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Best Poems Written by Sangeet Portals

Below are the all-time best Sangeet Portals poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Just a Tree - a Requiem

Someone who knows
Said You were an old ancient Tree,
But at the time, it didn’t really matter, 
Or seem important to me.
I knew You only for a very short time 
and just a little…
You see.
Your transparent light green baby hands
Outside my window Waving 
And dancing, shaking and playing, 
I loved to take refuge 
Under your Grandmothers arms,
Especially in a Earth-quaking storm
And would feel peaceful, safe and calm.
I could sense a pulse, distant yet warm, 
And felt alive again when I was lost or drained.
Under your branches, even enjoyed the music
Of the cool rhythmic rain. 
Your strong-soft limbs stretched
Ever grateful to the Sky,
Even when wet or bitter cold
You never seemed to complain, 
Or even ask why.

One day came I back from work - shattered:
You were suddenly gone! 
I wept like a child with a painful lump,
In my throat and chest,
And felt sick and battered,
Because where You once proudly stood 
Is now, just a perfect, little stump.
And cried: what have they done!
And my neighbour simply laughed
And said: “why the fuss and the worry”? 
But I wasn’t here to save You and feel ashamed
Oh, I’m so sorry
I didn’t even know, your name.
And I know these words won’t do You justice
But I loved You - just the same.

Even when before the night was done 
I’d see the tips of your branches gently, sway
Welcoming me and the sun
Heralding a new and undivulged day.
I loved the morning sounds of the birds
In your hands and fingers,
Carefree, light and playful singers
With their timeless song,
And would continue to linger,
In my bed for much too long.

I know You bled, when lovers carved hearts
And words on your soft wooden trunk.
And Survived, poisonous exhaust fumes
That corroded and stunk.
The hottest Summer couldn’t melt You,
The snow and ice couldn’t freeze You
The fiercest storms couldn’t break You,
(You would effortlessly, dance and bend).
But then came the man – with his little electric saw
And killed, and took away my nameless friend. 
I so wished I had time to know You more.

Although You were supple, slender
Like a Woman or a dancer, 
I felt your strength with my every breath,
Your childlike spirit – free innocent, wild
Is what caused your sudden death.
Your leaves, for them 
Were simply a disturbance and a mess,
Untidy, a nuisance 
An unnecessary stress.
And as your feet needed to stretch and grow
And made bulges in their perfect grey 
It was clear: You had to go.

They never saw any beauty 
In your rough Elephant skin
And couldn’t sense your subtle, royal grace.
You were just in the way -
Right there…
Unnecessary - and in the wrong place.
And were never even aware 
What You did - that You cleaned our air!
We take so much for granted
And are too busy to care.

They never noticed your fragrant blossoms
In early Spring.
Never saw You clothed and majestic in deep shades of green
In Summer.
Never saw the magnificent fire reds and orange
In Autumn.
And were never touched by your naked, vulnerable strength
In Winter.

I’m so happy that I met You
Because my life felt stuck and bare,
Though I didn’t get everything 
That You could share -
Because I’m half asleep, in my head 
And didn’t quite believe, trust or dare.
Yet, could still be deeply touched - 
Wow! I’m so grateful - even today.
And with the Beetles, Ants, Birds and Squirrels…
I miss You, even though, You feel far away.

So many old trees and forests
Are killed every day
My heart sad, hopeless
And I don’t know what to say
To all the living beings and ancient tribes
Who don’t understand 
Why their lives brutally destroyed
And whose fate, is in our hands.
Maybe we can blame the poor farmers 
Who just need more land?
And shouldn’t Gen manipulated Soya 
Now be finally banned?
We can’t seem to live 
Without petrol cars and diesel machines.  
And are addicted to our newspapers 
And glossy magazines.
And our paper silky soft 
For our sensitive arses and noses. 
We dine at restaurants with throwaway napkins
That have pictures of Posies
And vases full, of synthetic Roses.
And are we pampered and spoiled?
Because we choose to eat
Everything out of plastic
And chocolate made with yummy, palm oil?

