can only be an ugly end to this 
Charitable epistle,
I wash my hands of them, and wait for their delusionary lies’ dismissal.
Those who stake their lives on 
Crying Wolf may
Seem to have the upper hand,
yet Gd sees through their fake disguises--
and always remains in command.
Patiently waiting 
with unseen surprises,
Blatantly ripping off 
Their dark, dirty 

Copyright © Linda Darnall | Year Posted 2021

Details | Linda Darnall Poem

The Sacrifice

why do you hate me?

You hate me because I stand up
(instead of lie down)

I tell the truth
(instead of contorting my lips, my life, my soul
to fit into your perfectly tidy little

Your perfect plan...

Everything that doesn't stay neatly within the lines of your
beautiful lies,
gets rejected, baby.

And that's the way its always been, Right?
The Gospel according to "Down Pat"

Everyone has to bow
Everyone has to conform to the "plan"
or they get Cast out-
thrown under the bus,
aloha! adios! Hallelujah! 
Roadkill, baby!
Praise the Lord!
It's all the same.
And then you wipe the dirt off your hands,
your face, your feet
(because u can't handle what just went down)
and quietly walk away-
and play (quite nicely and neatly, i might add)
the Victim.
(it all fits together so neatly and nicely, so beautifully done,
especially when everyone cooperates!....

Copyright © Linda Darnall | Year Posted 2021

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Walking On Eggshells

Walking on eggshells,
with left-over scratches,
Brave little chick
into the world hatches...
managed to scramble away with a limp--
those eggshells, (and mama)
did a number on Shrimp.
Fifty years after, mama's still kicking,
pecking Shrimp's feathers off,
when no one's looking--
Some of her feathers are plucked to the bone-
her skin is bleeding,
she feels so alone.
Mama, she swore that ol'
Shrimp was an odd one,
just a non-Certifiable, sad
Family Problem.
Why, Shrimp was a Horrible, terrible Liar,
such a Bad chicken, 
(and an awful flyer!)
But despite the hate,
Shrimp flew higher!
"We can't have that!!"
shrieked the old chicken, cackling
"Let's give her some
Chicken scratch,
and send this one packing!"
Shrimp walked away sad,
but then she got better,
She knows she's not bad,
(despite the mean letter.)

Yes, despite the hate,
Shrimp grew bigger!
"We can't have that!!"
squawked the old chicken Liver,
"I'll give Shrimp her
Chicken scratch,
and give her the boot!"
but Shrimp's feathers shine brighter,
now that she's flown the coop.

Copyright © Linda Darnall | Year Posted 2021

Details | Linda Darnall Poem

Thoughts On a Seeing-Eye God

Sayonara, Arrivederci, Shalom, Aloha, they all mean the same thing, Right?
It depends....
And whether you're experiencing "Jamais vu"
Or "Deja vu"- you will of course, have
a different reaction.
Emotions run the gamut--
that seems to be the attraction,
but underneath the skin, the veins 
it's in your blood,
your DNA,
there's an imperceptible something,
 absolutely something there
you can't replicate it in a laboratory,
But it informs You: Who you really 

Copyright © Linda Darnall | Year Posted 2021

Details | Linda Darnall Poem

Cat Skills

Kitty Cats inhabit the space between day, and night
guarding the twilight from the unknown Dark.

Seeking out nooks and crevices,
they stalk,
lurking at the peripheries of trees.

Surrounded by numerous unseen creatures, their graceful frames greet the dimly-lit dawn.
Avoiding the inevitable waning of the shadows, they retreat
with green, prismed eyes narrowing, half-awake, half-
asleep, to a corner of the windowsill.

Crouching behind the curtain’s edge, they brace themselves one last time,
in never ending pursuit of  the “Other”.

Copyright © Linda Darnall | Year Posted 2022

Details | Linda Darnall Poem


while you were still here,
ruminated silently, 
pretending I didn't much
was neither Here nor there,
and so, Your love was a ripe hanging fruit,
beautiful and free,
but i never fully partook--
I kept it under wraps,
except for a few stolen kisses 
now and again,
There: here-- just a will'o the Wisp
floating sideways in my head.
An enchanting quirk was the thought of Love,
incongruous to my ingrained thoughts, my "common sense",
beckoning me to greener pastures --to a "real" life
that seemed too out of reach to even imagine my arrival in it,
for you were my little dewdrop, 
beautiful but vulnerable;
and as I turned, I saw you
gobbled up by
the wind-- by a
breeze that disappeared 
as fast as it appeared.
Your richness was lost on me-
until you were gone.

Copyright © Linda Darnall | Year Posted 2021

Book: Shattered Sighs