How are we going to stop
This suicidal destruction?
How will we end
This plague of corruption?
Can’t we take a little discomfort
Change and disruption?
Are we still so asleep, numb and unaware? 
That we take so much for granted
And just too busy – 
To feel, or care?
Or do we have to wait 
Till the rivers are stinking and dry
And we can’t breathe the air 
Or even see the sky?
And the Wales and Dolphins
Cry as they slowly die 
In garbage filled seas.
And the cows, pigs and chickens, just machines 
In perfect. soulless, poisonous Factories.
And our Earth is a desert - barren, lifeless 
No animals, birds, plants, flowers or Trees.

© Sangeet Portals 2016

Copyright © Sangeet Portals | Year Posted 2021

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Excerpt From the Compilation Prayer, Number 7, Inner Strength, Resilience

Excerpts from the compilation: “Prayer” 7
Inner Strength, Resilience.

I wish that each of us rediscovers their Inner Strength 
And we understand that is a wild, 
serene and pure treasure 
That is simply forgotten - not lost.
Especially in the moments 
when we need to say “no” or “enough!” 
And get up, walk and attempt to set ourselves free 
From all the internal and external voices
That keep us small 
And try to make us believe
That we are irrelevant, inadequate and insignificant!
And also Resilience:  
for the inevitable shocks and setbacks
And each time that we doubt, stumble and fall.
And that we allow ourselves to see mistakes not as failures,
But as perfect moments of great learning and understanding. 
And let us practice taking time 
to tend to and heal our wounds and hurts
Before we automatically turn off, 
rush off to the next appointment
And mechanically, mindlessly, heartlessly
do all the things that we are told
That we are supposed to do.

© Sangeet Portals 2020

Copyright © Sangeet Portals | Year Posted 2021

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A Dream of a Rainbow Coloured Family

A dream of a Rainbow coloured family

In the ocean there is a raging storm 
And a lot of boats 
With rudders that are shattered,
Compasses lost, sails that are torn.
And dreams that are faded or tattered
With hopes that seem crushed or battered
Under the heavy weights of despair.
And we are not able to see each other 
Respond, connect or care.  
For, our own problems seem so huge 
And in the chaos and deluge 
Some of us are sinking.
So it’s time to slow down and feel, 
Instead of just reacting and thinking. 
Find and when we can, carry each other,
Find our Sisters and Brothers
And share what we have, 
What we know,
So we can all heal, learn, understand and grow
And practice better navigation
Although maybe we don’t yet see
Our safe harbour or final destination. 

Yes, right now 
It’s hard to relax and trust somehow.
And maybe, we don’t know
What to do, who we are and where to go
And what tomorrow will bring.
But let us 
Breathe into our hearts
And feel the Love that’s always within.
And let us open the doors 
In the walls keeping us apart 
And together, dance and sing.
Let us start,
Even though our songs may be sad and dark
Even with voices tinged with pain and fright 
And then we will know, that darkness always leads to light
And death to rebirth.
So let us dream and believe we can build 
A rainbow coloured Family on this Earth

In these waters deep, unpredictable and unknown,
We often feel helpless, unseen and alone.
And all we see is fog all around
And shifting sands, 
With no solid ground.
And we have lost our direction home.
And the stars and moon seem to be obscured
Behind clouds ominous and dark.
And because of what we have endured
Some of us have lost our fire
Our motivation and spark.
And some of us have lost our hope
And sometimes find it difficult to cope
With things like getting up again and again 
And standing in an overcrowded train, 
Going to a job that’s so pointless and boring,
We often feel like we are going insane. 
Or things that should be easy and mundane
Like cooking good food and shopping, 
Especially going out, in the cold and the rain.
Having time and patience for the kids
Seem to make us exhausted and drained 
And we are so overwhelmed 
We just feel numb in our hearts, 
Bodies and brain.
And some of us don’t have a job
Or can’t work at all,
Have lost our dignity, self-respect
And can’t stand tall. 
And are tired but can’t get to sleep
And every day seems like a Mountain
That’s rocky and steep.
Or an endless test
Where we think we are losers 
If we make mistakes - or not the best.
And the pain in our chests,
The doubt in our minds
The cold fear in our bones
Makes us paralysed and blind.

Yes, right now 
It’s hard to relax and trust somehow.
And maybe, we don’t know
What to do, who we are and where to go
And what tomorrow will bring.
But let’s breathe into our hearts
And feel the Love that’s always within.
And let us open the doors 
In the walls keeping us apart 
And together, dance and sing.
Let us start,
Even though our songs may be sad and dark,
Even with voices tinged with pain and fright 
And then we will know, that darkness always leads to light
And death to rebirth.
So let us dream and believe we can build 
A rainbow coloured Family on this Earth

And some of us have been shamed and abused,
Mistreated, judged, excluded, misused,
Exploited and burnt.
But some of us have learnt
That the fire, ice, storm and rain
Makes us stronger
And that we can be born again,   
Through the birth canal of struggle and pain.
So let’s share what we know 
Right now and not wait for better weather,
So we can all heal, learn, understand and grow

We ARE ready, 
Even if we’re still afraid to move or decide. 
And are Builders, healers, gardeners, 
Artists, lawyers and guides.
And all of us have tools
And deep resources,
That life has given us
And we can inspire each other 
To take small steps and trust.
And we can support one another
In cleaning out old debris and making more space,
Like a good Friend or Sister and Brother
And remind each other
That being Human is not a race
To be lost or won
And that we are many, not only one. 

And we are white, pink, black, yellow, brown and red,
So let’s honour, celebrate and enjoy our mosaic instead
Of comparing, judging, destroying, competing
And mindlessly repeating
The stupid destruction and mistakes of the past
And build something new
And plant some seeds that will grow strong 
And last.

I’m not against anyone or anything
And FOR an end to epidemics and disease
And FOR the health that vaccines can often bring
And the promises of hope, abundance and peace.
But some of us are called conspiracy theorists,
Rebels and fools,
If we are courageous enough to question 
Some inhumane and obscure laws and rules.
But can we dare to be dreamers?
And share our visions
And ignore and avoid the faceless schemers
That feed on our uncertainty and fear?
As they ceremoniously kiss our children 
And pretend to be friendly and sincere?
Especially when they try to force us to consume
Their questionable concoctions
With hollow assurances that we’ll all be safe and immune,
But what are bodies don’t need, are even more toxins.
Or empty promises or toxic words  
That can bring only separation, division 
Depression, conflict and suspicion.

In the glaring light and roar of the city
We can practice tuning in to our heart’s gentle voice
And then understand that we DO have a choice.
And let us practice not being afraid
If we get lost, overwhelmed, falter or fall.
And let us wake up, 
To what’s written on peoples faces 
And written on the walls. 
And if we are courageous enough to look a little deeper,
We will understand that in our depths we are all seekers,
Searching for truth and an honest heart communion 
To a place where we all belong, call home
And a family reunion.

© Sangeet Portals 2021

Copyright © Sangeet Portals | Year Posted 2021

Details | Sangeet Portals Poem

Who Needs Love

Who needs Love?

If we all need love, how do we get it?
My Angel strokes my cheek and says
Your abandoned heart, so hungry, 
Maybe it’s time that you fed it.
My head looks up and says: 
Don’t be so naive, 
Wake up and forget it,
What, just open my arms and receive?
Who can I trust 
Who am I supposed to believe?
Don’t I need to work very hard
To be worthy and earn it?
Or to study much more 
And someday learn it?
This all sounds like some kind of 
Lazy egoism. 
Hey, you,
Slow down, be quiet and listen: 
Your heart may whisper, but it knows:
If doubt reappears
Or starts to grow,
No need to install it, or let it
Take control,
Just press delete – or you can simply edit.
If guilt creeps in,
Bring it out of the shadows.
And then just shred it.

We paper over the cracks 
Of isolation and despair
And live virtual lives
Cos we believe there’s no one there. 
Covering our shame 
With designer clothes 
Or pure white snow,
Sad warriors playing the game
Of don’t ask, talk or show.
Politeness demands: 
A “how are you”
Though we both understand 
You really don’t want to know.
And so to survive, 
We have nowhere to go 
Except to become foggy and numb.
But when the cold wind blows
And the heat of the sun 
Melts night into day,
It’s so much harder 
To avoid the decay
And a house full of ghosts
Who all think they have 
Something important to say.

I feel you slipping away 
As you block your ears 
Most of the day 
With the coolest bluetooth headphones
And often seem hypnotised 
By twitter or the game of thrones.
With Aviators from RayBan, hide your eyes
Otherwise never go out,
And anyway, all that you need, 
Is in amazon or the cloud.

That new shiny porsch car
Is fast, exciting and maybe 
Can take you far,
But your heart has become a desert
Where, except loneliness,
Nothing can grow.
Even with all your houses and wealth,
You’ll never find contentment or know
The treasures inside yourself,
Or the warmth of a loving glance
And the promise of a friend,
Because you leave nothing to chance
And will never comprehend
The power of a helping hand
From someone who doesn’t judge
But simply listens…
And understands.

The only love that feels safe 
And nourishing to me
Is when I feel accepted 
As I am - unconditionally, 
Without the cages 
Of religious dogmas or morality.
My teachers say;
Love is really quite simple
And doesn’t need very much.
And if we can allow
A friendly glance, hug or a gentle touch,
It can re-awaken in each of us, right now -
Without much drama.
But can I really love myself 
Blocked and with so much armour?
Can I give and receive love
With my failures, wounds and trauma?

As I turn and look in your caring eyes
I think wow, maybe love’s not so far away.
And start to remember 
And feel things that I again recognise, 
Like deep longing and sadness, sweet and tender.
And from a place deep inside
I feel the sun start to rise
As a thought comes 
That maybe today, 
With your shoulder next to mine, 
This inner peace, is here to stay -
This time.
And as my tears fall like cleansing rain
Washing away the dirt of old fears,
Doubt and pain,
From a place deep inside 
I am able to finally decide 
To stay,
Even though 
Sometimes I may again forget, close and hide,
I know
I will not go away.
And I feel the sun start to rise
As a thought comes 
From a place deep inside 
That maybe I am really ok,
Just as I am.
Right now
Yes, today.

Sangeet Portals ©2023

Copyright © Sangeet Portals | Year Posted 2023

Details | Sangeet Portals Poem



Didn’t we once used to smile and laugh?
I can see that we seemed to be happy 
As I look at an old photograph.
But now our mouths
Seem almost paralysed
Or are tight and grim.
I vaguely recall a light in our eyes 
That seemed to shine from somewhere within.
Weren’t there different coloured faces?
Now we all seem to have similar greyish skin,
As we quickly rush by, keeping our spaces.
I don’t want to object or make fuss 
But if things are a bit anomalous 
I think it must be because
Of the dreadful monster that never was.

The streets are well lit, but eerily quiet, 
Like a peaceful but forgotten burial site,
Only inhabited by hundreds of cameras 
Filming, even in the darkest night.
The skies above have a strange beige light
And no birds are singing, 
But lots of signs, colourful and bright 
Saying that we are winning
The seemingly endless fight.
But sometimes 
I think, something is not quite right,
A memory lost, like a distant dream.
And everything closed: cinemas, theatres 
And clubs where people used to dance.
But everything is under control and antiseptically clean
And nothing left to chance,
And nobody is angry or cross
Is it perhaps because
Of the monster that never was?

I can’t ignore
The fact that no one makes trouble -
And we are living in a safe, secure bubble,
Without terrorists, criminals or war.
And anyway:
If someone broke the laws or disobeyed 
The police would soon be knocking on their door.
We are perfectly fine, all ok, 
As long as we don’t make inconvenient suggestions, 
Or ask uncomfortable questions,
Or wonder about the pills and injections
(Supposedly all for our own protection).
Or: what is happening with our stomach – 
Or intestines,
(Because all the food we can buy
Is tasteless and looks a bit synthetic). 
But I do sometimes ask myself why
I often feel apathetic
And mostly tired and cold.
Although they say, there’s no more disease
And I never see anyone who’s old, 
Or people cough or sneeze.
And I do feel grateful and pleased
For: everything is much better now 
And I know it’s all because 
Of the monster that never was.

The children easy to manage
Are obedient, quiet 
Don’t break things, complain or do any damage
And not allowed to go out anymore.
The little ones glued to TV’s
Don’t know what books or teachers were for,
Or rivers, mountains and trees.
Or herbs, flowers and bees…
The eleven, twelve and thirteens 
Entranced by small bright screens
That tell them what to think, feel and dream
So that their lives are uncomplicated
And regulated 
By order and discipline,
Without a pause…
And know nothing about
The monster that never was.

The golden age
Is what all the signs 
Colourfully procrastinate. 
And incessantly list the reasons
Why we should be thankful and celebrate,
And our knowledgeable leaders and protectors 
Wisely don’t tolerate,
Gatherings, Dissension, 
Or any kinds of discussion or debate.
And so there are things we shouldn’t mention.
And I quickly forget
And instead 
Listen to them proudly remind us
How they erased all debts. 
And I really do feel thankful
And can’t find anything to regret.
But there are days 
When I have so much fuzziness in my head,
That it’s difficult to focus my eyes
Or even get out of bed.
And sometimes wonder 
If it’s due to the micro-chip in my brain, 
That stops my negative thoughts 
Or feeling pain
And so that I never have to choose
Or ever complain.
But without it,
It would be hard to remember all the rules
And complicated laws
That started from the time
Of the monster that never was. 

© Sangeet Portals 2020

Copyright © Sangeet Portals | Year Posted 2021

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The New Man, a Human Being In Transition

The New Man, a Human being in transition.

The New Man is not a softie but knows the healing, creative power of vulnerability, how to melt and let his heart be touched. 

He knows how to be strong, clear, decisive, practice discipline, has the courage to feel his fears and yet follow his heart and also to stand up and speak his truth even if it is inconvenient and his knees, hands and voice are shaking. 

He is not afraid of his power, demons or emotions and knows how to be the friend and master of them. 

He practices trusting himself, the Earth, the Divine Mystery, others and is trustworthy. 

When necessary, is able and willing to defend himself, the people he loves and the Earth and is also able to be still, or flow like a river, with humility and dignity. 

He practices transparency and knows when and how to be completely honest. 

He knows that to love and be loved deeply, perfection is not needed and practices not being afraid of his mistakes so that he is able to use them as powerful resources to learn, grow and deepen his life experience and compassion. 

Is kind, patient and generous with children and is always open for the things that they can teach.

Has space, time and a good place for his inner child

He is practising and understanding more and more that true love is unconditional and only possible through completely accepting himself and others with deep respect and dignity. 

He is understanding more and more and that he has no need and it doesn't serve him or anyone else to be right – or wrong and practices listening, empathy, compassion and patience. 

He is daily practicing and deepening the friendship with himself and knows his loneliness, despair and aloneness and is not afraid of feeling his pain and the pain of other beings.
Is learning and practicing not taking things personally and yet also deeply affected by the needless violence against other beings and the Earth.

As he becomes less and less afraid of being ashamed of who he is, his compassion for those who are shamed and humiliated, grows. 

Knows well the nourishment and joy of deep friendship, companionship and relationship, the fear of rejection and the shame and pain of his moments of chronic dependence.

He is intrinsically intertwined and has deep respect, love and gratitude for the inner and outer Feminine.

He completely loves and honours his body as a temple with reverent gratitude as a daily spiritual practice.   

Knows the difference between dramatic and drama and is able to watch and practice letting go of being judgmental in thought word and action. 

Practices including the heart in all his choices and decision-making. 

Watches and practices being master of his expectations and desires.

Is passionate, master of his anger, tender, gentle and kind, innovative, supportive and sensitive.

He knows how to center himself and be grounded in the ways of the world, he enjoys his strength and wild nature more and more without needing to be aggressive, dominant or seen. 

His spiritual practice includes understanding the power of ecstasy and chaos, listening to his heart and the nourishment and depth through silence and being still.

As he becomes less and less attached to the past, his ability to be fully in the present – whatever the situation, grows.

He understands that following his impulses and acting on his intuition are spiritual practices that require immense courage, perseverance, deep humility and honesty.  

Is understanding more and more the difference between reacting and responding and practices being responsible for his every thought, word and action.

Continually practices forgiveness and compassion for his unconsciousness and when he fails to live according to what is written above. 

© Sangeet Portals 2010.

Copyright © Sangeet Portals | Year Posted 2021

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The Psychiatrist

The Psychiatrist

You make pleasant YouTube videos about things that you learned 
From books, countless courses, trainings
And what you heard from others.
And chiselled and smoothed your voice
So that it is as warm and pleasant
As synthesised music.
And control each facial muscle
Like well-drilled soldiers.
Your back is held straight
With well-ordered shoulders
And you force your hands
To stay open in a welcoming pose.

But your eyes are like painted glass
And seem trapped and secure
Behind your designer specs,
Like fishes in a bowl.
And your shadow crouches in the corners
Of your manicured disguise
Like an old actor stuck in a successful play
In a famous theatre.
Mother, Father, Brother, uncle, friend and teacher.
Therapist and preacher.
You know all the lines by heart,
All the cues, replies and timing.
But you never learnt to improvise or fall
And your heart is safe 
In the cupboard with your scarves, hats and gloves
And with other things that you hardly ever use.
Sometimes I wonder if you know it’s there,
You never take it out to play,
Or for walks in the park
And it just waits mutely
In the dark.

You look at her with eyes 
That are a pleasing shade of blue
But as cold the morning dew
But never seem to melt
Even in the warmth of the day.
You have memorised each response
To every move, expression and emotion
That she shows.
And have learned how to treat
Each inner scratch, cut and bruise
Like a repairer of cars
And to you, all her dysfunctions
Are simply mechanical
And you provide just enough maintenance 
So that for a while,
She can navigate the traffic again.

But you play her like a skilful chess player,
Know each move that she will make, 
Always one step ahead.
Like a lover, you know all her cracks and secrets
Hopes and fears.
But you with your poker face
Never show your hand
But keep her on the edge of her seat
And she feels hypnotised
And cannot imagine missing her weekly fix,
Because peace of mind is what she gets from you
For a while…
And so remains trapped
In your merry-go-round
Because she’s petrified and knows
There is no-one else to catch her fall.

But you can’t teach her self-love,
Dignity or respect,
Or how to be free
From the incessant voices in her head
And icy cloak of shame.
How to unlock her cage, 
Or break out of her box.
Don’t know how 
To help her to find her wild fire again,
Or how to understand and play
The vast rhythms and melodies
From the orchestra of her heart.
Your own travels never took you that far
And you are stuck on your shore
And have so many very good reasons
Why you won’t “even” dip your toes
In the unknown waters.

© Sangeet Portals 2019

Copyright © Sangeet Portals | Year Posted 2021

Details | Sangeet Portals Poem

What If - New Update

What if…

If fear did not guard and watch over me?
My seeds of shame and doubt
Would timidly venture out
And finally sprout,
But as they reached the light,
Like a vampire, would wither and die
Without the protection of night.
Or: shivering and drowning, lie, 
In the merciless rain,
Instead of festering
Like unspoken blame
In the warm, secure
Secrecy of muted darkness
Without a name.

If fear did not shrink me.
I would sing and dance each day 
And laugh wholeheartedly
And find my own way,
Expanding in wild, natural, all-embracing, 
all-encompassing love,
Like Jesus, gentle yet fiery, praising
And simple and enough.
Uncompromising in my thoughts, 
Emotions and action
And living my truth
With empathy and compassion.
Where kindness is my flag,
Being Human is my passion
Coloufully written on my baseball cap.
And peace and joy,
My north and south poles.
Instead of being entwined 
In the toxic web and holes
Of my divisive, moral, judgmental 
And political, christian mind.

If fear didn’t limit and suppress me?
I would still follow my heart 
and innocent curiosity.
And like a child or a warrior on his path,
Always eager to know 
And risk all, 
Just to learn, deepen and grow.
I’d trust my feet,
And explore the countries,
Towns and streets 
Until now I had ignored.
Be often touched, surprised 
And never ever bored
By the unfamiliar clothes, faces 
And querying eyes.
By other traditions, languages and phrases.
I would enjoy talking to people
I didn’t know
And feel at home 
Wherever I go.
See things I had missed, 
but were always around,
And would even feel the colours
In music and sound.

Or I might
Feel blessed 
As I discover a shadowy
Yet mysterious forest,
With my feet in the river,
Close my eyes 
And gently shiver 
And feel related to the trees 
And all things and everyone 
And know the inner melody of peace,
As I give thanks to the power of the Sun 
And the cooling breeze
As it caresses my face,
Also the cleansing rain
Because as I lie down and embrace
The damp Earth, it takes my pain
And the wet leaves and grass
Seem to make me expand and grow
And feel strong  
Because I know
That this is “also” where I belong.

i can still be caged in the moulding CHAOS of the drab, well-known, secure walls & clutter. A well programmed, app-like apparition, retreating & almost melting into the soft warm cus hions of my well worn couch, like a stagnating potato. eyes fixed like magnets on a flickering screen, sweaty restless fingers mindlessly tapping on the pretty coloured, warm keys of my remote control, never seeming to find what i’m looking for. i eventually have to venture out because my mess doesn’t appear to contain anything edible. i stumble with tunnel-vision, leaden lids & limbs, thru the bleak dark night & join others, drawn like hungry moths, by the cold, magnetic glare of the late-nite super-market. As i wait, grumbling in line, bow my head instantly safe, unseen & disappearing into the welcome glow of my smart(?) phone. & as my n imble aerobic fingers race, stab & scroll, with one eye in instagram & the other in twitter, numbed & home in the net, there’s just enough of me left to get what i want, but not what i need.

An old man sick in his bed
Knows his life is slipping away
And will soon be dead.
No tears but a desert
Full of sadness and regret: 
“I had so much money and power 
But my world was in my head,
Even now in my last hour.
No friends and never trusted anyone 
Especially from other cultures,
Never loved my wife, daughters and son
And now they’re waiting like vultures.
In eighty years
l didn’t know love, or even how to have fun
Never had time to waste on pity and tears,
There was always more work to be done.
When I was young,
I enjoyed singing, playing piano and to paint
But had to stop
Because I was beaten and shamed,
The fear of being poor and not having success 
Meant that I couldn’t leave.
Now I have nothing, only loneliness, 
Certainly not  fame.
And no one will miss me, grieve
Or even remember my name.”

(What) If fear was simply a bad actor?
Instead of trying to be 
The star of the show,
Maybe we’d start to feel, see
And know
That life is opening, closing,
Tension, release, flow,
Cold and warm.
And we could welcome each day 
As if we were reborn.
We might understand the power of friendship 
And gain enough wisdom to really relate, 
Practice patience 
And the resilience, needed to wait.
And out of solitude and silence
Connect to the source and then create.
Learn to savour each experience 
As if it was our first  - and last
And trust the river 
To deal with the past.
Dare not to care what anybody thought
And long ago, would have deleted 
“have to, should, must” and “ought”. 

Sangeet Portals - September 2022 – Updated 2023

Copyright © Sangeet Portals | Year Posted 2022

Details | Sangeet Portals Poem

Indefinable Love

Indefinable Love...

Duty without love makes us hard and dictatorial.
With Love, we are softer, have a clearer, wider understanding. And: Accountable for what we do and who we are.

Education without love creates efficient, obedient but heartless robots.
With Love, Children know real intelligence, remain curious and grow into caring, Loving and Love-able Adults.

Movement without Love makes us into well functioning machines.
With Love, we are in balance and connected the Earth and Universe, because life is movement and Love and Joy are our essence.

Justice without love makes us inhuman and untouchable.
With Love, we have a broader and deeper awareness, understand the laws of the Universe and are Compassionate. 
And: “justice at it’s best is; Power correcting everything that stands against love”*.

Love without trust is like an unfinished story
We came into this World naturally trusting, but learned to be suspicious and fearful. When we begin to remember how trust feels and start to practice it, we naturally become more relaxed, courageous and spontaneous.

Friendliness without love, is sweet like sugar and shallow like a puddle
Love shows us that when we want to live in peace and harmony with all beings on this Earth, we need to practice courage, humility, patience, understanding, empathy and share all that we are and have. 

Responsibility without love makes us narrow and moralistic.
With Love: we are flexible, yet present, open and we become mature.

Knowledge without love makes us manipulative.
With Love: we have the possibility to become wiser, because we are reflective and always curious.

Truth without love makes us self-righteous.
With Love, we stay curious and receptive for other Truths and life experiences and know that we will never stop growing and learning.

Awareness without love makes us moralistic and judgmental.
With Love: we are balanced and connected to the inner and outer World. 

Self-reflection without Love, brings self-judgement.
With Love; a deeper understanding, growth and forgiveness.

Love without Respect is like a desert. 
With Love: a Garden full of blossoming Flowers, tall strong trees and Fragrant Herbs – we and the way we love, are more mature and complete.

Love without Dignity keeps us small and worthless.
With Love: we expand, yet feel rooted and grow into our potential.

Power without love makes us unscrupulous, reactionary and violent.
With Love we are relaxed, centred and focused and know and not afraid of our inner strength. 
And: “Power at it’s best is; Love implementing the demands of justice”.*

“Love without power is sentimental and anaemic”*.
With Love: Wild, passionate and yet, sensitive and gentle.

Ownership without love makes us afraid, isolated and over-protective.
With Love, we are like open windows and our Life and Hearts become a well that is always replenished.

Belief without love makes us violent and destructive.
Belief is unnecessary, because when we learn with Love from everyday life and our experiences, we “know” our truth and are transparent and trustworthy.

Religious dogma and morality without Love breeds guilt and shame.
When we practice Love with Compassion and Empathy in our day to day life, we become Human beings. 

Love with conditions, makes us blind, deaf and judgemental.
Unconditional Love is the only real “true” Love - for ourselves and others. And when we experience and taste it, “know” how good it feels, will want more – even if it seems hugely difficult to learn and is a lifelong practice. 

Life without love is ugly, completely unnatural and dangerous.
Love is (inner) Beauty, balance and harmony, life, our birthright, Essence, where we came from, roots. 
And: the Wind under our Wings.

© Sangeet Portals 2018.
 Inspired by a poem from Lao Tse.
*These two sentences are from Martin Luther King.

Copyright © Sangeet Portals | Year Posted 2021

Details | Sangeet Portals Poem

Lanzamother, a Poem For Lanzarote

A poem for Lanzarote

Dark Mother I am impatient 
To celebrate your vulnerable, wild nature in a poem,
But I don’t know You, 
I long to dance your breathtakingly raw beauty 
But I feel like an adolescent on his first date.
I try to sing of your Majestic grandeur
And sensual, fragile grace.
But the melody is trapped, stuck somewhere.
I’m like a frustrated mute
Gesticulating wildly, madly…
Who no-one understands – not even me.
I fear
My clumsy words will never be able to properly express
The infinitely wondrous depths 
Of your unfathomless rich darkness.

And yet your strange rugged presence
Wakens a new mysterious passion
Which heal my hidden bandaged wounds,
Your dozing, yet uncompromising fire
Laps at my feet, warming my legs,
Teasing my sleeping sex,
Gnawing at the stomach of the warrior
Gone shopping
And is feverishly knocking
On the door of my lonely distracted heart.

I stand in awe!
And am jealous of your lover César,
He knew how to seduce, adore and protect You,
I am the foolish city-boy lingering outside your window.
Still, I cannot ignore You
Your proud black rugged Volcano sculptures
Are vast, awesome, brutal!
Yet innocently wild and uncorrupted, 
They remind me of dark empty mirrored halls
In the lonely unexplored parts of my house.
Your twisted, tortured, naked landscape 
Tears at my senses,
Scares my judge, teacher, lawyer, and priest
Challenges my spirituality -
My ideas and concepts of consciousness, meditation, 
And unconditional love.   

You don’t play fair
You have been taunting and whispering 
To me in my dreams
Making me yearn, long for You 
You tantalizing lover.
Now You are beckoning to me
Like a ancient teacher 
With a secret…

I want to shout, „leave me alone”
But some part of me which I don’t know much about…
Whispers: “thank You, thank You for…”

© Sangeet Portals 2018

Copyright © Sangeet Portals | Year Posted 2021


Book: Shattered Sighs